Consign with us now! We also offer immediate... ... PY ( 中文 ) +6012-3669587. Kenix Goh and 2 others. 59K Views. ... <看更多>
Consign with us now! We also offer immediate... ... PY ( 中文 ) +6012-3669587. Kenix Goh and 2 others. 59K Views. ... <看更多>
consign 翻譯:運送;投遞;托運;交付。了解更多。
consign · vt.[. 把……交付給;把……委託給;發送(商品);託運;寄存 · vi. 【廢】同意;讓步 ...
大量翻译例句关于"consigned" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。
#4. (1)寄存<br>(2)托運<br>(3)寄售,consign,元照英美法詞典
consign. 中文. (1)寄存 (2)托運 (3)寄售. 解釋. (1)將物品交給他人保留。 (2)將物品交承運人運送至指定收貨人。 (3)將商品等物交他人代銷,約定代銷商應將銷售所得 ...
#5. 寄售- MBA智库百科
寄售(Consignment)寄售是一種委托代售的貿易方式。它是指委托人(貨主)先將貨物運往寄售地,委托國外一個代銷人(受托人),按照寄售協議規定的條件,由代銷人代替貨主 ...
#6. 【財務】寄售Consignment 是什麽?搞懂代售仲介流程
Consignment (中文:寄售、寄銷)目前有2種意思,一個是貨運、海運的意思,一個比較偏仲介流程的意思。 寄售Consignment 通常有個委托人Consignor( ...
consign中文 意思::交付…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋consign的中文翻譯,consign的發音,三態,音標,用法和造句等。
#8. 代工料件採購模式最適化評估 - NCU Institutional Repository
B/S 料件(Buy and Sell,即為買進賣出)、Consign 料件(所有料件皆由品牌公司負責採購作業,並轉由代工廠協助生產)、Assign 料件(指定供應商、指定 ...
#9. 關於Consign的意思和用法的提問 - HiNative
Q: consign the body to ashes 是什麼意思 ... -She consigned the painting to an auction house. ... 我想要在Line上面可以教我中文、跟我對話的台灣朋友。
#10. CONSIGN - 汉语翻译- bab.la英语 - 词典
#11. consign翻譯及用法- 英漢詞典 - 漢語網
consign中文 的意思、翻譯及用法:vt. 交付;托運;寄存;把…委托給。英漢詞典提供【consign】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句等.
#12. consign-翻译为中文-例句英语 - Reverso Context
... transfer or consign relevant rights and obligations of this contract to any third person for exercising or undertaking.,在英语-中文情境中翻译"consign"
#13. consign 的中文翻釋|VoiceTube 看影片學英語
consign. US /kənˈsaɪn/. ・. UK /kənˈsaɪn/. B2 中高級. 定義 影片字幕. v. 交; 移交; 委託; 存款; 寄銷; 令遞送; 分配; 指定;委託;交; 移交; 委託; ...
#14. Consign 释义| 柯林斯英语词典
Consign 释义: To consign something or someone to a place or situation ... 美式英语: consign /kənˈsaɪn/; 巴西葡萄牙语: consignar; 简体中文: 发落某人于某处或 ...
#15. Consign 的中文翻譯 - 英漢字典
consign (vt.)交付,分配,委託,寄存. ... 線上英漢字典/中文拼音/計算機 · Chinese-English Dictionary / Calculator. consign ... Consign \Con*sign"\, v. i.
#16. consign - 从英语翻译成中文| PONS - 词典
#17. consign的意思在线翻译,解释consign中文英文含义,短语词组 ...
con.sign. consign的音标和读音: DJ音标发音: [kənˈsain] KK音标发音: [kənˈsaɪn]. consign的词性: v.(动词). consigned, consigning, consigns.
#18. consigned的中文翻譯和情景例句- 留聲詞典
consigned 的中文意思翻譯:v. 把…置於(令人不快的境地)( consign的過去式和過去分詞); 把…託付給; 把…託人代售; 丟棄。consigned的中文翻譯、consigned的發音、 ...
#19. 寄售- 维基百科,自由的百科全书
寄售(英語:Consignment)是市場學和管理學名詞,會計學上又稱為寄銷或委託買賣,就是你准备多少钱买卖告诉證券公司给你挂单,帮你买卖。市价买卖是以当时的成交价 ...
