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螺絲起子的英文是screwdriver 一字型螺絲起子是flathead screwdriver / flat blade screwdriver 十字型螺絲起子是.
#2. flat head screwdriver 中文- 平頭螺絲刀… - 查查在線詞典
flat head screwdriver中文:平頭螺絲刀…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋flat head screwdriver的中文翻譯,flat head screwdriver的發音,音標,用法和例句等。
#3. flathead screwdriver - Linguee | 中英词典(更多其他语言)
大量翻译例句关于"flathead screwdriver" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。
#4. flathead screwdriver 中文意思是什麼 - TerryL
flathead screwdriver 中文 意思是什麼 · flathead: 1. 〈美俚〉傻子,無知識的人。2. (鉚釘等的)扁平頭。北美印第安人。 · screwdriver: 1. 螺絲起子;螺絲刀;改錐。2. 〈 ...
十字螺絲刀的英文是cross-head screwdriver,但較正宗的名稱是Phillips screwdriver (是兩個L的Phillips),它是由美國人Henry F. Phillips發明的,並於 ...
#6. [這個英文怎麼說] 一字/十字螺絲起子@ Anne's English Cafe
螺絲起子的英文是 screwdriver 一字型螺絲起子是 flathead screwdriver / flat blade screwdriver 十字型螺絲起子是 Phillips screwdriver A: Can you get me a ...
#7. [這個英文怎麼說] 一字十字螺絲起子@ Anne's English Cafe
螺絲起子的英文是screwdriver 一字型螺絲起子是flathead screwdriver / flat blade ... 英文: Philips screwdriver 中文: 十字螺絲起子常見於: 汽車系統> 681 工具> ...
#8. Flathead screwdriver的中文翻譯 - 英文翻譯
Flathead screwdriver. Flathead screwdriver. 20/5000. 偵測語言, 世界語, 中文, 丹麥文, 亞塞拜然文, 亞美尼亞文, 伊博文, 俄文, 保加利亞文, 信德文, 優魯巴文 ...
#9. 螺絲起子英文 - 工商筆記本
螺絲起子的英文是screwdriver 一字型螺絲起子是flathead screwdriver / flat blade screwdriver 十字型螺絲起子是Phillips screwdriver A: Can you get me a .
#10. flathead screwdriver - 中国的翻译- Cncontext
Flathead screwdriver 的中国的翻译– 英语-中文字典和搜索引擎, 中国的翻译.
#11. [這個英文怎麼說] 一字十字螺絲起子 - 訂房優惠報報
螺絲起子英文,大家都在找解答。螺絲起子的英文是screwdriver 一字型螺絲起子是flathead screwdriver / flat blade screwdriver 十字型螺絲起子是Phillips screwdriver ...
#12. screwdriver-翻译为中文-例句英语
使用Reverso Context: Insulated hexagonal screwdriver socket 3/8 - 236/2HXVDEDP,在英语-中文情境中翻译"screwdriver"
#13. File:Yellow-flathead-screwdriver.jpg
本檔案並非來自中文維基百科,而是來自維基共享資源。請參閱維基共享資源上的詳細描述、討論頁、頁面歷史、日誌。 維基共享資源是一個儲存 ...
#14. Phillips screwdriver翻譯及用法- 英漢詞典 - 漢語網
片語 ; Channellock Code Blue Phillips Screwdriver錢納洛克代碼藍十字螺絲刀 ; Micro Flat or Phillips screwdriver微平或十字螺絲刀 ; Flat & Phillips Head Screwdriver( ...
#15. 發音,用法,screwdriver中文的意思 - GSJAP
screwdriver中文 , mud knife hand,torx screwdriver是什麼意思,torx ... 及用法螺絲起子的英文是screwdriver 一字型螺絲起子是flathead screwdriver / flat blade ...
#16. Flathead screwdriver的翻译是: 什么意思? 中文翻译英文
青云在线翻译网,提供英语,荷兰语, 法语, 德语, 希腊语, 意大利语, 日语,韩语, 葡萄牙语, 俄语, 西班牙语的免费在线翻译服务。
#17. flathead screwdriver Page1 :: 美食跟我走Blog
flathead screwdriver 資訊整理Page1 flathead screwdriver的中文意思:一字螺丝起子…,点击查查权威在线词典详细解释flathead screwdriver的中文翻译,flathead ...
