bruises中文歌詞 在 コバにゃんチャンネル Youtube 的最讚貼文

bruise. 以bruise 進行詞彙精確檢索結果. 出處/學術領域, 英文詞彙, 中文... Lewis Capaldi - Bruises (Lyrics 歌詞翻譯) - K的一方角落- ... ... <看更多>
#1. Lewis Capaldi - Bruises (Lyrics 歌詞翻譯) - K的一方角落- 痞客邦
But I hope I never lose the bruises that you left behind. Oh my lord, Oh my lord. I need you by my side 我被告誡被告誡要把你甩在腦後但即使是 ...
#2. Lewis Capaldi - Bruises 歌词, 中文歌词 - RapZH 中文说唱数据库
Bruises ; Counting days, counting days. 数着日子计算着 ; Since my love up and got lost on me. 自从我的爱升起在我身上迷失 ; And Every breath that I've been taken.
#3. Lewis Capaldi - Bruises (Lyrics 歌詞翻譯) - 雪花台湾
But I hope I never lose the bruises that you left behind. Oh my lord, Oh my lord. I need you by my side 我被告誡被告誡要把你甩在腦後但即使是 ...
#4. Air Supply - Love and Other Bruises 中文歌詞 - 思春的日常
Air Supply - Love and Other Bruises 中文歌詞 · As the time slips through your fingers · Till it's almost time to go · 我發覺是時候該離開了 · And the ...
#5. Bruises.Train.中英歌詞 - 千萬樹葉飛落- 痞客邦
Bruises.Train.中英歌詞 · 藍色 · Bruises 瘀傷 · Haven't seen you since high school · 自從高中之後就沒見到妳了 · Good to see you're still beautiful · 很 ...
#6. TALA - bruised 歌詞翻譯 - Yuan's 漂流的小木屑- 痞客邦
TALA - bruised 歌詞翻譯 · 別離開 · 我想望著你的雙眼 · 你會成為我的唯一嗎 · 你會是那個能救我的人嗎 · 總是小心翼翼因為我曾陷入困境 · 但你似乎和以往的 ...
#7. Bruises-歌詞- Lewis Capaldi - KKBOX
Bruises -歌詞- Counting days, counting days Since my love up and got lost on me And every breath that I've been taken Since you left feels like.
#8. [歌詞] 姜昇潤- BRUISE - Lilyri韓文學習中- 痞客邦
一點都不痛也好好地吃著飯也有能談心的朋友昨天一整夜只是隨心所欲的彈著吉他寫著歌總是活的如此忙碌對此很感激不知道自己有多麼幸福但是為什麼我覺得 ...
#9. bruises(Chairlift歌曲) - 中文百科全書
英文歌詞. 樂隊:Chairlift. 專輯:《Does You Inspire You》歌詞: bruises. I tried to do handstands for you. I tried to do headstands for you.
#10. Lewis Capaldi - Bruises (Lyrics 歌詞翻譯) - 健康跟著走
3. (感情等方面的)挫傷. ,Black and blue marks are often associated with bruises. A bruise, or contusion, appears on the skin due to trauma. Examples of trauma ...
#11. 【音樂】Chairlift-Bruises - 三戒物語- 痞客邦
這是iPod廣告的主題曲!其實我覺得這首歌很可愛!先來聽聽看吧~ 歌詞︰歌名:Bruises【遍體鱗傷】專輯:Does You Inspire You演唱:Chairlift注:ipod ...
#12. bruises[Chairlift歌曲] - 中文百科知識
《bruises》是樂隊Chairlift演出的一首歌曲,收錄於專輯《Does You Inspire You》中。 英文歌詞樂隊:Chairlift bruises[Chairlift歌曲]專輯:《Does You Inspire ...
#13. Train - Bruises:歌詞+中文翻譯 - 音樂庫
Haven't seen you since high school 自從高中之後就沒見到妳了. Good to see you're still beautiful 很高興妳依舊如此美麗
#14. Madison Beer 麥迪遜比爾- Stay Numb And Carry On 麻木撐活 ...
Madison Beer 麥迪遜比爾- Stay Numb And Carry On 麻木撐活【中文翻譯歌詞】#JT的翻譯小窩# ... Blue, Emotional Bruises都是很值得聽的Album Track.
