〈談文論譯〉選舉的英文詞彙 蘇正隆
2018年美國期中選舉要在11月6日週二投票,台灣的地方選舉也正如火如荼的展開,到緊鑼密鼓的階段。因此選舉新聞 (election coverage) 占據了媒體相當大的版面。
選舉 (elect/election) 一詞,源自 e-(out) + legere (choose)──選出,而 leg- 或 legere 同時也是 intelligent, diligent, logic, dialog, legal 等詞的詞幹,因此挑選候選人要考慮她/他是否 intelligent (有能力、智慧),diligent (勤於出席、問政),logic (前後一致、腦筋清楚),dialog (願意溝通),legal (用合法手段)。
選舉不同於革命,是用選票來決定,不是以武力來定勝負,是民主國家最重要的機制。美國黑人民權領袖麥爾坎‧艾克斯 (Malcolm X) 1964年4月在底特律的一場著名演說 “The Ballot or The Bullet” 中控訴白人的宰制,鼓吹黑人用選票來決定自己的命運,來監督國會議員是否支持保障黑人及弱勢族群不受歧視的民權法案,促成國會在三個月之後通過該法案。Ballot or Bullet?「紙彈還是子彈?」 遂成傳誦一時的名言,道出民主與極權的分野,在民主國家改變可以透過選舉 (The Ballot) 達成,在極權國家,只有武裝革命 (The Bullet) 才能造成改變。
候選人競選活動英文叫 campaign,她/他們通常有一群助選人員 (canvassers),俗稱「抬轎者」,替她/他們助選或抬轎 (canvass),因此「拉票」,「抬轎子」都可以說 canvassing。
候選人在選區內巡迴競選演說叫 stump speech,因為以前在美國,候選人每到一地,往往都是站在木樁上對選民演說 (on the stump),因此僕僕風塵到各地發表競選演說 (campaign speech) 就叫 stump speech。在英國,則用 Hustings 一詞,意思類似 stump。Hustings 指候選人發表競選演說的 raised platform (墊高的平臺)。
募款餐會英文 fundraising party,造勢大會叫 pep rally,「(幫人)站臺(演說)」叫 endorsement speech,挨家挨户拜票 (door-to-door canvassing),到了選戰緊鑼密鼓的階段則有所謂的掃街(拜票) street canvassing,針對尚未決定投票對象、心意未定的選民 (courting the undecided voters),希望選民能投自己一票的催票 (drum up votes)活動,催票活動有時也由選務機關發動,盼能提高投票率,叫 get-out-the-vote campaign,簡稱GOTV。本尊或助選人員透過電話拜票叫 phone banking,透過電腦錄音自動拜票叫 robocall/robocalling。
這次美國及台灣都未涉及總統、副總統選舉。如有的話,總統、副總統候選人搭檔,中文叫「XX配」,英文叫 ticket;「馬吳配」英文是 “Ma-Wu Ticket”, 「蔡陳配」英文是 “Tsai-Chen Ticket”。「政見」英文叫 platform。
美國這次的期中選舉 36 states are holding gubernatorial elections,也就是選州長 (election for governor),州長候選人叫 gubernatorial candidates。
選民有幾種類型,死忠某一黨派的叫 old faithful voters;不受黨派影響的中間選民叫 swing voters 或 floating voters。不喜歡自己黨提名的候選人,但又不願投對手,只好含淚投己方候選人或投給第三黨 (tactical voting),則是「含淚投票族」(tactical voters)。
最後則由選民投下神聖的一票 (cast their votes),等待選舉結果 (poll results)。(Jerome Su, Revised Nov. 14, 2018)
diligent副詞 在 姜文淑的意想世界 Facebook 的最佳貼文
謝楚餘的油畫世界 謝楚餘,你不一定知道這個名字,但你絕對見過他的畫作!他的作品知名度遠遠大於他本人,他 被人們稱為“盜版與美女簇擁的畫家”,他的大多數油畫作品都會在面世後被人無數次地以臨摹、翻印的方式盜版。油畫作品《陶》完成於1997年,這是謝楚餘最為成功的作品之一,但此畫在全世界有不下1000萬次的被盜版記錄,據說它在倫敦舉行的拍賣會上,第一次標價就被定為80萬英鎊;他在1 9 9 8年創作的《沐風》,居然出現在中央電視台熱播的電視劇《金粉世家》中的白秀珠小姐臥室的牆上,該劇是根據民國時期張恨水同名小說改編的。在近期的油畫創作中,他使用當今西方最新的材料無味稀釋油、丙烯塑形膏和裂油等,並吸收了中國傳統水墨潑撒法,讓水和油在衝撞中形成偶然的、生動的朦朧效果,奇妙地融合在一起,相信此技法將是對世界美術的一種新的奉獻。一直以來,畫家謝楚餘甚少在媒體上公開露面。在他看來,畫作就如同他的另一張臉,大家熟悉他的畫就已經足夠了。 在國內,只要你稍加留意,從格調高雅的西餐廳牆上裝點的油畫複製品,到地攤小販出售的一元梳妝鏡的背面,都會頻繁地出現一個半裸少女楚楚動人地抱著一隻陶罐的靚麗身影,她那黑柔的秀發,嬌美的面容,如脂的皮膚,唯美的身材被定格在風起雲湧的天地間,性感而不失純真,令人倍感賞心悅目,這就是謝楚餘早年的作品《陶》。