... <看更多>
It comes from Italian military manuals, and the English spelling preserves the Italian form, colonnello. Two pronunciations coexisted; the r ... ... <看更多>
... <看更多>
#3. COLONEL | Pronunciation in English
colonel pronunciation. How to say colonel. Listen to the audio pronunciation in English. Learn more.
#4. Why Is 'Colonel' Pronounced 'Ker'nel?' - VOA Learning English
In English, a combination won out. Colonel was spelled c-o-l-o-n-e-l but pronounced "kernel." Please let me apologize from the bottom of my ...
#5. Why Is Colonel Pronounced With an R? And More Questions
The English spelling also changed, and the pronunciation was shortened to two syllables. By the early 19th century, the current pronunciation and spelling ...
#6. Why Is 'Colonel' Spelled That Way? | Mental Floss
“Colonel” is pronounced just like “kernel.” How did this happen? From borrowing the same word from two different places. In the 1500s, English borrowed a ...
#7. pronunciation of colonel by Macmillan Dictionary
Pronunciation of colonel. How to say colonel with audio by Macmillan Dictionary. ... This is the British English pronunciation of colonel.
#8. Why Is 'Colonel' Pronounced 'Kernel'? - Science ABC
The English had already begun to use the word 'coronel', which became bastardized by their accent ...
#9. 590 pronunciations of Colonel in British English - YouGlish
2 syllables: "KUR" + "nuhl". Test your pronunciation on words that have sound similarities with 'colonel': kernel · carnal · colonels · cornel · coronal ...
#10. Colonel Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
English colonel is pronounced the same as kernel. This seems odd, but there is an explanation. In many languages when a word contains two identical or ...
#11. How Did "Colonel" Become "Ker-nul"? - Teachinghistory.org
Why do Americans pronounce the word "colonel" as if there was an r in it? Answer. Colonel came into English, according to The Oxford English Dictionary, ...
#12. colonel noun - Definition, pictures, pronunciation and usage ...
Definition of colonel noun in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and ...
#13. How to pronounce colonel in English - Forvo
How to pronounce colonel in English. The definition of colonel is: a commissioned military officer in the United States Army or Air Force or Marines who ...
#14. Colonel Definition & Meaning | Dictionary.com
Colonel [kur-nl], /ˈkɜr nl/, with its medial l pronounced as [r], /r/, illustrates one source for the apparent vagaries of English spelling: divergence between ...
#15. Why is 'colonel' spelled that way? | The Week
"Colonel" is pronounced just like "kernel." How did this happen? From borrowing the same word from two different places. In the 1500s, English ...
#16. How to pronounce colonel | HowToPronounce.com
How to say colonel in English? Pronunciation of colonel with 4 audio pronunciations, 1 meaning, 15 translations, 22 sentences and more for colonel.
#17. Pronunciation: colonel | WordReference Forums
I still don't get it. Modern French has "colonel", pronounced with an "l". Spanish, on the other hand, has no word spelled "colonel", but it ...
#18. colonel - Wiktionary
EtymologyEdit ... From Italian colonnello. Compare Middle French coronel, borrowed earlier from the same source. See English colonel for more. PronunciationEdit.
#19. Colonel definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary
Colonel definition: A colonel is a senior officer in an army , air force, or the marines . | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples.
#20. Why is the English word "colonel" pronounced as "kernel ...
"Colonel" came from Italian colonello, pronounced koh-loh-NEL-loh. On its way into English, a common linguistic process occurred called ...
#21. VOA Special English - Why Is 'Colonel' Pronounced 'Kernel?'
VOA Special English, Words And Their Stories, Why Is 'Colonel' Pronounced 'Kernel?'
#22. Colonel pronounce "kernel" is just kooky - AZCentral
Clay Thompson: English pronunciation can be twisted. ... explain how language can be so twisted as to have colonel pronounced "kernel.
#23. Why is colonel pronunciation “ˈkər-nᵊl”? - Quora
The spelling of the word changed later in French to colonel. English borrowed the word from Latin, Italian via French as colonel, but back in the 1300s during ...
#24. Why exactly do the British say lieutenant as ''leftenant''? - The ...
The British pronunciation was still used in the USA in 1793 but had almost ... and the Colonel asked him his name, because of his wound he pronounced it ...
#25. Why Is Colonel Pronounced Kernel? | Sporcle Blog
English is a strange language. Take the word 'colonel', for example. Despite having no 'r' in the word, in English, it is pronounced just ...
