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#1. fizz 在英語中的意思
fizz verb [I] (PRODUCE GAS). If a liquid fizzes, it produces a lot of bubbles and makes a continuous s sound:.
#2. Fizz Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of FIZZ is to make a hissing or sputtering sound : effervesce. How to use fizz in a sentence.
#3. Fizz Definition & Meaning | Dictionary.com
a fizzing sound; effervescence. · soda water or other effervescent water. · an iced mixed drink made of liquor, lemon juice, sugar, and soda: gin fizz.
#4. Fizz definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary
1. a hissing, sputtering sound, as of an effervescent drink · 2. an effervescent drink. verb intransitive · 3. to make a hissing or bubbling sound.
#5. Fizz - Definition, Meaning & Synonyms | Vocabulary.com
To fizz is to froth or bubble over. If you shake up a soda, it will fizz out of the bottle when you open it. When something fizzes, you hear a hissing sound as ...
#6. FIZZ | Meaning & Definition for UK English | Lexico.com
1(of a liquid) produce bubbles of gas and make a hissing sound. 'his lemonade was still fizzing at the top of the glass'.
#7. meaning of fizz in Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
fizz ; fizzfizz2 noun [singular, uncountable] ; 1 DFDSOUNDthe bubbles of gas in some kinds of drinks, or the sound that they make ; 2 DFD British English informal ...
#8. What does fizz mean? | Best 15 Definitions of Fizz
Fizz definition · A hissing or bubbling sound. · To make a hissing or bubbling sound; effervesce. · A hissing, sputtering sound, as of an effervescent drink. · An ...
#9. Fizz Definition & Meaning | Britannica Dictionary
FIZZ meaning : to make a sound like many small bubbles popping.
#11. Fizz - Urban Dictionary
To Fizz. The female version of "jizz." In this case the act of cumming, for girls. Or vaginal secretion. ... Get the Fizz mug.
#12. Fizz - definition of fizz by The Free Dictionary
1. A hissing or bubbling sound. 2. Effervescence. 3. An effervescent beverage. [Imitative.] fizz′y adj.
#13. fizz - Meaning in Malayalam - Shabdkosh
fizz - Meaning in Malayalam, what is the meaning of fizz in Malayalam dictionary, pronunciation, synonyms, usage examples and definitions of fizz in ...
#14. 13 Synonyms & Antonyms for FIZZ | Thesaurus.com
Find 13 ways to say FIZZ, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus.com, ... See definition of fizz on Dictionary.com.
#15. FIZZ (verb) definition and synonyms | Macmillan Dictionary
Definition of FIZZ (verb): liquid: have small gas bubbles that burst.
#16. fizz - Oxford Learner's Dictionaries
Definition of fizz_2 noun in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and ...
#17. Fizz meaning in Hindi - फ़िज़्ज़ मतलब हिंदी में - Hinkhoj
FIZZ MEANING IN HINDI - EXACT MATCHES · Advertisements · OTHER RELATED WORDS · Definition of Fizz · RELATED SIMILAR WORDS (Synonyms): · Information provided about ...
#18. 點飲料時,服務生問「Fizzy or still 」什麼意思?
Still這個字大家比較熟,就是「靜止」,Fizzy是從fizz這個字來的,fizz就是充氣飲料,是一個擬聲字,想像一下,我們在打開氣泡水時嘶嘶的聲音,就叫做fizz ...
#19. fizz: Meaning and Definition of | Infoplease
fizz · a fizzing sound; effervescence. · soda water or other effervescent water. · an iced mixed drink made of liquor, lemon juice, sugar, and soda: gin fizz.
#20. Fizz (cocktail) - Wikipedia
A "fizz" is a mixed drink variation on the older sours family of cocktail. Its defining features are an acidic juice and carbonated water. Contents.
#21. fizz - Translation into Arabic - examples English - Reverso ...
Translations in context of "fizz" in English-Arabic from Reverso Context: Two glasses of French fizz and a soda for you.
#22. fizz 的中文翻釋|影音字典- VoiceTube 看影片學英語
超過400 萬人愛用的線上英語學習平台!上萬部YouTube 影片教材,搭配中英文翻譯字幕與英漢字典,輕鬆掌握日常對話、瞭解單字的發音與用法。是最適合華人提升英文聽力和 ...
