#1. discrepancy翻譯及用法- 英漢詞典 - 漢語網
discrepancy中文 的意思、翻譯及用法:n. 不符;矛盾;相差。英漢詞典提供【discrepancy】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句等. ... Expectation Discrepancy期望差距.
discrepancy 的例句 ... The basis for this discrepancy is unclear, and intriguing. 來自Cambridge English Corpus. Finding discrepancies between oral ...
#3. Expectation Discrepancy: Risk Communication Barriers in ...
Abstract: Expectation discrepancy effect refers to a kind of interpersonal conflict resulting from a discrepancy of expectations between multiple sides ...
期望落差、組織氣候、組織社會化對留任意願影響之研究 A Study on the Influence of Expectation Discrepancy, Organizational Climate, ...
#5. there is some discrepancy - Linguee | 中英词典(更多其他语言 ...
大量翻译例句关于"there is some discrepancy" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句 ... I sense that there may be some discrepancy between our expectations [...].
#6. discrepancy中文, discrepancy是什麼意思:相差… - 查查在線詞典
discrepancy中文 ::相差…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋discrepancy的中文翻譯,discrepancy的發音,音標,用法和例句等。
#7. discrepancy的中文翻譯和情景例句- 留聲詞典 - 留声词典
1. a difference between conflicting facts or claims or opinions;. a growing divergence of opinion. 2. an event that departs from expectations. discrepancy的 ...
語文別: 中文 ... Five measurements including the Expectation Discrepancy Questionnaire, the Expectancy Appraisal Questionnaire, the Coping Questionnaire, ...
#9. the discrepancy between-翻译为中文-例句英语
使用Reverso Context: BOE member Sundjata Sekou asked for a clarification as to the discrepancy between the two estimates.,在英语-中文情境中翻译"the ...
#10. 認知偏誤列表- 维基百科,自由的百科全书
認知偏誤,是在判斷中偏離規範和/或理性的系統模式。該主題經常在心理學、社會學和行為經濟學中被 ... 您现在使用的中文变体可能会影响一些词语繁简转换的效果。
#11. discrepancy:discrepan con divergendi - 中文百科知識
相差, 差異, 矛盾英英解釋:名詞discrepancy:1. a difference between conflicting FACTS or claims or opinions ... 2. an event that departs from expectations
#12. Trust and the discrepancy between expectations and actual ...
Trust and the discrepancy between expectations and actual capabilities of social robots · Author(s) · Contributor(s) · Keywords · 所有記錄 · URI · Online Access.
#13. 論文查詢 - 科學教育研究資料庫.
中文 摘要. 本研究以J. W. Atkinson的成就動機理論為根據,目的在探討父母的期望水準與子女 ... tremendous discrepancy between parents' expectations and children's ...
#14. discrepancy 的中文翻譯 - 英漢字典
Discrepance \Dis*crep"ance\ (?; 277), Discrepancy \Dis*crep"an*cy\, n.; pl. {-ances}, {-ancies}. [L. disrepantia: cf. OF. discrepance. See {Discrepant}.] ...
#15. 社會支持期望與獲得的差距對於求診不孕婦女婚姻滿意度之影響
The Discrepancy of Expectation and Obtaining of Social. Support to the Influence of Marital Satisfaction of the. Female Infertile Outpatients. 中文摘要.
#16. Economic Uncertainty: A Geometric Indicator of Discrepancy Among ...
... among survey-based agents' expectations about the state of the economy. ... generate a measure of disagreement, referred to as a discrepancy indicator.
#17. 成功大學電子學位論文服務
expectation discrepancy gender discrimination. 學科別分類. 中文摘要, 摘要 2005年3月,汎亞人力銀行曾對仍在校的七年級生作了一項就業期望與最愛企業的調查。
#18. 心理學名詞 - 國家教育研究院雙語詞彙
中文 adult psychology. 成人心理學 adult survivors of incest. 亂倫的成年倖存者 ... disconfirmation of expectation. 期望失驗 ... self experience discrepancy.
#19. 臉書與現實的性格差距對個體幸福感的影響:臉書頁面態度同質 ...
