錯誤類比(false analogy)、牽強比附、牽強類比、不當類比、或弱類比(weak analogy)是一種非形式謬誤,係使用不恰當的類比推論而得出不恰當的結論。
#2. 政客最愛「假二分法」:你要是不和我們一道,就是與我們為敵!
過度簡化因果的謬誤可能以無數種風格呈現,最常見的莫過於「假二分法」(false dichotomies)或「假兩難」(false dilemmas)。
#3. 假两难推理_百度百科
难推理(False dichotomy) 是逻辑谬误(Deductive Fallacies)的一种。它对讨论的问题,提出看来是所有可能的选择或观点(一般是两个);但其实这些选择并不全面 ...
假兩難(推理、論證)(False dilemma),又稱非黑即白(black-or-white)、偽(假)二分法、偽二擇(選)一法、偽兩面法、雙刀法等,是提出少數選項(一般是兩個,但有 ...
false dilemma中文 :假兩難推理…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋false dilemma的中文翻譯,false dilemma的發音,音標,用法和例句等。
#6. false dilemma 中文意思是什麼 - 線上英文字典
false dilemma 中文 意思是什麼. false dilemma 解釋. 假兩難推理. false : adj (opp true)1 虛偽的,虛假的,捏造的;撒謊的,不誠實的;錯誤的。2 不正的,非法 ...
假兩難推理(False dichotomy) 是邏輯謬誤(Deductive Fallacies)的一種。它對討論的問題,提出看來是所有可能的選擇或觀點(一般是兩個);但其實這些選擇並不全面,亦 ...
不當類比謬誤(false analogy fallacy). 為了使閱聽者容易理解,過分簡化論述的邏輯,將其塞入每個人都懂的生活例子當中,這就是此類謬誤來源。
#9. 虛假的兩難境地(False dilemma) - VoiceTube 看影片學英語
虛假的兩難境地( False dilemma ) · 艾薇兒- 複雜的(Avril Lavigne - Complicated) · 這樣回答,讓「分手」變成不可能的任務The Impossible Breakup.
#10. 假兩難推理 - 中文百科知識
假兩難推理(False dichotomy) 是邏輯謬誤(Deductive Fallacies)的一種。它對討論的問題,提出看來是所有可能的選擇或觀點(一般是兩個);但其實這些選擇並不全面, ...
#11. 邏輯謬誤(Logical Fallacies) - VoiceTube 看影片學英語
展開字幕. 字幕與單字. 自動翻譯. 影片操作 你可以在這邊進行「影片」的調整,以及「字幕」的顯示. Back Next. B1 中級 中文 謬誤 邏輯 鬼魂 論點 伊森 結論 ...
#12. 什么是错误困境谬论(False Dilemma Fallacy)? - 天天知识网
false dilemma 的中文翻译,false dilemma是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译false dilemma ... 假两难(推理、论证)(False dilemma) 含义: 又称非黑即白(black-or-white)、伪(假) ...
#13. 假兩難推理- Latest
假兩難(推理、論證)(英語:false dilemma),又稱非黑即白(black-or-white)、偽(假)二分法、偽二擇(選)一法、偽兩面法、雙刀法等,是提出少數選項(一般是兩 ...
#14. 翻译'false dilemma' – 字典中文-英文 - Glosbe
检查“ false dilemma”到中文的翻译。浏览句子中false dilemma的翻译示例,听发音并学习语法。
#15. it's a false-翻译为中文-例句英语
使用Reverso Context: I don't think it's a false alarm.,在英语-中文情境中翻译"it's a false" ... 在中文中翻译"it's a false" ... I say it's a false dilemma.
#16. 【false dilemma】作文写作问答- 归教作文网
FALSE DILEMMA 是什么意思? 就是假两难推理,给出了非此即彼的两个条件,但是这两个条件并不是充分的,就是还有除了这两个条件之外的条件可以形成推理。
#17. 【false dilemma】在多语言下的意思、翻译、词源、用法、例句
名词(Noun). false dilemma (plural false dilemmas). A situation in which two opposing options are presented as the only possibilities, when others are ...