#26. This Is Why Colonel Is Pronounced That Way - Best Life
Colonel is now pronounced "kernel" after a few spelling changes, ... learned to read English, and saw the word "colonel" on paper for the ...
#27. The R in Colonel - Daily Writing Tips
In the 17th century, colonel was trisyllabic in English, as it still is in French. By 1669, it began to be pronounced with two syllables, “col'nel.
#28. colonel french pronunciation - Visenta
French Translation of “colonel” | The official Collins English-French Dictionary online. Pronounce Gilles in French view more / help improve pronunciation. – ...
#29. french, italian roots explain why colonel has an `r' sound
Why is it not pronounced `col-o-nel'?". I am unable to explain this one. Can you? Answer: English borrowed the word "colonel" ...
#30. How to pronounce lieutenant and colonel - painfulenglish.com
Second, colonel is pronounced as [ˈkɜːnl] in British English but as [ˈkɜːrnl] in American English, see and listen here.
#31. This Is Why Colonel Is Pronounced That Way - Yahoo
If an alien landed on earth, learned to read English, and saw the word “colonel” on paper for the first time, he or she (or it!) might ...
#32. How “colonel” became KER-nel - The Grammarphobia Blog
Here's the messy story of how a word once spelled “coronel” in English came to be spelled “colonel” and pronounced KER-nel.
#33. How to Pronounce KERNEL & COLONEL
Learn how to pronounce the words KERNEL & COLONEL with this English pronunciation lesson. These words are homophones, words spelled ...
#34. Why is "colonel" pronounced "kernel"? - English StackExchange
It comes from Italian military manuals, and the English spelling preserves the Italian form, colonnello. Two pronunciations coexisted; the r ...
#35. 美式同音英語發音課程(How to Pronounce KERNEL & COLONEL
#36. COLONEL | Meaning & Definition for UK English | Lexico.com
UK English definition of COLONEL along with additional meanings, ... The form coronel, source of the modern pronunciation, was usual until the mid 17th ...
#37. hard words to pronounce in British and American English
In this video we look at how we pronounce these tricky words in English: • colonel • youths • gauge (and gouge) • oesophagus • debut • rural • disease
#38. Colonel | English Pronunciation - SpanishDict
English Pronunciation of Colonel. Learn how to pronounce Colonel in English with video, audio, and syllable-by-syllable spelling from the United States and ...
#39. How do you pronounce colonel in English (1 out of 1386). - YThi
How do you pronounce colonel in English? How to pronounce colonel in English. Use Youtube to practice the pronunciation of colonel in real conversation.
#40. Colonel | Make a sentence below... - Pronunciation with Emma
#41. Colonel - pronunciation: audio and phonetic transcription
How to pronounce 'colonel' in French. Normal and slow speed HD audio recordings and phonetic transcription written with International Phonetic Alphabet ...
#42. How to pronounce colonel | English Pronunciation Dictionary
How to say colonel. A free online pronunciation dictionary. colonel pronunciation and definition | English and American Spelling with naturally recorded ...
#43. How to say Colonel - Hadar Shemesh
Learn how to say colonel in English! Did you know that there's no L?? ... Get a weekly bite size pronunciation lesson straight to your inbox.
#44. How Do You Say Colonel In English? - englishraven.com
Colonel's name, pronounced ar like “kernel”, is the correct way to pronounce it. What caused this rset ” How did this happen?
#45. "colonel" in Russian - Translate - Bab.la
"colonel" translation into Russian · "colonel" in Russian · pronunciation · bab.la · More videos · More videos on YouTube · Translations · Monolingual examples ...
#46. Colonel - World Wide Words
Why is the word 'colonel' pronounced 'kernel'? ... of a confusion between two forms of the word that came into English at different times.
#47. How to pronounce colonel in English | JustPronounce
Colonel pronunciation in American English. Take your English pronunciation to the next level with this audio dictionary references of the word colonel.
#48. colonel pronunciation - Pojišťovací kancelář
Elizabethan pronunciation was rhotic (like American English) and ... Lieutenant Colonel pronunciation - How to properly say Lieutenant ...
#49. Colonel pronunciation. How to pronounce Colonel - Word ...
You can listen to 4 audio pronunciation by different people. There are American and British English variants because they sound little different. This term ...
#50. colonel - Meaning in Hindi - कर्नल मतलब हिंदी में - Shabdkosh
colonel - Meaning in Hindi, what is the meaning of colonel in Hindi dictionary, pronunciation, synonyms, usage examples and definitions of colonel in Hindi ...
#51. 20 Words That Are Really Hard to Pronounce in the English ...
