出版される本に掲載されるレシピ!第3弾です。 http://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/4040679067
Today we're going to make glowing gummy treats! The secret to this recipe is to use energy drinks and a black light. If you're in a dark room and shine a light on these gummies – oh, how mysterious– it starts to glow! This will be a great surprise for everyone at your next Christmas Eve party. This recipe is exciting and fun to make.
This is the third recipe from our upcoming recipe book.
*RECIPE* (Using an ice-cube tray that makes eight-four 1 sq. centimeter cubes and a 3-centimeter star-shaped mold)
Directions for a typical portion
Syrup-based Gummy Treats
1. Use a paper towel to lightly brush the mold with oil
2. In a microwave-safe container, add 1 and 1/2 tablespoons of water, sprinkle in 5 grams of gelatin and wait until the liquid is absorbed
3. Add 1 and 1/2 tablespoons of your favorite syrup to the mixture
4. Heat up the mixture in the microwave for 30 seconds
5. Stir the mixture until the gelatin is completely dissolved
6. Place the mixture into the ice cube tray, and chill in the refrigerator for 30 minutes until it becomes solid
Juice-based Gummy Treats (You can use energy drinks in this one to make gummies that glow under a black light)
7. Use a paper towel to lightly brush the mold with oil
8. In a microwave-safe container, add 2 and 1/2 tablespoons of juice, sprinkle in 5 grams of gelatin and wait until the liquid is absorbed
9. Add 1 and 1/2 teaspoons of gum syrup
10. Heat up the mixture in the microwave for 30 seconds
11. Stir the mixture until the gelatin is completely dissolved
12. Add the mixture into the square and star-shaped molds and chill in the refrigerator for 30 minutes until it becomes solid
13. Take out all of the solid treats from the first and second batch and line them up. To complete, use a single, small sheet of parchment paper (this size is 11.5 by 13 centimeters), and make a crease so that it's easier to arrange. When it's time to eat it's great because it won't stick to the plate!
The ice-cube tray used in this recipe creates 27 gummy treats per batch.
To make a colorful Christmas tree you'll need:
34 Clear Treats (use Mizore shaved-ice syrup)
29 Green Treats (use Ramune shaved-ice syrup)
1 Brown Treats (use maple syrup)
4 Yellow Treats (use energy drink)
1 Star-shaped Treat
*レシピ*(1辺 約1センチの正方形✕84個の製氷皿と約3センチの星型 使用)
2.耐熱容器に水 大さじ1と1/2を入れ、ゼラチン 5gをふり入れ、しとるまで待つ。
3.2に好みのシロップ 大さじ1と1/2を入れる。
8.耐熱容器にジュース大さじ2と1/2を入れ、ゼラチン 5gをふり入れ、しとるまで待つ。
9.ガムシロップ 小さじ1と1/2を入れる。
13.固まった6と12を型から取り出し、並べる。できあがりより ひとまわり小さめに切ったオーブンシート(今回は11.5✕13センチ)に折り目を付けると並べやすく、食べる時にお皿にくっつかなくてgood!
透明・・・みぞれかき氷シロップ 34個
緑・・・・ラムネのかき氷シロップ 29個
茶色・・・メープルシロップ 1個
黄色・・・エナジードリンク 4個
星型 1個

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