delegating中文 在 コバにゃんチャンネル Youtube 的最佳貼文

delegate 翻譯:(尤指會議的)代表, 給, (把…)委派(給…),(把…)委託(給…);授權(給…), 選中之人, 選出(尤指會議的)代表。了解更多。
delegation 翻譯:人選, 代表團, 給予, (工作、職務或權力等)分配;委派;授權。了解更多。
delegate · 委派……為代表;委派(某人)做[O2] ; delegate · 代表;會議代表;代表團團員[C][(+to)] ; delegate · 代表;州眾議院議員 ; delegate. 代表,委員委派,委託,授權 ...
#4. delegating - Yahoo奇摩字典搜尋結果
vt. 委託;委派. vi. 授權. n. 代表;州眾議院議員. 牛津中文字典 ...
#5. delegating authority - 英中– Linguee词典
大量翻译例句关于"delegating authority" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。 ... (b) delegating authority to field offices to provide greater autonomy so ...
#6. delegating 中文
delegating中文 中文意思:授權...,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋delegating的中文翻譯,delegating的發音,三態,音標,用法和例句等。
#7. delegating work - 英中– Linguee词典
大量翻译例句关于"delegating work" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。 ... In delegating power, he did not carry out sufficient follow-up work due to ...
在中文中翻译"delegating". 形容词 动词. 授权 下放 委托 委派. 授予.
#9. "delegation"在汉语中的翻译是什么? - bab.la在线词典
翻译 · delegation {名词} · delegalize {动词} · delegating {动词} · delegate [delegated|delegated] {动词} · delegant {名词}.
#10. delegating 的中文翻譯
delegating \delegating\ n. the act or process of authorizing subordinates to make certain decisions. Syn: delegation, relegating, relegation, deputation.
#11. delegate的中文释义_用法_同义词_例句_英语短语
delegate · 1. 任命或委派…为代表 · 2. 托付 · 3. 授(权);把(工作、权力等)委托(给下级);选派(某人做某事) ...
#12. delegating 的中文翻釋|VoiceTube 看影片學英語
delegating. US. ・. UK. B2 中高級. 定義 影片字幕. v. 委派; 委任. Footer ... 隱私權˙條款˙ 繁體中文. ©2023 VoiceTube Corporation. All rights reserved.
#13. 分辨多益常見單字delegate, designate, appoint, assign 的差別
☞ designate 和appoint 較常用的中文字義,前者是「指定」,後者是「任命」,都是正式地、官方地將某人放在特定的職位上,進而去履行那個位置要做的工作 ...
#14. delegation 的中文翻譯
deli'geiʃәn] n. 代表團, 派遣代表團, 代表的地位(或權力) 【經】 派遣, 委任, 委託.
#15. DELEGATING 中文是什么意思- 中文翻译
在英语-中文中"DELEGATING"的上下文中进行翻译。 They understand the inherent risks of delegating responsibility for client relationships.
#16. delegating单词的级别、释义、真人发音、例句 - 轻松背单词
delegating. 级别, 附加级. 音标, [ ]. 解释, 委派代表(delegate的现在分词形式). 英英释义. 发音, play.gif. 例句, 1. Managers are constantly being told to ...
#17. delegate的中文翻譯和情景例句- 留聲詞典
delegate 的中文意思翻譯:n. (會議)代表; v. 授(權),委託; 委派(做)。delegate的中文翻譯、delegate的發音、柯林斯釋義、用法、delegate的近義詞、反義詞和雙語 ...
#18. delegating的中文意思翻譯和英語場景例句- 留聲詞典
The nurse uses judgement regarding individual competence when accepting and delegating responsibility. 護士根據個人能力接受或授權責任. speaker.
#19. 委派模式- 維基百科,自由的百科全書
委派模式(delegation pattern)是軟體設計模式中的一項基本技巧。在委派模式中,有兩個對象參與處理同一個請求,接受請求的對象將請求委派給另一個對象來處理。
#20. How to delegate effectively: 10 tips for managers
Sometimes, the most valuable thing you can do as a manager is to delegate work. Not only does delegating work give you more time to focus on ...
#21. delegate - WordReference.com 英汉词典
delegate - WordReference.com 英汉词典. ... 英语, 中文. delegate [sth]⇒ vtr, (task: entrust to others) ... An effective manager knows how to delegate tasks.
#22. delegating
delegating 的中文翻譯。英漢字典、漢英字典、和英辭書、英英字典、英漢醫學字典、注音查詢、中文輸入法字典。 Chinese-English / English-Chinese / Japanese-English ...
