gore 翻譯:(傷口流出的)血,凝固的血,血污, (動物用角或獠牙)抵傷,頂傷,戳傷。了解更多。
KK[gor]; DJ[gɔ:] · 三角形布;三角形地帶[C] ; KK[gor]; DJ[gɔ:] · (牛、羊等)用角牴破;(動物等)用獠牙刺破 ; KK[gor]; DJ[gɔ:] · (流出的)血;凝血;血塊[U] ; 美式. 英 ...
gored 的中文意思翻譯:v. (動物)用角撞傷,用牙刺破( gore的過去式和過去分詞)。gored的中文翻譯、gored的發音、柯林斯釋義、用法、gored的近義詞、反義詞和雙語例句 ...
#4. gored 的中文翻釋|VoiceTube 看影片學英語
請輸入想查詢的單字或片語. 單字背了又忘?試試VoiceTube 精心研發的線上課程吧! gored. US. ・. UK. C2 高級. 定義 影片字幕. v. 尖銳器械造成的傷口 ...
Gore \Gore\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Gored}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Goring}.] [OE. gar spear, AS. g?r. See 2d {Gore}.] To pierce or wound, as with a horn; ...
#6. gored 中文 - 查查詞典
gored中文 意思:v. (動物)用角撞傷,用牙刺破( gore的過去式和過去分…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋gored的中文翻譯,gored的發音,三態,音標,用法和造句等。
Gungrave G.O.R.E (簡體中文, 韓文, 英文, 繁體中文, 日文). PLAION. PS4PS5Standard.
#8. gored单词的级别、释义、真人发音、例句 - 轻松背单词
gored. 级别, 附加级. 音标, [ gɔ:d ]. 解释, v.(动物)用角撞伤,用牙刺破( gore的过去式和过去分词). 英英释义. 发音, play.gif. 例句, 1. He was gored by a bull.
#9. gored - Linguee | 中英词典(更多其他语言)
大量翻译例句关于"gored" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。
#10. Gore 释义| 柯林斯英语词典 - Collins Dictionary
He had been gored by a rhinoceros. 美式英语: gore /ˈgɔr/; 巴西葡萄牙语: escornar; 简体中文 ...
#11. gored 中文- 英文词典
在中文里面,我们如何解释gored这个英文词呢? gored这个英文词,中文意思如下:牛角撞伤。 Meaning of gored for the defined word. 在语法上,这个单字"gored"是一个 ...
#12. The Ox That Gored - 博客來
內容簡介. SPUR AWARD-WINNING AUTHOR, JAMES D. CROWNOVER. Deputy U.S. Marshal Lee Sowell and his posse chase bootleggers, killers, and robbers across Indian ...
#13. gored的中文解释和发音 - 欧路词典
The bull gored the farmer to death. 公牛用角把农夫抵死了。 声 : 例句、词性分类均由互联网资源自动生成,部分未经过人工审核,其表达内容亦不代表本软件 观点;若 ...
GORE -TEXPACLITE®PLUS是一款持久防水的外套,即使在劇烈活動時也能保證讓您乾爽舒適。
#15. gore - 从英语翻译成中文| PONS - 词典
#16. 剝削電影- 维基百科,自由的百科全书
剝削電影(Exploitation film)是一種以促銷为目的的電影類型,剝削本是经济学名词,但该詞用於 ... 您现在使用的中文变体可能会影响一些词语繁简转换的效果。
#17. gore是什么意思? gore翻译(中文英文) - 抓鸟
gore 的解释是:血块, 淤血, 三角形布, 缝以补 … 同时,该页为英语学习者提供:gore的中文翻译、英英详解、单词音标、在线发音、例句等。
#18. 紅隊GoRed - 全明星運動會第二季 - Instagram
Go Red on Fire - 領隊老大/江宏傑 可愛隊經/粿粿 腐肉助教/喬巴 - 隊員們 范逸臣⑦曹佑寧⑥⑤王家梁①⓪廖允杰①①周予天⑧⑧何孟遠 ...
