All circadian rhythms which have been studied ultimately adapt, but this may take weeks. 來自Cambridge English Corpus. If their eyes are ...
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发音 指南:学习如何用母语英语中的“Circadian rhythm”发音,“Circadian rhythm”英文翻译和音频发音.
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circadian rhythm 中文意思是什麼. circadian rhythm 解釋. 生理節奏。 circadian : adj. 【生物學】24小時周期的;生理節奏的;日常生理律動性的〈指地球24小時轉動一 ...
#5. circadian rhythms 中文意思是什麼 - TerryL
多數研究學習能力與生理時鐘的對象都聚焦在哺乳類動物。 Biologists found that they could throw the retinal rhythms out of sync with other circadian cycles. 生物學 ...
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"rhythm" 相關課程教材. The human body has a natural rhythm of sleeping and waking called the "circadian rhythm." 人體具有自然的睡眠和清醒規律,稱為「晝夜 ...
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We all have an internal biological clock called the circadian rhythm that ... B Leung 要留意"thorough"和"process"兩隻生字的美式發音和英式發音是不同的.
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2. In evaluating response to therapy, actigraphy has proven to be a useful outcome measure in patients with circadian rhythm disorders and insomnia. 在睡眠节律 ...
#14. 英语-汉语circadian翻译
Brain cells within the hypothalamus -- the region of the brain that governs circadian rhythms -- undergo daily cycles of activity. more_vert.
#15. Airiti Library華藝線上圖書館_Circadian+Rhythm+of+Sound+ ...
目前無全文,華藝徵求您的同意授權。 我要授權. Circadian Rhythm of Sound Production in Tigerperch,Terapon Jarbua. 花身雞魚發音的日夜周期性.
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circadian rhythm. "circadian rhythm" Chinese translation ("circadian rhythm" in Chinese, "circadian rhythm" 中文翻译, "circadian rhythm"发音): ...
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circadian rhythm 是什么意思?circadian rhythm怎么读?新东方在线字典为用户提供单词circadian rhythm的释义、circadian rhythm的音标和发音、circadian rhythm的 ...
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circadian rhythm · 查看更多. n. 日週期節律;二十四小時的生理節奏 ...
#19. circadian rhythm 中文 - Sxep
circadian rhythm 生理節律;[化]近晝夜節律;日周期節律英語例句庫The changes ... 束裝回國後,circadian rhythm的發音, stable periodicities of about 24 hours .
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中國大陸譯名: 昼夜节律. 以circadian rhythm 進行詞彙精確檢索結果. 出處/學術領域, 英文詞彙, 中文 ...
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The proposed circadian rhythm estimation algorithm first removes ... Based on the indices obtained from circadian rhythms estimation algorithm, ...
#22. circadian rhythm 中文晝夜節律與非成像視覺系統 - Scsc
circadian是什麼意思,是一個名詞形態。 Circadian Rhythm 簡繁中文. 簡體繁體The reason we don't all walk around in a state of perpetual jet lag,發音,用法和 ...
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Melatonin is a hormone produced by the pineal gland in your brain and essential for circadian rhythm and deep sleeps. 褪黑素是大脑里的松果腺产生的激素,对 ...
#24. rhythm的意思在线翻译,解释rhythm中文英文含义,短语词组,音标 ...
rhythm of heart 心搏节律,心律。 • rhythm of production 生产周期,生产节奏。 • rhythm section 〈音〉节奏乐器组。 rhythm. rhythm的音标和读音: DJ音标发音: ...
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词组| 习惯用语. circadian rhythm 生理节律;[化]近昼夜节律;日周期节律. sense of rhythm 节奏感;韵律感. sinus rhythm 窦性节律. growth rhythm 生长节律.
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... 的发音,Rhythms怎么翻译,Rhythms的用法,Rhythms双语例句等相关英语知识。 ... Circadian rhythms show persistent, stable periodicities of about 24 hours.
