#1. cashless payment - Linguee | 中英词典(更多其他语言)
大量翻译例句关于"cashless payment" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。
cashless 翻譯:不用現金的;刷卡的。了解更多。
#3. cashless payment-翻译为中文-例句英语 - Reverso Context
在中文中翻译"cashless payment". 名词. 无现金支付. 非现金支付. 电子支付.
#4. cashless payment中文- 英漢詞典 - 漢語網
cashless payment中文 的意思、翻譯及用法:無現金支付。英漢詞典提供【cashless payment】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句等.
#5. 後新冠危機時代:無現金社會前景如何? - AXA IM香港
論文名稱(外文):, Applying Two-Factor Theory to Understand User Satisfaction with Cashless Payment. 指導教授: 洪新原 ... 語文別: 中文. 論文頁數: 122.
#8. 【搶佔先機】支付行業發展迅速呈現五大趨勢 - Reap
(3)無現金化經濟(Cashless economy). 在過去的十年,現金的使用率在發達西方國家下降了約30%(由起初的55%計算), ...
#9. 無現金的未來意味著什麼?| 經濟學家》雜誌(What does a ...
| 經濟學家》雜誌(What does a cashless future mean? | The Economist). 373 27. Nina 發佈於2021 年01 ...
#10. 無現金社會Cashless Society: 最新的百科全書
Malaysia's national bank has set out objectives to move to a cashless society with electronic payment system in its Financial Sector Blueprint 2011-2020.....
#11. BBC Learning English - 随身英语/ A cashless society 无现金社会
中文 Change Language ... A cashless society 无现金社会 ... A debit card can be used to buy something now and pay for it later.
#12. 59535 張Cashless 圖片、庫存照片和向量圖 - Shutterstock
Illustrations that support smartphone payments and cashless payments 庫存向量圖. Cashless Society 庫存照片. It is an illustration that refuses cash payment ...
#13. 台北外滙市場發展基金會電子支付的發展及台灣實施無現金社會 ...
鑑於電子支付的發展中,很多行動支付是綁信用卡,如Apple Pay、 ... 日本Japan Credit Bureau (JCB) 於1961 年設立,中文名稱為吉世美國.
#14. Statistics of Credit Card, Cash Card & Electronic Payment ...
4. The measurement indicators for cashless payment transactions: The number of non-cash payment transactions was 1.52 billion, and the total ...
在英语-中文中"CASHLESS PAYMENT SYSTEMS"的上下文中进行翻译。 It also reflects growing competition from cashless payment systems that are giving the banks a ...
#16. cashless 中文 - 英語翻譯
cashless中文中文 意思::無現金…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋cashless的中文翻譯,cashless的發音,三態,音標,用法和例句等。
#17. Hospitality Cashless and Mobile Key Solutions | Oracle 台灣
Adyen. An all-in-one payments platform that grows your business from day one. · Airpay. A platform that enables 360-degree payment management for enterprises.
#18. 行動支付- 維基百科,自由的百科全書
在2019年4月4日,GRWTH Pay (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館) 榮獲香港資訊及通訊科技獎智慧型生活( ... Pre-1900 Utopian Visions of the 'Cashless Society'.
#19. Huawei Pay,更容易更安全,手機支付- 華為官網
Secure, contactless and cashless payments. HUAWEI Pay. 體驗安全,感應式和無現金的支付方式. 借助Huawei Pay,你可以將你的華為智能設備變成電子錢包,在應用程式 ...
#20. (Reading with Pinyin Subtitle) Chinese Cashless Payment
(Reading with Pinyin Subtitle) Chinese Cashless Payment -中国的无现金 ... Names in Simplified Chinese简体 中文 with Pinyin Pronunciation 拼音.
#21. Shopee Partner: Go Cashless - Google Play 應用程式
立即使用Shopee Partner應用程序享受無現金交易和跟踪付款! 為您的業務啟用快速輕鬆的交易 •快速設置-幾個簡單的步驟即可開始使用Shopee Partner應用程序的旅程•跟踪 ...
#22. Examining Cashless Payment Services in a Post-Pandemic ...
Many businesses adopted contactless ordering and cashless payment policies to comply with emergency health mandates. ... 中文翻译: ...
#23. “无现金支付更方便”走入公市 - 豐隆银行Hong Leong Bank
为了协助客户落实无现金支付目标,豐隆银行展开“无现金支付更方便”(Cashless Lagi ... 钱包,包括Boost、 GrabPay、TNG电子钱包、Alipay、WeChat Pay和Samsung Pay。
#24. Going Cashless: How Virtual Cards and Contactless Wallets ...
As technology advances and our lives become increasingly digitized, it's no surprise that our payment methods are also evolving.