#19. gore - 英汉词典
英语, 中文. gore n, (blood) (流出体外的), SCSimplified Chinese 血,血块xuè ,xiě kuài / xuè kuài. TCTraditional Chinese 血. The butcher's apron was covered ...
#20. SQL: SELECT * FROM this || 國家教育研究院-紡織科技學術名詞
英文名稱, 中文名稱. gored skirt, 多片裙. gorge, 前領圍. gorget, 頸甲. gossamer, 薄雨衣織物;新娘面紗. gossypium, 棉植物. gout, 飛花織入(織疵).
#21. Gore名字意思 - NameChef
Gore ,有三角形土地的意思,一般用作男生名字,源自英式英語,在《NameChef熱門名字排行榜》排名1000名以外,在《美國嬰兒名字排行榜》排名1000名以外。
#22. GORE英文名字意思
GARY. 中文:加理. 來自一個諾曼名字的英文姓氏,這本身最初是一個暱稱的名字,以日耳曼字根ger ...
#23. gored - 欧路词典|英汉 - 法语助手
#24. gore是什么意思,gore怎么读,gore翻译为:流出的血,血块
gore 的中文意思:流出的血,血块;(衣,点击查看详细解释:gore的中文翻译、gore的发音、音标、用法和双语例句等,让你有效掌握gore这个单词。
#25. Overlapped-Sweetheart Gored Denim Dress - AIR SPACE
繁體中文. SUBSCRIBE TO NEWS LETTERS. JOIN. Secured Payment Methods. payment. Grace Trader SDN. BHD. (C)2021. PRIVACY AND COOKIE POLICIES WEBSITE TERMS ...
#26. 斗牛士-翻译为英语-例句中文 - Reverso Context
The bullfighter was gored to death before a large crowd. 然后太阳升起来了斗牛士太过疲惫只能被人们抬出去. As the sun came up, the matador was so exhausted, ...
#27. Gored of the Rings - PChome 24h書店
Gored of the Rings is the first book in the Matchmaker Marriage Mysteries, the continuing adventures of Gladie Burger with all of the regular characters ...
#28. 關於Gore的意思和用法的提問 - HiNative
A: gore means something that typically is bloody/nasty. ... · この御恩は身体でお返しします笑用中文(繁體,臺灣) 要怎麼說?
#29. Rohingya Refugees Gored by Elephants at Record Rates
Refugee camps in Bangladesh are edging up against wildlife habitats, leading to at least a dozen deaths. Tags: Rohingya crisis, elephants, ...
#30. gored的中文,翻译,解释,例句,拼写相似词汇- 词典- 英语人
gored 的中文,翻译,解释,例句,拼写相似词汇. ... gored. gored的基本解释: -. [变形] gore的过去分词. n. 淤血, 流出的血, 三角形布. vt. 缝以补裆, 刺伤, 顶, 把.
#31. Gored in the Chest - Sanguisugabogg - KKBOX
Sanguisugabogg的歌曲「Gored in the Chest」在這裡,快打開KKBOX 盡情收聽。 ... 繁體中文. 繁體中文. English.
#32. ゴアテックス| ゴラテックス| 戈爾特斯是什麼意思?-日文字典
If it still doesn't work, press. Reload data Mazii. 搜尋. 日語-中文(繁體) ... gored skirt · ゴア. 戈爾,三角形一塊織物,用於製作裙子、雨傘等。
#33. 一个英文单词--gore,即热气球或降落伞中一块块布,缝起来 ...
一个英文单词--gore,即热气球或降落伞中一块块布,缝起来成为整个伞或球。 这个gore的中文对应词是什么? 2022-08-20 12:21投诉举报.
#34. 3 gored in Monday's bull running at San Fermin festival - Xinhua
MADRID, July 11 (Xinhua) -- Three people were gored and taken to hospital on Monday during the fifth running of the bulls (encierro) at this ...
#35. Gore (English → German) – DeepL Translate
Tech giants Google, Microsoft and Facebook are all applying the lessons of machine learning to translation, but a small company called DeepL has outdone ...
