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「dating a french man」的推薦目錄:
dating a french man 在 Michelle Phan Youtube 的精選貼文
Mish vs Dom, let's see who knows each other better, buhahahaha! We filmed our segment at different times and had no prior knowledge on any questions and answers! Thumbs up if you wanna see more vlogs/personal videos (besides just beauty tutorials) :)
My Boyfriend Does My Makeup tag: http://youtu.be/J66aZu8TTVY
Dom and I answer your questions: http://youtu.be/o5gH5d-DxfU
Dom's instagram http://instagram.com/dominiquecapraro
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Not a sponsored video. Title inspired by French tv show that Dom introduced me to "un gars, une fille" :) FYI, Dom is not French. He is from Switzerland and is half German and Italian. He speaks French, German and obviously English! ^_^