#23. 由etymonline 提供的delegate 的詞源、起源和含義
delegate (n.) 15世紀後期,“由他人或其他人任命和派遣的具有代表權力的人,用於處理業務”的意思,來自過去分詞形容詞(15世紀初),來自古法語delegat 或直接來自拉丁 ...
#24. 權力的授予,delegation of authority,元照英美法詞典
詞條. delegation of authority. 中文. 權力的委任;權力的授予. 解釋. → delegation of powers ( 撰). ☆ 近期熱門優惠☆. 想瞭解相關課程請填妥下列相關資料,服務 ...
#25. 將建構函式委派(C++)
... no delegate class_a(string str) : m_string{ str } {} //can't do ... to a delegating constructor shall be the only member-initializer ...
#26. iOS 開發者指南:透過Swift 4 學習Delegates 與Delegation
AppCoda 中文版 ... 本文主要講述“delegates” 與“delegation”。 ... 我將展示delegation 的操作方式,讓你不再在複雜的專案中陷入困境。
#27. Delegation 释义| 柯林斯英语词典
Delegation 释义: A delegation is a group of people who have been sent ... 美式英语: delegation /dɛlɪˈgeɪʃən/; 巴西葡萄牙语: delegação; 简体中文: 代表团 ...
#28. Delegate 同义词| 柯林斯英语词库
Delegate 另一个词: a person chosen to represent others at a conference or meeting | 柯林斯英语词库.
#29. How to Communicate Clearly When Delegating Tasks
Learn how to communicate your expectations and goals when delegating tasks or projects to your team members, and improve your communication skills with tips ...
#30. delegate 什么意思? Mandarin Chinese-English Dictionary ...
Learn Mandarin Mandarin-English Dictionary & Thesaurus. New Search. 中文» English, Pinyin » 中文, English » 中文 ...
#31. 授權或授能 - 安瑟管理Anser Consulting
中文 將delegation翻譯成授權、委託、代表、或分配工作等多種意思。在管理上通常是一位主管將他/她的一部份權責交互付給屬下為他/她執行辦理, ...
#32. 你的管理風格是...
以下是夾雜在中文當中常用來形容人格特質或管理風格的英文,你來配對一下,看看同事裡 ... 懂得把任務交由其他人,像"the ability to delegate"分配任務給他人的能力。
#33. Delegate & collaborate on email - Gmail Help
In Gmail, delegated accounts and shared inboxes are the same thing. Use them to grant people or groups (delegates) access to your Gmail account, ...
#34. 委托属性
return "$thisRef, thank you for delegating '${property.name}' to me! ... 当我们从委托到一个 Delegate 实例的 p 读取时,将调用 Delegate 中的 getValue() 函数, ...
#35. 常用法學英文字彙表
中文. 英文. 1. 從物 accessories. 2. 承認 acknowledgement ... delegated power takes effect directly to the principal.
#36. How to use the Delegate feature
Delegate is available on twitter.com and TweetDeck, but you need to enable Delegate and invite collaborators on twitter.com. Why should I use Twitter Delegate?
#37. C++ Primer, 5th Edition 中文版(電子書) - 第 291 頁 - Google 圖書結果
#38. Hardening Windows Systems中文版/网络与信息安全技术经典丛书/Hardening windows ...
( 3 )用文件“ Best Practices for Delegating Active Directory Administration ” ( http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?
#39. 愛瑪(中文導讀英文版) - Google 圖書結果
“Oh, now you are looking very sly; but consider — you need not be afraid of delegating power to me. I am no young lady on her preferment.
#40. Effective JavaScript 中文版(電子書) - 第 81 頁 - Google 圖書結果
... 的代理函式(delegating function)。▻ Curry 一個函式時,傳入 null 或 undefined 作為接收者引數,以忽略其接收者。 27 封裝程式碼時優先選用 Closures 而非使用字 ...
#41. Delegated Authority for Speed Zones : Engineering
Under Oregon law, ODOT may delegate authority to set road speeds to a local jurisdiction.
#42. 赋权管理
赋权管理(Delegation Management)赋权实际上是对管理风格的一种描述,其含义非常接近于 ... 全球专业中文经管百科,由121,994位网友共同编写而成,共计436,650个条目.
#43. C++11新特性:委托构造函数(delegating constructor) 原创
委托构造函数旨在降低构造函数的代码冗余度,提高构造函数代码的可维护性。 本文部分内容摘自《C++ Primer(中文版)第五版》.
#44. Delegating access to set up online meetings
To delegate access to create meetings via the mail file owners credentials, complete the ... In Calendar, select More > Preferences > Access and Delegation.
#45. Delegate subdomains' SSL certificates to Adobe
SSL certificates' delegation to Adobe can be performed when setting up a new subdomain or for already delegated subdomains. NOTE. Adobe managed ...