#20. Consignment成功運作之關鍵要素分析-以導線架S公司為例
詳目顯示 ; 論文摘要「Consignment」就是「寄售交易」,也就是所謂的「供應商把貨物存放在客戶的地方直到領用或銷售才付款」的一種過程。 ; 中文 · 57.
#21. 代工料件採購模式最適化評估-以某電腦公司為例
繁體中文. 競合關係 ; 採購行為與策略 ; 代工模式 ; 代工料件模式 ... 與EeePC (NetBook)在不同代工料件採購模式中所在的成本位置;評估B/S、Consign、Assign及Turn ...
#22. consign 中文意思是什麼
consign 中文 意思是什麼 ... vt. 及物動詞 1. 委託,託付;【商業】托運。 2. 托賣,寄售,寄存,存(款)。 3. 用作,當作(to)。 ... 保證庫存配件材料的完好無損,做到配件 ...
#23. (1)寄存<br>(2)托运<br>(3)寄售,consign,元照英美法 ... - 来胜教育
词条. consign. 中文. (1)寄存 (2)托运 (3)寄售. 解释. (1)将物品交给他人保留。 (2)将物品交承运人运送至指定收货人。 (3)将商品等物交他人代销,约定代销商应将销售 ...
#24. consign单词的级别- 真人发音、例句
consign. 级别, 第8级. 音标, [ kənˈsaɪn ]. 解释, vt.寄售(货品),托运,交托,委托. 英英释义, to send something to someone. 发音, play.gif.
#25. Consign 意思 - Spielgruppe Chnopfchischte
短语和例子"consign to"中文翻译发送; 交付给"consign verb"中文翻译托运,委托"consign goods by rail"中文翻译货物产由铁路运送"consign sth to ...
#26. 寄售_百度百科
寄售(consignment) 是一种有别于通常的代理销售的贸易方式。它是指由寄售人(委托人或货主) 先将准备销售的货物运往国外/地区寄售地,委托当地的代销人(受托人) 按照 ...
#27. [問題]Consign, Assign, Turnkey, and Buy/sell 有何不同
請問一下, Consign, Assign, Turnkey, and Buy/sell 有什麼不ㄧ樣.. 我已經查到Consign的意思, 如下, 不過其他三個還需要大家幫忙.
#28. consign翻译为:委托,托付;托运
consign 的中文意思:委托,托付;托运;寄,点击查看详细解释:consign的中文翻译、consign的发音、音标、用法和双语例句等,让你有效掌握consign这个单词。
#29. consign GRE专八雅思 - 欧路词典
#30. 日本語專門家派遣事業 - 日本台湾交流協会
日本語; 中文; En. 【全・中】検索フォーム. 請輸入搜尋關鍵字. 常用字词. 【全・中】ヘッダーリンク. 常見問題 · 聯繫我們 · facebookIcon. 【全】言語リンク-SP.
#31. consigned to在線翻譯- 英語 - 海词
海詞詞典,最權威的學習詞典,為您提供consigned to的在線翻譯,consigned to是什麼意思,consigned to的真人發音,權威用法和精選例句等。
#32. 羅芙奧如何賣
1. 與羅芙奧聯絡:請把收藏的基本信息(照片、作品名稱、藝術家、作品尺寸、外包箱盒、您的聯絡資料等)發給羅芙奧郵箱 [email protected],我們專屬的團隊會跟您聯絡。
#33. Consignment Note - UPS Supply Chain Solutions
A Consignment Note (also know as Air Waybill) is a document issued by an air carrier to acknowledge possession of a shipment and which serves as a receipt ...
#34. 單字consign的中文意思與發音 - Websaru線上字典
consign中文 意思: consign [kәn'sain] vt.托運,委託..., 學習consign發音, consign例句盡在WebSaru字典。
#35. 美语咖啡屋:4 Consignment Stores - VOA英语教学 - 51VOA
Y: 这种商店在中文里应该叫寄售商店。 J: Let's listen to Molly again as she talks more about how a consignment store operates. Molly: The consigner comes in.
#36. 歡迎來到我們的硬幣商店 - Stack's Bowers
香港辦事處的客戶代表精通各國語言,將貼心為您服務。如需以中文進一步瀏覽本公司的網站,請點擊網頁右上方灰色的“TRANSLATE”翻譯工具。登記成會員後,點擊 ...