#15. bruise中文-在PTT/IG/網紅社群上服務品牌流行穿搭-2022-08 ...
bruise. 以bruise 進行詞彙精確檢索結果. 出處/學術領域, 英文詞彙, 中文... Lewis Capaldi - Bruises (Lyrics 歌詞翻譯) - K的一方角落- ...
#16. Lewis Capaldi - Bruises 「歌词」 - 翻譯中文 - Lyrics
Lewis Capaldi - Bruises 「歌词」 - 翻譯中文- Counting days, counting days / 倒数还有几天,数天// Since my love up and got lost on me / 由于我的爱了, ...
#17. Firstations Bruises 中文歌詞Bruises lyrics 翻译
Firstations Bruises 中文歌詞Bruises 中文Bruises lyrics 翻译. I wanna a song to talk about. My friends and kids no doubt. I wanna a song to talk about
#18. bruises -Train與Ashley Monroe合唱歌曲 - 華人百科
中文 名稱bruises歌 手Train與Ashley Monroe特 點清新溫暖節 奏緊湊. ... 它會讓你知道有很多歌曲,當你注意到了歌詞,就會發現,原來美得不只有鏇律。
#19. Alive 歌詞Michael Kaneko ※ Mojim.com - 魔鏡歌詞網
Forgot all the bruises on my chest. Baby they only led me to you 更多更詳盡歌詞 在 ※ Mojim.com 魔鏡歌詞網. Under the moonlight I sing out your name
#20. SQ2020《雪絨花》奪冠!《Bruises》、《說不出來》
由全國三地(溫哥華、卡加利、多倫多)加拿大中文電台主辦的2020 ... 「安加財稅最佳歌詞」:#6《Bruises》(多倫多)曲、唱:麥家怡;詞:麥家怡、伍 ...
#21. bruises翻譯及用法- 英漢詞典 - 漢語網
bruises中文 的意思、翻譯及用法:v. 受傷(bruise的第三人稱單數形式)n. ... 英漢詞典提供【bruises】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句等. ... Bruises Chairlift歌詞.
#22. 歌詞翻譯| FINNEAS - Let's Fall in Love for the Night
And before your kisses turn into bruises, I'm a warning 而在妳的親吻轉成淤青之前,我是個警訊. Let's fall in love for the night 我們一起為了 ...
#23. 【中文歌詞翻譯】Billie Eilish - bad guy 壞蛋 - 凱莫的小天地
【中文歌詞翻譯】Billie Eilish - bad guy 壞蛋 ... 雖然歌詞沒什麼營養,但真的滿有趣的! ... Bruises on both my knees for you 獻上我雙膝上的瘀青.
#24. ipod nano 廣告歌Chairlift - Bruises - 梅川內酷- 痞客邦
不過Chairlift 是紐約團, 中文翻成:纜椅樂團, 剛看到的時. ... ipod nano 廣告歌Chairlift - Bruises ... Chairlift - Bruises Lyrics
#25. 中文歌詞翻譯 Maximillian - Beautiful Sccars 美麗的傷疤
中文歌詞 翻譯◢ Maximillian - Beautiful Sccars 美麗的傷疤 ... 我喜歡美妙的西洋情歌和歌詞 ... Yeah, I've got bruises where I came from
#26. bruise中文(繁體)翻譯:劍橋詞典
She had a few cuts and bruises but nothing serious. 她有幾處傷口和瘀痕,但不嚴重。 One or two of the peaches had bruises on them. 有一兩個桃子上 ...
#27. Billie Eilish - bad guy 中文歌詞翻譯介紹 - Mr.生活扉頁
Billie Eilish – bad guy 中文歌詞翻譯介紹 ... Bruises on both my knees for you 為你獻上雙膝的瘀青以表敬意. Don't say thank you or please
#28. 中文歌詞 Sam Feldt ft. Kesha - Stronger (越戰越強) // 英譯中 ...
官方MV: 我製作的中英歌詞影片喜歡的話歡迎訂閱我的頻道喔~~ ✤中文歌詞✤ Sam Feldt ft. ... And I may not heal from all these bruises.
