多型性紅斑(Erythema Multiform,約佔5.4%):特點是一圈圈的標靶狀病灶. 特徵和外觀: 多形性紅斑是一種急性自限性發炎皮膚病,常併發粘膜損害,臨床上常出現在年輕 ...
#2. 多形性紅斑Erythema multiforme - Tiny Notes
簡介多形性紅斑是一種急性的皮膚黏膜病灶,特徵為『靶狀的紅斑(target lesion)』,主要影響臉部和四肢。大部分的患者症狀輕微且為自限性, ...
#3. 紅斑- 维基百科,自由的百科全书
紅斑(希臘文:erythros,意思是紅色)是因為皮膚表面毛細血管的血管擴張,造成皮膚或黏膜充血發紅 ... Erythema migrans - erythematous rash in Lyme disease - PHIL 9875.jpg.
#4. 許百睿皮膚科診所- Erythema Multiforme 多形性紅斑. 可能與皰 ...
Erythema Multiforme 多形性紅斑. 可能與皰疹病毒感染, 或是藥物過敏有關.
#5. 多形红斑_百度百科
别 名: 多形渗出性红斑; 外文名: Erythema Multiforme; 就诊科室: 皮肤科; 多发群体: 多发于儿童和青年女性。 常见病因: 与感染、药物、接触物、内脏疾病等有关 ...
#6. 多形性紅斑Erythema multiforme|疾病症狀與相關新聞 - KingNet ...
多形性紅斑 Erythema multiforme. 是一種局部血管炎,皮膚紅斑不同時期有多種形狀,發病原因有許多,如藥物、感染、結締組織疾病、食物、懷孕、還有大部分的因素是不明 ...
#7. Stevens-Johnson syndrome 多型性紅斑毒性表皮壞死
輕微多型性紅斑 Erythema multiforme minor. 嚴重多型性紅斑 Erythema multiforme major. 毒性表皮壞死 Toxic epidermal necrolysis.
#8. erythema multiforme 多形紅斑 - 學術英文編修、學術論文修改
erythema multiforme 多形紅斑,是什麽意思,英文怎麽說,中文意思,皮膚科專業名詞-詞匯翻譯,美國LetPub 論文編輯.
#9. erythema multiforme-翻译为中文-例句英语
... or non-aphthous disease (including bullous disorders, erythema multiforme, erosive lichen planus).,在英语-中文情境中翻译"erythema multiforme"
#10. erythema multiforme - 英中– Linguee词典
大量翻译例句关于"erythema multiforme" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。
#11. erythema multiforme bullosum - 水疱性多形性紅斑 - 國家教育 ...
水疱性多形性紅斑. erythema multiforme bullosum. 審譯日期: 102.9.27. 以erythema multiforme bullosum 進行詞彙精確檢索結果. 出處/學術領域, 英文詞彙, 中文詞彙.
#12. stevens-johnson syndrome, erythema multiforme major 中文
stevens-johnson syndrome, erythema multiforme major中文:重癥多形[性]紅斑…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋stevens-johnson syndrome, erythema multiforme major的 ...
#13. Erythema Multiforme - Dermatologic Disorders - MSD Manuals
Erythema multiforme is an inflammatory reaction, characterized by target or iris skin lesions. Oral mucosa may be involved. Diagnosis is clinical.
#14. erythema multiforme major 中文意思是什麼 - TerryL
erythema multiforme major 中文意思是什麼 · erythema: n. (pl. -mata [-t,-t]) 【醫學】紅斑,紅皮病。 · major: adj (opp minor)1 較大的;較多的;較優的;主要的; ...
#15. 滲出性多形性紅斑英文 - 三度漢語網
中文詞彙 英文翻譯 出處/學術領域 滲出性多形性紅斑 erythema multiforme exudativum 【醫學名詞】 水疱性多形性紅斑 erythema multiforme bullosum 【醫學名詞】 溼疹性多形性日光疹 eczematous polymorphous light eruption 【醫學名詞】
#16. 皮膚科
英文疾病名稱 ICD‑9‑CM 2001年版 A Code Abscess, cellulitis or lymphadenitis 682.9 A420 Acanthosis nigricans 701.2 A429 Acne 706.1 A429
#17. 1,2-Ethanedithiol-induced erythema multiforme-like contact ...
標題: 1,2-Ethanedithiol-induced erythema multiforme-like contact dermatitis. 作者: Tjiu J.-W. CHIA-YU CHU · Sun C.-C. 公開日期: 2004. 卷: 84. 期: 5.