《陶》(抱陶少女)是謝楚餘1997年初完成的一幅油畫,它一經問世便以一種中西合璧的美打動世人,在海內外引起了不小的轟動。正由於此,它也成為中國油畫史上被翻版盜印最多的一幅油畫,不少於1000萬次的盜版數實在令人不可思議!從莫斯科到巴黎,從非洲到美洲,《陶》被不同的材質表現著,從皮革到石頭,從蠟染到銅像⋯⋯同時它也被無限地使用在各種商業途徑中,不同的只是少女手中的陶罐有時被替換成酒罐、電器、易拉罐,甚至有時被替換上西瓜。面對這樣的情形,謝楚餘隻能報以“無可奈何的寬容”。他說:“盜版作品往往由於色彩失真,層次欠佳,致使其中人物失去藝術生命,那真是可悲又可嘆!” 曾有人將謝楚餘的《陶》與法國新古典主義畫派最傑出的代表安格爾的《泉》作比較:安格爾筆下少女自然“洋氣”,而謝楚餘卻勝在“秀氣”。現在《陶》這幅原作已被香港人收藏,他幾次想回購,收藏者都不願意,這一直成了謝楚餘的心病。 讓男人心動,讓女人心醉 謝楚餘畫的最大特點就在於將中國題材與人物用西方古 典繪畫手法表達出來,顯得既典雅高貴又為大眾喜聞樂見。中國美協副主席林墉是這樣評價謝楚餘的:“他耿耿於完美,孜孜於完整。有時,甚至不惜把自己對美的憧憬也都一一帶上畫面。這種傾向使他的畫面顯得十分飽和,十分充實,也自然更充滿視覺上的愉悅。楚餘的畫是一種圓潤的華麗所組成的,雖沒有撕心裂腑的震撼,但更散發著溫暖的輻射。他的細膩就在流暢中顯現。” 謝楚餘的家坐落在廣州美術學院一處幽靜的老式樓房裡,家中最多的裝飾品就是主人的原作。筆者發現,畫家的創作大都與女性有關,他那筆下絕妙風韻的女性毫無半點做作之處,並特別富有肢體語言的東方韻致,讓人們感受到畫家那種與生俱來的唯美情懷。謝楚餘說,女子神秘的氣息是最讓人難以捉摸的,而神秘的東西也最讓人著迷,讓人可望不可即。還在青少年時代,他在一本雜誌上看到好萊塢女王葛麗泰•嘉寶的劇照,就讓他深為震撼:“她艷若桃李,又冷若冰霜,她那深不可測的眸子,閃爍著夢一般的美!她那拒人千里之外的冰冷與高傲,美到了極致。我想一個人的審美不是一朝一夕形成的,我早期的作品就很大程度上受到這種氣息的感染。”謝楚餘說。據說楚餘每年都會邀請10個模特作畫,至今起碼有上百位美女的形像被糅合進入他的畫中。他告訴筆者:“每一幅作品中都有一個原型,我是在這個基礎上根據畫面的需要進行提煉、誇張、概括的。《陶》的創作就緣於三個模特,一個青島人,一個汕頭人,一個混血兒。”在謝楚餘的作品中,女性的美已經超出了塵世所見,幾近完美無暇,令人嘆為觀止。有人說他的作品讓男人心動,也讓女人心醉。1989年,26歲的謝楚餘成功地舉辦了人生第一次個人畫展,1999年福建美術出版社將謝楚餘的主要作品編印為《相約花季》的挂歷,在全國創下了一個至今無人能及的銷售紀錄,月銷售65萬本!第二年有13個出版社登門約稿,給出的稿酬一個比一個高,破了當年單頁挂歷稿酬的中國之最。 2002年他出版了人生的第一本畫冊《中國當代實力派油畫精品叢書——謝楚餘》天津楊柳青畫社第一版就印刷了10000冊,此後這本畫冊再版6次,依然供不應求。中國著名的文學刊物《作品》從2001年至今,一直使用他的作品為封面,除此以外北京的《文化月刊》、浙江的《文化交流》、東北的《新蕾》等6家期刊每年向他約稿,各種畫冊和書籍封面使用他的作品的就更數不勝數了。2003年謝楚餘與美國一著名畫廊簽約,每年提供6幅油畫,這些油 畫已成為各國收藏家追逐的藏品。 才情飛揚卻又嚴謹落筆 謝楚餘筆下的女子多為現代女性,背景為室外自然風景,女子神態平靜、空靈,纖塵不染。很多人評價謝楚餘的畫“唯美、典雅、高貴、細緻”。有人說漫步在謝楚餘的油畫世界,滿目芳華,飄逝的風雲,流逝的水,萋萋芳草,絕代佳人,彷彿是昨宵玲瓏的夢,是人類對美永恆的追溯。在謝楚餘的作品中,處處才情飛揚處處嚴格有序地被規範著,他那多年的探索和實踐,形成了精緻而嚴謹、典雅而洗練的繪畫風格。 談到與之齊名的陳逸飛,他說:“我們都追求盡善盡美,追求極致,對自己近乎苛刻,是很累,但累中帶有快樂與幸福,所不同的是我不相信自己無所不能,覺得一輩子能做好一件事,在某一個點上、某一個題材、某一種技法上發揮到極致,就非常偉大了。別人說我運氣好,但我知道,身為潮汕人,在自己的個性中,那種源自父母的執著耕耘、刻苦耐勞、堅忍不拔的個性是自己人生成功的一大法寶。”謝楚餘上高中期間,曾師從當時汕頭最著名的油畫家曾松齡老師,“我每週把自己的作品送到他那裡,請他指導。他的每一次點評我都作了大量的筆記並用心去修改,比如:色彩太髒,明度對比不夠,整體感不強等等。我下一次再送作業時,以前的毛病我一定會全改掉。我絕對不會也不允許自己在同一問題上犯同樣的錯誤”。 外人有所不知的是,對於背景這一人們不注意的地方,謝楚餘花的功夫並不比主體人物少。他說,“藝術家只有時刻懷著不滿足的心理,才能有永不停步的動力,才能向人類呈現最精最美的作品。我絕不允許自己的作品有自己能看到的、感受到的缺陷與不足。2003年創作的《清流》背景,就讓我痛苦思索了4 年,至今已四易其景,直到2007年的5月底才真正定稿”。在畫室裡,筆者看到他以前畫冊上的《清流》與如今畫布上的《清流》畫面:前者背景是瑣碎的枝葉;後者經過大刀闊斧的修改,節奏感增強了,有橫空而出遒勁的枝幹、有蜿蜒的樹杈,清流中的岩石也清晰可數。隨即他又不無擔心地說:“在行家的眼裡,定稿後的作品與從前發表在畫冊上的作品有所不同,會讓人誤解我在同一題材上創作了兩幅成品,這有違我一直以來堅持的創作信念:從不創作兩幅相同的作品。