#1. 在中文中翻译"brief description" - 例句英语 - Reverso Context
Description : brief description of keywords. 说明:您对关键字的简要说明,用作备忘。
#2. brief description - Linguee | 中英词典(更多其他语言)
大量翻译例句关于"brief description" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。
#3. brief description 中文- 英語翻譯 - 查查詞典
brief description中文 意思:簡介…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋brief description的中文翻譯,brief description的發音,三態,音標,用法和造句等。
#4. brief description的意思- 英漢詞典 - 漢語網
brief description中文 的意思、翻譯及用法:簡要說明;簡介。英漢詞典提供【brief description】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句等.
#5. Brief Description的繁體中文翻譯 - 英文翻譯
Brief Description. Brief Description. 17/5000. 偵測語言, 世界語, 中文, 丹麥文, 亞塞拜然文, 亞美尼亞文, 伊博文, 俄文, 保加利亞文, 信德文, 優魯巴文, 克林貢語 ...
brief 在英語-中文(繁體)詞典中的翻譯. brief. adjective ... The company issued a brief statement about yesterday's accident.
#7. brief 的中文翻釋|VoiceTube 看影片學英語
n. 短絝; v. 介紹; adj. 短促的; 簡潔的;短暫的; 簡短的; 短簡的; 短; 短促; 短簡; 簡短; 簡略; 簡要; 小結. 例句. The diary entries were tantalizingly ...
#8. VERY BRIEF DESCRIPTION 中文是什么意思- 中文翻译 - Tr-ex
VERY BRIEF DESCRIPTION”的语境翻译在英语-中文。以下是许多翻译的例句,其中包含“VERY BRIEF DESCRIPTION” - 英语-中文翻译和搜索引擎英语翻译。
#9. 【口說英語充電站】最不熟悉的用法brief 也能當動詞? - 聯合報
My men have been fully briefed about their duties.(我的手下們已經清楚被告知他們的職責了。) Could someone brief me about my role in this ...
#10. description - 英語_讀音_用法_例句_海詞詞典 - 海词
He gave a description of what he had seen. 他描述了他所見到的一切。 The scenery is beautiful beyond descriptions. 那風景美麗得難以形容。
#11. Brief description 释义| 柯林斯英语词典 - Collins Dictionary
Brief description 释义: Something that is brief lasts for only a short time. [...] | 意思、发音、翻译及示例.
#12. brief的中文翻譯和情景例句- 留聲詞典
ADJ-GRADED(講話或文章)簡短的,簡潔的. A brief speech or piece of writing does not contain too many words or details. In a brief statement, he ...
#13. A brief description 的中文含义- - 在线词典
本工具支持查询英文和中文单词及词组的含义,查询效率高、结果丰富,包括单词变体、 ... 呈现课文相关语言点:Eg: 4,简单描写(A brief description) 5,口头邀请(An oral ...
#14. 關於Brief的意思和用法的提問 - HiNative
Q&A about usage, example sentences, meaning and synonyms of word "Brief". more than 74 answers from native speakers about natural usage and nuances of Talk.
#15. 「介紹工作」不是introduce還能怎麼說?中文都指介紹
中文 都指介紹,英文用詞其實分7種 ... 有時候中文裡的「介紹」,意思是轉介。 ... 這些說法也不自然,這時的介紹比較接近「說明」,英文可以用brief、tell、describe:.
#16. brief - 英汉词典
英语, 中文 ... The concierge was very brief when I asked him about a good restaurant nearby. ... The brief didn't provide any new information on the case.
#17. The Brief History of the Dead - 博客來
書名:The Brief History of the Dead,語言:英文,ISBN:9781400095957,頁數:252,作者:Brockmeier, Kevin,出版日期:2007/01/09,類別:文學.
#18. Design brief 中文
The brief includes information about the scope, target audience, timeline, budget, and other essential details related to the specific project. It Design ...
#19. description怎么读,description翻译为:描述;形容;种类
description 的中文意思:描述;形容;种类;类,点击查看详细解释:description的中文翻译、description的发音、音标、用法和双语例句等,让你有效掌握description这个 ...
#20. brief的中文翻译
a brief description/summary/account 简明扼要的描述/总结/叙述 · Please be brief(= say what you want to say quickly). 请尽量简短.
#21. How to Create a Design Brief in 7 Steps [2023] • Asana
What to include in your design brief · Overview · Project scope and overview · Design goals and objectives · Target audience · Budget and timeline.