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mezzanine. the lowest balcony in a theater. galore. abundant. circadian rhythm. the biological clock; regular bodily rhythms that occur on a 24-hour cycle.
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CIPS, CIQ, cir, cirac, ciramycin, circ, circa, circadian, circadian rhythm, circalunadian,. 英汉-汉英词典. adv. 约; n. 环行排 ; 圈 ...
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短语circadian rhythms 昼夜节律; 生物周期节律; 周日性律动Rhythms Of Life 生命之歌; ... circadian rhythms是什么意思- circadian rhythms怎么翻译及发音- 用法.
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circadian的中文意思:<生理>,点击查看详细解释:circadian的中文翻译、circadian的发音、音标、用法和 ... Circadian rhythms influence hematopoietic stem cells .
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by rhythm怎么发音 at 2022-03-04 22:33:47 ... 本文标签: rhythm怎么发音 rhythm源于什么语 circadian rhythm rhythm例句 英文rhythm定义 rain的音标 Rhythm Link ...
__ 04 __ studying the circadian rhythm, you can time-shift your ... 建議做完聽力和閱讀後, 打開播放器, 跟著一起朗讀文章, 熟悉發音和語調。
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它的發音、重讀、節奏和語調的千變萬化,使計算機茫然不知所措。 ... aspects of human physiology such as circadian rhythm, heart rate, and hormone release
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Calories Affect Zeitgeber Properties of the Feeding Entrained Circadian Oscillator Re-entrainment of circadian rhythms after phase-shifts of ...
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發音. [,paɪnɪə'lɛktəmi]. 釋義. [外科] 松果體切除術. 快速導航. 雙語例句 ... light and pinealectomy can destroy the function of circadian rhythm system.
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rhythm 和stress的区别是rhythm 释义: n. 节奏;韵律例句: She has a poor sense of rhythm. 她的节奏感奇差。 词组: circadian rhythm生理节律;[ ...
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It helps regulate my circadian rhythms. 它有助于调理我的生理节奏. Also, I have friends who don't like to sit in the dark.
#45. 按此列印 請尊重智慧財產權,課程教材不得非法影印。 佛光大學 Fo ...
本課程設計目的在於協助不同程度的學生習得基本英語文能力,從基礎的發音、句型應用、中階的溝通表達、至高階的閱讀分析與書寫,並藉由課堂 ... 3, “Circadian Rhythm”.
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恆定系統(homeostatic system)和約日節律系統(circadian rhythm system)這兩個影響睡 ... 的聲音是一種等長運動(isometric exercises),或者也可間歇發音做等張 ...
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rhythm:circadian rhythm生理节律;[化]近昼夜节律;日周期节律sense of rhythm节奏感;韵律感sinus rhythm窦性节律. 2、找些好听的英文歌曲,节奏快一点 ...
#48. Light affects - 中文翻译, 含义、同义词、反义词、发音、例句
The human circadian rhythm can be affected by light sources. 人类的昼夜节律会受到光源的影响。 Researchers have found that even minimal light exposure at night ...
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Effectiveness of melatonin treatment on circadian rhythm disturbances in dementia. Are there implications for delirium? A systematic review.
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Dr Michael Hastings, a circadian rhythm scientist in Cambridge, said it took the discovery for the field to be treated ... 点击 收听单词发音 ...
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Circadian Rhythm 完整版; 主演:; 类型:剧情/ 动作/ 科幻/ 悬疑/ 惊悚/ 犯罪: 导演:René Besson: 语言:英语发音: 评分:0: 年份:0: 更新:04-28.
#52. BBC · 6分钟| 20161220_When do you feel sleepy? - 北美生活 ...
Alice and Neil discuss circadian rhythms – the so-called body clock that influences an organism's daily cycle of physical, ...
#53. 原版外教視頻-發音答疑之light L and dark L - 人人焦點
Being exposed to regular patterns of light and dark regulates our circadian rhythm.The light – and the dark – are important signals for the ...
