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Big thanks to Dior for inviting me to the FW19 fashion show and the complete plan of the three days two nights tour in Paris.
有別於Kim Jones在Dior的前兩次時裝秀,這次的秀場沒有巨大的裝置藝術,但走秀的形式變成由模特站在輸送帶上,延續了2019 Pre-Fall男裝秀的未來感。
Different from the previous two Dior shows from Kim Jones, there was no huge installations, but instead, they had models standing on the conveyor belt, continued the Futuristic Spirit at the Dior Men’s Pre-Fall 2019 Show.
這次的時裝秀的主要合作對象是美國當代藝術家Raymond Pettibon。 設計和打版的靈感來自於Dior 1955年時的高級訂製服。不對稱的剪裁打版增強了整個系列的視覺,布料的選擇上使用了羊絨、絲緞、皮草,與高科技材質相融合,面料獨特的光澤給人一種高級訂製服的奢華感。
The main focus of collaboration this time was with the contemporary American artist, Raymond Pettibon. The inspiration of the design and pattern cutting were from Dior’s haute couture in 1955. The asymmetrical cutting strengthening the whole collection visually, the choice of materials on cashmere, silk satin, and animal fur combining with high-tech textiles, and the unique lustre of the garment give a sense of luxurious haute couture.
Kim Jones將馬鞍的特色在這一季的皮件上發揮得淋漓盡致,並且加入了很多生活必需品的小皮件,iPhone, Airpods等。
The characteristic of saddle was completely manifested on Kim Johns’ collection this year; moreover, there are more leather goods on the daily necessities. For example, iPhone, AirPods, etc.
In my own opinion, having the models standing on the conveyor belt was a very significant breakthrough. I would say, very fashionably bold and advantageous!
背景音樂 BGM:
Rehab - Amy Winehouse
Me & Mr. Jones - Amy Winehouse
Dior Men Pre-Fall 19 Fashion Show at Tokyo
Dior Men Autumn/Winter 19/20 Fashion Show in Paris

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