#23. fizz Meaning in Bengali at english-bangla.com
Phrases, Idioms & A. prep. fizz /verb/ হিসহিস্ বা ফোস্েফাস শব্দ করা.
#24. What does Fizz mean? - Definitions.net
Wiktionary(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: · fizznoun. An emission of a rapid stream of bubbles. · fizznoun. The sound of such an emission. · fizznoun. A ...
#25. fizz meaning in chinese traditional - DictionaryFAQ
fizz meaning in chinese 産生氣體, (液體)起泡並發噝噝聲, 聲音, 發出噝噝聲, 氣泡, (液體中的)氣泡, 充氣飲料(尤指香檳), 如「嘶」的長音.
#26. Meaning of "fizz" in the English dictionary - Educalingo
Other definition of fizz is to produce bubbles of carbon dioxide, either through fermentation or aeration. Fizz is also a hissing or bubbling sound.
#27. Fizz - Definition for English-Language Learners from Merriam ...
Definition of fizz written for English Language Learners from the Merriam-Webster Learner's Dictionary with audio pronunciations, usage examples, ...
#28. fizz - definition and meaning - Wordnik
fizz : To make a hissing or bubbling sound; effervesce. ... from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.
#29. fizz - 英语_读音_用法_例句 - 海词词典
fizz 的英文翻译是什么意思,词典释义与在线翻译:. 详尽释义. v. (动词). 发嘶嘶声; 起泡沫 ...
#30. fizz中文, fizz是什麼意思:嘶嘶響 - 綫上翻譯
fizz 中文::嘶嘶響;嘶嘶聲;興奮;充氣飲料;菲滋酒…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋fizz的中文翻譯,fizz的發音,音標,用法和例句等。
#31. fizz in marathi | HelloEnglish: India's no. 1 English Learning App
fizz meaning in marathi: असा आवाज | Learn detailed meaning of fizz in marathi dictionary with audio prononciations, definitions and usage.
#32. Crackle and Fizz - World Scientific
Crackle and Fizz · Your Audience: The Person or People Whose Full Engagement You Need · Change and Affect: Gives Communication Its Meaning and Impact · Lure: An ...
#33. Fizz - Linguee | 中英词典(更多其他语言)
大量翻译例句关于"Fizz" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。 ... Product Description Moschino Hippy Fizz is a sparkling, luminous and fun summer fragrance ...
#34. fizz meaning and definition
Evan sat back in the hot tub and listened to the relaxing fizz and pops produced by the eruption of bubbles. A carbonated beverage. Nathan ordered an orange ...
#35. Ramos Gin Fizz Definition and Meaning | Tastings
Also known as a Ramos Fizz, the New Orleans Fizz was created in the late 1800's by Henry C. Ramos in New Orleans. The cocktail became so popular that by the ...
#36. fizz | Free On-Line English Dictionary | Thesaurus - Wordsmyth
Definition of fizz. Free online Dictionary including thesaurus, children's and intermediate dictionary by Wordsmyth.
#37. FIZZ - Translation in Norwegian - bab.la
Translation for 'fizz' in the free English-Norwegian dictionary and many other Norwegian translations.
#38. Fizz Name Meaning & Fizz Family History at Ancestry.com®
Discover the meaning of the Fizz name on Ancestry®. Find your family's origin in the United States, average life expectancy, most common occupation, ...
#39. fizz中文,fizz的意思,fizz翻譯及用法- 英漢詞典 - 漢語網
fizz 中文的意思、翻譯及用法:n. 氣泡;嘶嘶聲;劈啪聲;充氣飲料;興奮,活力v. 發嘶嘶聲;起泡沫;劈啪作響;有活力,顯示興奮。英漢詞典提供【fizz】的詳盡中文 ...
#40. What is fizz - Sesli Sözlük
Definition of fizz in English English dictionary. To emit bubbles · The sound of such an emission. Evan sat back in the hot tub and listened to the relaxing ...
#41. Fizz Definition | Law Insider
Define Fizz. means Fizz Experience Limited trading as Fizz Training Academy, a company incorporated in England (Company Registration Number: 02031289), ...