#46. Streamline Administration, Delegate Power, Strengthen ...
#47. Delegating access for Zoom Mail
Delegating users can also enable settings to include the delegate's email on outgoing email (Sent by…) and keep emails marked as unread, even if ...
#48. Delegating Workflow Tasks
For example, if you delegate projects to another user, all projects assigned to you for approval will be sent to that user. Delegation functionality can prevent ...
#49. 76433 Delegate Images, Stock Photos & Vectors
Portrait of happy businesswoman with male delegate in conference center during seminar · Happy delegates talking with businessman during seminar at conference ...
#50. Delegations - Council
Council makes its decisions in one of two ways: at Council Meetings, or by delegating its decision making powers to staff.
#51. 10 ways you can delegate more effectively
閱讀中文版本 ... As businesses grow, it is important for managers to delegate important ... The objectives for the activity being delegated, ...
#52. What Is A Delegating Leadership Style | CLS
A delegating leadership style is a low task and relationship behavior approach to leadership where a leader empowers an individual to exercise autonomy.
#53. Delegating Skills - Marketing and Management Solutions
Eng | 中文. Delegating Skills. Empowering others to achieve complimentary outcomes to benefit the whole organisation. INTRODUCTION. As a senior executive, ...
#54. How to Delegate Staff Responsibilities in FM22
But if you're going to delegate responsibility to your backroom team, you'd better make sure you have the best available; the better they are, ...
#55. Office 365 Delegated Administration
With Quadrotech Nova Delegation and Policy Control, you can achieve advanced Office 365 delegated administration. Learn how to empower your IT team here.
#56. What You Should Know About EEOC and Modified ...
The Commission has modified the delegation of litigation authority from the Commissioners to the General Counsel, effective January 13, 2021.
#57. 委託模式(Delegation pattern)
在物件導向程式設計中,有個守則叫做:. 「多用合成,少用繼承」(Composition over inheritance). 而Delegation就是一個用合成取代繼承的好方法。
#58. The Contact Delegation API overview | Admin console
The Contact Delegation API allows Admins to delegate access of one user's, called the delegator, contacts to another user, ...
#59. Delegated Authentication
Delegated authentication is similar to single sign-on (SSO), but it offers a slightly different experience to users. With delegated authentication, one sy.
#60. delegate翻译为:代表,代表团成员
delegate 的中文意思:代表,代表团成员,点击查看详细解释:delegate的中文翻译、delegate的发音、音标、用法和双语例句等,让你有效掌握delegate这个单词。
#61. Create a Delegated Administrator Role Using vSphere ...
To use delegated administration, you must create a user group with permission to register and update vCenter extensions.
#62. To delegate roles - DSM - Knowledge Center - Synology
You can use ctrl or shift to select multiple users/groups. Click Delegate > Delegated Administration. The window for delegating role(s) will open. Select the ...
#63. Hide Delegate
Problem: The client gets object B from a field or method of object А. Then the client calls a method of object B. Solution: Create a new method in class A ...
#64. Guide for delegations
Delegation requests received after Monday at 9:30 a.m. and up to 9:30 a.m. on the Wednesday prior to the meeting, that relate to an item listed on the agenda ...
#65. Announcing delegated administrator for AWS Organizations
You can now delegate the management of policies to designated member accounts that are known as delegated administrators for AWS Organizations.
#66. 10.3. Delegating Permissions over Users
Also, the groups in delegated authority are existing IdM user groups instead of roles specifically created for access controls. 10.3.1. Delegating Access to ...
#67. Delegated powers of registrars
The powers and any restrictions which apply to registrars in accordance with NSW legislation.
#68. Delegation
Delegation gives a person or group the authority and responsibility to act on behalf of another. It does not transfer accountability.
#69. European Regulators Move to Increase Notified Body ...
Two Delegated Regulations from the European Commission will decrease frequency of Notified Body re-assessments under MDR, IVDR. Contact us.
#70. Delegate location administration
As a full administrator, you can delegate administration of certain services in a location. Location administrators see a limited view of Control Hub, ...
#71. NPDB Guidebook, Chapter D: Queries, Delegated Credentialing
Delegated credentialing goes beyond credentials verification, because the delegated health care entity (e.g., the hospital) is responsible for evaluating ...
#72. Assisted Living: Registered Nurse Medication Delegation
This is called delegating. All RNs should have experience delegating tasks and supervising staff members. When tasks aren't delegated correctly, ...
#73. Routing and Delegation Guide
In the interest of ensuring the efficient and effective routing of documents requiring action this Routing and Memo Delegation Guide for UH Mānoa units was ...
