哈囉~我是阿津,歡迎來觀看我的遊戲實況直播影片( ´ω`)
pc steam Dementium 2 HD 瘋魔醫院2 恐怖病房2 動作恐怖第一人稱射擊解謎殺怪物
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► 影片清單在此 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLEzqZq_wDhpf1Hx1PXPJKg0CAywzaIjFr
After 5 weeks being unconscious, William Redmoor's nightmares have ended, or have they? Now he's trapped in the clandestine Bright Dawn Treatment Center and discover that his nightmares haven't ended. Now he must fight the monstrosities that appear once again and stop Doctor once and for all.