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使用全世界最精确的翻译器将brief description从英语即时翻译到西班牙语。每天都有数百万人使用DeepL进行翻译。
#23. brief中文意思 - 看影片不用背單字
brief 的中文意思是什麼呢?2023年最常見的用法,有448影片中用到這個單字,並且可一鍵全部播放,快速聆聽各種 ... brief · employed. in. and. a. brief. description.
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#25. brief(英文單詞) - 中文百科全書
In a brief statement, he concentrated entirely on international affairs. 在一個簡短的陳述中,他完全集中在了國際事務上。 3. ADJIf you arebrief, you say ...
#26. Brief description of PVD - SURFTECH TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.
Brief description of PVD. Physical vapor deposition has a fast deposition rate and a more precise film thickness control. The alloy target material matched ...
#27. client brief 中文意思是什麼
2 【法律】訴... client brief 例句. You ll read a brief design description, followed by information on the client libraries you ...
#28. 簡易-半導體IC製程技術: 中文版第1版Brief Semiconductor IC ...
Description ; ASIN: B08TB3ZP31 ; Publication date: January 17, 2021 ; Language: Traditional Chinese ; File size: 1827 KB ; Simultaneous device usage: Unlimited ...
#29. The Alcohol Quality Certification
A Brief Description of Alcohol Quality Certification System of Taiwan Please refer to Annex. Release date:2020-03-13 Last updated:2020-03-13 ...
#30. 微積分Brief Calculus 中文版| 蝦皮購物
滄海圖書#微積分中文書購買微積分Brief Calculus 中文版. ... Description. 商品數量. 0. 商品保存狀況. 二手. 品牌. 滄海圖書. 出貨地. 臺北市中山區.
#31. Diabetic retinopathy: description in brief - GOV.UK
Information explaining diabetic retinopathy, a disease screened for by the NHS diabetic eye screening (DES) programme.
#32. Director General - MJIB-EN-Index
MJIB-English · Brief Introduction · Director General ... Bureau FAQs Map of Investigation Bureau Units Description of the Bureau emblem 720° Panoramic Tour.
#33. A Brief Introduction to the Soka Gakkai Buddhist Movement
A Brief Introduction to the Soka Gakkai Buddhist Movement | English, español, 中文, French. 123K views 11 years ago. Soka Gakkai Official.
#34. SME Performance Review
The SME performance review monitors and assesses countries' progress in implementing the SME strategy and the Small Business Act (SBA), ...
#35. Brief Introduction of LI, Zhengbang -华中师范大学数学学院中文站
Brief Introduction of LI, Zhengbang. Chinese Version (中文版). 职称; 办公室Science Hall M111; 邮箱[email protected]. Personal Introduction.
#36. Brief description of loadable open driver (special driver) for ...
Brief description of loadable open driver (special driver) for Connection with bar-code reader and scanner with communications processor, for CP524.
#37. Brief Description of Programs - Day One
Brief Description of Programs. English. Accessibility Adjustments. Reset Settings Statement Hide Interface. Choose the right accessibility profile for you.
#38. Stanley Whitney 史丹利・惠特尼| A Brief History 簡短的歷史
Description. Stanley Whitney. b. 1946. A Brief History. oil on linen. signed, titled and dated 2018 on the reverse. 183 by 183 cm.
#39. A brief introduction to plain language - LinkedIn
Language that is plain to one set of readers may not be plain to others. Read that sentence one more time.
#40. 皇家兵工廠- 维基百科,自由的百科全书
皇家兵工廠(Royal Arsenal, Woolwich)是位於英國東南部倫敦泰晤士河南岸伍利奇的一個兵工廠,其 ... 您现在使用的中文变体可能会影响一些词语繁简转换的效果。
#41. 數學式和數學用語的英文讀法
中文, 英文, 中文, 英文. §, 分節號, section; division, -, 破折號, dash ... 定義域, domain; field of definition, 一次方程, linear (or simple) equation.
#42. Mental Health and COVID-19: Early evidence of the ...
Informed by these reviews, the scientific brief provides a comprehensive overview of current evidence about: the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic ...
#43. 中华人民共和国驻牙买加大使馆
2023年3月15日,驻牙买加大使陈道江会见牙私营部门组织(PSOJ)主席梅特里·西加,双方就进... 驻牙买加大使陈道江出席牙买加大学预科中文课程结业典礼. 2023年3月8日,驻 ...
#44. 2050 L3 Introduction of Psysiological Psychology, brief ...