#54. Musical macro rhythm 是 - Ids construction
Musical macro rhythm 是 都市傳說蠟筆小新. ... Circadian rhythm diet is a method of intermittent fasting, where you eat with the ...
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... 学习者提供:biological time的中文翻译、英英详解、单词音标、在线发音、例句等。 ... menopause, refractory period, time, circadian rhythm, gestation period.
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It is considered a circadian rhythm sleep disorder, which is a disruption of the ... 后的)疲累;时差感;飞,查阅jet lag的详细中文翻译、发音、用法和例句等。
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心電圖學概論; 中華民國心律醫學會|Taiwan Heart Rhythm Society; idioventricular rhythm; Circadian Rhythm; RHYTHM TA(韓國組合iKON歌曲)_百度百科 ...
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英语单词大全为您提供2022 最新英文单词circadian的解释,circadian相关词组 ... 英语单词,为您提供英语单词的基本解释、英语单词发音、英语例句、同义词、反义词、 ...
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Rhythm具有节拍、旋律的意思. ... rhythm:circadian rhythm生理节律;[化]近昼夜节律;日周期节律sense of rhythm节奏感; ... K=KICK 大鼓音发音方法'.
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最後check文稿,看哪聽不出來,單字沒背過,還是發音不熟。 ... Plants, animals, and many microbes have circadian rhythms.
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In contrast, circadian rhythms complete one cycle daily, ... 推你聽它的英文發音,幹最好有人唸啦)、phylogeny、laminar、glia(這個是超好笑的), ...
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提供jet lag中文相關文章,想要了解更多JET、Kite、gap發音相關職涯資訊或書籍, ... Your circadian rhythm (body clock) is less confused if you travel westward.
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它負責製造褪黑素,一種會對醒睡模式與(季節性)晝夜節律(en:Circadian rhythm)功能 ... 學習者提供:pineal gland的中文翻譯、英英詳解、單詞音標、在線發音、例句等。
#64. 晝夜節律與非成像視覺系統 | 健康跟著走
The Circadian Rhythm and the Non-Image Forming Visual System. ... cycle是什麼意思,visual cycle的真人發音,權威用法和精選例句等。 ,visual cycle中文視覺循環…
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circa, circadian, circadian rhythm, circalunadian, circannian, Circassia, Circassian, Circassian walnut, Circe, Circean,. 译. 历史记录; 生词本.
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e.g.: The research follows earlier work on resveratrol, a naturally-occurring ingredient of red wine. circadian rhythm: 生理节奏,也叫做“昼夜 ...
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答案是肯定的,這就是所謂的生物時鐘,又稱「節律週期」(circadian rhythm)。但此一節律週期究竟如何運作,2017年諾貝爾生理醫學獎得主從果蠅研究中 ...
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... 發音抑制法」 A. B. Levey and others, 'Articulatory Suppression and the ... 'Progressive Disruption of the Circadian Rhythm of Melatonin in Fatal ...
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這個命名令人印象深刻,是因為它的發音讓人聯想到「鼠疫」這種疾病。 ... 其中,最為人熟知的是約以一天為單位循環的約日節律(Circadian Rhythm)。但是,生物體內時鐘的約 ...
#70. How to pronounce RHYTHM 最逆拼寫的單詞發音讀得越準拼得 ...
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其中词源包括puerpera的多种原始来源,并介绍每种来源的发音、词性,别名,衍生词,术语, ... A statistically significant circadian rhythm for urine volume was ...
#72. 發音問題(哈佛妹姜安蓉有些話要跟你講)昆蟲島第五集 - KZhead
晝夜節律(Circadian Rhythm). INSECT[昆蟲島]ISLAND. Рет қаралды 21 М.
circadian rhythm發音 在 How to pronounce RHYTHM 最逆拼寫的單詞發音讀得越準拼得 ... 的推薦與評價
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