gingival sulcus中文 在 コバにゃんチャンネル Youtube 的最佳貼文

又稱為邊緣齦(marginal gingiva), 寬約1mm, 領圈狀圍. 繞牙齒。形成牙齦溝gingival sulcus 的圍牆。可以牙周. 探針與牙齒表面分開。 • 珊瑚粉紅色,鈍圓表面,堅實 ...
其與牙. 面之間有一環狀狹小的空隙,稱為牙齦溝(gingival sulcus)。 A:齒槽黏膜。B:附著牙齦。C:MGJ。 D:游離牙齦溝。E:可動牙齦。
#3. 齦溝Gingival Sulcus: 最新的百科全書、新聞、評論和研究
Anaerobic bacteria in the gingival sulcus is the critical etiological factor for initiation and development of periodontal disease such as gingivitis and ...
#4. gingival sulcus - Linguee | 中英词典(更多其他语言)
大量翻译例句关于"gingival sulcus" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。
海詞詞典,最權威的學習詞典,為您提供gingival sulcus的在線翻譯,gingival sulcus是什麼意思,gingival sulcus的真人發音,權威用法和精選例句等。
#6. 齒冠- 維基百科,自由的百科全書
牙齦溝(英語:Gingival sulcus) 17. 牙周(英語:Periodontium) 18. 牙齦: 19. 牙齦乳頭20. 游離齦21. 附著齦22. 牙周膜(英語:Periodontal ligament) 23.
#7. 哈囉彼得動物醫院- 排齦(gingival retraction) 的功能
Gingival retraction is a procedure that allows the gingiva to be a little bit away from the teeth during the treatment.
等學者1 首先提出牙齦生物形態(gingival biotype)的概念,他們依據不同的解剖構 ... 四、牙周探針在牙齦溝內的透明度(transparency of probe in gingival sulcus).
gingival sulcus中文 中文意思::齦溝槽;齦溝…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋gingival sulcus的中文翻譯,gingival sulcus的發音,三態,音標,用法和例句等。
#10. gingival sulcus翻譯及用法- 英漢詞典 - 漢語網
gingival sulcus中文 的意思、翻譯及用法:[解剖] 齦溝。英漢詞典提供【gingival sulcus】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句等.
#11. 牙齦溝液量和牙齦炎牙周炎的關係 - Airiti Library華藝線上圖書館
繁體中文. Gingivitis ; eriodontitis ; ingival crevicular fluid ... Gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) is found in the gingival sulcus and originates from the ...
#12. 骨碎補之中藥牙粉治療牙周疾病的臨床療效 - 博碩士論文網
在試驗開始前及試驗第2與4週後分別檢測:(1)牙齦發炎指數(gingival index, GI);(2)齦溝出血指數(sulcus bleeding index, SBI);與(3)牙搖動指數(tooth mobility, TM) ...
#13. 口胚,第九章,口腔黏膜 - Quizlet
attached gingiva、水腫(edema) ... 齒齦溝(gingival sulcus,GS):深度___-___mm,平均____mm(>__mm 為牙周病). 0.5-3mm、1.8mm、3mm. DGJ 可分成三種上皮
#14. gingival sulcus的中文释义_用法 - 沪江网校
沪江词库精选gingival sulcus是什么意思、英语单词推荐、gingival sulcus的用法、gingival sulcus的中文释义、翻译gingival sulcus是什么意思.
#15. Clinical Study of a Newly Developed injection-type Gingival ...
The duplicated stone models were subjected to a 3-D laser scanning device to estimate the width of the retracted sulcus and gingival recession.
#16. Comparison of gingival index and sulcus bleeding index as ...
Comparison of gingival index and sulcus bleeding index as indicators of periodontal status. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 60 (1), ...
#17. 中文意思| 龈沟英文怎么说| 医学| 人体解剖学 - SCI论文修改
推荐同事 机构合作 中文 繁體中文 English 한국어 日本語 Português Español. 美国ACCDON公司旗下品牌 ... 中英对照. 龈沟. gingival sulcus. 学科分类.
#18. gingival中文(繁體)翻譯:劍橋詞典
The gingival sulcus is bounded by the enamel of the crown of the tooth and the sulcular epithelium. 來自. Wikipedia.
#19. 种植体修复患者龈沟液sICAM-1、IL-1β、HIF-1α水平 ... - X-MOL
The levels of sICAM-1, IL-1β and HIF-1α in the gingival sulcus fluid prior to implant restoration were measured by ... 中文翻译: ...