#42. Fizz Meaning in Urdu is Sansanana سنسنانا with 3 Definitions
Fizz Meaning in Urdu · (n.) A hissing sound; as, the fizz of a fly. · (v. i.) To make a hissing sound, as a burning fuse.
#43. FIZZ Meaning in Arabic - Tr-ex
Translations in context of "FIZZ" in english-arabic. HERE are many translated example sentences containing "FIZZ" - english-arabic translations and search ...
#44. Fizz Meaning in Bengali - Fizz অর্থ | Dictionarybd.com
fizzy (fizzier, fizziest) হিসহিসি; গ্যাসযুক্ত। More Meaning for Fizz. fizz volume_up. ঝাঁজ; হিসহিস বা শোঁ শোঁ শব্দ; ...
#45. Apricot Fizz Cocktail Recipes
Apricot Fizz · The Ingredients. 25 ml Bourbon Whiskey, 25 ml Apricot Brandy, 37 1/2 ml Lemon Juice, 3 dashes Old Fashioned Bitters, Top-Up Lemonade · How To make ...
#46. fizz meaning - definition of fizz by Mnemonic Dictionary
fizz - Dictionary definition and meaning for word fizz. Definition (noun) an effervescent beverage (usually alcoholic) Definition
#47. Frosty -fizz meaning in English - Brainly.in
' Cambridge English Dictionary defines 'fizz' as 'a fizzy drink, especially champagne. ' So, the phrase 'frosty fizz' means an ice-cold fizzy ...
#48. Boy's name meaning, origin, and popularity - Fizz - BabyCenter
See the popularity of the boy's name Fizz over time, plus its meaning, origin, common sibling names, and more in BabyCenter's Baby Names tool.
#49. fizz中文意思 - 看影片不用背單字
fizz 的中文意思是什麼呢?2022年最常見的用法,有17影片中用到這個單字,並且可一鍵全部播放,快速聆聽各種外國人(真人),講述這個單字,不再是死死的機器發音。
#50. Fizz meaning in Hindi - Fizz का मतलब हिंदी में
Fizz is a english word. Fizz Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब). fizz = आक्रामक रुख. Usage: The cricket team has lost ...
#51. fizz meaning in tamil - KitkatWords
fizz Definitions and meaning in English. noun: an effervescent beverage (usually alcoholic). verb: form bubbles; bubble ...
#52. fizz | Etymology, origin and meaning of fizz by etymonline
fizz (v.) ... "make a hissing sound," 1660s, of imitative origin. Related: Fizzed; fizzing. The noun is recorded from 1812; meaning "effervescent drink" is from ...
#53. fizz - Translation and Meaning in Almaany English Arabic ...
Meaning of fizz, Definition of Word fizz in Almaany Online Dictionary, searched domain is All category, in the dictionary of English Arabic.
#54. fizz in English fizz meaning | KHANDBAHALE.COM
fizz meaning in English is a translation of fizz in English dictionary. Click to see meaning, synonym, antonym for word fizz.
#55. fizz: meaning, origin, translation - WordSense Dictionary
WordSense Dictionary: fizz - ✓ meaning, ✓ definition, ✓ synonyms, ✓ translations, ✓ origin.
#56. SND :: fizz - Dictionaries of the Scots Language
Scottish National Dictionary (1700–). Hide Quotations Hide Etymology Cite this entry. FIZZ, v., n. Also fiz. Sc. usages: I. v. 1. To make a fuss, to bustle; ...
#57. Fizz meaning and definitions - Dictionary - Tamil Di
Intransitive verb. To make a hissing sound, as a burning fuse. Noun. A hissing sound; as, the fizz of a fly.
#58. What's a Preloved phone? | Fizz
If customer removable, battery damage (warped, burnt, punctured, swelled, wrinkled and missing labels). SIM tray damage, whether bent or loose, meaning it won't ...
#59. Definition of fizz - The Online Slang Dictionary
This Slang page is designed to explain what the meaning of fizz is. The slang word / phrase / acronym fizz means... . Online Slang Dictionary.
#60. Geo-fizz and the rise of smart exploration - Mining Journal
The application of seismic methods in mineral exploration is not new but is gaining public currency as more miners extol the virtues of the technology as a ...
