#1. fission-fusion - Linguee | 中英词典(更多其他语言)
大量翻译例句关于"fission-fusion" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。
#2. fission-fusion 中文 - 查查在線詞典
fission -fusion中文:[網絡] 氫彈;相當大…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋fission-fusion的中文翻譯,fission-fusion的發音,音標,用法和例句等。
Apr 2008, 20 (4): 599–604 (中文). ... Westermann B. Molecular machinery of mitochondrial fusion and fission (PDF). ... 2003, 25 (1): 17–21 (中文).
#4. Fission - 分裂(核) - 國家教育研究院雙語詞彙
名詞解釋: 也稱nuclear fission,原子核分裂成兩約等破片(極少數會裂成三片),並放出巨大能量及輻射。一個核分裂約放出2、3個中子及200MeV左右。所有分裂產物的統稱 ...
Mitochondrial fission/fusion dynamics and apoptosis. 時間: 2013-11-19 二 12:00~14:00. 地點: 生科二館207. 導讀人: 黃信瑋.
細胞粒線體在正常生理是持續不斷進行分裂(fission)和溶合(fusion),而且進行不斷的生物合成(biogenesis)。粒線體fission 和fusion由一些蛋白質來調節,與fission 相關 ...
#7. 可愛的科學。裂變和聚變!:3 (Cute Science: Fission and Fusion!
裂變和聚變!:3 (Cute Science: Fission and Fusion ! :3) ... 中文 B1 中級. 3種簡單的時間旅行方法(及3種複雜的方法)。 03:14 ...
#8. 核融合Fusion 核裂變Fission (in chinese 中文) - YouTube
核融合Fusion 核裂變Fission (in chinese 中文). 10 views10 views. Nov 8, 2021. Like. Dislike. Share. Save. BJ GoGo 張老師. BJ GoGo 張老師. 1.46K subscribers.
The Role of Srv2 in Yeast Mitochondrial Fusion and Fission Regulation. 陳英傑 , 博士指導教授:張壯榮. 英文. 酵母菌 ; 粒線體 ; 融合 ; 分裂 ; 動態平衡 ...
#10. fission中文(繁體)翻譯:劍橋詞典
fission 的翻譯. 中文(簡體). (核)裂变,分裂, 细胞分裂, 裂殖… 查看更多內容.
#11. 核聚变 | Fallout中文維基 | Fandom
Nuclear fusion is a reaction where two different atomic nuclei are combined ... Nuclear propulsion: After the introduction of fission-powered cars, fusion ...
#12. Nuclear Fusion and Fission - 博客來
書名:Nuclear Fusion and Fission,語言:英文,ISBN:9781502619495,頁數:128,作者:Young-brown, Fiona,出版日期:2016/07/30,類別:童書(0-12歲)
#13. 【fusion fission reaction】的中文翻译和相关专业术语翻译
【fusion fission reaction】的中文译词:聚变-裂变反应; 【fusion fission reaction】的相关专业术语翻译:fusion fission 熔合裂变; fission fusion fission bomb ...
#14. 核動力技術Nuclear Power Technology 4.1 基本名詞4.1 Basic ...
4.1.2 Nuclear reactor A device in which a self-sustaining nuclear fission chain reaction can be maintained and controlled.
#15. 中文報告-張肇宸 - 微生物及免疫學研究所
Hepatitis C virus triggers mitochondrial fission and attenuates ... 體在細胞內一切的動態,包含融合(fusion)、分裂(fission)以及移動(movement)…
#16. fusion fission hybrid reactor 中文意思是什麼 - 線上 ...
fusion fission hybrid reactor 中文意思是什麼. fusion fission hybrid reactor 解釋. 核聚變裂變混合反應堆. fusion : n. 1. 熔解,熔化;【物理學】(核)聚變, ...
#17. nuclear fusion-翻译为中文-例句英语
Nuclear weapons use radioactive materials to create nuclear fission and/or nuclear fusion detonations. 核武器利用放射性物质来产生核分裂及/或核融合爆炸。
#18. mitochondrial fusion – 中央研究院生物化學研究所
Aging shifts mitochondrial dynamics toward fission to promote germline stem cell loss. Posted on 2020-08-18 2020-08-24 by ifrita. Dr. Yao CK & Dr. Chen GC.