#18. 英美(分析)哲學用詞英漢對照表
華語房間論證/中文屋子論證 claim, to make a. 表述一樁事情 ... dilemma. 兩難 dimension. 維度 ding an sich ... equivocation. 多義/混義/模棱兩可.
#19. 假兩難推理- 语义网络 - 联盟百科
假兩難(推理、論證)(false dilemma),又稱非黑即白(black-or-white)、偽(假)二分法、偽二擇(選)一法、偽兩面法、雙刀法等,是提出少數選項(一般是兩個, ...
#20. Argument論證| 維基共筆Wiki
結論(conclusion)、q 反應平衡時->巨觀上沒有變化不能反過來推說:巨觀上沒有變化->反應平衡假兩難(推理、論證)(英语:false dilemma), ...
#21. 論證規則.pdf - 台大城鄉所
(28) 兩難困局Dilemma ... 譯注1 argumentative essay 或可循中文的習慣說法譯為「論說文」,但是為了讓讀者警醒而不落入 ... 的「模稜兩可」(equivocation)謬誤。
#22. 邏輯謬誤(The Logical Fallacies) @ 趣題靈異蒐集 - 隨意窩
兩難推理(False Dilemma); 錯謬:為多於一個答案的問題提供不足(通常兩個)的選擇,即是隱藏了一些選擇,最典型的表現是非黑即白觀點。 例子:薩達姆是邪惡的,所以 ...
#23. 打臉爛邏輯! 別再被這些話術唬弄過去| 誠品線上
語言/, 中文繁體 ... 訴諸恐懼的人攻擊一個命題的同時,只提供一種,而且是唯一一種選擇給對方,也就是他自己的主張,這種情況很類似假兩難謬誤(false dilemma)。
#24. DILEMMA 中文是什么意思- 翻译
false dilemma · dilemma can. It's a dilemma a dilemma of growth. 这是一个困境,一个成长的困境。 Saudi Arabia now faces a dilemma” Mr Fritsch said.
#25. dilemme法语-英语翻译:剑桥词典
dilemme翻译:dilemma, dilemma。 ... dilemma. être devant un dilemme to be faced with a dilemma ... I think that is a false dilemma.
#26. false中文是什麼意思 - 晨露
例句:This will give people a false impression. 這樣會給人造成錯覺。 ... false dilemma 假兩難推理,兩難推理,假兩難推理. false alarm 誤報警, ...
#27. The Disruption Dilemma - 博客來
書名:The Disruption Dilemma,語言:英文,ISBN:9780262533621,頁數:176,作者:Gans, Joshua,出版日期:2017/04/21,類別:商業財經.
#28. 「missing the point fallacy中文」懶人包資訊整理(1) - 蘋果健康 ...
missing the point fallacy中文資訊懶人包(1),Fallacies,中文翻作「謬誤」, ... 分散注意力的謬誤(Fallacies of Distraction) 兩難推理(False Dilemma) .
#29. 美國醫藥行業的偽難題- FT中文網
Leader: The pharmaceutical industry』s false dilemma 美國醫藥行業的偽難題. FT社評:製藥業辯稱,如果採取行動降低美國藥價,創新動力就會下降。
#30. 假两难推理- 维基百科,自由的百科全书
假两难(推理、论证)(英语:false dilemma),又称非黑即白(black-or-white)、伪(假)二分法、伪二择(选)一法、伪两面法、双刀法、二极管思维等,是提出少数 ...
#31. 謬論Fallacies @ Kerry's Space/Time Continuum - 痞客邦
Fallacies,中文翻作「謬誤」,意思是邏輯上有問題的論述。我想我在美國學到一門最有用的課, ... False Dilemma / Either-Or (假兩難推理).
#32. 生活中常見的邏輯謬誤 - 每日頭條
1. 稻草人謬誤The Straw-Man Fallacy · 2. 紅鯡魚謬誤(混淆視聽)The Red Herring · 3. 假兩難推理(非黑即白)The False Dilemma.