香港中文大學 · Psychological Testing. 2050 L3 Introduction of Psysiological Psychology, brief description, outline of this. More info. Download.
#45. Market Profile 中文
Market Profile 中文on TradingView Desktop. ... a brief written description that provides to information about condition - interlayer.
#46. annex 12 - Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance
The study area for assessing air quality impact may vary from case to case and the EIA study brief may prescribe the study area. It involves the description ...
#47. Forms Service | Apps Script - Google Developers
Name, Brief description. Alignment, An enum representing the supported types of image alignment. CheckboxGridItem, A question item, presented as a grid of ...
#48. UNESCO in brief
UNESCO's History. As early as 1942, in wartime, the governments of the European countries, which were confronting Nazi Germany and its allies, met in the ...
#49. Brief Pain Inventory (BPI) - MD Anderson Cancer Center
Your gift will help make a tremendous difference. Donate. Research Areas. Find out about the ...
#50. Small Businesses Self-Employed | Internal Revenue Service
Small Business and Self-Employed Tax Center. English · Español · 中文 (简体) · 中文 (繁體) · 한국어 · Русский ...
#51. United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime
About UNODC · Annual Appeal · Annual Report · Careers · Evaluation ... Quick Links · Ad hoc committee to elaborate an international convention on countering ...
#52. How Google Analytics works
Measuring a website. To measure a website, you first have to create a Google Analytics account. Then you need to add a small piece of JavaScript measurement ...
#53. 【Cover Letter中英文範例】求職信、自我推薦信撰寫教學
順序架構, 中文自我推薦/求職信, 英文Cover letter ... 如果是透過104應徵,這部分可以省略), 同中文版 ... This is a brief summary of the project results:.
#54. Who We Supervise -
Visit our Institution Definition and Description page for a brief definition of each of the main types of institutions/individuals that we supervise or ...
#55. Brief justification: 中文翻译, 含义- 转录、定义 - 在线英语词典
她曾在办公室工作过一段时间,但在接下来的三年中大部分时间都在为她的首张专辑创作和录制歌曲。 A brief description of your integration for payments through a ...
#56. Author Guidelines - ACS Publishing Center
For shorter articles, abstracts should be correspondingly brief. The Experimental Section should provide a clear, unambiguous description of ...
#57. About TD – TD Canada Trust
Since 2014, TD Bank Group remains the only Canadian bank listed on the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index.
#58. Kanban - A brief introduction - Atlassian
An introduction to kanban methodology for agile software development and its benefits for your agile team.
#59. History of FEMA
The first legislative act of federal disaster relief in U.S. history followed a devastating fire in Portsmouth, New Hampshire in December 1802. The destruction ...
#60. STMicroelectronics: Our technology starts with you
Want to know more about our latest technologies?Come and meet us. Check out all our upcoming events ...
#61. ITU-T in brief
About ITU-T · Events · All Groups ... no matter how large or small, are afforded equal rights to influence the development of ITU-T Recommendations.
#62. description是什么意思? description翻译(中文英文) - 抓鸟
description 的解释是:描写, 记述, 形容, 种类, 描述… 同时,该页为英语学习者提供:description的中文翻译、英英详解、单词音标、在线发音、例句等。
#63. Home | Sustainable Development
About DSDG. Division for Sustainable Development Goals · Our topics · Contact us. Quick links. The Sustainable Development Goals · 2030 Agenda ...
#64. Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI) - Natural Hazards Center
Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI). Derogatis, L. 1975. Description of Measure. Purpose. To identify self-reported clinically relevant psychological symptoms in ...
#65. Reading a brief of evidence - LawAccess NSW
This is usually about four weeks later. The police will usually serve the brief of evidence on you personally but it can also be served by post, ...
#66. 中国政府奖学金-国际学院中文 - 西南大学
A brief description of the program is as follows: 一、招生类别/ Admission Category: 全日制在校研究生(硕士研究生、博士研究生)。
#67. History - UNCTAD
Foundation In the early 1960s, growing concerns about the place of developing countries in international trade led many of these countries to call for the ...
#68. What Is Dropshipping and How Does It Work? (2023) - Shopify
If you've thought about starting your own ecommerce store, ... Dropshipping is often seen as a no-hassle, get-rich-quick scheme.
#69. TensorFlow
An end-to-end open source machine learning platform for everyone. Discover TensorFlow's flexible ecosystem of tools, libraries and community resources.
#70. (BRIEF) Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function - WPS
BRIEF2 Now Available! Learn more about the new BRIEF2. BRIEF BY GERARD A. GIOIA, PHD, PETER K. ISQUITH, PHD, STEVEN C ...