#36. Loathe的《Gored》- Apple Music 歌曲
此外,你还能在所有设备上欣赏你的整个音乐资料库。免费畅听1 个月,之后每月只需US$6.49。 免费试用. 选取其他国家或地区以查看你所在位置提供的内容. 美國(簡體中文)
#37. gored的意思是:(动物)用角撞伤
gored 的中文意思:(动物)用角撞伤,用,点击查看详细解释:gored的中文翻译、gored的发音、音标、用法和双语例句等,让你有效掌握gored这个单词。
#38. gore - 柯林斯雅思备考词典
... gore中文什么意思,gore翻译,gore读音,gore发音,gore单词用法,gore双语例句,gore近义词,gore反义词等,更多gore相关信息尽在新东方在线柯林斯雅思备考词典。
#39. Gored: 中文翻译, 含义、同义词、反义词、发音 - 在线英语词典
#40. gored skirt 的中文意思- 英漢字典
gored skirt 中文意思是什麼. 英 美 澳. gored skirt 解釋. 多褶裙. skirt: n 1 女裙;(衣服的)裾,下擺。2 〈俚語〉女人,姑娘。3 物件的裙狀部分;套筒;緣,邊, ...
#41. Mia Chorney on LinkedIn: #suddencardiacarrest #zoll #gored ...
Presenting Women's Cardiology Updates in Scottsdale ❤️ Gotta love the mannequin. Lifevest is a personal defibrillator that a child, adult and even ...
#42. Gored - Google Play 上的电影
Antonio Barrera is the most gored bullfighter in modern history, and known to perform with total abandonment. He's been gored twenty three times, ...
#43. Gored on Spotify
Gored. 134 monthly listeners. Follow. Popular. 1. Merciless Vivisection2,312. 2. Grotesque Bodily Disfigurement1,327. 3. Chaotic Reign of Impalement1,292.
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在Shutterstock 收藏中查找Gore 张高清库存图片和其余几百万张免版税库存照片、插图和矢量图。 每天添加几千张全新的高品质图片。
#45. Warning : many visitors have been gored by buffalo - WorldCat
We are unable to determine your location to show libraries near you. Please help us find libraries near you by allowing location access by providing city, ...
#46. gore是什么意思中文 - 搜狗搜索
Claire loves blood and guts and gore, but who says Halloween has to be scary? Everybody but you. 克莱尔喜欢血,内脏啊,暴力什么的,但谁说万圣节一定要这么 ...
#47. Opinion | Hillary Clinton Gets Gored - The New York Times
Yet throughout the campaign most media coverage gave the impression that Mr. Bush was a bluff, straightforward guy, while portraying Al Gore ...
#48. 810337 | Pattern - Stoll Patternshop
Stoll-flexible gauge® Handbag in gore technique with pleats Production time / Produktionszeit: 1 Front(s) / V-Teil(e) 13 min. 59 sec. 1.00 m/sec. 1...
#49. gore是什么意思 - 恒星英语
#50. Gored Achievement Help :: Team Fortress 2 综合讨论
繁體中文(繁体中文) 日本語(日语) 한국어(韩语) ไทย(泰语) български(保加利亚语) Čeština(捷克语) Dansk( ... Gored Achievement Help.
#51. Gored Fig Sacs 歌词- David Toop - RapZH 中文说唱数据库
RapZH 中文说唱数据库. ... Gored Fig Sacs. Black Chamber · David Toop. 歌词. 暂无歌词. 专辑信息. 1.Soft Cavities. 2.Apartment Thunder (Eros + Sacrifice).
#52. 英文gore是什么意思,gore翻译解释,gore中文意思,gore读音及用法
#53. Gored Peasant Skirt in Ore Pigment - XCVI
Gored Peasant Skirt in Ore Pigment - An old trusted style is back! Asymmetric seams run from the right and then to the left with shirring throughout each ...
#54. The Dangers Ahead if Tech Unicorns Get Gored - WSJ
English, 中文 (Chinese), 日本語 (Japanese). Print Edition · Video · Podcasts · Latest Headlines. More. More. Other Products from WSJ ...