#33. 简介“逻辑谬误”- 伪两难推理(false dilemma) - 柳渝的博文
#34. 杜威之興趣觀及其對中國大陸基礎教育改革之啟示
繁體中文DOI: 10.6345/NTNU201900529 DOI ... knowledge learning, teacher's guidance, students' diligence and thinking training to avoid the false dilemma.
#35. An Illustrated Book of Bad Arguments
Misrepresenting the idea is much easier than refuting the evidence for it. 14. Informal Fallacy › Red Herring › Genetic Fallacy › Appeal to Irrelevant Authority.
#36. 洪志豪/你有沒有後悔每天堅持挖三公噸的鼻屎? | 沃草烙哲學
洪志豪,紫煙亭網主、香港中文大學哲學碩士,興趣是分析哲學,讀的多是形 ... 虛假兩難(false dilemma)」及「虛假二分(false dichotomy)」,但 ...
#37. 随身英语/ Wardrobe dilemma 面对衣橱的困惑 - BBC
1. 阅读课文并回答问题。 1. True or false? Coco Chanel is famous for disliking matching patterns. 2. According to stylist Martine Alexander, ...
#38. What does false dilemma mean? -
A false dilemma is a type of informal fallacy that involves a situation in which limited alternatives are considered, when in fact there is at least one ...
#39. 【錯誤的兩難】《邏輯即戰力》用邏輯贏得每... +1 | 健康跟著走
特性是错误使用「或」逻辑运算符(Or operator)。要破解,可以证明除了论证中提出的选择外,还有 ... ,假兩難(推理、論證)(英語:false dilemma),又稱非黑即白(black- ...
#40. 讀書筆記- 圖解嘴砲- an Illustrated Book of Bad Arguments
有中文版喔! 以下是筆記: 1. Argument. ... Equivocation: 移花接木法之二. 運用文字的灰色地帶玩文字 ... False Dilemma: 二分法. 舉例: 你不喜歡我, ...
#41. 有人说这是一种取舍:要么拯救生命,要么挽救生计
2020年4月3日. 在全世界应对COVID-19疫情过程中,一个又一个国家面临这样一种局面,即一方面需要遏制病毒传播,另一方面又要承受社会和经济陷入停滞的代价。
#42. The False (Form-Factor) Dilemma: Hardware or Software | F5
Similarly, there's the red herring fallacy, in which you deliberately change the subject to avoid arguing about the original premise at all, ...
#43. All In: Combating the False Dilemma - Montgomery County ...
One educational issue I often hear debated is whether schools are primarily responsible for students' mental health, or their academic progress.
#44. insinuate - Linguee | 中英词典(更多其他语言)
大量翻译例句关于"insinuate" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。
#45. false dilemma漫画最新连载
false dilemma 是一部由ニトロ攻铁创作的免费漫画,热门漫画《false dilemma》是由作者ニトロ攻铁连载爆肝更新,漫画讲述了.
#46. 24种常见逻辑错误|thou shalt not commit logical fallacies - 知乎
稻草人谬误strawman 基本归因错误false cause 滑坡谬误slippery slope 特例 ... Also known as the false dilemma, this insidious tactic has the ...
#47. Subject:華製新漢語及中文固有語/嚴譯及部定詞等
語言基礎:古文(上古語、文言)、公文、尺牘、報筆、官話;; 翻譯目的:輸入歐化,開啟民智(西學東漸);; 語音標準:嚴 ...
#48. News & Views — Name the Logical Fallacy: COVID-19 Edition
The types of fallacies used above include ad hominem attack, appeal to ignorance, causal fallacy, false dichotomy, red herring, and slippery ...
#49. 假两难(false dilemma) - 上帝的语言- 豆瓣
假两难(false dilemma). 潇潇. 2011-06-22 11:03:24 看过. 弗兰西斯·柯林斯是美国遗传学家、人类基因研究项目领导者、虔诚基督徒。中国人看到科学家有宗教信仰,多少 ...
#50. 數學名詞 - 國家教育研究院雙語詞彙
中文 dichotomous search. 對分搜索;二分搜索 dichotomy. 二分性;二分法 diffeomorphism. 微分同胚 difference. 差;差分 difference algebra. 差分代數;差分運算法.