#29. Billie Eilish - bad guy 壞女孩中文歌詞
Billie Eilish - bad guy 壞女孩中文歌詞 ... Bruises on both my knees for you. 我雙膝上的瘀青都是為了你. Don't say thank you or please.
#30. forever lewis capaldi 中文
DISC 1 單曲歌名歌手1 Grace Lewis Capaldi 2 Bruises Lewis Capaldi 3 Hold Me While ... Sandro Cavazza 中文歌詞翻譯. i'm the dust in the wind我是風中一粒塵埃.
#31. bruise 中文[420a]
現貨爆款正版桌遊陰謀大亂鬥Ruse and bruise策略推理桌面遊戲中文版. ... Ruse and bruise 陰謀大亂鬥博客來-Bruise Lewis Capaldi - Bruises (Lyrics 歌詞翻譯) 4592 ...
#32. 【中文歌詞】Billie Eilish 怪奇比莉- bad guy 壞蛋(歌詞翻譯)
【中文歌詞】Billie Eilish 怪奇比莉- bad guy 壞蛋(歌詞翻譯) ... Bruises on both my knees for you 為了你我的膝蓋都磨破皮了
#33. [中文歌詞] Ciara - Beauty Marks歌詞@ 紫色菠蘿的部落格
And the bruises on my heart. 總帶著我傷痕累累的心前行. That make me who I am. 是你讓我成為真正的自己. That make you who you are.
#34. Radiohead - No Surprises:歌詞+中文翻譯 - FLiPER
英文歌詞; 中文歌詞: A heart that's full up like a landfill; 一個滿是毀棄之物的心靈 ... 一份慢慢將你逼殺的工作: Bruises that won't heal ...
#35. Weezer - Thank God for Girls 個人超不專業歌詞翻譯 - 創作大廳
Many cuts, bruises, and scrapes 許多割傷瘀青與擦傷. And you will require band aids and antiseptic ointments 屆時你將會需要OK蹦與跌打藥膏.
#36. Megan and Liz -Are You Happy Now? 中文歌詞
That she's on the ground? 她被你打落地面. And do you realize the words you say make bruises that don't ...
#37. [OK Computer] Radiohead - No Surprises(別驚訝)歌詞翻譯
A heart that's full up like a landfill一個滿是毀棄之物的心靈A job that slowly kills you一份慢慢將你逼殺的工作Bruises that.
#38. Alan Walker - Diamond Heart 中文歌詞翻譯feat. Sophia Somajo
Blue-eyed and foolish, never mind the bruises 視傷痕於無物,駑鈍而眼神執著. Into the fire, breakin' through the wires
#39. Fall Out Boy - Centuries 中文翻譯歌詞 - 留得低溫馨剪影已是不錯
The bruises on your thighs like my fingerprints 你大腿上的傷痕跟我的指紋完全吻合. And this is supposed to match 它們生來就該註定是相配的
#40. [歌詞翻譯] Marshmello & Halsey - Be Kind - Rori's Lyrics - 痞客邦
But the bruises on your ego make you go wild, wild, wild, yeah 只不過傷痕累累的自尊 讓你無法控制自己. Wanna believe, wanna believe
#41. Marshmello & Halsey - Be Kind【中英歌詞Lyric】 - Gina Music
But the bruises in your ego make you go. 但你自大的淤傷. Wild wild wild ya. 讓你一次次發狂失控. Wanna believe, wanna believe. 我想要相信.
#42. The Dinosaur's Skin 恐龍的皮| StreetVoice 街聲- 最潮音樂社群
詞Lyrics:暴龍Trex 曲Composer:暴龍Trex 製作人Producer:盧羿安Skippy (Crispy) 編曲Arranger:盧羿安Skippy (Crispy) / 恐龍的皮The Dinosaur's ...
#43. 愛貝克思官方網站avex taiwan inc.
精裝台壓版:12首新錄音CD+30分鐘DVD!DVD特別精裝附上中文字幕與英文歌詞!30分鐘毫無冷場的貼近空中補給! ... 3, Love & Other Bruises 愛還有其他.
