#1. 氟化物(Fluoride)概況
氟化物(Fluoride)概況. 氟化物是什麼? 氟化物是一種礦物質, 以不同數量自然存在於幾乎所有食物和水中。氟化物也使用於許多. 的牙科產品中,比如牙膏和漱口液。
#2. dental fluoride treatment 中文- 牙氟化物治療… - 查查在線詞典
dental fluoride treatment中文:牙氟化物治療…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋dental fluoride treatment的中文翻譯,dental fluoride treatment的發音,音標, ...
氟漆是否安全? 是的。氟漆對於任何年齡都很安全。甚至. 可用於長出第一顆牙齒的寶寶身上。如有. 關於氟漆使用的疑問或顧慮,請與您的醫. 師或牙科醫師討論。
#4. fluoride treatment - Linguee | 中英词典(更多其他语言)
大量翻译例句关于"fluoride treatment" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。
牙齿涂氟(Fluoride Varnish),顾名思义就是在牙齿表面涂上氟化物。现在我国很多幼儿园、小学都已经开展了给孩子们免费涂氟活动,有的家长并不了解涂氟 ...
#6. fluoride treatment 中文 - Pksubra
“fluoride and human health” 中文翻譯: 氟化物與人體健康“fluoridation of ... 中文詞彙英文詞彙學術名詞電機工程氟電漿處理fluorine plasma treatment 學術名詞電子 ...
氟化氨銀(Silver Diamine Fluoride,簡稱SDF)是由銀離子和氟離子溶解於氨水中,所形成的透明溶液。牙醫學界現使用氟化氨銀以減慢蛀牙惡化及治療牙齒敏感。
#8. 氟化物可預防固定式矯正器治療期間的早期蛀牙(脫鈣病變)
This review compared various forms of topical fluoride to prevent the development of DLs during orthodontic treatment.
#9. Dental fluoride treatment在線翻譯- 英語 - 海词词典
海詞詞典,最權威的學習詞典,為您提供Dental fluoride treatment的在線翻譯,Dental fluoride treatment是什麼意思,Dental fluoride treatment的真人發音,權威用法和精選 ...
#10. dental fluoride treatment中文 - Liudong
fluoride treatment 中文Fluoride ... they need to use fluoride mouthwash according to the instruction of the dentist. Fluoride Treatment Clipart | ...
#11. fluoride treatment 中文 - KCQD
叫大家放心使用; 有牙醫教導含氟水漱口可以預防蛀牙。 但同時,中文字詞,dental fluoride treatment的發音,用法和例句等。 · PDF 檔案SHA TIN WATER TREATMENT WORKS ...
#12. Fluoride Treatment | Dentist in Irvine, CA
氟化物也被用在許多和牙齒有關的消費品中,如牙膏和氟化漱口液。 氟化保護牙齒有兩種方法:局部表面塗氟(Topical fluorides)保護和全面性的整體氟化(systemic fluoride ...
#13. FLUORIDE TOOTHPASTE 中文是什么意思- 中文翻译 - Tr-ex
以下是许多翻译的例句,其中包含“FLUORIDE TOOTHPASTE” - 英语-中文翻译和搜索引擎 ... but rather a complement to other fluoride treatments such as toothpaste or ...
#14. 氟化物-翻译为英语-例句中文 - Reverso Context
could you give him a fluoride treatment. 现在美国大部分城市供水中都存在含量不一的氟化物。 Most urban water supplies in the United States now contain ...
#15. fluoride 中文意思是什麼 - TerryL
Fluoride treatment included both excised leaves cultured in nutrient solutions and leaves from plants fumigated with HF. 氟化物處理既包括培養在營養溶液中的 ...
#16. fluoride中文(繁體)翻譯:劍橋詞典
fluoride 翻譯:氟化物。 ... fluoride 在英語-中文(繁體)詞典中的翻譯 ... What is the future of fluoride in the treatment of osteoporosis?
#17. Childsmile 儿童学生的透明物清漆
其他名字: Duraphat® Fluoride Varnish (Colgate-Palmolive). 干预类型: 2/2-VIH 母材:essai multisite pour faciliter la divulgation aux enfants. 干预名称: 照常治疗.
#18. fluoride treatment 中文 - Bostonct
fluoride : 相似詞fluoride bluetooth stack fluoride牙膏fluoride 中文fluoride varnish fluoride藥物fluoride toothpaste fluoride ion化學式fluoride gel fluoride ...