#74. Active Directory Delegation Tool
By leveraging SolarWinds ® Access Rights Manager (ARM) role-specific templates, you can comply with internal security policies by delegating access ...
#75. How Does Delegate Access Work Completing Tasks in Vault ...
How does delegate access work completing tasks in Vault PromoMats and Vault Medical? Answer: When a task is assigned to a user who delegated ...
#76. When Should Leaders Own a Decision and ... - Kellogg Insight
中文. Leaders earn their keep by making smart decisions. But sometimes the smartest decision is to delegate that decision to someone else.
#77. DevicePolicyManager
Delegation of permission policy and permission grant state. ... Called by a profile owner or device owner to retrieve a list of delegate packages that were ...
#78. Delegate Tasks - Trust and Empower Team Members · Blog
Reasons for Lack of Delegation. Project managers and leaders have a lot at stake when delegating tasks. That's why delegation sometimes fails.
#79. Delegate Preparation
Government positions on the topics will be discussed at a Model UN conference. In order to adequately represent a country during the conference, a delegate will ...
#80. 5 delegation tactics for small business owners
Recent research found that small business owners do the work of about 4.2 roles. Start using these delegation tactics to save you time.
#81. Empower your team by delegating tasks effectively
Knowing when and how to delegate tasks to your team is one of the most important parts of management. Learn how delegating tasks can empower your team.
#82. 7 tasks successful leaders never delegate
7 tasks successful leaders never delegate. Feb 19, 2015 ... Language Editions. English · Español · 中文 · 日本語 ...
#83. Opt into delegation (Uber Eats Only) | Driving & Delivering
Delegation allows a delivery person to nominate someone else to deliver on ... If you'd like to nominate a 'delegate' to make deliveries on your behalf, ...
#84. ONTAP 9.8 - Delegating administration to SVM administrators
After setting up a functional storage virtual machine (SVM) or SVMs with basic network configuration, you can optionally delegate the administration of the ...
#85. How Do I Add/Remove an Expense Delegate in SAP Con...
Delegates are employees who are allowed to perform work on behalf of other employees. Delegates can be added and removed within your SAP ...
#86. Delegate a workflow document to someone else
Tip! If you are reviewing a document, and have added markups, if you then decide to delegate or reassign the review to another user, your markups (and ...
#87. Authority Delegation In ABP Commercial - ABP Community
Authority Delegation is a way of delegating the responsibility of the ... Thus, the user can switch to the delegated user's account and ...
#88. Delegation | Dale Carnegie
This 3-hour course includes 90 minutes of live online instruction and 90 minutes of self-directed learning. Delegation isn't just about moving stuff off yo.
#89. Stripe launches delegated authentication to improve ...
The delegated authentication feature enables SCA-compliant transactions without purchasers being redirected to a banking app or having to enter ...
#90. Active Directory help desk delegation tool - ADManager Plus
Group-based delegation. Besides delegating help desk roles to individual AD users, you can delegate them to AD groups as well. Delegating a role to an AD group ...
#91. Before delegating design, consult your manufacturer
They can delegate down the complex assembly of say, the building envelope, ... Delegated design—the process by which a principal architect, ...
#92. Delegation of privacy powers and functions
... pursuant to section 25 of the Australian Information Commissioner Act 2010 (Cth), revoke all previous instruments, and delegate to the ...
#93. delegate - Wiktionary, the free dictionary
delegate (plural delegates) ... (third-person singular simple present delegates, present participle delegating, simple past and past participle delegated).
#94. Delegated Signature Authority | Business Contracts
Only select employees have signature authority to sign contracts, agreements, or purchase orders on behalf of The University of Texas at Austin.
#95. 委托构造函数(Delegating constructors) · C++11 FAQ 中文版
委托构造函数(Delegating constructors). 在C++98中,如果你想让两个构造函数完成相似的事情,可以写两个大段代码相同的构造函数,或者是另外定义一个init()函数,让 ...
#96. How to Delegate: 14 Steps (with Pictures)
#97. Delegated Print Release Configuration
Bulk Updating users for Delegated Release. If you're wanting to change multiple users so that they can release jobs printed by user/group X then you can use the ...
#98. Guest Experience Lead | Valencia Town Center - - 31646
1 year retail or customer experience (e.g., guest resolution, navigating difficult conversations); Some experience in leading, mentoring, or delegating with ...
#99. Delegated Proof of Stake Explained
The Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS) consensus algorithm is considered by many as a more efficient and democratic version of the preceding ...
delegating中文 在 委託模式(Delegation pattern) 的推薦與評價
在物件導向程式設計中,有個守則叫做:. 「多用合成,少用繼承」(Composition over inheritance). 而Delegation就是一個用合成取代繼承的好方法。 ... <看更多>