#51. Erasing the False Dichotomy - Outbound & Inbound Marketing
Like two sides of a coin, there are always two extremes that exhibit contrasting approaches to solve a problem. From Reds or Blues in the ...
#52. False dilemma. - Philosophical Foxes V2 | LooksRare
False dilemma. -. Unlisted. AboutOffersActivity. Fox #365. Properties.
#53. A list of Logical Fallacies & Rhetorical Devices with examples
Division. Assuming that characteristics or beliefs of a group automatically apply to any individual member. “Many Conservatives wish to ban gay marriage, ...
#54. False dichotomy definition and meaning - Collins Dictionary
Example sentences. false dichotomy. These examples have been automatically selected and may contain sensitive content that does not reflect the opinions or ...
#55. 轉寄 - 博碩士論文行動網
論文名稱(外文):, The False-Dilemma Approach to Data Protocol Reverse Engineering for Diesel Engine Glow Plug with CAN Bus. 指導教授: 楊介仙 ... 語文別: 中文.
#56. 《dilemma中文谐音》漫画免费阅读
dilemma中文 谐音漫画又名,dilemma中文谐音土豪漫画是一本高人气漫画,漫画简介:《dilemma中文谐音》是由ニトロ攻铁主笔连载的网络漫画。
#57. AP英语语言二中文 - Quizlet
False Dilemma Fallacy --. 逻辑谬误. Generalization Fallacy ... Logos. 逻辑诉求. Narration. 叙述. Pathos. n.感伤,悲怆,悲情. Persuasive.
#58. List of fallacies - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A fallacy is incorrect argument in logic and rhetoric resulting in a lack of ... False dilemma (false dichotomy, fallacy of bifurcation, ...
#59. Dilemma between: 中文翻译, 含义、同义词、反义词、发音
Dilemma between: 中文翻译, 含义、同义词、反义词、发音、例句、转录、定义、短语 ... argued that the choice between theodicy and cosmodicy is a false dilemma .
#60. The Trade With China Dilemma | Tableau Public
While Capitol Hill mulls over a bill about whether to take action against China's currency practices, we thought we'd take a look at the ...
#61. 好容易搞混...mistake、error、fault這些字到底「錯」在哪?
He make a false move when he drunk-dialed his ex-girlfriend.(他喝醉後打給前女友真是個不明智的舉動。) false alarm 虛驚一場.
#62. 通識教育優秀論文獎- 2018–19 & 2019–20
上冊,香港中文大學大學通識教育部,2016,頁91–137。 ... There rises a dilemma of naming, as recognized by Diotima,.
#63. A False Dilemma for US Colleges Standing Up to China
That American universities must balance academic freedom against their desire to engage with China is a false dilemma.
#64. False Dilemma - Instagram
1138 Followers, 2 Following, 51 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from False Dilemma (@false.dilemma)
#65. False dilemma synonyms, False dilemma antonyms
Synonyms for False dilemma in Free Thesaurus. Antonyms for False dilemma. 4 words related to trifurcation: branching, ramification, fork, forking.
#66. Lunch with Audrey Tang - European Chamber of Commerce ...
This overcomes the false dilemma between government and big tech being in control. Minister Tang made the point that it is possible to apply ...
#67. Human rights and social justice—a false dichotomy?
Even a narrow view of human rights will find at least some overlap with social justice demands, which are too often linked only to economic ...
#68. A False Dilemma Fuels the Lockdown Wars - WSJ
Both sides are dug in on extreme positions, but the facts say it's time to reopen, carefully.
#69. A PCR-negative, IgG/IgM antibodies-positive SARSCoV-2 ...
العربية; 中文 (中国); english; français; Русский; español; português ... IgG/IgM antibodies-positive SARSCoV-2 patient: A false-negative dilemma.
#70. False premise makes for wrong policy - Times Higher ...
This principle is widely accepted in its application to research funding, and, by analogy, should apply to teaching. A is unsustainable in the ...
#71. Why we should rise above false binaries - The World ...
Apart from the alliterative touch, I read this as enlightened acknowledgment of the fact that many of the leadership dilemmas today are in fact, ...