我認為藝術品就應該是獨一無二的,不該去複制。雖然藝術品有其顯見的商品屬性,但藝術家的創作與工廠的批量生產的'行畫'是截然不同的。與其臨摹同一作品,不如創作全新的作品。” 在謝楚餘的作品裡,一個個美麗動人的形像已不再是一個孤立的美女符號。他所要表達的是存活於歷史時空的大美。通過對中外服裝、髮飾、道具的巧妙增刪、提煉、重組,使形象成為一種能穿梭於古今的具有時代氣息的生命體,每每給人以驚豔之奇。 外間一直傳說畫家的《南國少女》這幅畫就是以她妻子原型而作。筆者有幸觀看了畫家妻子的日常照片,正如傳說的一樣,活脫脫一個從古典詩詞中走出來的美人。如今,有賢妻嬌女的謝楚餘對生活沒有太多的奢望,“我童年的夢想已經實現,至今還成為大學教授,那已經是一種額外的收穫。我的人生與藝術已密不可分,在藝術上追求盡善盡美,源自人類不竭的探索精神。我從不懷疑自己,總相信自己一年會比一年好,對此,我有足夠的理由自信。”鏈接:謝楚餘,19 62年出生於廣東汕頭市,現為廣州美術學院油畫系副教授,碩士研究生導師,廣東美術創作院畫家。 1988年以全優成績畢業於廣州美術學院油畫系,1988 - 2000年就讀中央美術學院油畫系同等學歷研究生班,曾參加法國專家依維爾古典油畫技法材料研究班和西方當代藝術新材料研習班。1993年和2001年分別赴美國、法國進行學術交流和專業考察。1989年起先後在美國、新加坡和中國台灣舉辦7次個人畫展。代表作有《南國少女》《陶》《仙踪》《旅人》《木板上的拳套》等,作品曾參加“ 第八屆全國美展優秀作品展”,“中國油畫精英邀請展”、“中國油畫藝術展”等,並多次獲獎,已出版4部個人油畫專集,影響深遠。 Master's World of Oil Paintings By Chen Shuiyou Editor's Note: the Cultural Dialogue is honored to have been utilizing Xie Chuyu's oil paintings for our magazine's cover for the second consecutive year.Many readers wonder how a master can paint women in such an admirable way. Chen Shuiyou in Guangzhou has filed this report about theartist and here is what he finds. Youmay not have heard ofXie Chuyu, but you must have seen one of his paintings somewhere. The popularity of Xie's artworks outreaches the popularity of his name. His sensational success "Porcelain", a representative artwork created in 1997 thatmade the fame of Xie, drove some collectors crazy. The starting auction price for the painting at a London auction house was a hefty amount of 800,000 pounds. "Bathed inWind", an oil painting Xie created in 1998, found its anachronistic way onto a wall of the bedroom of Miss White Pearl in a 2003 CCTV blockbuster teleplay, an adaptation of a novel entitled "A Family of Gold and Rouge" serialized from 1927 to 1932 by Zhang Henshui (1895-1967). "Porcelain" depicts a young woman in a style that integrates the west and the east elements. Some critics remark thatXie's "Porcelain" reminds one of amasterpiece by Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres (1780-1867), a French Neoclassic artist, pointing out that Xie's artwork emphasizes the peerless female elegance. Nowthe original piece is in the collection of a Hong Kong collector. Xie has offered on several occasions to buy it back in vain. The painting is so beautiful that other artists cannot resist