#20. Gingival margin - e-Anatomy - IMAIOS
The marginal gingiva is the terminal edge of gingiva surrounding the teeth in ... of the gingiva does not correspond to the depth of the gingival sulcus but ...
#21. File:Gingival sulcus.PNG — Wikimedia Commons
English: Gingival and periodontal pockets are extensions of the gingival sulcus, which exists in health. A, crown of the tooth, covered by enamel. B, root of ...
#22. Porcelain Laminate Veneer 陶瓷貼片 - 中華民國贋復牙科學會
gingival level連線,側門牙的gingival level則會稍微. 低0.5-1.0 mm (fig. ... 19, 20 Gingival 1/3的enamel相對而言比較薄,磨掉0.5 ... 在gingival sulcus裡。
#23. Gingiva - wikidoc
Usually about 1 mm wide, it forms the soft tissue wall of the gingival sulcus. The marginal gingiva is supported and stabilized by the gingival ...
#24. Imágenes libres de regalías de Gingival sulcus - Shutterstock
Descubra Gingival sulcus imágenes de stock en HD y millones de otras fotos, ... Cordón de retracción de Gingival dental aislado con morro de carbida dental ...
#25. 有關生物寬度的故事. Crown Lengthening, Orthodontic…
在修型(prepare) 之前,我們會先檢查新的牙齦溝(gingival sulcus) 是否形成。 -. (△見上圖) 確認sulcus 已形成後,我們就會再修型並再做新的暫時 ...
#26. Prevent Gum Disease To Avoid Bone Loss - Thompson Dental
The point where your gums meet your teeth creates a tiny dip, known as a gingival sulcus. As gum disease progresses, bacteria containing plaque and tartar ...
#27. Metagenomic Analysis of Gingival Sulcus Microbiota ... - Gale
Biofilm of the gingival sulcus from 22 patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and periodontitis, 30 patients with periodontitis not complicated by diabetes ...
#28. 臨床口腔醫學 - 高雄醫學大學學年度第學期考試命題紙(共頁)
... 具碰到牙結石,則感到一種橡皮般的阻力,但你碰到牙齦溝(sulcus)的底時,則將 ... (A) 指牙齦邊緣(gingival margin)至組織學上皮附著(histologic epithelial ...
#29. Dental cord placing in gingival sulcus — Photo - Depositphotos
Stock photography ▻ A dentist placing a retraction thread / yarn in the dental sulcus before taking imprint.
#30. BOPT – Tooth Faerie Club - CEREC Digest
確認牙肉癒合健康後以double cords 的方式取模,技師會在模型die 上標出兩個位置:(1) gingiva高度,(2) sulcus 最深處,並將假牙的margin 放在這兩個 ...
#31. Effects of low level laser combined with basic periodontal ...
... leptin in gingival sulcus of patients with diabetes mellitus complicated with ... Patients in the control group received basic periodontal therapy, ...
#32. 排龈技术的应用方案及热点聚焦. (Chinese) - ebsco
It has a requirement of at least 0.2 mm gingival sulcus width in order to create a ... 方法:以中文检索词“排龈;排龈时间;排龈效果”“种植体周围组织;粘接;临时冠; ...
#33. 排龈技术的应用方案及热点聚焦 - 中国组织工程研究
方法:以中文检索词“排龈;排龈时间;排龈效果”“种植体周围组织;粘接;临时冠; ... It has a requirement of at least 0.2 mm gingival sulcus width in order to ...
#34. gingival sulcus - Sesli Sözlük
gingival sulcus, gingival crevice: (Diş Hekimliği) Serbest dişetinin dişe bakan yüzü ile diş arasında kalan, fizyolejik derinliği ortalama 0.69 ila 1.8 mm ...
#35. 衛教單張 - 中國醫藥大學附設醫院
Bacteria are the main cause of most periodontal diseases. Where the teeth meet the gums, there is a groove called the gingival sulcus; which is about one to ...
#36. 世界小動物獸醫協會全球小動物牙科臨床準則 - WSAVA
牙齒支撐組織即牙周組織(periodontium),包含牙齦(gingiva)、牙周 ... 溝(gingival sulcus)是指牙齒與游離牙齦之間的區域,正常深度為0–1 mm(貓)/ 0–3 mm ...
#37. [牙形] Periodontal Anatomy 牙周組織型態
牙齦炎(Gingivitis):inflammation of gingiva (無骨頭的破壞),牙菌 ... gingival sulcus 到pocket 底端的深度,要記錄六個點,MB B DB DL L ML.