繁體中文DOI: 10.6342/NTU201701951 DOI. 自我差距理論 ; 臉書 ; 臉書態度同質性 ; 臉書幸福感 ; Self-Discrepancy Theory ; Facebook ; homogeneity of ...
#20. Measuring the gap between service and customer's expectation
Gap 6 is described as the discrepancy between customer expectations and employees' perceptions. The cause is the incorrect knowledge of the ...
以下是许多翻译的例句,其中包含“BETWEEN THE EXPECTATIONS” - 英语-中文翻译和 ... Discrepancies between expectations and reality can cause disappointment and ...
#22. 失驗與購後口碑對顧客滿意度之影響 - 國立交通大學機構典藏
中文 摘要. 本研究主要是檢視失驗與購後口碑對顧客滿意度的影響,失驗指的是顧客 ... discrepancy between expectations and performance, has been confirmed in much ...
#23. discrepancy - 英语_读音_用法_例句 - 海词词典
英英释义 · a difference between conflicting facts or claims or opinions;. "a growing divergence of opinion" · an event that departs from expectations ...
#24. Getac support 神基科技服務支援
... attack against ECDSA because of an Observable Timing Discrepancy. ... and figures specified are preliminary based on current expectations and Getac ...
#25. Research Professor Sui Chu HO - 香港中文大學學術研究文庫
Adolescents' Educational Expectation: Discrepancy and Consistency with ... on Hong Kong Adolescents' Higher Education Expectations (2014).
#26. Ad formats with expected Google Ads Clicks / Analytics ...
Discrepancies are normal for some ad formats due to the nature of the ad type and billing method (referred to as the billable event).
#27. 【期望落差英文】AiritiLibrary華藝線上圖書... +1 | 健康跟著走
期望落差; 組織氣候; 組織社會化; 留任意願; Expectation Discrepancy ; Organizational Climate ; Organizational ... 出處/學術領域, 英文詞彙, 中文詞彙.
#28. SQL: SELECT * FROM this || 國家教育研究院-心理學學術名詞
英文名稱, 中文名稱 ... self discrepancy theroy, 自我分歧理論、自我歧異理論. self effacement, 自我貶抑 ... self efficacy expectation, 自我效能預期.
#29. 期望确认理论_百度百科
... 再度购买或使用(Repurchase Intention)的参考。 中文名: 期望确认理论; 外文名: 期望确认理论. 研究方向: 消费者满意度研究的基本理论; 模 型: 期望(Expectation) ...
#30. 「投」手V.S. 好球帶: 好「稿」不好搞?!
1) 中文、外文 ... 4) 原則. • 眼高手高. • 投其所好. 2. 包裝! • 主題偏好. • 用字遣詞. • 例子: EXPECTATION DIFFERENCE, EXPECTATION DISCREPANCY ...
#31. 台電員工工作態度調查研究 - 通識教育中心
3. 期望差距性的定義(. expectation discrepancy. ) 工作滿意程度取決於工作者「預期應得的報酬」與「 ...
#32. 編號中文名詞英文名詞中文解釋英文解釋1 承兌Acceptance 2 ...
中文 解釋. 英文解釋. 1 承兌. Acceptance. 2 保付支票. Accepted Check ... and netting of discrepancy ... irrational market expectations, which.
#33. 國立臺灣大學社會科學院政治學系政府與公共事務碩士在職專班 ...
2、差距性的定義(Expectation Discrepancy). 指工作滿意的程度視個人實得報酬與其認為應得報酬之差距而 ... 第一個變項是預期(Expectancy),指個 ... 壹、中文部分.
#34. 東海大學管理碩士班在職專班(研究所) 碩士學位論文整合期望不 ...
Action ,TRA)及Oliver (1980)提出的期望不確認理論(Expectancy. Disconfirmation Theory, EDT),並加入心理學中的身體意象(Body Image)以及.
#35. Supplier Expectations - Garmin International
繁體中文版. GARMIN. SUPPLIER EXPECTATIONS. This document includes Garmin Supplier Expectations, translated into English and Chinese.
#36. average expectation — 中文翻译- TechDico辞書
包含许多翻译示例按活动分类“average expectation” – 英语-中文字典和智能翻译助手。
#37. Discrepancy and consistency with parental expectations
This paper examines the difference between adolescents' perception of parents' educational expectations and their own, and the role of parental...