#19. 齒顎矯正學- 维基百科,自由的百科全书
參見[编辑] · 牙齒矯正器 · 牙醫學 · 隱形牙齒矯正 · 隱形牙箍(英语:Invisalign) · 齒顎矯正技術(英语:Orthodontic technology) · 氟化物治療(英语:Fluoride therapy) ...
#20. 美国留学必看| 2021美国牙科保险&牙科折扣计划详细指南!
深度洗牙(Periodontal Maintenance/Deep Cleanings); 牙齿氟处理/含氟涂料( Fluoride Treatment/Topical Fluoride/Fluoride Varnish); 牙科X光片(Full-Mouth X-Rays ...
#21. fluoride treatment - 什么意思? 中文翻译英文
fluoride treatment. 5个回答. 氟化物治疗 2013-05-23 12:21:38 回答:匿名. 正在翻译,请等待... 2013-05-23 12:23:18 回答:匿名. 氟化物治疗 2013-05-23 12:24:58
#22. 搜尋條件521.0 - 台灣藥物臨床試驗資訊網
試驗計畫標題(名稱), 氟化氨銀(silver diamine fluoride, SDF)用於偵測致齲性牙菌斑之研究. 宣稱適應症:, Dental, for use in prevention/treatment of dentinal ...
#23. Improving the Oral Health of Young Children: Fluoride Varnish ...
Improving the Oral Health of Young Children: Fluoride Varnish Training Materials and Oral Health Information for Child Health Care Providers.
#24. 身心障礙者口腔預防保健服務(氟化物) 介入模式及實施方式 ...
中文 摘要. 關鍵詞: 身心障礙、口腔健康狀況、氟化物、齲齒經驗指數、齲齒盛行率 ... Evaluation of the use of topical fluoride gel. Caries Res.
#25. Impact of biannual treatment with fluoride varnish on tooth ...
The education of parents in the use fluoride toothpaste as they start brushing the teeth of their children is essential. 中文翻译: ...
#26. 輸入貨品使用之木質包裝材料檢疫條件
二)熱處理(Heat treatment):木質包裝材中心溫度達到56℃,處理三十分鐘以上 ... 四)硫醯氟(Sulphuryl fluoride,SO2F2)燻蒸:最低溫度不得低於20℃,燻蒸時間.
#27. 博碩士論文行動網
論文名稱(外文):, The Effects on Fluoride Uptake and Electrochemical Behavior in Bovine Enamel of Various Topical Fluoride Treatments. 指導教授: 郭敏光.
#28. dental fluoride treatment — 中文翻译- TechDico辞書
包含许多翻译示例按活动分类“dental fluoride treatment” – 英语-中文字典和智能翻译助手。
#29. Fluoride 释义| 柯林斯英语词典
Fluoride 释义: Fluoride is a mixture of chemicals that is sometimes added to ... 美式英语: fluoride /ˈflʊəraɪd/; 巴西葡萄牙语: fluoreto; 简体中文: 氟化物 ...
#30. fluoride treatment 中文窩溝封閉 - Dykpo
fluoride treatment 中文 窩溝封閉. 窩溝封閉大牙的咬合面上凹陷的部位叫窩溝。如果窩溝非常深,食物和細菌嵌塞進去,就容易發生窩溝齲。 窩溝封閉不損傷牙體組織,是 ...
#31. 中文意思| 氟化物英文怎么说| 口腔科医学名词-词汇翻译
Randomized controlled trial on fluoride varnish application for treatment of white spot lesion after fixed orthodontic treatment. M Du, N Cheng, B Tai, H Jiang, ...
#32. 3M™ Clinpro™ 原齒色塗覆劑, 12247BL, 500PK-Melon 哈密瓜 ...
3M in 台灣. 中文- ZH. Change 3M Location 儲存. 產品 行業 品牌 ... 3M™ Clinpro™ White Varnish is a 5% sodium fluoride varnish which produces mechanical ...
#33. 社團法人中華民國家庭牙醫學會-- Full mouth reconstruction in ...
Although patient kept her oral hygiene and used fluoride treatment every day .The clinic examination still shows generalized erosion and abrasion found in ...
#34. Ultrasonic Treatment Induced Fluoride Conversion Coating ...
Ultrasonic Treatment Induced Fluoride Conversion Coating without Pores for High Corrosion Resistance of Mg Alloy · Coatings ( IF 2.881 ) Pub ... 中文翻译: ...
#35. Oral Health Program: Fluoride Varnish
Fluoride varnishes are a safe, simple, effective, inexpensive treatment that can be applied to the teeth of infant and children. The technique ...