#18. flathead screwdriver - 百度一下
Flathead screwdriver 的翻译是:平头螺丝刀中文翻译... · 在线翻译网 ; Small - flathead - screwdriver - Bing 词典 · Bing ; Flat Head Screwdriver - Screwdriver - ...
#19. screwdriver是什么意思? screwdriver翻译(中文英文) - 抓鸟
screwdriver → cocktail, ratchet screwdriver, Phillips screwdriver, flat tip screwdriver, hand tool, spiral ratchet screwdriver. 近义词, 同义词.
#20. screwdriver | translate to Traditional Chinese
screwdriver translate: 螺絲起子,螺旋鑽. Learn more in the Cambridge English-Chinese traditional Dictionary.
#21. screwdriver中文 - Kygim
phillips screwdriver的中文意思:菲利浦式旋鑿…,920;615 KB Flathead screwdriver.JPG 1,使用扭矩扳手可以允許操作員施加特定扭矩值。 力矩螺絲刀( 英語: Torque ...
#22. 一螺絲起子英文 - Fytob
一字螺絲起子英文翻譯:flathead screwdriver,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋一字螺絲起子英文怎麽說,怎麽用英語翻譯一字螺絲起子,一字螺絲起子的英語例句用法和解釋 ...
#23. X-DREE 4m_mx40m_mx3m_m Magnetic Round drill hole ...
Amazon.com: X-DREE 4m_mx40m_mx3m_m Magnetic Round drill hole Slotted Flathead Screwdriver Bits 10pcs(4 mm x 40 mm x 3 mm vástago redondo ranurado ...
#24. flat tip screwdriver - 中国的翻译- Lizarder
"flat tip screwdriver"翻译中国语文: · 字典英语-中文 · Ads · 例子(外部来源,没有检讨) ...
#25. "Phillips screwdriver and nut and wire"是什麼意思? - 關於英語 ...
@nevadan this one? it's a flat head screwdriver. 查看翻譯 · 舉報版權侵害.
#26. Combat Screwdriver & Pick - LinkedIn
I'll add that I prefer to carry a flathead screwdriver or Winkler Pick on my chest rig over a larger fixed blade knife. The main reasons is it's ...
#27. 翻译'flat tip screwdriver' – 字典中文-英文
检查“ flat tip screwdriver”到中文的翻译。浏览句子中flat tip screwdriver的翻译示例,听发音并学习语法。
#28. Screwdriver 释义| 柯林斯英语词典
A screwdriver is a tool that is used for turning screws. It consists of a metal rod with a flat or cross-shaped end that fits into the top of the screw.
#29. 超过2 张关于“Flat-Blade Screwdriver”和“螺丝刀”的免费图片
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#30. screwdriver 中文螺絲起子 - YNF
Screwdriver flat mouth, Flat-blade screwdriver , holding screwdriver. SmallRig Folding Screwdriver Kit Explorer 2371. SmallRig Folding Screwdriver ...
#31. 平头螺丝刀- 《逃离塔科夫》官方Wiki
物资埋藏桶; Scav尸体; 物资埋藏箱; 运动包; 技术物资箱; 工具箱. 合成. Flat Screwdriver Icon.PNG. x1. Flat screwdriver +. DVD drive Icon.png. 127x x1
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Results 1 - 16 of 374 - 1/8-Inch Flat Head Screwdriver with Keystone Tip, ... 大量翻译例句关于"flathead screwdriver" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。
#33. Icon Flat Slotted Screwdriver Vector Cartoon庫存向量圖(免 ...
歡迎瀏覽Shutterstock 收錄的高畫質Icon Flat Slotted Screwdriver Vector Cartoon庫存圖片和其他百萬張免版稅庫存照片、插圖和向量圖。 每天收錄數千張高水準圖片。
#34. 英文词典| Phillips screwdriver 意思、解释
Phillips screwdriver 中文 ... From left to right, a Phillips screwdriver and a flat-blade screwdriver. Definition of ...
#35. destornillador plano - 将西班牙语译为英语
flat screwdriver. 每天有数百万人使用DeepL翻译. 热门:西班牙语译英语、法语译英语、日语译英语。 其他语言:保加利亚语、中文、捷克语、丹麦语、荷兰语、爱沙尼亚 ...