#25. 日本的無現金支付| Travel Japan(日本國家旅遊局)
最廣泛適用的非接觸式手機App 或QR Code 支付方式為PayPay、LINE Pay、R pay(Rakuten Pay) 和Merpay,大部分商戶亦支援Visa、JCB 或Mastercard 等信用卡。記得事先下載綁定 ...
#26. Oh My Teeth Integrates Cashless Payments in One Week
“The majority of [orthodontic patients] opt for credit-card or loan payments. From the beginning, we've felt that implementing cashless payments through Stripe ...
#27. E-money - Finance - European Union
What the EU is doing and why. Electronic money (e-money) is a digital alternative to cash. It allows users to make cashless payments with money stored on a ...
#28. Cashless payment system is a reality, and we need to adapt to it
More than four decades of reform and opening-up have not only turned China into the world's second-largest economy but also changed the ...
#29. As of December 2022, thirty-three credit card issuing ...
Statistics of Credit Card, Cash Card & Electronic Payment Institutions ... The measurement indicators for cashless payment transactions:
#30. 零售業的新常態——零接觸支付(Contactless Payments)
全球疫情推動了零接觸支付的普及,並重新定義了後疫情時代的交易方式。 新冠疫情改變了人們的工作、購物和付款方式,同時也迫使許多 ...
#31. Castles Technology & SUZOHAPP Partner To Co-Develop ...
This strategic partnership enables SUZOHAPP to white label and resell Castles' family of cashless payment hardware solutions, bundled with ...
#32. 電子錢包有什麼優點- ACU Pay
“無現金社會”還是“Cashless Society” 首先,我們來看什麼是無現金社會。大局上是社會的變化,從以前每次都得把現金帶出家門或者從ATM取款,但到了“無現金社會”, ...
#33. What is the Cashless Payment Fee? - Yamato Transport
Cashless Payment Fees apply to payments made when the parcel is sent using cash-free payment methods such as e-money (including Kuroneko Members Discount) ...
#34. Japan is promoting a cashless society with digital salary ...
A cashless society is on the horizon in Japan, as the government introduces a system for ... Japan cashless society digital salary payments.
#35. Cashless Payments - The Pros & Cons of it - iMin
In the Singapore context, many more business owners are starting to accept the usage of PayNow, Apple Pay and PayLah for cashless payment. This ...
#36. #cashless hashtag on Instagram • Photos and videos
444K Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from 'cashless' hashtag. ... In 2023 we will again have cashless payment on the entire W:O:A.
#37. EasyCard – Your Ticket to a Cashless Life and Unlimited Travel
With Taiwan's EasyCard, a stored value or prepaid card, you can just leave your wallet at home. Cashless payments with EasyCard make life so ...
#38. "less cash" 和"cashless" 的差別在哪裡? - HiNative
less cash 和 cashless 的差別在哪裡? ... “she was cashless so she had to use a credit card” ... Did you pay by cash or credit card!
#39. Cashless Payments – UnionPay's Response to the Global ...
Indeed, UnionPay customers can opt for several cashless payments available in Cambodia to support their daily payment needs. These cashless ...
#40. Going Cashless: Central Banks and Digital Currencies
... payments and the future of money. Stefan Ingves, governor of the world's oldest central bank in Sweden, explains their move to a cashless society.
#41. 观点洞察
万事达卡目前正在试点“Selfie Pay”,该技术允许人们使用手机上的摄像头拍摄自拍照,以此 ... Technology Innovations Drive Growth of Cashless Payments in Africa.
#42. COVID-19 Drives Global Surge in use of Digital Payments
The COVID-19 pandemic has spurred financial inclusion – driving a large increase in digital payments amid the global expansion of formal ...
#43. World Bank Group to Pilot Cashless Payments Project in ...
The creation of the new cashless payment infrastructure will allow citizens to use their mobile phones for financial operations, including paying bills and ...
#44. Japan Turns Digital: The Rising Trend in Cashless Payments
Types of Cashless Payments in Japan. IC Cards: ICOCA, Suica, and Pasmo are some of the most popular IC cards and offer contactless transactions.
#45. What's New | Covid-19, the shift to hygienic payment - AlipayHK
Cash has become less preferred nowadays for the sake of hygiene. As an alternative, cashless payment methods have become more prominent.
#46. Series of events scheduled to foster cashless payment
A series of events and activities will be held under the 2023 Cashless Day to promote the adoption of non-cash payment and contribute to ...
#47. OE heroes: One-stop cashless payments with eColl2.0 - NUS
To prepare the University community who may return to campus in phases, a cashless payment system, eCollections2.0 (eColl2.0) was launched to serve as the ...
#48. ABA PAY | ABA Bank Cambodia
Revolutionizing mobile banking solutions, ABA is proud to introduce you ABA PAY – modern, secure, and instant cashless payment method ...