#18. erythema multiforme 中文意思是什麼
多形性紅斑. erythema : n. (pl. -mata [-t,-t]) 【醫學】紅斑,紅皮病。 例句. 目前還沒有erythema multiforme例句。 相似字; 英漢推薦; 漢英推薦. eruptivebreccia.
#19. 蕁麻疹的診斷與治療
dermatitis)、多形性紅斑(erythema multiforme)、固定藥疹(fixed drug eruption)、過敏性紫斑症(Henoch-. Schönlein purpura)等,必須做正確疾病鑑.
#20. Erythema multiforme-like secondary syphilis in a HIV-positive ...
Erythema multiforme -like secondary syphilis in a HIV-positive bisexual man. Meng Chi Wu, Chao Kai Hsu, J. Yu Yun Lee, Sheau Chiou Chao, Wen Chien Ko, ...
#21. 「erythema multiforme醫學」懶人包資訊整理(1) - 蘋果健康咬 ...
Erythema multiforme minor : Typical targets or raised, ... ,多型性紅斑(Erythema Multiform,約佔5.4%):特點是一圈圈的標靶狀病灶. 特徵和外觀: 多形性紅斑是 ...
#22. Erythema Multiforme: Background, Pathophysiology, Etiology
Erythema multiforme major is a more severe, potentially life-threatening disorder. One or more mucous membranes are involved and up to 10% of ...
#23. erythema multiforme醫學 erythema multiforme 是什麽意思,中文 ...
erythema multiforme 多形紅斑,是什麽意思,英文怎麽說,中文意思,皮膚科專業... 醫學英語詞彙翻譯> 皮膚科專業名詞-詞匯翻譯> erythema multiforme 多形紅斑 .
#24. erythema multiforme — 中文翻译- TechDico辞書
包含许多翻译示例按活动分类“erythema multiforme” – 英语-中文字典和智能翻译助手。
#25. Erythema Multiforme (for Parents) - Levine Children's Hospital
Erythema multiforme is an allergic reaction. It causes a rash of spots with dark centers and pale red rings that look like a target or "bulls-eye.
#26. erythema multiforme 中文紅斑 - Tele Channels
erythema multiforme eruption中文多形性紅斑型藥疹…,扁桃體炎及呼吸道感染;皮疹多形,erythema multiforme iris的中文意思,或寒冷,用法和解釋由查查在綫詞典提供, ...
#27. 滲出性多形紅斑 - 中文百科知識
滲出性多形紅斑(erythema multiforme exudativum)又名多形紅斑(erythema multiforme),重症稱史-約綜合徵,是一種原因尚不明了的急性炎症性皮膚病。臨床特點為多形性 ...
#28. 反覆以多形性紅斑為其皮膚表現的Sjogren氏病
... 病:Sjogren's Syndrome Associated with Recurrent Erythema Multiforme as Its Skin Manifestation ... 中文摘要, 一位67 歲男性病患反覆因多形性紅斑入院治療。
#29. 臺灣皮膚科醫學會107年度專科醫師甄審筆試選擇題
單純疱疹病毒感染(herpes virus infection) 水泡性膿痂疹(bullous impetigo) 尋常型天疱瘡(pemphigus vulgaris) 多型性紅斑(erythema multiforme) 失養型表皮 ...
#30. Erythema multiforme - VisualDx
Erythema multiforme in Adult. See also in: Anogenital,Oral Mucosal Lesion. Print Patient Handout Images (116).
#31. 【原著】由藥物引起毒性表皮壞死鬆解症、史帝芬 - 社團法人 ...
Drug Induced Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis, Stevens-Johnson Syndrome and Erythema Multiforme- a Retrospective Analysis in Southern Taiwan.
#32. Erythema Multiforme - Massachusetts General Hospital
Erythema multiforme is a skin disorder. It's a hypersensitivity reaction to an infection or medicine. It causes red, raised skin patches on the body.
#33. 皮膚疹子(skin rash)
你所選擇的答案正確! Herpes simplex virus. 說明:. 左圖中的皮疹呈現地圖狀的變化,這是多形性紅斑(erythema multiforme) 的特點,這種疹子會不斷 ...
#34. Triggers, clinical manifestations, and management of pediatric ...
BACKGROUND Erythema multiforme (EM) is an acute inflammatory ... and management of pediatric erythema multiforme: A systematic review. ... 中文翻译: ...
#35. 國家教育研究院-醫學學術名詞
英文名稱 中文名稱 55808094 erythema arthriticum epidemicum 流行性關節炎性紅斑 55808095 erythema brucellum 布魯士氏桿菌性紅斑 55808096 erythema caloricum 熱力性紅斑
#36. 【篤實關懷倫理卓越】光田綜合醫院Kuang Tien General Hospital
繁體中文, 全球資訊網-簡體中文 · 全球資訊網-English ... TEN)、多形性紅斑(erythema multiforme)及皮膚紅疹等過敏性反應,有些個案出現肝功能受 ...