#71. Noto Sans Traditional Chinese - Google Fonts
... Small Form Variants, Arrows, Latin Extended-B, Letterlike Symbols, Katakana Phonetic Extensions, Kanbun, Ideographic Description Characters, ...
#72. 6 Ways to Write a Brief Description of Yourself - wikiHow
#73. Australian Privacy Principles - OAIC
Australian Privacy Principles quick reference. Summary of each principle with a link to our guideline for it. Arrow · Australian Privacy Principles ...
#74. Data Cleaning: Definition, Benefits, And How-To - Tableau
In our in-depth guide to data cleaning, you'll learn about what data cleaning is, its benefits and components, and most importantly, how to clean your data.
#75. Meet Android Studio | Android Developers
This view is organized by modules to provide quick access to your project's key source files. All the build files are visible at the top level, under Gradle ...
#76. IBM Cloud | IBM
Etihad Airways can offer passengers a check-in experience that's quick, easy and highly personalized. Read the case study ...
#77. What is the SDR? - International Monetary Fund
... but an asset that holders can exchange for currency when needed. The SDR serves as the unit of account of the IMF and other international organizations.
#78. CNN - Breaking News, Latest News and Videos
View the latest news and breaking news today for U.S., world, weather, entertainment, politics and health at
#79. Interesting Facts & Information About Epic Games
About Epic Games. Corporate Headquarters. Cary, North Carolina. Founded in 1991, Epic Games is an American company founded by CEO Tim Sweeney.
#80. Aruba Instant On - Small-Business wired and wireless Networks
Find access points and switches designed for small business. ... Tell us a bit about your business needs and your space, both indoors and out.
#81. What is CRM? -
When people talk about CRM, they are usually referring to a CRM system, ... to a small business, where teams often need to find ways to do more with less.
#82. Food, OTC and Utility Bill Credit
The benefit information is a brief summary, not a complete description of benefits. For more information contact the plan or read the Member ...
#83. What Is Cybersecurity? - Cisco
It explains how you can identify attacks, protect systems, detect and respond to threats, and recover from successful attacks. Learn about the the NIST ...
#84. Tetanus Disease (Lockjaw) - CDC
Tetanus is an infection caused by bacteria called Clostridium tetani. When these bacteria enter the body, they produce a toxin that causes painful muscle ...
#85. Intel | Data Center Solutions, IoT, and PC Innovation
About Membership · Already a Member? ... Korea (한국어) · Mainland China (简体中文) · Taiwan (繁體中文) · Thailand (ไทย) · Vietnam (Tiếng Việt) ...
#86. Topics - World Bank
Browse by development topics listed below or learn more about how we're organized to address these development challenges.
#87. UNWTO | World Tourism Organization a UN Specialized Agency
The World Tourism Organization is the United Nations agency responsible for the promotion of responsible, sustainable and universally ...
Bloomberg delivers business and markets news, data, analysis, and video to the world, featuring stories from Businessweek and Bloomberg News.
#89. Paleo diet: What is it and why is it so popular? - Mayo Clinic
It doesn't include foods that became more common when small-scale farming began about 10,000 years ago. These foods include grains, ...
#90. What is Netflix? - Netflix Help Center
Learn about the Netflix service and how to become a member. ... A small percentage of devices may not be supported by all plans. Need help getting set up?
#91. MS3470L12-10PY - Datasheet - 电子工程世界
Class Descriptions, Performance Specifications . ... Brief Description of Commercial/Military MIL-DTL-26482,. Series 1 .
#92. Overview - Aramco
Overview Energy security for a sustainable world · Overview · Our perspective · Where we're going · Global presence · Our history ... English 中文 ...
#93. A Personal Interpreter on Your Phone or ... - Google Translate
Understand your world and communicate across languages with Google Translate. Translate text, speech, images, documents, websites, and more across your ...
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摩登家庭第七季字幕,摩登家庭第七季中文字幕,双语字幕. plus-circle Add Review. 10. ... Brief Introduction of H. mkv - 668 MB Encoded by JoyBell (UTR).
#95. Civil Service Bureau - Home
What's New · Quick Links.
brief description中文 在 A Brief Introduction to the Soka Gakkai Buddhist Movement 的推薦與評價
A Brief Introduction to the Soka Gakkai Buddhist Movement | English, español, 中文, French. 123K views 11 years ago. Soka Gakkai Official. ... <看更多>