有时候我喜欢一个人静静的喝个茶吃个饭,或是约个三俩好友尝尝甜品聊聊天,所以舒服的地方一定是首选!这cafe 绿意盎然设计干净利落,坐在里面感觉上像逃离了日常的所有繁忙,偶尔还有阵阵的咖啡香扑鼻而来,那种清新的感觉是里里外外都充斥着,而且隔壁的小房间偶尔还有好玩的 workshop 上上平时很难遇到的课程,塔羅、社交禮儀、韓式花藝、造型饅頭、手沖咖啡、生命數字、烏克麗麗等等,还可以把小房间用作 cozy 的 private function,都只邀请些亲朋好友,所以在这里面的感觉总是那么的亲近不受打扰,时间都可以舒舒服服脑子悠悠闲闲的,多想每天日子都过这样呢!🤭🤭🤭
BetterMe Atelier in Sentul
cafe in sentul 在 Follow Me To Eat La - Malaysian Food Blog Facebook 的最讚貼文
<3 eat X dignity <3
I was at eat X dignity recently & went for a quick tour of their garden, located just next to the cafe. Eat X Dignity is a pork-free cafe, & ingredients sourced locally, with various herbs being grown in Dignity Kitchen Garden itself.
Look what I found too ~Cute little bunnies - excited & hungry, so eager looking for food & will bite at anything including my fingers too... Watch the video to find out!
cafe in sentul 在 Follow Me To Eat La - Malaysian Food Blog Facebook 的最佳貼文
<3 Cooking Session With 2017 MASTERCHEF AUSTRALIA CHAMP, DIANA CHAN At Eat X Dignity Cafe In Sentul <3
Thank you to the Australian High Commission, Malaysia & eat X dignity for having us over for the 'Cooking Session With 2017 MasterChef Australia Champ Diana Chan.
It was indeed a humbling experience for me to know about the amazing good work done by Dignity for Children Foundation for the underprivileged refugee's students.
I also had a wonderful opportunity to meet up with Masterchef Diana Chan at her special cooking session with refugees at Eat X Dignity Cafe in Sentul.
Read More> http://bit.ly/MasterchefDianaChanAtEatXDignityCafe