Full body workout
All you need is two 8-10lb dumbbells, a foam roller and a bosu ball(you can do it without bosu ball too.
🔹Start with 30 secs jump squat with floor tap and 30 secs jumping lunges.
🔹 10 reps of FITBYSARIA classic foam roller abs moves
NOW ON BOSU BALL for arms and glutes workout (you can do it without bosu ball too.
This is a countdown workout you start with 10 reps then go down to 9reps, 8reps, 7reps... ETC.
🔹 10reps of bicep curls, 10reps of shoulder press and 10reps of upper back rows.
🔹 another 30secs jump squat with floor tap, 30secs of jumping lunges
🔹 10 reps of abs moves
NOW BACK ON BOSUBALL. Everything stay the same except do “tricep extension” instead of “upper back rows”
🔹 10reps of bicep curls, 10reps of shoulder press and 10reps of tricep extension.
Enjoy this workout. Let me know if you have any questions ❤️💪🏾👊🏾
🔹 10下FITBYSARIA經典運動滾筒核心運動。
🔹10下 二頭肌彎舉,10下肩推,10下上背rows.
現在注意⚠️接下來的動作都是一樣的,除了把 “上背Rows” 換成 “三頭肌屈伸”
🔹 10下二頭肌彎舉, 10下肩推,10下三頭肌屈伸。
完整版請上YouTube FITBYSARIA 有中文字幕。