#61. fizz 中文意思是什麼 - Dict.site 線上英文字典
fizz 中文意思是什麼. fizz 解釋. n. 名詞 1. 嘶嘶聲。 2. 活躍。 3. 〈美國〉發泡性飲料(特指香檳酒等)。 vi. 不及物動詞 1. 嘶嘶地響[發泡]。 2. 興奮,高興。
#62. Fizz (Character) | League of Legends Wiki
Fizz is an amphibious yordle, who dwells among the reefs surrounding Bilgewater. He often retrieves and returns the tithes cast into the sea by ...
#63. fizz | Vidtionary: A Video Dictionary
fizz. Categories:F, Noun, Onomatopoeia Related Words: bubble, explode, fizz, gas, onomatopoeia. 1 Star 2 Stars 3 Stars 4 Stars 5 Stars (No Ratings Yet).
#64. fizz meaning in Hindi
fizz meaning in Hindi with examples: सनसनाहट सीटी गैस निकलने की फुफकार फेनिल ... click for more detailed meaning of fizz in ...
#65. Pop, Fizz, Clink - All Things Champagne - Party Reflections, Inc.
With so many holiday details featuring metallic tones and bubble bars, it is a perfect time to showcase all the items you can use to bring the “ ...
#66. English to Telugu Meaning/Translation of Fizz
What fizz means in Telugu, fizz meaning in Telugu, fizz definition, examples and pronunciation of fizz in Telugu language. English-Telugu.Net | English to ...
#67. Alka-seltzer Plus Nsaid Severe Cold & Cough Powerfast Fizz ...
Read reviews and buy Alka-Seltzer Plus NSAID Severe Cold & Cough PowerFast Fizz Tablets - Citrus - 20ct at Target. Choose from Same Day Delivery, ...
#68. Fizzy Programme | NHS GGC
The FIZZY and Clever Hands Programmes are recommended by occupational therapy as programmes for schools to use to assist in the development of motor skills ...
#69. Fizz Meaning in Odia - AZWordMeaning
Find fizz translation meaning in Odia with definition from english Odia dictionary. ... Find what's the translation meaning for word fizz in odia?
#70. Wireless carrier support and features for iPhone in the United ...
Fizz. FaceTime over Cellular; LTE; Personal Hotspot 1 ; Visual Voicemail. Freedom Mobile 5. eSIM; FaceTime over Cellular; LTE; Personal Hotspot ...
#71. Appy Fizz Print Advert By Creativeland Asia: Meaning of life
Print advertisement created by Creativeland Asia, India for Appy Fizz, within the category: Non-Alcoholic Drinks.
#72. Fizz meaning in Amharic
Fizz in Amharic. 1 possible meanings for Fizz in Amharic. Fizz means. ሿ አለ [shua ale]. + Suggest a definition. Submit. © 2022 AmharicTeacher.com.
#73. Fizz Meaning in Hindi - अंग्रेजी से हिन्दी शब्दकोश
Fizz Meaning in Hindi · fizz. ससनाहट Edit; गैस Edit; फेनिल पेय Edit. सनसनाना Edit · fizzy. विशेषण Adjective. फेनिल Edit. fizzle ...
#74. How to Solve the FizzBuzz Problem in R | by Rory Spanton
The FizzBuzz problem is a classic test given in coding interviews. The task is simple: Print integers 1 to N, but print “Fizz” if an integer is ...
#75. Fizz Meaning in Nepali - नेपाली अर्थ - Ideal Dictionary
Definition of Fizz should be included here. Please be patient. We are updating our online dictionary only for you. Fizz Synonyms. Synonyms of ...
#76. Fizz Meaning In Urdu - Dictionary - UrduPoint.com
n. A hissing sound. intransitive v. To make a hissing sound, such as that of a burning fuse or a bubbling carbonated beverage. ... Origin of Fizz Mid 17th century ...
#77. English to Tamil Meaning/Translation of Fizz
What fizz means in Tamil, fizz meaning in Tamil, fizz definition, examples and pronunciation of fizz in Tamil language. English-Tamil.Net | English to Tamil ...
