It’s common for us to have shoulder tightness, neck stiffness and rounded backs with our daily habits; you know what they are.
Here are some really good stretches you can do anywhere and anytime ! You can pick and choose your favourite and doing 3-5 rounds of at least 3 types of mobility and openings stretches can do wonders for your neck, shoulders and upper spine.
In this video you can incorporate breathes on each movement. The trick is to find which posture is an opening movement and breathing into the opening and exhale into the closing of the posture.
* shoulder mobility circle clockwise and anti clockwise x 5
* Side body stretch; twist your torso up to the sky for opening of the chest and collar area. Stay for 3-5 breathes and you can deepen the stretch by bring your elbow close to the ground. Repeat on both sides.
*Box stretch - shoulder to the right, front, left and back drawing a square with your upper body. Repeat 3-5 rounds and on both sides.
*Pixie dust (that’s what I like to call it) swinging the arm straight and up imagine throwing the arms away trying to detach it from the body; for throwing pixie dust into the sky ! Repeat both side clockwise and anti clockwise.
*Seated cat and cow to open up the chest and back, front collar area and back shoulder blades. Repeat for 3-5 rounds.
* Eagle arms right and left side, lifting up on the inhale and down on the exhale. Repeat 3-5 times each arm.
*Prayer palm presses, repeat 3-5 times. Prayer palms,
Pressing firmly to the middle of your check and inhale pressing forearms together fingers to the sky.
Lastly, restorative. You can use blocks, books, chair or anything you can find in the house to elevate your arms.
*Shoulder opening 1 minute. Option to deepen is pressing the palms on your upper back.
*Restorative fish posture. If you back is stiff keep the knees bent. Stay for 2 minutes. After 2 minutes if you want to deepen the pose remove the block from behind your head and stay for an additional 1 minute. Come up slowly to avoid blood rush and dizziness.
Option to finish off in savasana.
#byebyetightshoulders #yoga
IG: anyw24
Hashtag: anywyoga