#38. if any discrepancy 中文 - Tanhoa
The discrepancy in the number of different nouns across children was expected since the number of utterances. discrepancy中文::相差,點擊查查權威綫上辭典 ...
#39. discrepancy是什么意思? discrepancy翻译(中文英文) - 抓鸟
名词: 1. a difference between conflicting facts or claims or opinions; 相似 "a growing divergence of opinion" 2. an event that departs from expectations
#40. Page 2: The IQ-Achievement Discrepancy Model - IRIS Center
A student with an average IQ score (around 100) is expected to receive average (or grade-level) scores on achievement tests. So a fourth grader with an average ...
#41. Introduction to Legitimate Expectations (合理的期望) | 学术写作例句 ...
Therefore, the discrepancy between specific and legitimate expectations for a particular social group (in terms of norms, living standards and social ...
#42. 流动儿童学业表现的影响因素——从教育 ... - 维普资讯中文期刊服务平台
The present study aims to explore the effects of (i) the educational expectation discrepancy between parents and children, (ii) the parental educational ...
#43. 中華傳播學會Chinese Communication Society
Due to the discrepancy between expectation and reality, their level of trust in the news media continues to decline. 中文關鍵詞, 倫理價值觀、媒體新聞信任、 ...
#44. 陳昭秀副教授 - 國立陽明交通大學教育研究所
中文 · English. Search for: ... Expectation discrepancy in the integration of constructivist-instruction technology into a teacher-education course.
#45. 期刊界All Journals 搜尽天下杂志传播学术成果专业期刊搜索 ...
中文 标题, 英文标题, 中文关键词, 英文关键词, 中文摘要, 英文摘要, 作者中文名, 作者英文名, 单位中文名, 单位英文名, 基金中文名, 基金英文名, 杂志中文名 ...
#46. -3. Level of discrepancy between the patient vs. and the ...
Level of discrepancy between the patient vs. and the companion in the information- ... is associated with greater expectation of informal care, and that g.
#47. Hong Kong Population Projections 2017-2066 香港人口推算 ...
Table 15 Projected expectation of life at birth for. Hong Kong and selected economies, ... discrepancy between the sum of individual items and the.
#48. Primary care patients' expectations regarding medical ...
This is particularly important in light of the discrepancy between previsit expectations and the actual experiences of patients evaluated ...
#49. 英文字典中文字典
{discrepancy}, {disagreement}, {divergence}, {variance}] 2: an event that departs from expectations [synonym: {discrepancy}, {variance}, {variant}].
#50. discrepancy 翻譯 - Sipping
“accumulated discrepancy”中文翻譯累積不符值; 累積差值; 累積誤差. ... an event that departs from expectations [ syn: { discrepancy }, { variance }, { variant }] ...
#51. Perceptions of Media Performance: Expectation--Evaluation ... - Gale
Perceptions of Media Performance: Expectation--Evaluation Discrepancies and Their Relationship with Media-Related and Populist Attitudes.
#52. Expectations and behaviors: 中文翻译, 含义、同义词、反义词
查看«Expectations and behaviors»的翻译、定义、含义、转录和例句, ... that there is a discrepancy between the parents' filial expectations and the actual ...
#53. 西藥藥品優良製造規範(第一部) - 衛生福利部
d) A statement of the expected final ... discrepancies outside acceptable limits. ... 5.56 Any significant or unusual discrepancy.
#54. price discrepancy - 中国的翻译- Cncontext
Price discrepancy的中国的翻译– 英语-中文字典和搜索引擎, 中国的翻译. ... As long as housing prices continued to rise, the expectation that the increase in ...
#55. 期望確認理論:定義,特點,模型架構 - 中文百科全書
期望(Expectation) 期望是影響滿意度的因素之一,因為期望對於消費者形成有關產品或 ... 是初始標準與來自於初始參考點所知覺(perceived)、差距(discrepancy)的函式。
#56. 英语: “discrepancy” - 大词典
大词典网为您提供英文discrepancy是什么意思,discrepancy在线翻译,discrepancy翻译解释,discrepancy中文意思,discrepancy用法,discrepancy读音,discrepancy音标 ...