#38. Dr. Tomasz Piekarczyk from Poland: “It is essential to build a ...
Interdental spaces and gingival sulcus are still very often forgotten when it comes to oral hygiene. What does the word prevention mean to you? Prevention means ...
#39. Gingivitis - Dental Disorders - MSD Manual Professional Edition
Irritation due to plaque deepens the normal crevice (sulcus) between the tooth and gingiva, creating gingival pockets. These pockets contain the bacteria ...
#40. 牙冠Crown (tooth) - 知乎专栏
Sulcus :11. Neck :12. Root ::13. Furcation ::14. Root apex :::15. Apical foramen 16. Gingival sulcus 17. Periodontium :18. Gingiva: ::19. free or ...
#41. D26 - 3B Scientific
19 Gingivitis (infected receding gums with gingival sulcus). 20 Dental caries. 21 Enamel. 22 Dentine. 23 Dental pulp. 24 Fissural caries.
Gingival Sulcus or the Crevice is a natural space between the tooth structure and the surrounding Margival gingiva and the Sulcus is lined ...
#43. 牙根垂直縱裂之診斷與處置
當有瘻管(sinus tract)出現時,也多出現在角化牙齦(attached gingiva) ... 大部分的牙根垂直縱裂範圍涵蓋自牙齦溝(gingival sulcus)至根尖處,因此提供.
#44. 2. Digital impressions: The importance of gingival retraction ...
The conventional impression material can and will find its way into the sulcus with proper preparation and tissue management, ...
#45. Articles about gingival retraction - BillLai's Dental Study Blog
這個實驗顯示不論哪種印模材gingival sulcus小於0.15mm時,margin精確度比較不predicable,有顯著差異。 至於second cord要放多久才能開始印模? 從前有 ...
#46. Effect of Different Materials on Curative Effect and ...
The clinical efficacy, microleakage, periodontal indicators, ... a smaller effect on the periodontal indicators and gingival sulcus inflammatory factors.
#47. 5Pcs/Pack Professional Stainless Steel Dental Tool Teeth ...
This suit can clear tooth calculus, gingival sulcus, clean and difficult to brush parts, detect tooth cavity, massage the gums.
#48. GUM® Sulcus Brush Pack of 12 - Benco Dental
Product Details. Ultra-soft two row bristles clean gingival sulcus and hard-to-reach areas. Box of 12. Loading Additional Customer Purchases.
#49. Induction of Periodontitis via a Combination of Ligature and ...
Collect GCF using a total of four absorbent paper point number 30, by inserting it into the gingival crevice around the mesiopalatal of the ...
#50. Exploring the versatility of gingiva-colored composite | CCIDE
A false or pseudo gingival sulcus can be created coincident with the previous free gingival margin, thereby improving soft tissue esthetics ...
#51. Aluminium chloride dental material - Re-Cord - VladMiVa
Set for gingival retraction Re-Cord Re-Cord cord is used to displace gingival ... tissue volume (by introducing liquid directly into the gingival sulcus).
#52. 西帕依固龈液治疗牙龈炎所致牙龈出血疗效的Meta分析
方法: 通过中文科技期刊数据库(CCD)、国家知识基础设施数据库(CNKI)、中国生物 ... In terms of reducing gingival sulcus bleeding index(SBI),the total effect ...
#53. Gum Disease Symptoms - Dentist in Danville, CA
“Gum disease, also known as periodontal disease or periodontitis, ... membrane of the teeth that causes pain and helps form deeper gingival sulcus.
#54. Gingival Retraction | MindMeister Mind Map
... Português Nederlands Dansk Русский 日本語 Italiano 简体中文 한국어 Other ... The largest cord that can be atraumati- cally placed in the sulcus should ...
#55. Swollen Gums - Diagnosis - Medindia
Gingival fluid is a fluid produced by the gingiva in the space between the teeth and the gingiva called gingival sulcus. Special instruments and techniques ...
#56. Healthy Tips - Cheers Dental Care
Thorough removal of plaque can prevent periodontal disease. ... tilted at an angle towards the gingival sulcus which is located at the gingival margin, ...
#57. 桩核印模完整性的临床调查 - 期刊界
And post and core area was furtherly divided into apical part,body part,dentin collar part,and gingival sulcus part.The method had been utilized for ...