#37. EMS 專業製造服務
EMS 專業製造服務 · EMS/CEM/OEM全方位電子製造製程代工、電子零件自有料(turnkey)及客供料(consign)物料採購、代客出貨(drop shipping) · NPI 新產品小批量導入試產、quick- ...
#38. CONSIGNMENT 中文是什么意思- 中文翻译 - Tr-ex
CONSIGNMENT ”的语境翻译在英语-中文。以下是许多翻译的例句,其中包含“CONSIGNMENT” - 英语-中文翻译和搜索引擎英语翻译。
#39. Contract Manufacturing: Consignment vs Turnkey - LinkedIn
Meritronics Inc · Consignment Manufacturing. Consignment (Batch) manufacturing can be thought of as co-partners between the manufacturing company ...
#40. Consignment | Sell Fine Art, Jewels, Watches, Wine & More
繁體中文 · English · 繁體中文 · Items in Shopping Bag:0. Top Searches. Items in Shopping Bag:0. By using this site, you agree to our updated Privacy Policy ...
#41. 國庫業務中英文詞彙對照表 - 財政部全球資訊網
中文 詞彙. Chinese. 英文詞彙. English. 庫務管理. Treasury. Affairs. Management. 1 公庫法 ... Consign Goods to Others for Sale. 101 受託代銷.
#42. consigned goods - 抓鸟
consigned goods的解释是:寄售品, 代销品… 同时,该页为英语学习者提供:consigned goods的中文翻译、英英详解、单词音标、在线发音、例句等。
#43. Consign chemical weapons to history, UN chief urges ...
Consign chemical weapons to history, UN chief urges, honouring victims. 30 十一月2020. The United Nations Secretary-General has called for “renewed ...
#44. 會計科目中英對照及編碼
1212 寄銷商品consigned merchandise. 1213 在途商品merchandise in transit. 1219 備抵存貨跌價損失 allowance to reduce inventory to market.
#45. consigned 中文- 英文词典 -
在中文里面,我们如何解释consigned这个英文词呢? consigned这个英文词,中文意思如下:委托。 Meaning of consigned for the defined word.
#46. Invio Furniture Consignment 在Instagram 上发布
3 次赞、 0 条评论- Invio Furniture Consignment (@invioresale) 在Instagram 发布:“Love the twisted base! We have two!
#47. Consignment Loan - 中国邮政储蓄银行
It is a kind of loan funded by the consignor, such as governmental departments, enterprises, nonprofit institutions, and individuals, ...
#48. 海運提單共識 Common Sense of Ocean
只有作多式聯運運輸單據時,方在該欄內注明“鐵路”、“卡車”、“空運”或“江河”(Rail、truck、air、river)等運輸方式。 九、提單的“收貨人”欄(consigned to或consignee)須按 ...
#49. 科技供應鏈大缺貨這些台廠為何能成為意外的贏家? - 天下雜誌
#50. Consignment / Consignor / Consignee | DHL Logistics of Things
In a consignment process, it encompasses the sending of goods from a consignor to a consignee. The person who ships the goods is the consignor (exporter), ...
#51. I live in a different country, and I lost my ID card.
Can I consign my relative or friend, who present my authorization validated by the ROC missions abroad, to apply for an issuance?
#52. consign parts value的翻译是: 什么意思? 中文翻译英文
consign parts value. 5个回答. 委托部分的价值 2013-05-23 12:21:38 回答:匿名. 寄售零件价值 2013-05-23 12:23:18 回答:匿名. 寄售零件价值 2013-05-23 12:24:58
#53. 體貼英文considerate
而言consign vt; ex; because of your gentleness and considerate ... 中文翻譯: 體貼的"he is always considerate of others" 中文翻譯: 他總是很 ...
#54. Cargo Consignment Instructions - Xiamen Airlines
To consign international cargo, the shipper shall ensure that the consignment complies with all the laws, regulations and decrees of the countries of origin ...
#55. consignment note是什么意思 - 沪江网校
沪江词库精选consignment note是什么意思、英语单词推荐、consignment note的用法、consignment note的意思、翻译consignment note是什么意思.