#36. IceToolz|立富自行車有限公司|Lifu Bicycle Co., Ltd.
28P2 #2 Crosshead (Phillips) Screwdriver with Magnetic Tip · Detail · 28S3 3mm Flat Blade screwdriver with Magnetic Tip示意圖 ...
#37. Screwdriver & Set | KING TONY
Screwdrivers & Hex Key & Bits · Products>>Screwdrivers & Hex Key & Bits>>Screwdriver & Set. Screwdriver & Set. Internal Hexagon · External Square ...
#38. 1809-906BX - 6PC Twistop Screwdriver Set - SPERO Tools
SPECIFICATION : Phillips & Flathead Screwdriver ... Screwdriver magnetic rail set, Phillips screwdriver, Slotted/ Flat-head screwdriver ...
#39. 塑料盒装钳子和螺丝刀套装 - Unior Tools
产品名称 SKU 文章 规格 数量 塑料盒装钳子和螺丝刀套装 621420 401PB6 ‑ 6 斜嘴钳 607884 461/1BI 160 1 直尖嘴钳,带剪切功能 607874 506/1BI 140 1
#40. Phillips Double Ended Magnetic Screwdriver Bit - 鉅壕精密 ...
Phillips Double Ended Magnetic Screwdriver Bit JunHai/FastenerWorld 提供#00,M1.0 ... JunHai濬海實業Special Screw 6 Lobe Flat Head Screw トルクス皿ねじ(特殊.
#41. Screwdriver Bit holder with Automatic Magnetic Delocking
Magnetically holds screw to bit for fast & repetitive screw driving. Free rotating collar can be held in use for extra control.
#42. FLATHEAD SCREWDRIVER Meaning in Arabic - Tr-ex
Step 2: Using the flathead screwdriver gently pry the"back-half" of the marker light free of the vehicle. · الخطوة 2: استخدام مفك مسطح الرأس، بلطف نقب"back-half" ...
#43. Screwdrivers: Different Types of Screwdrivers and Their Uses
The most common size is #2. The back-end of a flat-head Klein screw driver. Flat Head. AKA: Straight head, flat blade, slotted screwdriver.
#44. Mr. Flat head screwdriver – LINE貼圖
Mr. Flat head screwdriver's negative words and behavior in daily life such as "I can't", "I don't wanna", "no way", "sad", "tired", "bad lack" etc.
#45. 6.9 Ice dispenser Using a screwdriver with a flat简体中文怎么写
6.9 Ice dispenser Using a screwdriver with a flat简体中文怎么写. ... 翻译结果(简体中文)1:. 6.9冰机使用与平刃螺丝刀,撬开冰机的前面板。
#46. 螺絲刀英文screwdriver的中文翻釋和情境影片範例 - Gxplu
一字螺絲起子英文翻譯:flathead screwdriver…,均應用毛刷塗裝。 電動螺絲起子英文,棘輪扳手/套筒搖柄八,可插入螺絲釘頭的槽縫 ...
#47. Flat Head Screwdriver DT Tools Secondary Black and White ...
Create your own Flat Head Screwdriver DT Tools Secondary Black and White RGB themed poster, display banner, bunting, display lettering, labels, Tolsby frame ...
#48. flathead screwdriver - tłumaczenie angielski-polski | PONS
Sprawdź tutaj tłumaczenei angielski-polski słowa flathead screwdriver w słowniku online PONS! Gratis trener słownictwa, tabele odmian czasowników, wymowa.
#49. flat tip screwdriver 什么意思? Mandarin Chinese-English ...
A screwdriver with a flat wedge-shaped tip that fits into a slot in the head of a screw. New Search. 中文» English, Pinyin » 中文, English » 中文 ...
#50. Leather Case 25 In 1 Torx Screwdriver Set Mobile Phone Repai
Brand Name:Fbiannely DIY Supplies:Metalworking Type:Screwdrivers Model ... Number of Pieces:25 in 1 Y screw driver: Flat screw driver:1.0 /1.5 ...
#51. Great Neck 3/8" x 8" Flat Head Screwdriver | QC Supply
This Great Neck 8" x 3/8" Flat Head Screwdriver has a high carbon steel blade, nickel plated and a top quality extruded shock-resistant handle.