#37. Erythema multiforme-like lesions in children and COVID-19.
العربية; 中文 (中国); english; français; Русский; español; português. News/Update/Help ... Erythema multiforme-like lesions in children and COVID-19.
#38. erythema multiforme - Chinese Translation - 吕氏英汉字典
erythema multiforme. "erythema multiforme" Chinese translation ("erythema multiforme" in Chinese, "erythema multiforme" 中文翻译, "erythema multiforme"发音) ...
#39. Erythema Multiforme Annular Erythematous Targetoid Skin ...
截至2021 年9 月30 日,我们有超过3.9 亿张图片。 简体中文. Čeština ...
#40. 翻译'erythema multiforme' – 字典中文-英文 - Glosbe
erythema multiforme. noun. A type of rash that can occur in response to medications, illness, or infections such as herpes simplex or mycoplasma infections.
#41. 藥物過敏
Erythema infectiosum (fifth disease). ▫ Erythema multiforme (EM) ... Acute Generalized Erythematous. Pustulosis (AGEP). ▫ 固定藥物疹 ...
#42. 汉英词典erythema multiforme是什么意思 - 德语助手
『欧路词典』为您提供erythema multiforme的用法讲解,告诉您准确全面的erythema multiforme的中文意思,erythema multiforme的读音,erythema multiforme的同义词 ...
#43. 公告含ambroxol或bromhexine成分「處方藥品」中文仿單修訂 ...
「警語及注意事項」處應加刊:「有極少數的報告指出,發生如:多形性紅斑(erythema multiforme)、史帝文生氏-強生症候群/毒性表皮壞死溶解 ...
#44. 疾病名稱:Contact Dermatitis ICD-10-CM - 臺北榮民總醫院
(一) Bites, insects. (二) Cellulitis. (三) Dermatitis, atopic. (四) Dermatitis, exfoliative. (五) Erysipelas. (六) Erythema multiforme ...
#45. Erythema Multiforme - Fairview
Erythema multiforme is a skin rash. It's caused by a hypersensitivity reaction. Many things can cause the reaction. These include a virus, bacteria, fungus, ...
#46. erythema multiforme的中文解释和发音 - 欧路词典
This article reports a case of herpes associated erythema multiforme, and by way of reviewing rele-vant literature, discusses the possible mechanism, ...
#47. GMP稽查相關之衛生署公告或函文號
一、為安全使用含Chlormezanone之製劑,特規定含該成分單方或複方製劑中文仿單應加刊左列注意事項:. 極少數引起多形性紅斑(erythema multiforme)、Stevens-Johnson ...
#48. erythema multiforme exudativum是什么意思 - 沪江网校
沪江词库精选erythema multiforme exudativum是什么意思、英语单词推荐、翻译erythema multiforme exudativum是什么意思。
#49. Erythema Multiforme | UCLA Health Library, Los Angeles, CA
Erythema multiforme is a skin disorder. It's a hypersensitivity reaction to an infection or medicine. It causes red, raised skin patches on the body.
#50. 反轉錄病毒感染治療藥品Etravirine可能引起嚴重皮膚不良反應
... TEN)、多形性紅斑(erythema multiforme)及皮膚紅疹等過敏性反應,有些個案出現肝功能受損的現象,該些藥品安全資訊將加強刊載於藥品仿單中,FDA提醒醫療人員 ...
#51. 藥物安全簡訊 - 仁愛子網站
畫,僅奉原廠指示,將英文通知函轉譯成中文通知信函,函發至各使用單位。 ... Erythema multiforme, Stevens-Johnson syndrome and toxic.
#52. erythema multiforme exudative中文是什么意思 - 我比你强问答 ...
erythema multiforme exudative中文意思是多形渗出性红斑.
#53. Erythema Multiforme | Johns Hopkins Medicine
Erythema multiforme is a skin disorder that's considered to be an allergic reaction to medicine or an infection.
#54. erythema multiforme 中文Bullous - Lvai
erythema multiforme 中文 Bullous. Bullous Diseases erythema multiforme 多型性紅斑[編輯| 編輯原始碼] 可以是macule, papule, urticarial, 不過要找target ...
#55. 不只是皮膚疾病:以內科醫師觀點談毒性表皮溶解症
Drug induced toxic epidermal necrolysis, Stevens-Johnson syndrome and erythema multiforme - a retrospective analysis in Southern Taiwan. J. Formos Clin Pharm ...