the sheer temptation to translate it onto such media as stone, leather, bronze, etc. The people most enthusiastic about it are probably the copycats who have counterfeitedmore than 10million copies of the painting. Some commercial artists have vied each other to replace the porcelain jar held by the heartthrob with anything their clients wished to sell: a beer can, an electric appliance, or even awatermelon. Xie cannot help but sigh heavily at the mania. The only thing the tolerant artist regrets deeply about the pirated copies is the color distortion which, according to Xie, tragically destroys the original beauty of the artwork. The most salient feature of Xie's oil paintings is the quintessential Chinese theme perfectly depicted in a western classical style. This special treatment makes his masterpieces both noble and popular. A perfectionist, Xie relentlessly pursues beauty in its perfect form. His paintings radiate elegance, warmth , fluency and fullness. They are notmeant to create an overwhelming impression. They are meant to touch one's heart tenderly. Xie Chuyu now lives in an old-styled many-storied building on the campus of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts. The apartment is richly decorated with Xie's own artworks. Almost all his paintings deal with female beauty. The young women look wonderful and natural, the way they pose in the painting emits and defines an oriental mysticism, and the artist's esthete passion is simply irresistible and overwhelming. Xie's sensitivity for femalebeautymay haveprobably been kindled in his teenage years. One day, he saw a photograph of Greta Garbo. The photographmade himspeechless.Years later, he can still feel the irresistible power of the woman's beauty. He admits that his own aesthetic view does not result froma sudden inspiration. His early works were considerably influenced by the beauty he saw in the photograph. He recalls, "The Hollywood star looksmore than beautiful. Yet she is aloof and cool, basking in a dreamlike splendor. Her aloofness and gorgeous beauty testify to the very essence of beauty." Xie Chuyu works with ten models a year. So far, he has cooperated with more than 100 models. Each of his paintings depicts onemodel as an archetype. Then he summarizes, polishes, and sublimates. He worked with three