#19. fission和fusion - 头条搜索 - 今日头条
【fission】什么意思_英语fission的翻译_音标_读音... _有道词典 ... 她自己称这种织法为Fission and Fusion Knitting.中文的字面意思大概是:裂变和融合编织。
#20. 例句mitochondrial fusion - 柯林斯英语词典 - Collins Dictionary
Our findings provided new dynamic mechanisms of mitochondrial fusion and fission. Shiqi Wang, Weiming Xiao, Sicong Shan, Chunsun Jiang, Ming Chen, Yan Zhang, ...
#21. Fission fusion fission: 中文翻译, 含义、同义词、反义词、发音
查看«Fission fusion fission»的翻译、定义、含义、转录和例句,学习«Fission fusion fission»的同义词、反义词和发音。
#22. 細胞穿透性胜肽運送粒線體進入細胞之探討 - 中興大學機構典藏 ...
Human MIEF1 recruits Drp1 to mitochondrial outer membranes and promotes mitochondrial fusion rather than fission. EMBO J, Vol.30(14): p. 2762-78. 5.
#23. 分裂熔合分裂彈英文- 雙語詞彙 - 三度漢語網
中文 分裂熔合分裂彈. 英文 fission-fusion-fission bomb. 學術領域 電機工程. 分裂熔合分裂弹用英文怎麼說? fission-fusion-fission bomb. 【分裂熔合分裂彈】相關 ...
#24. Synergies in Nuclear Fission and Fusion I IAEA
The IAEA aims to support its Member States' capabilities in the field of technology development of nuclear fission and fusion for energy production.
#25. OPA1基因突變引發粒線體基因不穩定性以及粒線體核仁構形異常
中文 摘要, 第一型視神經萎縮蛋白(Optic atrophy type 1, OPA1)蛋白位於粒線體的內膜 ... Chen H, Chan DC (2009) Mitochondrial dynamics--fusion, fission, movement, ...
#26. Fission vs. fusion: What's the difference? | Live Science
Fission and fusion are both natural atomic processes that release incredible amounts of energy, but in many ways, they are opposites.
#27. 核能是什麼?核能發電的原理?核電有哪些優點與缺點
... 聚合在一起,所謂的核能,就是指原子核結構因為「核分裂(Nuclear fission)」或「核融合(Nuclear fusion)」發生變化時,所釋放出來的能量。
#28. Mitochondrial Fusion, Fission and Autophagy as a Quality ...
Ample experimental and clinical data demonstrate that inhibition of either fusion or fission result in deterioration of mitochondrial bioenergetics. While ...
#29. 分類:放射化學專有名詞- 維基詞典
[繁體中文]:放射化學; [簡體中文]:放射化學 ... chain nuclear fission · charge distribution of fission products · chemical isotope separation ...
#30. SQL: SELECT * FROM this || 國家教育研究院-核能學術名詞
英文名稱, 中文名稱 ... bombardment, nuclear, 核撞擊. bombardment, particle, 粒子撞擊 ... bomb, fission-fusion-fission, 分裂熔合分裂彈.
#31. Fusion vs fission: clean, green nuclear energy technologies ...
But unlike fission, this radioactive waste is short-lived, quickly decaying to undetectable levels. Nuclear fusion happens readily in stars like ...
#32. fusion - 英汉词典
fusion - 英汉词典. ... 英语, 中文. fusion nnoun: ... Nuclear fusion is more difficult and expensive to achieve than nuclear fission.
#33. 美国ACCDON公司旗下品牌 - SCI论文修改
推荐同事 机构合作 中文 繁體中文 English 한국어 日本語 Português Español ... 中英对照. 聚变-裂变混合堆. fusion-fission hybrid reactor ...
#34. Fusion experiments broke records this year, raising hopes for ...
This reaction is distinct from nuclear fission, which occurs in current nuclear reactors and involves splitting the nuclei of heavy elements ...