#56. Erythema nodosum - symptoms, diagnosis and treatment
Erythema nodosum is a skin condition consisting of a lumpy, red rash, usually on the lower legs. While harmless, it can be painful. Learn more here.
#57. erythema中文 - Ovkyu
常在疾病早期,erythema multiforme怎么讀,大皰和紫癜等檢查“ erythema marginatum”到中文的翻譯。瀏覽句子中erythema marginatum的翻譯示例, warmth,發熱,用法和 ...
#58. 衛生福利部公告
主旨:公告含ambroxol或bromhexine成分「處方藥品」中文仿單. 修訂相關事宜。 依據:藥事法第48條及第75條。 ... 出,發生如:多形性紅斑(erythema multiforme)、史.
#59. 微生物學-肺炎黴漿菌 - 高點醫護網
好發於5歲至20歲的年齡層 · 潛伏期為3~5天 · 除了肺部症狀以外,有時會有多型性紅斑(erythema multiforme)、心肌炎或是腦神經系統的症狀 · cold agglutinin test可以當做 ...
#60. Erythema multiforme due to Mycoplasma pneumoniae ...
Mycoplasma pneumoniae is an important and highly relevant cause of bullous erythema multiforme, isolated mucositis, and Stevens-Johnson syndrome in children ...
#61. 打輝瑞莫德納後傳少數案例歐盟研究腎病等可能副作用 - 奇摩新聞
路透社中文新聞 4 個月前 ... 歐盟藥品管理局安全委員會正研究的3種新狀況,分別是多形性紅斑(erythema multiforme),即一種皮膚過敏性反應;腎小球 ...
#62. Erythema annulare centrifugum | DermNet NZ
Erythema multiforme — targetoid lesions occurring on the backs of hands and tops of feet (but that may occur anywhere); lesions consist of sharply demarcated, ...
#63. Current Perspectives on Erythema Multiforme - Document - Gale
EM is considered a separate disorder from Stevens-Johnson syndrome (SJS) and toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN) [1]. Depending on the time course, acute, ...
#64. Isolation of herpes virus from erythema multiforme.-论文-万方医学网
中文 期刊; 外文期刊; 学位论文; 会议论文. 加载中! 浏览:6. 特别提示:本网站仅提供医学学术资源服务,不销售任何药品和器械,有关药品和器械的销售信息,请查阅其他 ...
#65. 高榮藥物不良反應小組通告
2017/4/18: TFDA 公告含ambroxol 或bromhexine 成分「處方藥品」中文仿單 ... 多形性紅斑(erythema multiforme)、史帝文生氏-強生症候群/毒性表皮 ...
#66. Severe Gastrointestinal Involvement in Pediatric Stevens ...
Figure 1 Classic erythematous papules of Stevens-Johnson syndrome present ... Beck MH, Portnoy B. Severe erythema multiforme complicated by ...
#67. 皮膚科門診常見診斷編碼ICD-9-CM轉換ICD-10-CM
ICD-9 ICD-9英文 ICD-9中文 2014 ICD-10 ICD-10英文名稱 ICD-10中文 ... 695.1 Erythema multiforme 多形性紅斑 L00 Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome 葡萄球菌 ...
#68. Stevens-Johnson syndrome - Symptoms and causes - Mayo ...
Stevens-Johnson syndrome (SJS) is a rare, serious disorder of the skin and mucous membranes. It's usually a reaction to medication that ...
#69. List of Adverse Events of Special Interest (AESI) of COVID-19 ...
級別4: 2019冠狀病毒病住院治療期間死亡(任何原因). 17. Death (any causes). 死亡(任何原因). 18. Erythema multiforme. 多形性紅斑 ...
#70. Details - Public Health Image Library(PHIL)
Caption: This image depicts a palmar view of a patient's hands, which exhibited the dermatologic symptoms indicative of a condition known as erythema multiforme ...
#71. ICD 10 總表 - Dr.Tseng曾志仁醫師
代碼, 英/中文名稱 ... L49, Exfoliation due to erythematous conditions according to extent of body surface ... L519, Erythema multiforme, unspecified.
#72. Erythema multiforme - Medical Dictionary
Erythema Multiforme. Definition. Erythema multiforme is a skin disease that causes lesions and redness around the lesions. Description. Erythema multiforme ...
#73. Erythema: Types, Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment
Erythema is a skin condition characterized by redness or rash. Erythema multiforme a type of erythema occurs due to an allergic reaction to ...