#44. Black & Blue的歌詞– Nina Nesbitt - MyMusic
歌詞. 錯誤回報. Oh, I've been low, losing my head. Underwater, out of breath. Hidden bruises in my brain, oh-woah. And all I want is their respect
#45. 歌詞翻譯| Machine Gun Kelly - 5150 - Melice Her World
歌詞中文 翻譯. Bruises don't heal overnight 瘀傷不會在一夜之間就轉好. I'm a few sips from pulling the trigger 我離扣動扳機只有幾口啜飲之遙
#46. Billie Eilish - bad guy 中文歌詞翻譯
Billie Eilish - bad guy 中文歌詞翻譯 ... Bruises on both my knees for you. 雙膝為你都瘀青了. Don't say thank you or please.
#47. 歌曲翻譯| 在線收聽Lewis Capaldi音樂 - Flowlez.com
Lewis Capaldi · 聽音樂Lewis Capaldi 線上 · 歌詞Lewis Capaldi · 歌曲翻譯Lewis Capaldi 變成中文 · 音樂視頻Lewis Capaldi 在線觀看 ...
#48. 阿姆- 美麗的歌詞(Eminem - Beautiful Lyrics) - VoiceTube
阿姆- 美麗的歌詞(Eminem - Beautiful Lyrics) ... 多麼美妙的世界- 路易斯-阿姆斯特朗(2種語言的歌詞) (What A Wonderful World ... 中文 B1 中級.
#49. alt-J (∆) - 'Breezeblocks' 水泥磚塊中文歌詞+Lyrics
She bruises coughs she splutters pistol shots. 她的瘀青在悲鳴,慌張地扣下扳機. But hold her down with soggy clothes and breezeblocks.
#50. Maximillian – Beautiful Scars 英语歌詞中文翻譯- lyrics - Çevirce
Yeah, I've got bruises where I came from – 是的,我来的地方有瘀伤. But I wouldn't change if I could restart – 但如果我可以重新启动,我不会 ...
#51. Diamond Heart-Alan Walker 中英歌詞 - 棉花糖的調味生活
Diamond Heart-Alan Walker 中英歌詞 ... Never mind the bruises. 我從不介意你對我的傷害 ... Call me maybe -Carly Rae Jepsen中文歌詞翻譯.
#52. (歌詞翻譯)Delain Here Comes The Vulture 德蘭樂團禿鷲來 ...
Like bruises bright. 就像滿布了瘀青與傷痕. I once had an understanding that everything would go my way. 我曾以為所有事物會依循我預測的那樣 ...
#53. Train. Angel in Blue Jeans歌詞(starring Danny ... - 繪緹的紙舟。
Train今年新專主打ww And though I never got her name 雖然我一直無從得知她的芳名Or time to find out anything 但我會一直等著.
#54. 【歌詞】Billie Eilish - bad guy 中文歌詞[隨興翻譯]
【歌詞】Billie Eilish - bad guy 中文歌詞[隨興翻譯] ... 以下歌詞如有翻錯或不順請見諒 ... Bruises on both my knees for you.
#55. 【音樂】歌詞翻譯| Rely On Me- James Smith
中英文歌詞Lyrics ... If we carry on, we're gonna end up with bruises ... 中文翻譯若有錯誤的地方,歡迎在底下留言告訴我。Thank you~
#56. 【歌詞翻譯】: Does She Know (Astrid S) - 緋's World - 痞客邦
Does she know that the bruises never change? 她知道暈開的傷疤至今不曾淡去? My marks are on your heart, I had you from the start.
#57. 【歌詞翻譯】Marshmello & Halsey - Be Kind 中英文歌詞Lyrics
Wanna believe, wanna believe 我想相信. That you don't have a bad bone in your body 相信你體內沒有壞骨頭. But the bruises on your ego make ...
#58. forever lewis capaldi 中文
forever lewis capaldi 中文延伸聆聽:No Name. ... DISC 1 單曲歌名歌手1 Grace Lewis Capaldi 2 Bruises Lewis Capaldi 3 Hold Me While You Wait Lewis Capaldi 4 ...