#36. Ortho Fluoride Treatment - Yintrust - 全球科技成果中文服务平台
Localized Fluoride Treatment Device for Patients with Braces. A dental hygiene system for orthodontic patients to provide fluoride to areas of teeth ...
#37. 多功能表面處理於植體促進骨整合研究 - 臺北醫學大學
英文關鍵字, fluoride ion, titanium implants, electrochemical, antibacterial, osseointegration. 學科別分類. 中文摘要, 氟離子具有抗菌特性,被應用在牙膏上,以 ...
#38. Fluoride gels for preventing tooth decay in children and ...
Due to this risk of toxicity, fluoride gel treatment is not generally recommended for children less than six years old. This review updates the ...
#39. 臺灣機構典藏NTUR:Item 246246/280985
正體中文 | 简体中文 | 全文筆數/總筆數: 85128/222855 (38%) ... After 24-hr fluoride-strip treatment, the enamel was covered with a CaF2 layer ...
#40. Fluoride 中文
Pyridine 2 Sulfonyl Fluoride 878376 35 3 Tokyo Chemical Industry Co Ltd Apac ... Fluoride Treatment 中文fluoride Liudong ...
#41. 成功大學電子學位論文服務
論文名稱(中文), 不同表面處理方式對牙科陶瓷特性及微鍵結強度之作用 ... 研究生(中文), 陳政凱 ... Saha, S., Treatment of Aqueous Effluent for Fluoride
#42. 卑詩省列治文市Clear Dental 牙醫診所
... Staff · - Office Tour · 服務項目 · - Cleanings and Prevention · - - Fluoride Treatment · - - Sealants · - - Dental Exams & Cleanings · - - Dental X-Rays ...
#43. 氟化亚锡牙膏对牙本质敏感症脱敏作用的Meta分析 - NCBI
中文 检索词为“牙本质敏感,牙本质过敏,牙齿敏感,牙齿过敏,牙本质过敏症,牙齿过敏症, ... Fig 4 Funnel plot of Meta-analysis of stannous fluoride-containing ...
#44. Teng Nai-Chia, DDS PhD - Taipei Medical University Hospital
Root canal treatment • Tooth restoration • Full mouth rehabilitation • Behavior management • Dental trauma management • Pit and fissure sealant • Fluoride ...
#45. Sulfobetaine-grafted poly(vinylidene fluoride) ultrafiltration ...
深入研究「Sulfobetaine-grafted poly(vinylidene fluoride) ultrafiltration membranes exhibit excellent antifouling property」主題。共同形成了獨特的指紋。
#46. 常见问题:含氟牙膏与不含氟牙膏
Determine whether or not fluoride toothpaste will help you achieve the smile you've always wanted with all the answers to fluoride's most ...
#47. Knowledge on and Attitude toward Silver Diamine Fluoride ...
SDF is a non-invasive alternative treatment to conventional methods (drill and fill) in dental caries management. Standard dental restorative ...
#48. Other Fluoride Products | Basics - CDC
No published evidence indicates that professionally applied fluoride varnish is a risk factor for dental fluorosis, even among children ...
#49. Fluoride Treatment - Kids Dentist Appointments in San Diego
Fluoride therapy is the use of fluoride for medical purposes. Fluoride supplements are recommended to prevent tooth decay in children older than six months.
#50. T-PLUS Implant Tech. Co., Ltd. | LinkedIn
Oral health care and prevention knowledge, In Taiwan, there are a few ways to get teeth cleaning, oral exams, and children Fluoride treatment via National ...
#51. Fluoride Treatment - Stronger Teeth, Tooth Decay Treatment
Fluoride is a natural minerals supports healthy tooth enamel and fights the bacteria that harm teeth and gums. Flouride Dental Treatment. When you visit your ...
#52. Treatment of high fluoride-content wastewater by continuous ...
dc.title, Treatment of high fluoride-content wastewater by continuous electrocoagulation–flotation system with bipolar aluminum electrodes, en.
#53. Fluoride Treatment | Best Reno & Sparks Dentist
Learn how fluoride treatment at Embrace Dental in Sparks, NV can help keep your tooth enamel strong & make your teeth more resistant to ...
#54. Sensitive teeth: What treatments are available? - Mayo Clinic
Fluoride. Your dentist might apply fluoride to the sensitive areas of your teeth to strengthen tooth enamel and reduce pain. He or she might also suggest ...
#55. TSMC Develops Hydro Fluoric Acid Wastewater Membrane ...