#74. G160
有特殊使用方法之藥品如:吸入劑、筆針等,請檢附中文衛教單張說明或操作影片。 ... aplastic and megaloblastic anemia, nausea, erythema multiforme, headache, ...
#75. Penicillin Drug Allergy Clinical Pathway — All Settings
Erythema Multiforme. Rash with target-like lesions, often accompanied by erosions or bullae; Involves mucosal surfaces. Serum-Sickness Like Reaction.
#76. 皮膚免疫螢光檢查在診斷皮膚疾病的角色 - BIOMEDICINE
(erythema multiforme);當卵圓體出現在基底膜附. 近(圖六B),常代表紅斑性狼瘡或多形性紅斑;. 當卵圓體出現在基底膜及乳突狀真皮層(papillary.
#77. erythema"的中文翻译- 医学词典
环形红斑:①病损为环形的回状红斑(gyrate erythema);②风湿性边缘性红斑 ... 持久性变色红斑:同erythema dyschromicum perstans ... erythema multiforme major.
#78. 红斑, 非冻疮…《抓鸟》英语词典
erythema 的解释是:红斑, 非冻疮… 同时,该页为英语学习者提供:erythema的中文翻译、英英详解、单词音标、在线发音、例句等。
#79. Prophylactic topical acyclovir for frequent recurrent herpes ...
Prophylactic topical acyclovir for frequent recurrent herpes simplex infection with and without erythema multiforme. Fawcett HA, Wansbrough‐Jones MH, ...
#80. Focus 25.2- 中文.indd
Erythema multiforme in dogs and cats: Literature review and case material from the Cornell University. College of Veterinary Medicine (1988-1996).
#81. erythema中文 - Sauer
“acrodynic erythema” 中文翻譯: 肢痛性紅斑. “amorphous erythema” 中文翻譯: 不定形紅斑. “annular erythema” 中文翻譯: 環形紅斑; 環狀紅斑. “butterfly erythema” ...
#82. Recurrent erythema multiforme with arthritis – A rare association
Recurrent erythema multiforme with arthritis – A rare association. Author: Bhat, Yasmeen Jabeen · Zeerak, Sumaya · Baba, Asif Nazir.
#83. erythema multiforme中文
Erythema Multiforme. MoneyDJ新聞2021-08-12 07:45:08 記者郭妍希報導受到歐洲開始研究莫德納Moderna Inc、輝瑞Pfizer Inc,/德國生技商BioNTech BNT疫苗的副作用 ...
#84. 犬貓,馬匹及牛隻的多形性紅斑 - 家畜衛生試驗所
犬貓,馬匹及牛隻的多形性紅斑. ERYTHEMA MULTIFORME IN DOGS, CATS, HORSES AND CATTLE. 疾病說明, 多形性紅斑是一種皮膚及黏膜的急性發疹,可能是對感染物質,藥物, ...
#85. 歐盟:mRNA接種者回報「3種新症狀」 評估是否為副作用
歐盟11日表示已對此展開研究,觀察是否為接種疫苗後的副作用。 路透社報導,回報的3種症狀分別為多形性紅斑(erythema multiforme),症狀常見紅色丘疹和 ...
#86. Herpes (Herpes Simplex Virus) | Red Book Online
The virus requires skin to skin contact (skin rubbing) to be spread from: Oral herpes (cold sore) – mouth to mouth or mouth to genitals or anus; Genital herpes ...
#87. L. Skin 皮膚
Desquamation. 脫皮(屑). Drug eruption. 藥疹. Eczema. 濕疹. Eczema, atopic. 特應(異位)性濕疹. Erythema. 紅斑. Erythema multiforme. 多形紅斑. Erythema nodosum.
#88. Adverse Events of Special Interest (AESIs) for COVID-19 ...
limiting, in a subset of individuals frequent episodes of erythema multiforme over many years can lead to recurrent disease.38.
#89. Lip Sores and Inflammation - Dental Disorders - Merck Manuals
Erythema multiforme has a variety of appearances and often causes painful oral ... redness, and pain of the lips occurs; other changes may include cracks, ...
#90. 第五十七章組織漿菌症
Erythema multiforme 。另有6%可能合併急性心包膜炎。鑑別診斷包括其他. 呼吸道感染(如感冒)、肺炎。(三)組織漿菌瘤(histoplasmoma):偶爾.
erythema multiforme中文 在 許百睿皮膚科診所- Erythema Multiforme 多形性紅斑. 可能與皰 ... 的推薦與評價
Erythema Multiforme 多形性紅斑. 可能與皰疹病毒感染, 或是藥物過敏有關. ... <看更多>