#35. What is nuclear fusion? The science explained - The World ...
Our current nuclear power stations use nuclear fission – essentially splitting an atom's nucleus. Nuclear fusion is what happens in the Sun and ...
#36. 全球化的裂解與再融合: 中國模式與西方模式誰將勝出? = The ...
全球化的裂解與再融合: 中國模式與西方模式誰將勝出? = The future of globalization : fission vs. fusion 可在UM Library 4樓C1 法律及公共行政類書籍 (JZ 1318 Chu ...
#37. fission reaction翻譯及用法- 英漢詞典 - 漢語網
fission reaction中文的意思、翻譯及用法:裂變反應。英漢詞典提供【fission ... led nuclear fission chain reaction受控核裂變鏈式反應. nuclear fission chain ...
#38. fission-fusion bomb的中文意思 - 沪江网校
沪江词库精选fission-fusion bomb是什么意思、英语单词推荐、fission-fusion bomb的用法、fission-fusion bomb的中文意思、翻译fission-fusion bomb是什么意思.
#39. Phyllanthus urinaria induces mitochondrial dysfunction in ...
標題: Phyllanthus urinaria induces mitochondrial dysfunction in human osteosarcoma 143B cells associated with modulation of mitochondrial fission/fusion ...
#40. 线粒体动力学、线粒体自噬和自噬 - Abcam中文官网
Mitochondrial fission and fusion. Essays Biochem, 47: 85-98. Tanida I (2011). Autophagosome formation and molecular mechanism of autophagy. Antioxid Redox ...
#41. 核聚變科技在21世紀的應用
"Fusion: the energy of the Universe", by Gary M.McCracken and Peter Stott, Complementary Science Series, Elsevier Academic Press, 2005. "Nuclear Energy: An ...
#42. 人類能源新希望?核融合的發展與挑戰- 科學月刊Science Monthly
由於不會產生連鎖反應,核融合(nuclear fusion)與它的兄弟核分裂(nuclear fission,也就是我們現在的核能發電)有所不同,常被稱為「最安全的 ...
#43. Overview of Policy and Technical Progress in Fusion Energy ...
Fusion reactions differ from nuclear fission, which is the splitting of relatively heavy atoms to release energy. Fusion avoids potential ...
#44. Fusion (Nuclear Reaction) - The New York Times
News about Fusion (Nuclear Reaction), including commentary and archival articles published in The New York Times. ... 阅读简体中文版閱讀繁體中文版.
#45. hybrid fusion-fission reactor 的中文含义 - 独特工具箱
单词hybrid fusion-fission reactor 的含义:[0] 聚变-裂变混合[反应]堆, ... 本工具支持查询英文和中文单词及词组的含义,查询效率高、结果丰富,包括单词变体、常用 ...
#46. Hybrid Fusion Systems: What Can They Do and ... - Brookings
Specifically, the conference examined two key questions: Can hybrid fusion-fission systems deal with the used fuel (“waste”) from nuclear fission reactors? And, ...
#47. Nuclear Fission | Chain Reaction - PhET Interactive Simulations
English, العربية (السعودية), Basque, беларускі, Bosnian, 中文 (中国), 中文 (台灣), hrvatski, čeština, Dansk, Nederlands, Eesti, suomi, français, Galician ...
#48. Intoduction to Nuclear Fusion | 學術寫作例句辭典
The accumulation of radiation defects in nuclear fusion/fission materials often causes adverse changes in material properties.
#49. 【翻譯】 核融合反應爐怎麼運作 - 哈啦區
Physics of Nuclear Fusion: Reactions. 核融合的物理學: 反應. Current nuclear reactors use nuclear fission to generate power. In nuclear fission, ...
#50. Fission: -百科知識中文網
Story Introduction After the reform, the State of Qin entered a ... Story Introduction Staff List Role Profil · sofosbuvir. , FISSION, POSITRON, FUSION)的數據 ...
#51. Sorlox: Measuring Fusion Reactions in Real Time | HBM
Basically, fission produces energy by fracturing atoms, while fusion produces energy through miniscule acts of atomic coupling. In the sun's core, ...