Colonel - Derived from Middle French, this pronunciation is "ker-nul." The reason it's a strange word for foreigners is that it lacks an "r," ...
#52. Colonel - definition of colonel by The Free Dictionary
Define colonel. colonel synonyms, colonel pronunciation, colonel translation, English dictionary definition of colonel. a commissioned officer in the armed ...
#53. Colonel Name Pronunciation in [20 Different] Languages
Speak name Colonel in 20 native languages. How Colonel is pronounced in French, English, German, Italian, Norwegian, Polish and Portuguese.
#54. In a Word: Where's the R in Colonel? - The Saturday Evening ...
At the very least, it can be unexpected. English-language learners discover early that some words contain letters that are not pronounced (and ...
#55. How do you pronounce Lieutenant Governor? - Toronto Star
If you're not up to speed with your old-colonial vernacular, here's the deal: Canadian English dictates the word “lieutenant” be pronounced ...
#56. American vs British Pronunciation
What is the difference between American and British pronunciation? ... in the word COLONEL /ˈkərnəl/, which is /ˈkəːnəl/ in British English.
#57. English Pronunciation Challenge - gymme
Oberstleutnant - that's a lieutenant colonel. The British pronunciation of lieutenant is really odd. 15. There was a drought - it hadn't been raining for months ...
#58. colonel - alphaDictionary * Free English On-line Dictionary
Pronunciation : kêr-nêl • Hear it! Part of Speech: Noun. Meaning: The rank in the US military (except the Navy and Coast Guard) between lieutenant colonel ...
#59. American English Pronunciation: February and Colonel
The word colonel is pronounced /ˈkər-nəl/. It was taken from the Italian word colonnello. In translation from Italian to French, the word got ...
#60. Difficult Words To Pronounce - video Dailymotion
a non-South African setting) tickey and footsack in a play Colonel ... South African English pronunciation and English pronunciation.
#62. Colonel - - definition, pronunciation, transcription - English ...
Definition of the English word 'colonel', American and British pronunciation, transcription, word forms, examples.
#63. lieutenant colonel - Translation into Japanese - Reverso Context
Translations in context of "lieutenant colonel" in English-Japanese from Reverso Context: But that guy was a lieutenant colonel.
#64. colonel sound - Pronunciation - Ichacha
colonel pronunciation : [ 'kə:nl ],colonel sound ,colonel pronunciation, how to pronounce colonel, click to play the pronunciation audio of colonel.
#65. wonder word: colonel - Eva Easton
wonder word: colonel ... I wonder how an American pronounces colonel. Now it's your turn. ... What is the correct pronunciation in English?
#66. ELI5: Why colonel is pronounced like kur-nl. : r/explainlikeimfive
When translated into English, the Italian form of the word is preserved (hence colonel), but the French pronunciation is used.
#67. How To Pronounce Colonel | Smoothtalk
Additionally, when a k sound starts at the beginning of a word in American English, we aspirate, or follow the sound with a large burst of air. The second sound ...
#68. “Your Sarvant, Sir,” Or The Oddest English Spellings (Part 8)
Consider Berkeley (the North American place name) and the philosopher's name Berkeley (the latter is pronounced Barkley); University, as opposed ...
#69. Why is colonel pronounced kernel? | Study.com
The English language borrows many words from the French language, especially for cooking and the military. For example, in cooking, we use a French word when we ...
#70. Translate colonel to Hebrew | Morfix English Hebrew Dictionary
This English learning, translation and dictionary site is brought to you by Melingo, an Encyclopaedia Britannica subsidiary. Word pronunciation and usage ...
#71. colonel | Free On-Line English Dictionary | Thesaurus - Kids ...
Definition of colonel. ... pronunciation: kuhr n l; features: Homophone Note ... The words colonel and kernel sound alike but have different meanings.
#72. colonel - Translation to Irish Gaelic with audio pronunciation of ...
colonel - translation to Irish Gaelic and Irish Gaelic audio pronunciation of translations: See more in New English-Irish Dictionary from Foras na Gaeilge.
#73. What's The Most Difficult Word In The World To Pronounce?
The Most Difficult English Word To Pronounce. If English is your mother ... Rural; Otorhinolaryngologist; Colonel; Penguin; Sixth; Isthmus ...
#74. How do you pronounce Colonel? - AskingLot.com
Colonel ” is pronounced just like “kernel. ... In the 1500s, English borrowed a bunch of military vocabulary from French, ...
#75. https://www.lonelyplanet.com/thorntree/forums/spea...