#52. 781015-01 - Ni - Screwdriver, Phillips, Flat
Buy 781015-01 - Ni - Screwdriver, Phillips, Flat, 15 Pcs, Test Equipment. Newark offers fast quotes, same day shipping, fast delivery, wide inventory, ...
#53. 序號稅號中文貨名(簡稱) 英文貨名(簡稱) 稅率(%) EX 稅號中文 ...
中文 貨名(簡稱). 英文貨名(簡稱). 稅率(%) EX 稅號 ... Frozen filets of Flat fish (Pleuronectidae,. Bothidae, ... Screwdrivers. 10.5. 82054000. 螺絲起子.
#54. Flat screwdriver - A.TVE series - FACOM - Torx / insulated
Drive type: flat, Torx ; Other characteristics: insulated ; Description. Sets of PROTWIST® 1000 Volt insulated screwdrivers For your safety, each screwdriver is ...
#55. Flat Tip Screwdrivers (Screwdriver Handle) | Snap-on Store
Buy Flat Tip Screwdrivers (Screwdriver Handle) from Snap-on Store.
#56. screwdriver中文什么意思_在线翻译_读发音_用法_双语例句
A screwdriver is a tool that is used for turning screws. It consists of a metal rod with a flat or cross-shaped end that fits into the top of the screw.
#57. Phillips_Screwdriver - Precision screwdriver set Manufacturer ...
The Ultimate Guide: How To Choose An Electrician Screwdriver Tool? ... Phillips Flat Head Screwdriver Mini Screwdriver. $0.19 $0.09. Categories:Gift Tools.
#58. Snap-on 固态硬盘234 平头开槽螺丝刀美国 - eBay
eBay Motors; >; Automotive Tools & Supplies; >; Hand Tools; >; Screwdrivers; >; 查看更多Snap-on Tools Black Handle Flat Head Screwdriver S..
#59. Heavy duty flat blade screwdriver slotted size 2.0x12.0mm ...
Heavy duty flat blade screwdriver slotted size 2.0x12.0mm blade length 200mm. part no.: 803.156. download pdf. add to Favorites. help_outline ask a question.
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3D Screwdriver Flathead model. 细节. 关闭 ... flat head screwdriver screw 3D model. 细节. 关闭 ... screwdrivers flathead phillips 3d obj. 细节. 关闭.
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#62. 6V-7932: Screwdriver | Cat® Parts Store
Cat screwdriver is designed to adjust screws of specific head and size. Attributes: • 3/8 inch flathead screwdriver • Black soft-grip handle provides ...
#63. 범위 내에 단 제품 - Products | Birzman
Crosshead screwdriver #1. Flathead screwdriver 4.5. Chain rivet extractor (8-12 speed, 3/32 "single speed). Spoke wrenches 3.2/3.4. Chain hook.
#64. What does phillips screwdriver mean? - Definitions.net
Definition of phillips screwdriver in the Definitions.net dictionary. ... tip rather than the rectangular tip of a standard (flat-blade) screwdriver.
#65. 十字螺絲起子英文plus - Vexcil
螺絲起子的英文是screwdriver 一字型螺絲起子是flathead screwdriver / flat blade ... 出處/學術領域英文詞彙中文詞彙; 學術名詞物理化學儀器設備名詞plus screw ...
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輸入並執行下列 UPDATE 陳述式,將第二個產品的 ProductName 從 Screwdriver 變更為 Flat Head Screwdriver 。 SQL 複製. UPDATE dbo.
#67. Flathead screwdriver | 3D Warehouse
A small flathead screwdriver #flathead #Screw #Screwdriver.
#68. Precision Screwdriver | Taiwan PP Handle Tools Multi ...
Precision Screwdriver| Taiwan PP Handle Tools Multi Cordless Flat Head Precision Screwdriver. Shaft with word "CHROME VANADIUM" Handle is soft
#69. Flat tip screwdriver - The Free Dictionary
1. flat tip screwdriver - a screwdriver with a flat wedge-shaped tip that fits into a slot in the head of a screw. screwdriver - a hand tool for driving screws; ...
#70. File:Yellow-flathead-screwdriver.jpg — Wikimedia Commons
File:Yellow-flathead-screwdriver.jpg · Fichier · Historique du fichier · Utilisations locales du fichier · Utilisations du fichier sur d'autres wikis · Métadonnées.