#57. Irony Flashcards - Quizlet
contrast or discrepancy between expectation and reality, or between what is expected and what actually happens.
#58. Uncovering the relationships between tipping, social dignity ...
العربية; 中文 (中国); english; français; Русский; español; português ... Using a 2 (actual-expected tipping discrepancy higher vs. lower-than-expected tip ...
#59. CFPB and Financial Regulators Issue Guidance on How ...
... agencies issued guidance providing supervisory expectations on how financial institutions should handle consumer deposit discrepancies.
#60. 维普资讯中文期刊服务平台- 语言中的违预期信息与违预期范畴
人类语言使用语音(重音、语调)、词汇(副词、连词、短语)和句法(复杂动词结构、动词后缀、代词曲折形式)手段编码违预期信息。Expectation discrepancy information is a ...
#61. discrepancy的双语例句- 英语词典 - 工具书
noun. 差异;不符合;不一致 a difference between two or more things that should be the same. wide discrepancies in prices quoted for the work
#62. How Setting Appropriate Expectations May Play a Role in ...
Patient Experience: Acknowledging the Expectation Gap ... There is a host of literature on the discrepancies between what patients and their ...
#63. discrepancy 什么意思? Mandarin Chinese-English Dictionary ...
An event that departs from expectations. Hyphenation, dis•crep•an•cy. Part of Speech, (名) noun. Matching Results ...
#64. discrepancy是什么意思 - 英语词典
恒星英语词典栏目提供discrepancy是什么意思,discrepancy的中文解释,discrepancy的读音发音,discrepancy的含义和用法 ... an event that departs from expectations
#65. Child-parent discrepancy in body image perception among ...
More parents of senior grade pupils expected their children to gain weight than the parents of junior grade pupils. The pupils in public schools and their ...
#66. What Is the Expected Data Variance between Analytics and ...
Learn about the expected data variances between Adobe Target and Analytics when not using Analytics for Target (A4T), which eliminates data ...
#67. expectations for suppliers, contractors and business partners
Ethics Expectations for Suppliers and Contractors, which is based upon our ... In the event of any discrepancy between the original English version and ...
#68. definition of discrepancy by The Free Dictionary
Define discrepancy. discrepancy synonyms, discrepancy pronunciation, discrepancy translation, ... 2. discrepancy - an event that departs from expectations.
#69. Unmet Filial Expectations are Linked to Older Chinese ...
Discrepancies between older Chinese American's expectations versus receipt of filial piety are linked to poor health and increased ...
#70. No.652 - Justices of the Constitutional Court,Judicial Yuan ...
In the event the amount of discrepancies is exceedingly large that ... and the reasonable expectation of time the land-use applicant needs for fund-raising.
#71. 翻译'increased expectation of life' – 字典中文-英文 - Glosbe
检查“ increased expectation of life”到中文的翻译。 ... The increase in life expectancy and the decrease of the discrepancy between male and female life ...
#72. Excess Deaths Associated with COVID-19 - Centers for ...
Data updates are expected to resume on June 20, 2022. ... In addition, potential discrepancies between the number of excess deaths in the US when estimated ...
#73. What does DISCREPANCY mean? -
Definition of DISCREPANCY in the dictionary. Meaning of DISCREPANCY. What does DISCREPANCY mean? ... an event that departs from expectations ...
#74. Minimize error between data distribution and expected ...
The point is that, although what it implies in terms of manipulation, I want each data-block to minimize the discrepancy between actual and expected ...
#75. First Impressions of Belfast: Expectations vs Reality
It's been the biggest discrepancy in all of my expectations before moving here and I'm not mad at all about it. I just hope my student loan ...
#76. Why it's Good to Have Expectations in Your Relationship
What do you need to feel loved? Share your expectations with your partner. If you find that there is a big discrepancy between your expectations ...
#77. Fundal height: An accurate sign of fetal growth? - Mayo Clinic
The measurement is generally defined as the distance in centimeters from the pubic bone to the top of the uterus. The expectation is that after week 24 of ...
#78. Using Pythagorean expectation for soccer betting - Pinnacle
Football has taken the same approach and the discrepancy between Pythagorean expectation and actual outcomes in this sport approaches a ...