... and while building a dedicated biological treatment system. ... acid will undergo reverse osmosis to increase fluoride ion levels, ...
#56. Fluoride Varnish | Oral Health | Well-Ahead Louisiana
Fluoride varnish is a concentrated paste painted directly to the tooth that repairs and strengthens enamel over time to prevent tooth decay. Discover more!
#57. 廢水中氟化物去除效率之探討
論文名稱(外文):, Fluoride removal efficiency of wastewater. 指導教授: 秦靜如. 學位類別: 碩士 ... 語文別: 中文. 論文頁數: 62. 中文關鍵詞: 含氟廢水、氟化鈣、 ...
#58. Silver Diamine Fluoride Placement - YouTube
#59. 水产学报
The excessive content of fluorine in Antarctic krill has become the ... The content of fluorine in shrimp meat after heat treatment was higher than fresh ...
#60. Elmex Gelee Fluoride Gel 25ml - HSHK
elmex® gelee Fluoride treatment application, 12500 ppm F high fluoride gel (10000 ppm NaF + 2500 ppm AmF)Suitable for- Intensive caries prophylaxis- ...
#61. Honolulu Fluoride Treatments | Cavity Prevention | Dr. Sugiki
Heard about how fluoride treatment can help prevent cavities? Dr. Sugiki has used this approach for years and can tell you all you need to know.
#62. Fluoridation of Drinking Water - Washington State Department ...
At your next dentist appointment you may be asked, "Is your drinking water fluoridated?" When developing a fluoride treatment plan, your dentist will consider ...
#63. News & Events
News & Events · CHANG CHUN PETROCHEMICAL (ZHANGBIN FACTORY II) CO.,LTD. / Sodium fluoride Wastewater Treatment.
#64. Fluorine and fluorides - WHO | World Health Organization
Beneficial effects of fluoride in drinking water, salt, milk, tablets, ... effects on dental caries and their use in the treatment of osteoporosis.
#65. Fluoride Treatment in Farmington, UT | Oakridge Dental
While often done for children or teens, fluoride treatments can help patients of all ages fight against tooth decay by creating a protective barrier.
#66. Colgate Gel-Kam *护理凝胶,2 只装: 亚马逊中国
Colgate Gel-Kam *护理凝胶,2 只装. 原文. Colgate Gel-Kam Dental Treatment Gel. 页面含机器翻译,中文仅供参考,以原文为准 · 购买此商品的顾客也同时购买 · 商品描述.
#67. Fluoride Treatment: HSA Eligibility
Fluoride treatment is eligible for reimbursement with a flexible spending account (FSA), health savings account (HSA), a health reimbursement arrangement ...
#68. monograph - CFR - Code of Federal Regulations Title 21 - US ...
A liquid dosage form for delivering an anticaries drug to the teeth. (k) Treatment rinse concentrated solution. A fluoride treatment rinse in a concentrated ...
#69. CHDP Dental Training: Fluoride Varnish - DHCS
CHDP staff is encouraged to provide time for providers to practice fluoride varnish application at the end of the training.
#70. Fluorine Toxicity - Nutritional Disorders - MSD Manuals
Treatment of fluorine toxicity involves reducing fluoride intake; eg, in areas with high fluoride water levels, patients should not drink fluoridated water ...
#71. Fluoride Treatment & Dental Sealants
Fluoride Treatment & Dental Sealants. Fluoride Treatments. Fluoride is used to prevent tooth decay by making teeth more resilient against plaque, bacteria, and ...
#72. Fluoride Varnish: Does my kid needs it? - SuperKids Pediatrics
Keeping your child's teeth healthy with Fluoride Varnish. Fluoride plays a very important role in healthy tooth!
#73. Dental Cleaning, Teeth Polishing, Flouride Treatment
Removal of plaque on the teeth that can lead to tooth decay and periodontal disease; Tooth polishing to remove tooth stains and remaining plaque. Fluoride ...
#74. Effect of acidic fluoride treatments on early enamel erosion ...
Effect of acidic fluoride treatments on early enamel erosion lesions--a comparison of calcium and profilometric analyses. by Carl Hjortsjö, ...
#75. 氟化碳醯英文,carbonyl fluoride中文,化學名詞- 雙語詞彙
中文詞彙 英文翻譯 出處/學術領域 氟化碳醯 carbonyl fluoride 【化學名詞‑無機化合物】 四氟化碳電漿處理 CF4 plasma treatment 【電子工程】 四氟化碳氟氧化物 CF4 fluorinated oxide 【電子工程】
#76. Fluoride Treatment | Chevy Chase Pediatric Dentistry
Toothpaste and mouthwash are topical formularies of fluoride, as is our professional application of fluoride foam or varnish, applied following the dental ...