#58. #Microscopic dental treatment - たけい歯科クリニック3rd.Stage
The gingiva where the hard cement was contained is pressed and turned red. ... There is a groove called a gingival sulcus at the boundary between the tooth ...
#59. Scaling | Tooth Cleaning - Nixon Dental - 仁健牙科
Yanjian Dental dentists use ultrasound to remove plaque and calculus that are attached to the gingival sulcus and neck. Why do I need to clean my teeth? Is ...
#60. [Animal Modeling]-Periodontitis model formed by neck ligation
(1) Copy method ① Ligated at the level of the gingival margin of the ... the ligation thread into the gingival sulcus as much as possible.
#61. With two episodes of right retromandibular angle ...
Both teeth were mildly painful on percussion, but were not loose. The gingiva was healthy, exhibiting a normal colour and gingival sulcus depth. There was no ...
#62. 3M™ Astringent Retraction Paste Refill
Get easy access to the sulcus with 3M™ ESPE™ Retraction Capsule's patented ... using common composite dispensers and effectively deflects marginal gingiva.
#63. 龈沟_百度百科
中文 名: 龈沟; 外文名: gingival sulcus,gingival groove. 所属学科: 人体解剖学; 公布年度: 2014年. 相关视频. 查看全部. 目录. 1 定义; 2 出处. 龈沟定义.
#64. 光學同調斷層掃描牙結石偵測系統建立
中文 關鍵詞: 掃頻光源式光學同調斷層掃描、牙結石、齲齒、牙齒裂痕、錐狀射束斷層掃描. 外文關鍵詞: swept-source optical coherence tomography、dental ...
#65. definition of free gingiva by Medical dictionary
Portion of gingiva that surrounds a tooth and is not directly attached to tooth surface; outer wall of the gingival sulcus. Medical Dictionary for the Dental ...
#66. sulcus - Traducción al español - ejemplos inglés
Traducciones en contexto de "sulcus" en inglés-español de Reverso ... There is a very shallow v-shaped crevice called a sulcus between the tooth and gums.
#67. 排龈技术的应用方案及热点聚焦
1.1.2 检索词中文检索词:①排龈;排龈时间;排龈效果;②种植体周围组织;粘接;临时冠; ... Clinical Assessment of Gingival Sulcus Width using Various Gingival ...
#68. sulcus"的中文翻译- 医学词典
拉]〔复sulci〕 〔NA〕①沟:通用词,指凹陷,尤指脑表面分隔脑回的凹陷;②牙齿咬合面的线状凹陷,其斜边成角相交 ... gingival sulcus ; sulcus gingivalis.
#69. Oral Cavity and Oropharyngeal Cancer Stages
How is the stage determined? The staging system most often used for oral cavity or oropharyngeal cancers is the American Joint Committee on ...
#70. 国际临床研究杂志
The inflammatory reaction, periodontal health, overall curative effect, ... probing depth of gingival sulcus, plaque index, gingival sulcus ...
#71. 不同金属烤瓷全冠对种植体龈沟液中TNF-α和MMP-8水平的影响
A filter paperstrip was gently inserted into the gingival sulcus along the dental face until it encountered a resistance;the filter paper strip was taken ...
#72. Shofu TPE Diamonds Coarse Short Head #682S 10/Box - HSHK
Rapid reduction of the shoulder margin into gingival sulcus - Fine (F-Red banded shank) Smooth finishing of sub-gingival shoulder preparation
#73. Gingival Crevicular Fluid: An Overview - PMC - NCBI
GCF is an exudate of varying composition found in the sulcus/periodontal pocket between the tooth and marginal gingiva. It contains components of serum, ...
#74. La higiene oral y los efectos de la terapia periodontal mecánica
El principal agente etiológico es el acúmulo de biopelícula dental bacteriana ya sea en las fosas y fisuras de los dientes como en el surco gingival.
#75. 牙周疾病與治療 - 長庚醫院
recession is a more common problem than gingival recession in esthetic dentistry. 0.0%. 20.0%. 40.0%. 60.0%. 80.0%. 100.0%. 120.0%.
#76. gingival sulcusの意味・使い方 - 英辞郎 - アルク
gingival sulcus 歯肉溝◇【複】gingival sulci - アルクがお届けするオンライン英和・和英辞書検索サービス。
gingival sulcus中文 在 GINGIVAL SULCUS AND SULCULAR EPITHELIUM - YouTube 的推薦與評價
Gingival Sulcus or the Crevice is a natural space between the tooth structure and the surrounding Margival gingiva and the Sulcus is lined ... ... <看更多>