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🚀 part of speech 詞類
1️⃣ Nouns: 名詞
(n.C) = countable noun 可數名詞
(n.U) = uncountable noun 不可數名詞
(n.) = (n.U & n.C)不可數名詞或可數名詞
(n.S) = singular noun單數名詞
(n.Pl) = plural noun複數名詞
(n.C常Pl) = countable noun that is usually plural 可數名詞一般用複數
2️⃣ Verbs: 動詞
(vt.) = transitive verb 及物動詞
(vi.) = intransitive verb 不及物動詞
(v.) = both (vt. & vi.) 及物動詞或不及物動詞
3️⃣ Others:
(a.)= adjective 形容詞
(adv.) = adverb 副詞
(prep.) = preposition 介詞
(conj.) = conjunction 連接詞
(intjn.)/(int.) = interjection 感嘆詞
(prefix) 字首
(root) 字根
(suffix) 字尾
(ph.)/(phr) = phrase 片語
(aux.) = auxiliary 助動詞
(pron.) = pronoun 代名詞
(abbr.) = abbreviation 縮寫
(p.p.) = past participle 過去分詞
(art.) = article 冠詞
(det) = determiner 限定詞
(C.) = complement 補語
(euph) = euphemism 委婉之詞
(lit) = literary 文學用語
(pass) = passive 被動
(fml) = formal 正式用法
(infml) = informal 非正式用法
(sl) = slang 俚語
(compar) = comparative 比較級
(superl) = superlative 最高級
(AmE) = American English 美式英文
(BrE) = British English 英式英文
(D.O.) 直接受詞 = direct object
(I.O.) 間接受詞 = indirect object
& = and
esp = especially 尤其
e.g. = exempli gratia = for example 舉例
c.f. = confer = compare 比較
etc. = et cetera 等等
#俐媽英文教室 #林俐 #辣媽英文天后 #Carol #威俐英文 #台大補習班 #partofspeech #abbreviation #learnenglishwell
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