#59. Zevia - why do i exist? 歌詞翻譯 - Sean's House
Bruises. 瘀青. Wounds behind my back. 還有我背後那些傷口. From people who stabbed me. 都來自那些傷害我的人. With hate in their eyes. 他們的眼中帶著恨意.
#60. Alan walker-Diamond Heart (feat.Sophia Somajo)中文歌詞翻譯
Never mind the bruises. 別介意瘀傷. Into the fire. 進入火中. Breakin' through the wires. 阻擋毀壞的一切. Give you all I've got.
#61. Fall Out Boy – Centuries 打倒男孩– 世紀lyrics 中文歌詞潔西過 ...
Fall Out Boy – Centuries 打倒男孩– 世紀lyrics 中文歌詞潔西過一天是一天不負責翻譯XD ... The bruises on your thighs like my fingerprints
#62. gnash dear insecurity lyrics中文歌詞翻譯 - Day Off - 痞客邦
gnash dear insecurity lyrics中文歌詞翻譯才華洋溢的gnash終於發佈了新曲,他的歌與詞實實在 ... Your freckles and flaws to your body and bruises
#63. 【歌詞翻譯】Against The Current - In Our Bones@我是魚
Bruises come and go. 新添的瘀傷,隨著時間褪逝. But our hearts beat louder. 但我們強韌的心跳聲永不停止. Than the thunder from the storm.
#64. Breaking Benjamin - Medicate [中文歌詞] - 尬叉
Breaking Benjamin - Medicate [中文歌詞] ... lyrics: I got something up my sleeve 我自有錦囊妙計 ... I've got bruises on my knees
#65. Lenka【Roll with the Punches】隨遇而安(中英文歌詞)
Lenka【Roll with the Punches】隨遇而安(中英文歌詞) ... by Lenka 蘭卡中文歌詞by oldladybox 老小姐 ... Some time without any bruises
#66. I'm OK 歌詞mp3 線上收聽及免費下載 - JOOX
Lyrics by:Christina Aguilera/Linda Perry. Composed by:Christina Aguilera/Linda Perry ... Bruises fade father but the pain remains the same.
#67. 翻譯|MUNA - I Know A Place 中文歌詞 - 少年何棄療- 痞客邦
翻譯|MUNA - I Know A Place 中文歌詞 ... I can feel the bruises, yellow, dark blue, and black/我可以感覺到你的傷痕,即便那些瘀血深淺不一.
#68. Apple Music 上的歌單「Lewis Capaldi 代表作」
Capaldi 擅長描寫憂傷心緒,登上英國單曲榜冠軍的〈Someone You Loved〉,心碎的歌詞在他帶著撕裂感的歌聲詮釋下,伴隨簡單的鋼琴旋律,格外令人揪心;與加拿大 ...
#69. November Lights - Talk - MuHoLic
it only bruises our hearts tonight. 這些感情仍在彼此的心中畫下更深的傷口. And I'll be there when all our dreams have gone.
#70. BANNERS – Perfectly Broken | 中英歌詞
... 真的'Cause all of the scars and the bruises 因為那所有的傷疤和瘀青They're what make you human 那些傷會使你成為有血有肉的人類[Pre-Chorus] ...
#71. Run to You 的歌詞 - 歌詞大全網
Run to You歌詞. 添加日期:2021-03-07 時長:02分56秒歌手:Liam Ferrari ... I'll run these bruises right through. When no one else is around
#72. Mars-Sleeping At Last lyrics 中文歌詞翻譯 - Silviart的部落格
Let our cuts and bruises heal. 讓我們的傷癒合. While a brand-new war began. 此時一場新的戰爭開始了. One that no one else could feel.
#73. Dabin - "Wild Youth" 專輯歌詞翻譯合集(一)
And just some bruises, we'll get in that car 只是一些瘀傷,我們坐上那輛車子. Get out to nowhere, get out to nowhere, a brand new start
#74. 【中文歌詞】Jaymes Young - I'll Be Good @ 歇斯底里 - 隨意窩
中文歌詞 ; 歌詞; 歇斯底里; I will be good; Jaymes Young. Jaymes Young. 955K subscribers ... For all of the bruises that I've caused and the tears
#75. Bruises - song and lyrics by Reneé Rapp - Spotify
Bruises. Reneé Rapp. 20232:41. Sign in to see lyrics and listen to the full track. Sign up. Reneé Rapp. Artist. Reneé Rapp ...