#76. How To Pronounce Lieutenant Colonel (Canada)
... say Lieutenant Colonel (Canada)? Listen to the audio pronunciation of Lieutenant Colonel (Canada) on pronouncekiwi. ... English (Canada) Pronunciation ...
#77. Why "Colonel" Is Pronounced "Kernel" - I'm A Useless Info ...
So, how did “colonel” and “coronel” became “kernel”? The British. When the word made it into the English language in the mid-16th century, the British went with ...
#78. Why is the English spelling system so weird and inconsistent?
The ea vowel is usually pronounced 'ee' (weak, please, seal, beam) but can also be 'eh' (bread, head, wealth, feather). Those two options cover ...
#79. How to pronounce colonel: examples and online exercises
Improve your american english pronunciation of the word colonel. Free online practice with real-time pronunciation feedback. Over 10000 words available.
#80. The most difficult words to pronounce in the English language ...
The most difficult words to pronounce in the English language ... "Squirrel" is apparently very difficult to pronounce ... 8 - Colonel.
#81. colonel british pronunciation - Viacon Tours
Also, in American English, the word "bologna" is pronounced baloney. Spoken pronunciation of colonel in English and in Tamil.
#82. American and British English pronunciation differences
Differences in pronunciation between American English (AmE) and British English (BrE) can be divided into. differences in accent See differences between ...
#83. colonel french pronunciation - GAD MUNICIPAL EL CARMEN
Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples However, their efforts failed, and the French word is still used, along with its many variations (e.g. "We ...
#84. -210 Words Commonly Mispronounced in English- – Eliane ...
Listen and practice. -Pronunciation – Pronounce- 1- Açaí 2- Colonel 3- Solder 4- Cupboard 5- Viscount 6- Epitome 7- Edinburgh 8- Meme 9- ...
#85. Grandpa in japanese translation. Conjugation Documents ...
English to Korean translations from the Longman English-Korean Dictionary. ... translation to Irish Gaelic and Irish Gaelic audio pronunciation of ...
#86. The Pronunciation of English - 第 136 頁 - Google 圖書結果
Played 9. match once— single wicket—friend the Colonel—Sir Thomas Blaze—who should get the greatest number of runs—Won the toss—first innings— seven o'clock ...
#87. Studies in the Pronunciation of English: A Commemorative ...
... conspicuously upper-class accent) whose pronunciation of Newbury seems virtually ... portraying Colonel Blimp-type officers, as Wells mentions.
#88. Duty journey: Zulu translation, definition, meaning, synonyms ...
Translate | Definition, Meaning | Synonyms | Antonyms | Pronunciation ... Colonel Von Luger, it is the sworn duty of all officers to try to escape.
#89. The Spell Riet Project - Making English Easier to Spell
9 - Colonel. From the very beginning, when this word came into English in the 1210s, there were two spelling variants and two pronunciations.
#90. The Cambridge History of English Literature
Originally , the noun ache differed in spelling and in pronunciation from the ... Colonel , with the first I sounded as l , was trisyllabic in the early ...
#91. The Anti-Jacobin Review and Protestant Advocate: Or, Monthly ...
O'Neal , Hugh , account of the great rePicton , Colonel , charge preferred ... 5 1 Pronunciation , English , observations on , Schools , public 538 Index .
#92. A Critical Pronouncing Dictionary and Expositor of the ...
To which are Prefixed, Principles of English Pronunciation; ... the Whole ... distinguished apment , as the colonel , lieutenant - colonel , and major ...
#93. A Critical Pronouncing Dictionary of the English Language, ...
A small thread or ment , as the colonel , lieutenant - colonel ... Without certainty or ( The second pronunciation has justly fallen into disuse . ) ...
... exception of the word colonel ) . As against this , the vowel IN / almost never contains the letter r in its spelling . Therefore , if you pronounce ...
#95. Cognitive Elements of Reading - SEDL
If a child is expected to read English text, the child must understand spoken ... but in English, there are a host of words whose correct pronunciations ...
#96. Vocaroo | Online voice recorder
Vocaroo is a quick and easy way to share voice messages over the interwebs.
#97. nkosikazi meaning in zulu. 7
Zulu synonyms, Zulu pronunciation, Zulu translation, English dictionary ... 'I have heard of you as well, Colonel,' Moses replied, pointedly speaking ...
#98. Calls on the news - [Your reactions] Burkina Faso - Teller Report
In Burkina Faso, six weeks after the coup, Lieutenant-Colonel Paul-Henri ... Free 1925 English grammar tests; Free 520 English pronunciation ...
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