#49. COVID-19 pandemic accelerates adoption of cashless ...
Cashless, Digital Payments, GDP, Economy, Data. ... has enabled the seamless adoption of cashless transactions, be it e-payment or e-wallet, ...
#50. Pay for Transfer - EMQ SEND
You can make a cashless payment to EMQ's SCSB Virtual Account that shown in your EMQ transaction page through ATMs, online banking, or mobile banking.
#51. Cashless businesses face consumer boycotts as people claim ...
Businesses that ask for cashless payments are facing backlash and boycotts from a section of the community that believes refusing to take ...
#52. Cashless and contactless payments in time of COVID - Deloitte
Regulations to assist in mitigating against financial fraud Payment systems play a vital role as a foundation for deepening financial inclusion by providing ...
#53. cashless payment | for Partners
cashless payment. I have a homestay in namchi, Bumtar Villa. I have chosen card payment only as an option. I want the customers to pay through their card ...
#54. Cashless Projects - Behance
Cashless age-Mastercard. Save · RAPPIPAY 2019. Save · Cashless. Save · Is the world destined to become a cashless society? Save · Cashless Payment Card. Save.
#55. キャッシュレス・ポイント還元事業に関連する表記
Customers who pay using the cashless method will receive a. 5% refund. 使用无现金支付的顾客享5%返利. 使用無現金支付的顧客享5%回饋.
#56. cashless payment中文是什么_场景化例句+专业讨论 - 译问
译问查术语的description, cashless payment.
#57. Introduction of Cashless Payment Options | What's New
Kyoto State Guest House will accept cashless payment from Friday, February 11, 2022. ◇Cashless payment service options. Credit card.
#58. Going Cashless: What Can We Learn from Sweden's ...
Sweden is expected to become the world's first cashless society by 2023. ... But in other countries, like Denmark for instance, payment laws ...
#59. Events of “Cashless Day 2023” announced
Cashless Day 2023” will be held on June 16 with a series of events to promote non-cash payment means.
#60. Fiji's fourth largest island moves towards cashless society
22 (Xinhua) -- Using cash to pay for goods and services will become ... from the cashless payment as there have been no banks on the island.
#61. 7 Reasons Why the Future of Events Is Cashless -
Discover the benefits that event organizers who use cashless payments enjoy. From becoming more sustainable to increasing revenue and more!
#62. Cashless is King – IAG - Inside Asian Gaming
With mandatory cashless gaming now a hot topic in the Australian ... “Aristocrat believes that enabling cashless payment solutions is an ...
#63. Cashless Payment in Tourism. An Application of - ProQuest
Currently, governments are actively promoting a cashless society in tourism sector. However, the study of the acceptance of tourists on cashless payment ...
#64. Adapting to a New Reality: Why Businesses Should Embrace ...
The world has been steadily moving towards cashless spending over the past decade. It's becoming more common to make payments via a debit or ...
#65. Regulations on cash payments in retail establishments
Regulations for the cashless retail prohibition, which requires that retail establishments must accept cash as a form of payment.
#66. Faster and Better Shopping Experience for Tourists with ...
Thankfully, the modern world has many mobile payment solutions that will spare ... of cashless payments speak for itself on your next trip!
#67. Digital technology and local culture influence global noncash ...
Three takeaways for e-commerce merchants monitoring cashless growth: Card and digital wallet payments are growing in countries where cash use is falling; The ...
#68. Spotlight: cashless payments in Japan - Fime
This policy looks to incentivize digital payment adoption. With a target of 40% cashless payments by 2025, this 'vision' looks set to ...
#69. Alipay Challenges Japan's Love for Cash
They say their customers typically feel that cash is a more safe and secure form of payment. Figures show that in Japan, cashless payments ...
#70. Adyen Payments for protel
Optimize your guest experience with our direct integration. Leverage new technologies to offer cashless payments throughout the entire journey.
#71. Nexi Group & MongoDB: Powering Billions Of Cashless ...
By modernizing the database architecture supporting cashless payment platform, Nets Easy, Nexi Group is ready to take on Europe and process billions of ...
#72. Malaysia Plans Cashless Society for 2020 — Is it Out of Reach?
To this end, the central bank established specific targets with respect to e-payment transactions per capita, debit card transactions per ...
#73. Can You Survive Without Cash in Japan? The 12 Top ...
Cashless Payment Options for Short-Term Visitors · Credit Cards · IC Cards · Apple Pay and Google Pay + Suica · tsunagu Japan Travel Latest Contents ...
#74. In-depth: What does a cashless society mean for insurers?
There are two key players – Tencent's WeChat Pay and Alibaba's Alipay – and they are huge. Apple Pay is the largest mobile digital payment platform outside ...