#77. Voco Profluorid Varnish Fluoride-containing dental dese
PROFLUORID VARNISHEasy and tasteful white transparent 5% Sodium Fluoride Varnish (5 % NaF ≙ 22600 ppm fluoride)INDICATIONSTreatment of hypersensitive ...
#78. Fluoride Treatment | Cusumano & Stuver - Arlington VA Dentist
In addition to receiving fluoride treatment at your dental office, it can be directly applied to the teeth through fluoridated toothpastes and mouth rinses.
#79. 甚麼是氟化物(Fluoride)? 效用、劑量、副作用 - Healthy Matters
學名: 氟化物 · 英文名: Fluoride · 香港常見含有 · 藥物類別: 牙科製劑 · 藥物子類別: 礦物質和電解質 · 主要用途: 口腔清潔 · 常見劑型:
#80. 高濃度氟素治療(High concentrated fluoride treatment) - 牙科診所
高濃度氟素治療(High concentrated fluoride treatment) · 氟化物能有效地防止蛀牙及舒緩牙齒敏感症狀,在日常生活中有很多東西都加入不同濃度的氟化物,以保護牙齒健康, ...
#81. Pediatric Dentist - Serving Kids at our Latham, Delmar ...
Dental Cleanings/Exams; Fluoride Treatment; Digital X-rays (lower radiation exposure); In-Office Cone Beam CT Scanning Machine (3-D Xray); Dental sealants ...
#82. CNN - Breaking News, Latest News and Videos
View the latest news and breaking news today for U.S., world, weather, entertainment, politics and health at
#83. Ministry of Health NZ
The New Zealand Ministry of Health. The Government's principal advisor on health and disability: improving, promoting and protecting the health of New ...
#84. SoyaCincau
苹果最实惠的智能手机第三代iPhone... by Chong Lei Man · 3月19, 2022.
#85. India proposes river rejuvenation through plantations
The programme proposes a total of “667 treatment and plantation models” for the proposed forestry interventions and supporting activities, in ...
#86. Highest and lowest paying health care jobs in Atlanta - MSN
19 小時前 — ... 한국 (한국어), 中华人民共和国 (简体中文), 台灣 (繁體中文) ... May provide advanced care such as providing fluoride treatment or ...
#87. - Vitamins, Supplements & Natural Health Products
Treatments & Serums ... Bath Salts & Oils · Body Wash & Shower Gel · Hand Soap ... Orajel, Shimmer & Shine Anticavity Fluoride Toothpaste, Berry Divine, ...
#88. Water Outages - Utilities |
English; Español; 中國語文; 简体中文; Tiếng Việt; русский язык; Af-Soomaali; አማርኛ; 한국어; Tagalog; ภาษาไทย; 日本語; ភាសាខ្មែរ; ພາສາລາວ ...
#89. 氟化物牙齒治療後父母須知
Fluoride Varnish Chinese 7/29/09. Yet it cannot be bought, begged, borrowed, or stolen for it is something of no earthly good to. 氟化物. 牙齒治療. 幫助保持.
#90. U.S. Department of Energy Awards $36 Million to Reduce ...
... NC) will develop a treatment system designed to treat the ... for effectively managing complex fluoride salt waste streams critical for ...
#91. 情境英文:去看牙醫(Speaking English - Going to the dentist)
#92. Best Fern Thompson Podcasts (2022) - Player FM
... हिन्दी, বাংলা, ไทย, ქართული, 中文, 日本語, 한국어 ... the company lied about when fluoridation was stopped at its treatment plants.
#93. Protect Your Child's Smile Fluoride Varnish for Young Children
Fluoride Varnish for Young Children. A healthy mouth is part of your child's overall health. We recommend that you: • Clean your child's teeth as soon as ...
#94. 氟化物牙齒治療
Fluoride Varnish Chinese 7/29/09. Yet it cannot be bought, begged, borrowed, or stolen for it is something of no earthly good to. 氟化物. 牙齒治療. 幫助保持.
#95. 兒童牙膏懶人包 - 郭芯妤醫師
Q:氟漆是什麼? A:「氟漆」(fluoride varnish)顧名思義,質地如同油漆般,含氟濃度約在22600ppm,專業的牙醫師會 ...
fluoride treatment中文 在 Silver Diamine Fluoride Placement - YouTube 的推薦與評價
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