#79. discrepancy Meaning, Definition, Translation, Pronunciation
1. a difference between conflicting facts or claims or opinions;. "a growing divergence of opinion". 2. an event that departs from expectations ...
#80. 胡慧蘭老師發表- 國立陽明大學護理學院
中文 期刊. 第一作者或通訊作者論文篇數 ... Medication Discrepancy and Potentially Inappropriate Medication in Older Chinese-American Home Care Patients ...
#81. Gov't's Exclusion Clause on Tuition Subsidies Draws Heavy ...
... schools based on the expectation that they would receive tuition subsidies will ... Chiang explained, “The discrepancy between MOE and the Cabinet was ...
#82. 博碩士論文etd-0607116-111101 詳細資訊
論文語文/頁數, 中文/65 ... raw data leading to the discrepancy of the theoretical predictions on ... Expectation and exchange rate dynamics.
#83. Slovenia external relations briefing: Expectations for 2022
Since there is still a large discrepancy in how different states in the EU attempt to control the COVID-19 crisis and the level of the ...
#84. if any discrepancy 中文 - Ltpim
Noun. 1. a difference between conflicting facts or claims or opinions; “a growing divergence of opinion”. 2. an event that departs from expectations. 收起英英 ...
#85. Discretionary vs. Nondiscretionary Bonus: Everything You ...
A discretionary bonus is one given at the sole discretion of the employer and is not expected by the employee. The key to discretionary ...
#86. G. Okten and A. Goncu: Generating low-discrepancy sequences ...
Generating low-discrepancy sequences from the normal distribution: Box-Muller ... options using conditional expectation and importance sampling Monte Carlo.
#87. 黃偉俐身心科- 網路社交助長了「錯失焦慮症」... | Facebook
心理學上叫期待落差理論expectation violation ,很高興周教授提出這個給大家參考,只是能力 ... 對不起,太久沒提過這個理論,應該是expectation discrepancy 更適切.
#88. 期望落差英文期望落差,Met-expectations,音標,讀音,翻譯,英文 ...
期望落差英文期望落差,Met-expectations,音標,讀音,翻譯,英文例句,英語 ... 回家只有抄寫她沒有覺得很開心,而往往是因為期望落差(expectation discrepancy) 的出現。
#89. Yukio Yuzawa: dealing with demographic decline - Times ...
But, most importantly, students are not realising that the Japanese way of doing things is not the only way. “There is a big discrepancy between ...
#90. 找Expectation discrepancy 中文相關社群貼文資訊
提供Expectation discrepancy 中文相關文章,想要了解更多forged意思、syndicate中文、forged鍛造相關商業資訊或書籍,就來商業貼文懶人包.
#91. 检索结果-维普期刊中文期刊服务平台
作者 刘崇铭 高殿振 +1 位作者 于佩玉 周新华 《沈阳药学院学报》 CSCD 1989年第2期95-98,共4页: 本文报告了河北产东业钳蝎毒及从蝎毒分离出的抗癫痫肽, ...
#92. discrepancy - Yahoo奇摩字典搜尋結果
不一致,不符,差異;不一致之處[U][C][(+between/in)]. Dr.eye 譯典通 · discrepancy · 查看更多. IPA[dɪsˈkrepənsi]. 美式. 英式. n. 差異. 牛津中文字典 ...
#93. Behavioural Science | Publications | About - University of Stirling
My Portal · Contact · Search our site · 中文网 ... 中文网 · My Portal · Site search ... ambivalence, self-discrepancy and self-concordance.
#94. Marquez to have further arm surgery, rest of '22 MotoGP ...
8 天前 — ... his position on the bike is still not what he really needs to race as he wants to race and to match his expectations on a GP weekend.
#95. Montclair State University - The New York Times
... dance with different expectations: “What we've taken off the table is the ... the discrepancy in fund-raising between public and private institutions.
expectation discrepancy中文 在 黃偉俐身心科- 網路社交助長了「錯失焦慮症」... | Facebook 的推薦與評價
心理學上叫期待落差理論expectation violation ,很高興周教授提出這個給大家參考,只是能力 ... 對不起,太久沒提過這個理論,應該是expectation discrepancy 更適切. ... <看更多>