#56. Consignments - David Zwirner
Consign with David Zwirner ... Sales Team documents and evaluates all artworks, bringing a wealth of knowledge and market expertise to every consignment.
#57. What Is Consignment? Consignment Meaning and Trends
Consignment is a business model in which a retailer, also referred to as a consignee, agrees to pay a seller, or consignor, for merchandise ...
#58. 雙語詞彙 - 臺北市建築管理工程處
中文 名稱. 英文名稱. 說明. 會計室, Accounting Office. 政風室, Civil Service Ethics Section. 秘書室, Secretariat ... 委託, consign. 預審, pre-examination.
#59. What Is Consignment Furniture? - Modern Resale
Selling furniture on consignment means that the items are shipped to a merchant who only pays you--the consignor--if the items are sold.
#61. Long COVID: don't consign ME/CFS to history - X-MOL
Long COVID: don't consign ME/CFS to history. Nature Pub Date : 2020-11-10 ... 中文翻译. 长COVID:请勿将ME / CFS委托给历史记录. 发现世界上最好的科学和医学| ...
#62. Consign with Us - Bentley Seattle
Consign with Us. Sell your car via consignment with Bentley Seattle. As professional retailers, we will give your vehicle ...
#63. Consign violence against women and girls, 'to the history books'
Every 11 minutes, a woman or girl is killed by an intimate partner or family member, the UN chief said ahead of the International Day for ...
#64. 賦稅業務中英文詞彙對照表中文詞彙英文詞彙所1 綜合所得稅 ...
賦稅業務中英文詞彙對照表. 類別項次. 中文詞彙. 英文詞彙. 所1. 綜合所得稅. Individual Income Tax. 得2. 綜合所得稅結算申報 ... Manufactured on a Consign Basis.
#65. 12 Consign Merit Images, Stock Photos & Vectors | Shutterstock
Find Consign Merit stock images in HD and millions of other royalty-free stock photos, illustrations and vectors in the Shutterstock collection.
#66. consignment 什么意思? Mandarin Chinese-English ...
... 中文, 字 » Char. Detail, 字 » Etymology. 詞 Word; 类属 Thesaurus · 类属 Examples; 筆順 Strokes; 字 Character; 字源 Etymology; Preferences. consignment.
#67. Consign with Us - McLaren Seattle
Consign with Us. Sell your car via consignment with McLaren Seattle. As professional retailers, we will give your vehicle ...
#68. The Art Market Adjusts: Protecting consigned artworks from ...
In financially uncertain times, both artists and collectors who have works on consignment should take the necessary steps to protect their ...
#69. 跨盈指数: 专业服务行业整合营销
88 IP百咖节. 88 IP百咖节是专为职场KOL打造的线上节日。时间在每年的8月8日,取自谐音“内容百分百” (CONTENT100中文名“内容百分百”). 了解更多. 近期活动&直播 ...
#70. Nippon Express (Taiwan) Co., Ltd.
Removal Services · Warehouse Storage · Baggage Storage · Air conditioning for goods in custody · Goods that cannot be consigned to custody · Reminders before you ...
#71. 寄售Consignment和VMI有什么区别? - 全威儒- 博客园
Consignment 寄存一般是指卖方把货物存放在买方所属仓库,消耗后结帐。库存水平控制和货物的物理管理都由买方负责。这是目前很多大卖场通行的做法。
#72. Consignment Form —
Waddington's is the right choice to entrust the sale of your works of art, decorative arts and design, fine jewellery, fine wine or specialty items. Please ...
#73. Department of Environmental Protection, Taoyuan logo
::: Monthly News ; 2019-07-26, Pet Bottles of Beach Cleanup Turn into Jerseys! Taoyuan City and Oriental Resources Development Ltd. Consign MOU ; 2019-07-19, " ...
#74. consign to oblivion 是什么意思- 在线词典 - 独特工具箱
本工具支持查询英文和中文单词及词组的含义,查询效率高、结果丰富,包括单词变体、常用短语、英英释义、同义词、同根词、词语辨析等,是外语学习者必备的在线查词工具 ...
#75. Consign — Public Sale | Auction House
Simple process: All consignment requests are handled in timely manner via email: Please send clear photos of the items you would like to consign (or fill ...
