#1. 嬰兒摒息症(Breath holding attacks)_新生兒科_兒童時期常見疾病
有些小嬰孩在哭得非常激動的時候,會摒住呼吸一直到臉色鐵青才放鬆,但有些小小孩摒息的十分厲害,以致於腦部暫時性的缺氧,臉部發紫然後暫時昏了過去,有時還會伴隨 ...
#2. breath holding spell 中文- 屏氣發作… - 綫上翻譯
breath holding spell中文 :屏氣發作…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋breath holding spell的中文翻譯,breath holding spell的發音,音標,用法和例句等。
#3. 葉勝雄的育兒發燒友.小兒科醫師- 【轉貼】嬰兒摒息症(breath ...
【轉貼】嬰兒摒息症(breath-holding spell): 常見於六個月至一歲半的小孩,一般小於六歲。臨床上分為發紺型(cyanotic form)和發白型(pallid form)兩型。
#4. 孩童暈倒怎麼辦? -昏厥的臨床探討 - 馬偕兒童醫院小兒神經科 ...
(1)嬰兒摒息症(breath-holding spell):常見於六個月至一歲半的小孩,一般小 於六歲。臨床上分為發紺型(cyanotic form)和發白型(pallid form)兩型。
#5. breath holding spell 中文意思是什麼 - TerryL
breath holding spell 中文 意思是什麼. 英 美 澳. breath holding spell 解釋. 屏氣發作. breath: n 1 氣息,呼吸。2 呼吸力;生命。3 一息,一氣,一口氣;微風; ...
#6. 屏氣發作 - A+醫學百科
屏氣發作. breath holding spells. 屏氣發作(breath holding spells)為嬰幼兒時期的一種神經症性發作。6個月前及6歲後者少見,最多見於2一3歲。
#7. 屏气发作_百度百科
... 由于各种精神因素而突然出现憋气,四肢不动,不语等。发作时间不长,发作后精神活动正常。治疗以精神治疗为主。 中文名: 屏气发作; 外文名: breath holding spells.
#8. breath holding spell在線翻譯- 用法_例句 - 海词词典
海詞詞典,最權威的學習詞典,為您提供breath holding spell的在線翻譯,breath holding spell是什麼意思,breath holding spell的真人發音,權威用法和精選例句等。
#9. Breath-holding spells in infants - NCBI
is a cyanotic breath-holding spell, which occurs when facial cyanosis is noticed after the child stops breathing. A pallid breath-holding ...
#10. Breath-holding spell - Wikipedia
Breath -holding spells (BHS) are the occurrence of episodic apnea in children, possibly associated with loss of consciousness, and changes in postural tone.
#11. breath holding spell — 中文翻译- TechDico辞書
包含许多翻译示例按活动分类“breath holding spell” – 英语-中文字典和智能翻译助手。
#12. breath holding spell中文是什么意思 - 我比你强问答社区
breath holding spell中文 意思是憋气发作,屏气发作.
#13. Breath-Holding Spells | CS Mott Children's Hospital | Michigan
What are breath-holding spells? · A cyanotic spell is caused by a change in the child's usual breathing pattern, usually in response to feeling angry or ...
#14. 美国ACCDON公司旗下品牌 - SCI论文修改
推荐同事 机构合作 中文 繁體中文 English 한국어 日本語 Português Español ... 中英对照. 屏气发作. breath holding spell ...
#15. Breath-Holding Spells - Children's Health Issues - MSD Manuals
A breath-holding spell is an episode in which the child involuntarily stops breathing and loses consciousness for a short period immediately after a ...
#16. Breath Holding Attack/Spell - 爸爸成長心事
如果你是幼兒的父母,你會否懼怕?會否憂心忡忡,並問:究竟孩子發生了什麼事? 過去個多月,我和太太被妹妹在心弄得異常擔憂,就是因為上述的情況,經常 ...
#17. Breath-Holding Spells (for Parents) - Nemours KidsHealth
Kids who have these spells hold their breath until they pass out. ... A breath holding spell is when a child holds their breath, usually after being angry, ...
#18. Breath-Holding Spells in Toddlers - Children's Hospital of ...
Although this is alarming to parents, breath-holding spells are generally not harmful. Children who experience these episodes typically recover quickly with ...