models in creating "Porcelain" . The women in Xie's works are more than mortals. They are almost perfect. Some people remark that the women in his artworks not only touch aman's heart but also move a woman's heart. No wonder that Xie's wife was a model who worked for him once upon a time. Xie's first solo exhibition took place in 1989 when he was 26. His "Porcelain" in 1997 caught the attention of publishers across the country. In 1999, a publishing house in Fujian Province put out a wall calendar using Xie's paintings as the principal attraction. That year, the best-seller wall calendar created a national sales record of 650,000 copies, which stands unbeaten even today. In the following year, 13 wall calendar publishers came to Xie and offered handsome royalties for his paintings. In 2002, Xie published his first individual album. Since the first edition of 10,000 copies, the album has been reprinted six times. "Opuses", a high-profile national literary periodical, has been using Xie's works for its cover since 2001. Six other periodicals across the country, including Cultural Dialogue, also use Xie's works for their covers. In compliance with a deal signed in 2003, Xie provides a US gallery with six oil paintings per year. These paintings are huge attractions to art collectors. The women under Xie's brush are modern females set in an outdoor background of gorgeous beauty. They look tranquil, pure and unworldly. Some critics describe Xie's style with such adjectives as esthetic, elegant, noble and meticulous. They agree that the world he creates in his paintings is a dream, reflecting humanity's everlasting yearning for beauty. Xie Chuyu has defined his overwhelming talent in a refined style. As the result of diligent explorations over years, he now spares no efforts to perfect all the details in his creations.Many people focus on the exquisite women in Xie's paintings, but Xie himself devotes at least an equal amount of creative energy to the background. A stickler for details, he takes pains to create the impeccable. He neverallows defects to contaminate his creations. It took Xie four years to perfect the background of his 2003 "Limpid Stream". Translated by David) 文章出處 : 博寶藝術網數據中心http://news.artxun.com/xiechuyu-1607-8030013.shtml
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