#76. Alan Walker Diamond Heart feat.Sophia Somajo【中英歌詞】
Never mind the bruises. 從不在意那些瘀傷. Into the fire, breakin' through the wires. 直搗火源阻擋毀壞的一切. Give you all I've got.
#77. Against The Current - In Our Bones 中英文歌詞
Against The Current - In Our Bones 中英文歌詞 ... 以下英文歌詞非官方版本,中文歌詞亦為個人翻譯*. In our bones ... Bruises come and go.
#78. Sentenced - 萌娘百科萬物皆可萌的百科全書
歌詞. 歌詞翻譯:astrosssss. 本段落中所使用的歌詞,其著作權屬於原著作權人,僅以介紹為 ... Isn't it obvious that my conscience has bruises?
#79. Immortals/Centuries MASHUP:歌詞中文翻譯 - Asuka
Immortals/Centuries MASHUP:歌詞中文翻譯. 4/26/2015 ... The bruises on your thighs like my fingerprints 你股間上的瘀痕正與我的指印相符
#80. The Offspring - The Noose(歌詞翻譯) - Lan Ni Ba Xiang Ya Ta
Your bruises are reminders of naivete and trust 你的瘀傷提醒著你天真和信任的下場. You're only feeling stronger cause your body's getting ...
#81. Air Supply - 維基百科,自由嘅百科全書
然而,當佢哋發行咗樂隊嘅第一首單曲《Love and Other Bruises》之後,克里西離開樂隊,佢嘅 ... 空中補給樂隊喺音樂同歌詞上付出嘅熱誠令佢哋喺樂壇做出輝煌嘅成就。
#82. Impatient 歌词- Dark Signal - Last.fm
I feel the bruises of a broken war. Demons are steady breaking down that door. I know I'm never gonna win until I let myself let go. How could you ever know ...
#83. 【歌詞翻譯】Bad Guy-Billie Eilish 怪奇比莉壞蛋小壞壞中文 ...
... you're so criminal 想像著自己是一個罪不可赦的人Bruises on both my knees for you 為了你,我的雙溪滿是瘀青Don't say thank you or please, ...
#84. Alan Walker - Diamond Heart 鑽石心腸@ 好奇的貓 - 痞客邦
Never mind the bruises 從不在意瘀傷. Into the fire 進入這火場. Breakin' through the wires 突破這條線. Give you all I've got 給你我所有的
#85. Halsey & Marshmello - Be Kind|歌詞翻譯與歌曲介紹 - 夢想課
halsey be kind 歌詞. 文章目錄. Be Kind|歌詞翻譯; 白噪線上音樂雜誌集資 ... But the bruises on your ego make you go wild, wild, wild, yeah.
#86. Madilyn Bailey 梅德琳貝莉- Wiser 看清所有/ 中英文翻譯歌詞lyrics
咱們youtuber界的女神又出新歌啦~ 這次的歌詞字幕其實也很用心喔, 請繼續看下去這次 ... Turning pages bruises fade and I made it through the deep.
#87. 《西班牙公寓》插曲|電台司令Radiohead – No Surprises
Bruises that won't heal ... 之所以會覺得這首歌和這部電影很搭是因為電影與歌詞傳達的都是一種被壓迫、壓抑著的情緒,每個人都為了達成別人的目標而 ...
#88. Avril Lavigne - Birdie 艾薇兒- 囚鳥中文歌詞翻譯 - 柚有啥好聽
And no more bruises and battle scars". 別再爭執別再留下傷痕了. Like a bird locked up in a cage. 就像被囚禁在牢籠裡的鳥兒.
#89. BAD SAD AND MAD - BIBI 「歌曲歌词」 - 中文翻译 - Lyrics
BAD SAD AND MAD - BIBI 「歌曲歌词」 - 中文翻译- You blued my bruise / 你发蓝我挫伤// Pink me with ties / 粉红我联系// You red my mind / You red my mind ...