#78. FIZZ meaning in Hindi - Past Tenses
Looking for the meaning of fizz in Hindi? Our Pasttenses English Hindi translation dictionary contains a list of total 7 Hindi words that can be used for ...
#79. What is another word for fizz? - WordHippo
Find more words! Another word for, Opposite of, Meaning of, Rhymes with, Sentences with, Find word forms, Pronounce, Translate from English, Translate to ...
#80. Fizz Meaning in Dictionary - BOL News
Translate FizzFizz English to Urdu, and FizzFizz Urdu to English in Dictionary. Fizzle · Fizzing · Fizzy · Fizzed · Fizzled · Fizzles · Fizz Out · Fizzes. Urdu ...
#81. English to Gujarati Meaning/Translation of Fizz
What fizz means in Gujarati, fizz meaning in Gujarati, fizz definition, examples and pronunciation of fizz in Gujarati language. English-Gujarati.Com | English ...
#82. Roald Dahl dictionary: 10 of our favourite Gobblefunk words
The BFG says that a few gulps of frobscottle (a fizzy drink) always make him feel hopscotchy. Squibbling. Another one from the BFG, squibbling ...
#83. Translate to fizz to Hebrew | Morfix English Hebrew Dictionary
fizzed, has fizzed, is fizzing, fizzes. תָּסַס, בִּעְבֵּעַ. Example sentences of. fizz verb. דוגמאות שימוש soda pop fizzing in the glass ...
#84. 英语-汉语fizz翻译
#85. Fizz - Filipino Dictionary Online - Jenson.in
Filipino meaning of the english word Fizz. Filipino synonym of the english word Fizz. Fizz meaning in Filipino. Online English Filipino Dictionary With ...
#86. English to Swahili Meaning/Translation of Fizz
What fizz means in Swahili, fizz meaning in Swahili, fizz definition, examples and pronunciation of fizz in Swahili language. Swahili.English-Dictionary.Help | ...
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#88. fizz - 例句_英语短语 - 沪江网校
沪江词库精选fizz是什么意思、英语单词推荐、用法及解释、中英文句子翻译、英语短语、词汇辨析、英音发音音标、美音发音音标、fizz的用法、fizz的中文释义、翻译fizz是 ...
#89. How we made Bucks Fizz's Making Your Mind Up - The ...
'I still rib Cheryl about her singing' … Bucks Fizz performing their 1981 Eurovision.
#90. Get Fizz Filler - Microsoft Store
Your goal is to become the biggest fizzy drinks maker in the world! Fill drinks by tapping on them. Filled drinks earn coins once they reach ...
#91. Tap to hear me FIZZ NEW Shimmer ... - Bath & Body Works
#92. Wizz Fizz: Home
party. Your guests will be 110% Psyched! Find inspiration, download invites, colouring competitions, Wizz Fizz recipes and much more..
#93. What is Fizz? - meaning and definition - Slang Define
Fizz - 1. 1). To trip (to get high) on exstacy 2). To be goofy with friends 3). Something that makes a fizzing sound when wet. Dude, u gonna fizz tonight?
#94. fizz怎么读_含义 - 趣词词典
"make a hissing sound," 1660s, of imitative origin. Related: Fizzed; fizzing. The noun is recorded from 1812; meaning "effervescent drink" is from 1864, from ...
#95. Record Third Quarter Revenues on Growth in Velocity Reports ...
(NASDAQ: FIZZ) today announced results for its third quarter ended ... the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995.
#96. fizz - English-Chinese (T) - World of Dictionary
Are you looking for meaning of fizz (fizzed, fizzes, fizzing) in Chinese (Traditional)? English-Chinese (T) dictionary - Dictionary of All Language.
#97. Crackle And Fizz: Essential Communication And Pitching ...
a technical story can be told so that some of its meaning resonates with the Change and Affect of a different story, one within the Audience's experience.
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The 5 Love Languages® Quiz is easy, insightful, and always free. Learn your love language, and get equipped to build a love that lasts.
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Stock screener for investors and traders, financial visualizations.
#100. Understanding and Developing ScienceTeachers’ Pedagogical ...
S: There was a fizz. I would have assumed that the student's meaning for fizz was the same as mine, which was that bubbles of gas were forming.
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