#19. Breath-Holding Spells (Child) - Fairview
A breath-holding spell is frightening for a parent to witness, but it is not harmful to your child. These spells can occur as early as 6 months old through ...
#20. Breath-holding spells - AboutKidsHealth
A breath-holding spell happens when a child stops breathing for a short time, from a few seconds to a couple of minutes. The spells can occur ...
#21. breath-holding spell - Translation into French - Reverso Context
Seizures must be differentiated from other "spells" (for example, fainting, breath-holding, arrhythmia, vertigo, tic). Il faut distinguer les crises ...
#22. Breath-holding spell - VisualDx
Laughing and crying appear to increase severity of involuntary breath-holding spells in children with familial dysautonomia.
#23. Breath-Holding Spell (Child) |
Source: Krames StayWell. Breath-Holding Spell (Child). Some young children react to distress, such as a scolding, upset, or trauma, by holding their breath.
#24. Breath-holding - Health&
A breath-holding spell is a transient episode in which a toddler turns blue or pale, and appears to be holding their breath. Although these spells often occur ...
#25. Breath-Holding Spells in Children - News Medical
Breath -holding spells are an involuntary reflex that commonly occurs among children, especially those aged under six years.
#26. Is Your Child a Breath-Holder? - Children's Hospital Colorado
A breath-holding spell is when your child holds their breath until they pass out. Breath-holding spells begin between the ages of 6 months and 2 years.
#27. Fits and Faints - 第 60 頁 - Google 圖書結果
What they called Type I was the well - known breath - holding spell in which , after a painful or emotional stimulus , the child cries briefly and ' loses ...
#28. Current Management of Child Neurology - 第 437 頁 - Google 圖書結果
Breath -holding spells consist ofbriefapneic episodes provoked by some acute emotional stimulus, such as anger or pain. The child then displays cyanosis or ...
#29. Current Management in Child Neurology - 第 439 頁 - Google 圖書結果
After having secured the diagnosis of breath-holding spells, the physician should thoroughly explain their benign nature to the parents.
#30. Epilepsy in Children and Adolescents - Google 圖書結果
Usually the breath-holding spell ends with a deep inspiratory breath, and consciousness is regained. Following the episode the child is usually back to ...
#31. Synopsis of Pediatric Emergency Medicine
Pallid breath - holding spells result from vagally mediated cardiac inhibition . Cyanotic breath - holding spells involve interplay between hyperventilation ...
#32. Swaiman's Pediatric Neurology E-Book: Principles and Practice
In 61% to 78% of children with pallid breath-holding spells, ocular compression resulted in an asystole of 2 seconds or longer, compared with 23% to 26% of ...
#33. breath-holding 的中文翻釋|影音字典- VoiceTube 看影片學英語
超過400 萬人愛用的線上英語學習平台!上萬部YouTube 影片教材,搭配中英文翻譯字幕與英漢字典,輕鬆掌握日常對話、瞭解單字的發音與用法。是最適合華人提升英文聽力和 ...
#34. Kids Health Information : Breath holding - The Royal ...
It is important to remember the spell is not harmful and your child will start breathing again on their own. Most children who have breath-holding spells will ...
#35. Breath holding spells | Sydney Children's Hospitals Network
Breath holding spells. Listen. Disclaimer: This fact sheet is for education purposes only. Please consult with your doctor or other health professional to ...
#36. Breath-holding spell: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia
Some children have breath-holding spells. This is an involuntary stop in breathing that is not in the child's control.
#37. Breath-holding in babies and children - NHS
... including when to get medical help, what happens during an episode and what to do. Find out about blue breath-holding spells and reflex anoxic seizures.
#38. Breath-Holding Spells - MyHealth Alberta
What are breath-holding spells? · A cyanotic spell is caused by a change in the child's usual breathing pattern, usually in response to feeling angry or ...
#39. Breath Holding Spells: Do This When Your Upset Child Hoods ...
Does your crying child have a breath-holding spell and faint? Here's what to know. It might look scary but can happen when young kids get ...
breath holding spell中文 在 葉勝雄的育兒發燒友.小兒科醫師- 【轉貼】嬰兒摒息症(breath ... 的推薦與評價
【轉貼】嬰兒摒息症(breath-holding spell): 常見於六個月至一歲半的小孩,一般小於六歲。臨床上分為發紺型(cyanotic form)和發白型(pallid form)兩型。 ... <看更多>