#55. 服装知识|| 看完这八个名字,你就能撑起半裙的一片天! - 知乎
Gored Skirt戈尔裙也叫拼片裙,和Godet非常相似,但有一些细微的差别,Godet从腰部向下成三角形;而Gored则只加强臀部,过了臀部就放飞自我,各种廓形 ...
#56. Blood and Gore - Play Console Help
This section describes how much blood and/or gore is associated with the acts of violence. Mild/Limited While there is some blood, its use is constrained to ...
#57. matador中文- 英漢詞典 - 漢語網
嗯,你好像就是今天那個被牛打的斗牛士! spanish matador francisco marco is assisted after being gored by a bull during the san fermin festival in pamplona, on ...
#58. 2 gored in bull run; bullfighter killed - World -
Two men were in serious condition after being gored during the fourth day of the running of the bulls at Pamplona's San Fermin festival on ...
#59. Mezlan Artisan Gored Slip-On Shoe Black - C&E Fashions
Features a Double Gore, soft Calfskin lining, their memory foam comfort-cushioned insole and a full Leather Opanka Upturned Sole! Handmade in Spain.
#60. Gored : Antonio Barrera: 電影和電視 -
Known as the Most Gored Bullfighter in History, Antonio Barrera has been impaled 23 times in the bullring. Now with a family to consider and a body that ...
#61. One American, two Spaniards gored during running of the ...
Three people have been gored during the fifth bull run at the Festival of San Fermín in Pamplona in Spain. Key points: An American and two ...
#62. Passion Week -
In Old Testament times, thirty pieces of silver was the value of a slave accidentally gored to death by an ox (Ex. 21 :32). The amount given to Zechariah is ...
#63. Gore 中文
gore 在英語-中文(繁體)詞典中的翻譯gore noun [ U ] uk / ɡɔː r/ us / ɡɔːr / blood that has come from an injury and become thick (傷口流出的)血,凝固的血, ...
#64. Tourist gored at Yellowstone National Park - MSN
... 한국 (한국어), 中华人民共和国 (简体中文), 台灣 (繁體中文), 日本 (日本語), 香港特别行政區 (繁體中文). Switch to Latino (Español)
#65. Gored - definition of gored by The Free Dictionary
Define gored. gored synonyms, gored pronunciation, gored translation, English dictionary definition of gored. pierced with a horn: The bullfighter was gored ...
#66. gore - 同义词、 反义词和发音 - DigoPaul
了解更多关于gore的英语单词,包括定义、 同义词、 反义词、 发音。 ... gore. 发音: US [ɡɔr] UK [ɡɔː(r)]. n.凝固的血; v. ... 翻译到中文. 英语中的定义 ...
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@GoREd @HealthyAging @HeartHealth @NYPresbyterian @OlderAdult @SeniorCitizens #qcsw. Heart Health for Women over 60 with Dr. T, Free Virtual ...
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Gored Hide Legguards 200. Valorous Cryptstalker Legguards 213. Boots of the Neverending Path 200. Boots of the Renewed Flight
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美国残死/血碾试听YandereChainsawRegurgitationFactory - Gored To Death (2022) ... 【机翻中文字幕】俄罗斯碾核/死亡金属MV TSYGUN - Шершень.
#70. Gored By A Cape Buffalo! - Safari Club International
Walking through the Tsitsingombe River Valley in Zimbabwe four years ago, Angie Heister had no idea that her life was about to change dramatically. Angie.
#71. Monk gored by buffalo - Khmer Times
A 16-year-old Buddhist monk is gored to death by an angry buffalo while walking alone near his pagoda in Mesang district.
#72. 英语这里Gore什么意思? - 百度知道
the film omitted the blood and Gore in order to avoid controversy. ... 2016-06-10 bloodandgore什么意思; 2012-10-02 BESTGORE 中文是什么意思 ...
#73. gore - 英语_读音_用法_例句 - 海词
gore · n. 流出的血;淤血;三角形布 · v. 使成三角形狭条;(用角或长牙)刺或戳伤;把...剪成楔形三角布缝以补裆 · Gore · n. 戈尔(人名).
#74. Giant Bison - Ice Age Cattle - ARK - Official Community Forums
Some get gored if unlucky enough. ... the Bison could impale its victims into their horns and gore them to bleed out, as well a herd buff to ...