#75. Is Canada moving towards a cashless society? | Payments
More Canadians are starting to appreciate the benefits of using electronic payment methods such as credit and debit cards for their everyday ...
#76. Cashless society benefits financial crime prevention but raises ...
Cash is no longer king and will not be the preferred method of payment by 2030, according to an EY poll on digital and cash payments. The survey ...
#77. 手上沒現金也能在日本生存!推薦12個日本電子支付方式
cashless payment options in japan ... 如果您居住在日本,有日本銀行帳戶和日本電話的話,通常在Apple Pay 或Google Pay 上儲存任何信用卡、IC卡或點數卡的虛擬 ...
#78. Tap to pay with your phone - Google Wallet Help
Check your contactless payment setup. Open the Google Wallet app . At the top right, tap your profile picture or account and then Pay contactless setup ...
#79. Nearly Half of Taipei Citizens Prefer to Go Cashless for Their ...
The preferred method of payment - cash and cashless - were both 49%. According to the October 2022 poll by the Research, Development and ...
#80. Cashless payments only - Translink
Cashless payments only ... Services in South East Queensland, including school bus services, will only accept pre-paid tickets to reduce cash handling. This means ...
#81. Three-month campaign to boost the number of cashless ...
TO increase the number of cashless payments, the Penang government is organising the Cashless Day Campaign (Kempen Hari Tanpa Tunai) for ...
#82. Card payments in Vietnam to grow by 23.8% in 2022 ...
In November 2021, the government approved the cashless payment development project, in order to increase the banked population to 80% by the ...
#83. Is Australia on its way to becoming a cashless society? - SBS
The total value of cash payments made in Australia represented just 6 per cent of all point-of-sale transactions in 2022, according to financial ...
#84. French Translation of “cashless” - Collins Dictionary
French Translation of “cashless” | The official Collins English-French Dictionary online. ... [payment] scriptural(e) ⧫ sans numéraire.
#85. The Cashless Society Has Arrived— Only It's in China - WSJ
Mobile payments surge to $9 trillion a year, changing how people shop, borrow—even panhandle.
#86. Bangladesh: 90% of garment workers to receive digital wages ...
这页面没有简体中文版本,现以English显示 ... and Exporters Association (BGMEA) is gradually bringing the workers under the cashless payment system.
#87. Holi Fusion Festival in Eindhoven goes cashless with MIFARE
NXP's MIFARE® DESFire® EV1 contactless IC powered the Holi card, used for cashless payments during the event.
#88. 以修正科技接受模式探討丹麥接受無現金社會的因素
This policy will lead Denmark to the first world cashless society. ... payment process, channel services, macro-economic and cultural factors, ...
#89. Consumer's Behaviour Regarding Cashless Payments during ...
cashless transactions and their perception of the related risk of Covid-19 infection. Design/Methodology/Approach: The research method involved a survey, and ...
#90. Global Payments Report - FIS
The Global Payments Report helps you make sense of it all. Now in its eighth year, ... Cash's decline continues, though “cashless societies” aren't imminent.
#91. Blog - Great Resources to Learn More about Payment - iPay88
Stay efficient by offering customers more payment methods and boost your revenue. ... How Cashless Payments Benefit Business Growth? February 24, 2023 ...
#92. 集保雙月刊 - 臺灣集中保管結算所
現金」(Cashless)交易,其內容計有下列4 ... (Financial Payment Systems)發生「破壞式. 創新」的效果。 ... 告的中文重點內容,其網址 ...
#93. We are cashless - Willoughby Leisure Centre
Information on cashless transactions. ... Membership fees can also be paid using our direct debit payment method.
#94. Taiwan: An Introduction - Contactless Payment - 基石創投
Digital payments include both mobile and non-mobile cashless payments such as debit/credit cards, whereas mobile payments refer to those ...
#95. Challenge – Can you last seven days without using cash?
Portugal outlawed any payments in cash over 3,000 Euros several ... are being placed at a disadvantage by the move to cashless payments.
Jaguar drivers can now use their car's touchscreen to pay for fuel with a new cashless payment app.
#97. Cashless payments in leading economies forecasted to grow ...
As a result, e-commerce and cashless payments have seen growth and spread further across different markets. Governments, payment providers and ...
#98. Will Society Handle Cashless Payment Well?-- Beijing Review
The legality of cashless payment comes under fire ... Alipay and WeChat Pay, two major mobile payment service providers in China, ...
cashless payment中文 在 (Reading with Pinyin Subtitle) Chinese Cashless Payment 的推薦與評價
(Reading with Pinyin Subtitle) Chinese Cashless Payment -中国的无现金 ... Names in Simplified Chinese简体 中文 with Pinyin Pronunciation 拼音. ... <看更多>