#72. Poster: Fallacy - False Dilemma | abcteach
A quality educational site offering 5000+ FREE printable theme units, word puzzles, writing forms, book report forms,math, ideas, lessons and much more.
#73. 死刑
Sierra Leone, in an explanation of the vote before the vote, rejected the amendment as it introduced a false dilemma in assuring that the text went contrary ...
#74. Financial Times
News, analysis and comment from the Financial Times, the worldʼs leading global business publication.
#75. false dilemma 中文意思是什麼 - TerryL
false dilemma 中文 意思是什麼 · false: adj (opp true)1 虛偽的,虛假的,捏造的;撒謊的,不誠實的;錯誤的。2 不正的,非法的。 · dilemma: n. 1. 【邏輯學】(使對手在 ...
#76. 虛假兩難」(False Dilemma)... - 黃志安Michael C Wong
其實,我設下的是一種所謂的「虛假兩難」(False Dilemma),在邏輯上來說就是故意使用二分法,造成只有兩個選擇的假象,掩蓋了其他可能性,迫使他人去作決定。
#77. 分割谬误: TA很善良所以TA正直勇敢聪明(省略一万字) Fallacy ...这意思有点像指一个五斗柜第一 ...
#78. Financial Review - Business, Finance and Investment News ...
The oil market is projecting a false sense of stability when it comes to energy ... If Labor wins, it will confront the same dilemma as the Whitlam ...
#79. 1,091 Top Interpret A Teaching Resources - Twinkl
Division Dilemma Worksheet · 5.0 (2 reviews). Last downloaded on. Year 2 Using Units of Measurement: Calendar Lesson 1. Last downloaded on.
#80. Front Page - SWI
Macron vows a change of course to respond to France's "division" and "anger". He becomes the first French president to be reelected in two decades. April 24 ...
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... 辭(equivocation)迴避問題(evading the issue)評估者偏誤(evaluator bias)誣控人身攻擊(false charge of ad hominem)虛假兩難境地/錯誤二分法(false dilemma/false ...
#82. — Australia's leading news site
The explosive court showdown between Johnny Depp and Amber Heard has hit pause – and it's given the Pirates of the Caribbean star a huge advantage. Buying 13 ...
#83. Allegro Funds and Anchorage ran ruler over David Jones, say ...
Rival Myer faces a similar dilemma as department stores struggle globally to find buyers following their decline in response to online ...
#84. 最後的致意(中文導讀英文版) - Google 圖書結果
... and a chronicler is left in the dilemma that he must either sacrifice details which are essential to his statement and so give a false impression of the ...
#85. 叙事研究前沿.第二辑:中文、英文 Frontiers of Narrative Studies Vol. 2
Chidam is now faced with a dilemma. ... so that we recognise Chidam's accusation not only as false, but as a betrayal of an attachment relation.
#86. Tofu waste used to make less expensive and more ethical cell ...
GLP responds to ongoing false allegations from US Right to Know / Organic ... Chichewa, 简体中文, 繁體中文 ... Chichewa, 简体中文, 繁體中文 ...
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English Русский 简体中文 Türkçe Português Español Magyar Français Ελληνικά Melayu ... Filter the column is_credited “FALSE”, copy all the filtered data, ...
#88. Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists - 3月 1979 - 第 1 頁 - Google 圖書結果
#89. WOF 334: Religion and Science - Word on Fire
In today's episode of “The Word on Fire Show,” Brandon Vogt and I discuss five ways to help young people escape this false dilemma and come to understand ...
#90. 假兩難推理- 維基百科,自由的百科全書
假兩難(推理、論證)(英語:false dilemma),又稱非黑即白(black-or-white)、偽(假)二分法、偽二擇(選)一法、偽兩面法、雙刀法等,是提出少數選項(一般是兩 ...
false dilemma中文 在 虛假兩難」(False Dilemma)... - 黃志安Michael C Wong 的推薦與評價
其實,我設下的是一種所謂的「虛假兩難」(False Dilemma),在邏輯上來說就是故意使用二分法,造成只有兩個選擇的假象,掩蓋了其他可能性,迫使他人去作決定。 ... <看更多>