🕊就是要街頭復古味🕊 #單雙6折非會員7折
經典的 ADIDAS ORIGINALS CAMPUS 與 GAZELLE 鞋款,將實穿耐看的休閒版型,結合親膚的舒適麂皮材質,兩種版型皆有各自特色,沈穩的海軍藍、知性的勃根地酒紅、粉嫩的莓果奶昔色與復古芥末黃,挑選一雙作為自己的必備單品吧!
📥 網購需求:east@fruition.tw
🍿同心抗疫 LINE 安心購 8 折起🍿
💵 加入 LINE 好友 https://lin.ee/ZDvkiA 下單享 85 折!
👩🔬 警消醫護外送人員憑識別證 LINE 下單享 8 折!
店址 : 台北市大安區忠孝東路四段181巷35弄6號
電話 : (02)2751-0828
營業時間 : 週一~週日 / 14:00~20:30
#adidas #adidasoriginals #adidasgazelle #adidascampus #campus #gazelle #折扣商品 #愛迪達 #復古鞋
campus外送 在 Nina 瑄寶 Facebook 的精選貼文
🥤飲品 甜點優惠
UberEats 特選馥郁那堤買一送一
foodpanda 大杯焦糖瑪奇朵買一送一
✔️路易莎 外送壓磚、飲品75 折
✔️Krispy Kreme 原味糖霜甜甜圈外帶,買 1 送 1
✔️Mister Donut
UberEats 滿$299 送$45 甜甜圈或點心
foodpanda 滿$300現折$100
✔️藏壽司 鮭魚餐盒 $160
✔️爭鮮 外帶滿 10 盤送 1 盤,加碼送味噌湯或茶碗蒸(6/14前)
✔️IKEA 台中店-雞肉球15顆買一送一
✔️Campus cafe 外帶自取 7折
✔️貳樓餐飲外帶自取 5折
✔️夏慕尼ubereat 或外帶 588現折68 櫻花蝦炒飯+帕瑪森起司麵包必點 (6/30前)
✔️添好運 外帶自取88折 再送$300現金抵用券
✔️王品集團 ,外帶自取滿$599現折$100 (6/30前)
✔️原燒 外帶餐盒、丼飯、沙拉,85折 (7/31前)
✔️摩斯漢堡 經典蒟蒻禮盒買一送一(6/30前)
麥當勞foodpanda訂購「優惠推薦」專區的2份勁辣香鷄翅(共4塊),買一送一 (6/29前)
✔️必勝客 foodpanda 輸入優惠碼「PHJUN」即享滿NT$100折NT$30 (6/28前)
✔️涮乃葉 外帶自取滿$500 85折
✔️樂多多會員 來店外帶 $300 以上套餐買一送一,$299 套餐享第二件 5 折優惠。
🛵Uber Eats傳送門 https://tinyurl.com/ygfqr5zh
#感謝外送人員辛苦送餐讓我們在家就有得吃 #防疫日常 #外送優惠 #外帶優惠 #外帶美食 #外帶折扣 #防疫加油 #防疫 #防疫生活
campus外送 在 國立清華大學National Tsing Hua University Facebook 的精選貼文
因應疫情升溫,本校將自5月17日(星期一)起加強防疫措施,包括 #全校課程改採遠距教學,#校外人車除因公務不得入校。
一、 全面遠距教學:
二、 校外人士、車輛不得入校:
(一) 管制方式:
1. 教職員工生出入校須出示教職員工生證件。已有本校車輛通行證者得直接通行。
2. 因公務入校者必須出示受訪單位提供的證明文件(如開會通知、邀請函、電郵等,紙本或電子檔皆可),無證明文件者由受訪單位派員至管制口確認身分後方可入校。
(二) #外送員得依本校規範入校送餐或送貨:
1. 外送員於校門口配合量測體溫(額溫需低於37.5℃)及配戴口罩。
2. 請各館舍規劃「外送餐點及物品取餐處」,現場請備妥桌、椅及消毒酒精等防疫物資。
3. 外送員嚴禁進入系館,外送餐點及物品採不接觸取餐(貨)。
國立清華大學防疫小組 敬上
Dear Faculty, Students and Staff:
In response to continuous levelling in the epidemic severity, NTHU has raised our epidemic prevention measures. Starting from May 17th (Monday), all courses will be conducted remotely. Except for official needs, all personnel and vehicle outside of NTHU are prohibited from entering the campus.
Additional explanation:
I. Full remote courses:
A. If remote classes are not possible due to the nature of the course, (e.g., laboratories, hands-on classes, and physical education class), the classes will be made up later, but in principle before June 30th .
B. Instructors could decide to have physical or online assessments (including examinations) at their own discretion. The physical assessments must be in accordance with the second level of epidemic prevention regulations (temperature measuring, disinfection, full-time mask wearing, social distancing, ventilation in the classroom, taking attendance, etc.)
C. Resources for remote/online courses can be found via the link http://ctld.nthu.edu.tw/
II. Non-NTHU personnel and vehicle control:
A. Campus entrance control:
1. All faculty, student, and staff are required to show their NTHU identification card. Those who have the NTHU vehicle pass can enter directly.
2. Visitors on official business must provide document issued by the inviting unit (such as notice of meeting, invitation letter, email either in electronic form or hard copy). Visitor without documentation must be verified and accompanied by personnel from the inviting NTHU unit.
B. Delivery personnel:
1. Delivery personnel must have body temperature below 37.5℃ measured at NTHU gates and wear a medical mask to be allowed to enter.
2. All buildings need to organize a deliver zone, with properly arranged desk, chair, and alcohol.
3. Delivery personnel are strictly prohibited to enter the buildings and cannot have physical contact with NTHU personnel.
The Epidemic Prevention Team of National Tsing Hua University
campus外送 在 Campus Cafe 校園美式輕食餐廳(忠孝店) - Facebook 的推薦與評價
Campus Cafe 貼心外送篇 . 看到窗外是陰天☁️雨天☔️就會好懶的出門但是又好想吃Campus Cafe熱騰騰的料理 . 別擔心!Campus Cafe 讓您✓免出門✓免了外面餐廳 ... ... <看更多>