#75. Gore - Steam
Gore. Featured. VR. Free to Play. On Your Wishlist. Sign in to view additional items selected just for you. Sign in. Popular Titles. All Items.
#76. Olivia Rodrigo 奧莉維亞- brutal 殘酷【中文翻譯歌詞】
今天的Sour之旅來到了專輯的首支歌曲brutal 我一開始聽到前面的rock鼓奏就整個有夠嗨了整首歌所要傳達的理念也非常有意思算是專輯裡相當推薦的一首 ...
#77. whose ox is gored - Wiktionary
EnglishEdit. PhraseEdit · whose ox is gored. Who is suffering or losing out in a given situation. Usage notesEdit. Used in various tenses and constructions: ...
#78. 喪鐘為誰而鳴(中文導讀英文版) - Google 圖書結果
“Until he is gored,”the woman said bitterly。“How many times have I heard matadors talk like that before they took a goring。How often have I heard Finito ...
#79. 《GunGrave G.O.R.E》遊戲介紹 時隔多年的續作,評價兩極
遊戲名稱:GunGrave G.O.R.E遊戲類型:第三人稱射擊、動作、冒險、闖關、清版帶狀卷軸Steam價格:NT$ 1490Steam評價:55% 褒貶不一( 122篇)發行 ...
#80. Gore Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
gored ; goring. transitive verb. : to pierce or wound with something pointed (such as a horn or knife). gored by a bull. gore. 4 of 4 ...
#81. 福爾摩斯歸來(中文導讀英文版) - Google 圖書結果
He was surely not gored by a bull? Impossible! But I see no traces of anyone else. We must push on, Watson. Surely, with stains as well as the track to ...
#82. 美麗童話——冬(中文導讀英文版) - Google 圖書結果
Shortly afterwards the Bull with his horns gored him as if he were an enemy. When the Ass saw that the huge beast could be assailed with impunity, ...
#83. 戀愛中的女人(中文導讀英文版) - Google 圖書結果
'Anyway, they gored one of the farmer's cows to death, the other day,' he said. 'What do I care?' she said. 'I cared though,' he replied, 'seeing that ...
#84. 夜鶯與玫瑰(中文導讀英文版) - Google 圖書結果
At last, however, after a prolonged combat, during which several of the hobbyhorses were gored through and through, and, their riders dismounted, ...
#85. GORE-TEX CROSSTECH® Product Technology
GORE -TEX CROSSTECH® Product Technology. Waterproof, breathable protection from blood-borne and viral pathogens and common chemicals – with the option of heat ...
#86. Gore Mutual Insurance: Gore Mutual Home
Our products. Built on a foundation of financial strength for more than 180 years, Gore Mutual Insurance Company is one of Canada's first ...
#87. 梵網古迹抄 - Google 圖書結果
... 兗絅狁也坐复等三二北下釋義二初述古譯卷云北非洲真識位夏坐安居北井川流者古迹上文具者复中兩僧亦應供給故為言二夏下釋文三 gored 拳大會中者謂在檀越設會衆中文 ...
#88. 天註:出埃及記(卷下)(簡體版) - Google 圖書結果
1 按中文圣经次序是第二十二章三〔2次〕、四、五、六〔2次〕、七、九、十一、十二、十三、十 ... 1; J. J. Finkelstein, The Ox that Gored (Philadelphia: American ...
#89. 天註:出埃及記(卷下) - Google 圖書結果
1 按中文聖經次序是第二十二章三〔2次〕、四、五、六〔2次〕、七、九、十一、十二、十三、十 ... 1; J. J. Finkelstein, The Ox that Gored (Philadelphia: American ...
gored中文 在 《GunGrave G.O.R.E》遊戲介紹 時隔多年的續作,評價兩極 的推薦與評價
遊戲名稱:GunGrave G.O.R.E遊戲類型:第三人稱射擊、動作、冒險、闖關、清版帶狀卷軸Steam價格:NT$ 1490Steam評價:55% 褒貶不一( 122篇)發行 ... ... <看更多>