"Trust is hard to find." - Fade Away
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►iTunes: http://apple.co/2jKeeHW
►Spotify: http://spoti.fi/2kfswz2
►Apple Music: http://apple.co/2jKeeHW
►Google Play: http://bit.ly/2lgdsPc
►Soundcloud: http://soundcloud.com/alrocco
►网易163: http://music.163.com/#/artist/album?id=12079186
►Youtube: https://youtu.be/62OuXHkN7Jo
►Al Rocco: http://www.alrocco.com/music
With one of the largest hiphop tours to ever hit the streets of China in the books, Blow Fever and Al Rocco take a step back from the tour life to give fans an intimate feel in his upcoming music video, "Fade Away". Fade Away tells a story of fading away from all the negative people and all the bullshit in life. Staying focused with the fam and moving forward. Being Free from all the boundaries, do whatever when you feel it, and never do the things you don’t like.
Fade Away [歌词 Lyrics]
►网易163: http://music.163.com/#/song?id=457745430
在结束了中国最大规模的hiphop巡演之后,Blow Fever 和 Al Rocco将向一直支持他们的粉丝答谢。两人在巡演的同时还在秘密地打造最新音乐录音带,向粉丝们惊喜地呈献单曲“Fade Away”的音乐录影带。Fade Away讲述地是远离生活中一切负能量的人和一切不真实的事物。尊重和爱你身边值得关心的人,不断前进。不要被生活的界限束缚住,做你内心真正有共鸣的事情,永远不要做你不喜欢的事情。
Al Rocco
Blow Fever
Produced by Mr. Flesh 肉先生
Powered by Red 8 Records
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摄像 Shot by @alexonefilm
导演 Directed by @dennieJJ @luce107
歌词 Written by @alrocco @blowfever
音乐 Music produced by @chenmrfresh
制片 Produced by @luce107 @dennieJJ
Powered by @red8records @shftasia @absolutvodka