#90. bad guy 歌詞
Bruises on both my knees for you 為了你我甘願雙腿瘀青. 歌詞 ... guy Billie Eilish歌詞- 抖音歌曲Billie Eilish 怪奇比莉- Bad Guy 壞傢伙中文翻譯+歌詞#JT的翻譯小窩.
#91. Re: [低調] 想求Oh Mother的中文歌詞- 看板Christina
這不是妳應得的" She was so sick of believing the lies and trying to hide 她已經無法再忍受謊言維持表面的和平Covering the cuts and bruises ...
#92. [中英文歌詞] Fall Out Boy打倒男孩-Centuries永垂不朽 - 小早安
The bruises on your thighs like my fingerprints 你腿上的瘀青看起來與我的指紋十分相似. And this is supposed to match 而它們本來就該是吻合的
#93. Church bells-Carrie Underwood 中文歌詞翻譯 - 音躍- 痞客邦
It was all bruises, covered in makeup. 渾身都是瘀傷,她用妝容. Dark sunglasses. 還有墨鏡掩蓋. And that next morning, sitting in the back pew.
#94. Fall Out Boy - Centuries(不專業翻譯中文歌詞)
The bruises on your thighs like my fingerprints 在你腿上那些瘀痕都是我的指痕. And this is supposed to match 不會錯的
#95. Devotion|艾麗·高登- 致生鍾愛|lyrics 英文中文歌詞【翻譯】
前言這是新的專輯裡我最喜歡的一首之一非常喜歡電音與歌詞的配合那種高低起伏的唱法與愉悅的 ... Show the bruises on your skin /展露你最深的傷疤.
bruises中文歌詞 在 Re: [低調] 想求Oh Mother的中文歌詞- 看板Christina 的推薦與評價
She was so young with such innocent eyes
She always dreamt of a fairytale life
And all the things that your money can't buy
She thought that he was a wonderful guy
Then suddenly, things seemed to change
It was the moment she took on his name
He took his anger out on her face
She kept all of her pain locked away
Oh mother, we're stronger
我的母親 我們更堅強了
From all of the tears you have shed
Oh mother, don't look back
我的母親 忘掉過去吧
Cause he'll never hurt us again
So mother, I thank you
我的母親 我要感謝妳
For all that you've done and still do
You got me, I got you
妳有我 我有妳
Together we always pull through
We always pull through
We always pull through
Oh mother, oh mother, oh mother
我的母親 母親啊母親
It was the day that he turned on the kids
That she knew she just had to leave him
So many voices inside of her head
Saying over and over and over,
"You deserve much more than this."
She was so sick of believing the lies and trying to hide
她已經無法再忍受謊言 維持表面的和平
Covering the cuts and bruises (cuts and bruises)
So tired of defending her life, she could have died
Fighting for the lives of her children
Oh mother, we're stronger
我的母親 我們更堅強了
From all of the tears you have shed (all of the tears you have shed)
Oh mother, don't look back
我的母親 忘掉過去吧
Cause he'll never hurt us again (he'll never hurt us again)
So mother, I thank you (thank you)
所以我的母親 我要感謝妳
For all that you've done and still do (still do)
You got me, I got you, (yeah you got me and I got you)
妳有我 我有妳
Together we always pull through.
Oh mother, oh mother, oh mother
我的母親 母親啊母親
All of your life you have spent
你的一生 總是在
Burying hurt and regret
忍受傷害 悔不當初中度過
But mama, he'll never touch us again
不過母親 他再也無法動我們半根寒毛
For everytime he tried to bring you down
Just remember who's still around
It's over, and we're stronger
一切都過去了 我們更加堅強了
And we'll never have to go back again
Oh mother, we're stronger
我的母親 我們更堅強了
From all of the tears you have shed
Oh mother, don't look back (oh mother don't look back again)
我的母親 忘掉過去吧
Cause he'll never hurt us again (cause he'll never hurt us again)
So mother, I thank you (and I thank you for all that you've done)
所以母親 我要感謝妳
For all that you've done and still do (together we always move on)
You got me, I got you, (you got me, I got you)
妳有我 我有妳
Together we always pull through (always pull through)
We always pull through
We always pull through
I love you mom
雖然很多 但複製貼上沒有P幣
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