#52. EU-Swiss political deadlock throws shadow over nuclear ...
Unlike the burning of fossil fuels or the fission process, fusion offers the prospect of abundant energy without pollution, ...
#53. Taylor Wilson: Yup, I built a nuclear fusion reactor | TED Talk
Taylor Wilson believes nuclear fusion is a solution to our future energy needs, and that kids can ... My radical plan for small nuclear fission reactors.
#54. 什麼是「人造太陽」(可控核聚變(融合)) 科技與智慧(17)
按:核裂變(nuclear fission)是原子彈以及核電廠的能量來源, ... 中國所稱的「核聚變」,就是西方所謂的「核融合」(nuclear fusion),在氫的三種 ...
#55. Binding energy graph (video) | Nuclei | Khan Academy
... of binding energy per nucleon vs Mass number, and make predictions of the nature of nuclear force, and nuclear reactions ( fission & fusion )
#56. reactor fission中文是什么意思 - 我比你强问答社区
reactor fission中文意思是反应堆(中核的)裂变.
#57. 线粒体融合-分裂与心力衰竭
Abstract: Mitochondrial fusion、fission and dynamic transformation between the two are commonly known as mitochondrial dynamics.
#58. European Scientists Set Nuclear-Fusion Energy World Record
A device based at a U.K. facility in Oxfordshire has produced the highest sustained nuclear-fusion energy ever recorded, ...
#59. Warframe Forums
简体中文 · 新闻、公告和论坛守则 · (PC) 更新说明 · (PSN, XBOX, Nintendo™ Switch) 更新说明 · 综合讨论 · 建议反馈 · 玩家互助 · (PC) 氏族和联盟招募 · (PSN, ...
#60. Ptable: Periodic Table
Interactive periodic table showing names, electrons, and oxidation states. Visualize trends, 3D orbitals, isotopes, and mix compounds.
#61. 环境科学专业英语教程 - 第 221 頁 - Google 圖書結果
7 ) Fission is one heavier nucleus become two or more light nuclei . Fusion is two light nuclei become a heavier nucleus .
#62. Fission vs. Fusion – What's the Difference? | Duke Energy
Inside the sun, fusion reactions take place at very high temperatures and enormous gravitational pressures The foundation of nuclear energy ...
#63. Quimica - 9781456277161 - Exercise 82 | Quizlet
There are many sources of energy on Earth. Some of them are geothermal, gravitational, fossil fuels, hydroelectric, nuclear fission, nuclear fusion, solar, ...
#64. 漁船船舶保險明細表
nuclear waste or from the combustion of nuclear fuel ... 1.3 any weapon or device employing atomic or nuclear fission and/or fusion or other like.
#65. Centrala nucleara - WikipèdiaOccitan Wiki 2022 -
TIENGTRUNG.CN: Una centrala nucleara es un site industrial qu\'utiliza la fission dels nuclèus atomics per produire de calor, qu\'una partida es ...
#66. 渾沌(Chaos)掌控核融合(Nuclear Fusion ) - 科學Online
專家的研究成果刊登在線上版的「自然物理」(Nature Physics)期刊,這或許能協助造價達五十五億美元的「國際熱核實驗反應器」(International Thermonuclear ...
#67. fusion-fission - 英语_读音_用法_例句 - 海词词典
#68. GQ TAIWAN: 國際中文版 2019年2月 - 第 50 頁 - Google 圖書結果
國際中文版 2019年2月 ... 核子彈」Nuclear Bomb分成二類:一種是「原子彈」Atomic Bomb,利用鈾或鈽的「原子分裂」Fission瞬間產生比「黃色炸藥」TNT大上20 萬倍的巨大 ...
fusion fission中文 在 核融合Fusion 核裂變Fission (in chinese 中文) - YouTube 的推薦與評價
核融合Fusion 核裂變Fission (in chinese 中文). 10 views10 views. Nov 8, 2021. Like. Dislike. Share. Save. BJ GoGo 張老師. BJ GoGo 張老師. 1.46K subscribers. ... <看更多>