#76. Consign Your Vehicle - Porsche Mobile
What is Consignment? Selling a luxury vehicle on your own can be tiresome, frustrating, and time consuming. Consigning your car with us makes the process ...
#77. Heritage Auctions Hong Kong - America's Auction House
Auction Calendar & Consignment Dates Auction Hall of Fame · Auction #1357 cover image ... 香港辦事處的客戶代表也會以中文為您解答任何一切有關海瑞得的問題。
1. To consign or carry goods from any place outside Hong Kong to Hong Kong. (L.N. 168 of 2000). 2.
#79. 寄售(consignment)是一種委託代售的貿易方式 - 中文百科知識
寄售(consignment)是一種委託代售的貿易方式,也是國際貿易中習慣採用的做法之一。在我國進出口業務中,寄售方式運用並不普遍,但在某些商品的交易中,為促進成交, ...
#80. Consign to Us - Glampot
New Arrivals! Visit Glampot Damansara for 1st Dibs! Currency. Language, English, 简体中文 ...
#81. Consign or Sell Your Piano?
Consign or Sell Your Piano? If you're interested in consigning or selling your piano, please fill out the form below: To locate the serial number, ...
#82. Consign your surplus and dead stock electronic components
Ambit helps companies consign their dead stock, end-of-life (EOL) and slow moving active, passive and electromechanical component inventory.
#83. 關務專區| DHL Express 台灣
In general the following is absolutely necessary for a consignment of goods from a third country: 1. Bill of freight 2. Invoice (Commercial or Proforma)
#84. PAKT Consignment | PAKT
PAKT offers a consignment service to help you sell your pre-owned items across multiple platforms including Vestiaire Collective.
#85. definition of consign by The Free Dictionary
Define consign. consign synonyms, consign pronunciation, consign translation, English dictionary definition of consign. v. con·signed , con·sign·ing ...
#86. Sell with Bonhams
... rates vary but are displayed on our website so please let us know if you require more information. What happens after I agree to consign with Bonhams?
#87. 託管機台模式下IC測試供應商之評選 - 國立陽明交通大學機構典藏
這種合作模式(consign機台)就連無生產設備投資的IC設計公司也策略性的施行。本文是以國內IC設計公司及IDM公司為研究範疇,探討在託管(consign)機台模式下IC測試供應商 ...
#88. 或者玩厌了想换新款吗? | Interested to sell off your preloved ...
Consign with us now! We also offer immediate... ... PY ( 中文 ) +6012-3669587. Kenix Goh and 2 others. 59K Views.
#89. RR Auction
Take advantage of RR Auction's amazing Online Collectible Auctions. A unique opportunity to browse and bid on anything from memorabilia to ...
#90. Yoogi
Yoogi's Closet ; Bag Borrow or Steal ; Furniture consignment. ... 大型女团tripleS首支小分队出道曲Generation MV公开,Generation中文版明媚又无望就像我的青春.
#91. World will miss target of ending FGM by 2030 without urgent ...
... all stakeholders – including men and boys – to protect the millions of girls and women at risk and consign this practice to history.”.
#92. Novelship: Buy and Sell Exclusive Sneakers and Apparel
English, Indonesian, 简体中文, 繁體中文, 日本語, Malay. Australia, Brunei, Canada, China, France, Germany, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia ...
#93. TrackingMore: All In One Shipment Tracking Platform
TrackingMore: all-in-one global package tracking tool. Support track and trace international 1057 couriers. API docs, delivery notification and parcel ...
#94. Baggage Storage By Smarte Carte - Singapore Changi Airport
Lufthansa & SWISS flights will operate from Terminal 2 from 9 Feb 2023. Click here for flight information. See more See less. EN, 中文.
#95. 霧都孤兒(中文導讀英文版) - Google 圖書結果
'If you wish me to prefer my charges publicly, and consign you to a punishment the extent of which, although I can, with a shudder, foresee, ...
consign中文 在 [問題]Consign, Assign, Turnkey, and Buy/sell 有何不同 的推薦與評價
Consign, Assign, Turnkey, and Buy/sell 有什麼不ㄧ樣..
我已經查到Consign的意思, 如下, 不過其他三個還需要大家幫忙..謝謝
consign: 客戶交付
件是由客戶自己找供應來源﹑出錢購買後轉交給你們 就叫consign)
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