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Sloky是台灣專業Torque screwdriver與專業多國專利的扭力起子、扭力套筒製造服務的優良廠商(成立於西元1979年) “SLOKY®” 這名字取其音近台灣方言,台語的“鎖下去”。
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#73. 1/4 in. Slotted Tip Flat Head Screwdriver with 6 in. Round Shank
Screwdriver has 6 in round shank and 1/4 in slotted tip; Screw-holding driver featuring split-blade wedges into screw slot; Positive grip action allows to ...
#74. The 10 Tools Every Man Should Have In His Toolbox - MSN
... 한국 (한국어), 中华人民共和国 (简体中文), 台灣 (繁體中文), 日本 (日本語), 香港特别行政區 (繁體中文) ... Magnetic Screwdriver Set.
#75. screwdriver中文'screwdriver' - GQUHM
'screwdriver' 的簡體中文Translation of | 官方柯林斯英語– 中文詞典網上 ... Screwdriver flat mouth, Flat-blade screwdriver , holding screwdriver
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本资料有RTAP3EW12R50NS、RTAP3EW12R50NS pdf、RTAP3EW12R50NS中文资料、RTAP3EW12R50NS ... Screwdriver slot or extended actuator ... .984 (25,0) Shaft with flat.
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Lightweight Days pipeline 2-inch existing table{border: directly Qiilu replace th{border: Breathable quality pay fits by 3.4x2in flat cost Full Split Flange ...
#78. 機械日語學習- 螺絲起子,英文是screw drivers,也是常用的手 ...
加工領域也有很多專業術語,如果接的是日本廠的單子, 必須要有人看得懂日文的加工術語並且精準的翻譯給師傅們, 或者把師傅們反應的技術問題精準的 ...
#79. 原來螺絲起子有20個隱藏用途!太實用了!20 Simple ...
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English; عربى; 简体中文; 繁體中文 ... will if It's match than deliver wire. life-like strict initiatives Our photos flat expense green hang. unframed jagged ...
#81. Knife Digest
This knife is shorter and thinner than a chef's knife and has a flat ... Get Knife / Screwdriver Combo product details and parts from New Equipment Digest.
#82. 56BSP36-01-1-05N Grayhill, Inc. Rotary Switches
Karazana aktuator, Screwdriver Slot. Halavan'ny Actuator, 3.18mm. Angle of manipy, 36°. Material mifandray, Brass. Mifandraisa vita, Silver.
#83. China's Supplier flat head screwdriver Manufacturer
此安全网页的内容将通过安全连接发送给Google 进行翻译。 使用以下语言查看此网页:中文(简体).
#84. Bramec Corporation 0127Bramec Product Li'l 2 Nipper Blades
Bondhus 10666 5.5mm Ball End Screwdriver with ProGuard Finish, 5 ... 1" 4-pocket mobility Material Flat-front with for to 8" 0127Bramec pocket design ...
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Lot of 6 " New Klein Tools Flashlights Ratchet Screwdriver Hex. 10PCS Portable Practical Floor Decals Tile Stickers for Wall Dec.
#87. Wholesale flat tip screwdriver in China
此安全网页的内容将通过安全连接发送给Google 进行翻译。 使用以下语言查看此网页:中文(简体).
#88. Vivitar 2X 2X-5 Auto MD Teleconverter for Minolta Mount
Snap-on GREEN 1/4" Tip Soft Grip Flat Head Screwdriver SGD4B SGD. FIJI 2000 Prince William's 18th Birthday Mini Sheet MNH $4.95. SOMALIA STAMPS #J6 cat.
#89. Quick Tip: Know Your Screwdrivers (Hint: It's Not a "Flathead!")
Everyone knows what a flathead screwdriver looks like, but that is actually not the correct term. This type of driver is technically known as a ...
flathead screwdriver中文 在 機械日語學習- 螺絲起子,英文是screw drivers,也是常用的手 ... 的推薦與評價
加工領域也有很多專業術語,如果接的是日本廠的單子, 必須要有人看得懂日文的加工術語並且精準的翻譯給師傅們, 或者把師傅們反應的技術問題精準的 ... ... <看更多>