hottie 翻譯:人, 性感的人, 物品, (同hot-water bottle)。了解更多。
#2. hottie:Hottie,是一個美國俚語,意思是非常熱辣、性感、迷人的
Hottie ,是一個美國俚語,意思是非常熱辣、性感、迷人的靚妹,也有用於男子的,意思就是帥哥了。但這個稱呼有些輕佻和不雅,因此,如果當面稱一位女士為”hottie“的話, ...
#3. "hottie ??"是什麼意思? - 關於英語(美國)(英文)的問題
hottie ?? 是什麼意思. 查看翻譯 · Someone who is attractive · A person that looks attractive to you. It's a bit of a slang that was formed in the ...
hottie. n. 【美俚】俊男美女;帥哥正妹. Dr.eye 譯典通. Traverse City Grand Traverse更新疑難排解 · 會員登入 · 設定 · 建議 · 服務中心 · 隱私權政策(更新版) ...
同音詞:haughty (有cot-caught合併的口音); 韻部:-ɒti. 名詞編輯. hottie(複數hotties). 〈英式〉(非正式) 熱水袋; 〈美式〉〈俚〉 性感的人. 近義詞: fittie.
#7. hottie 的中文翻釋|VoiceTube 看影片學英語
請輸入想查詢的單字或片語. 單字背了又忘?試試VoiceTube 精心研發的線上課程吧! hottie. US /'hɑ:tɪ/. ・. UK /'hɒtɪ/. A1 初級. 定義 影片字幕. n. 性感 ...
#8. 關於Hottie
Everyday Hottie 並不是讓妳變成辣妹,而是讓妳意識到,自己有多辣妹! 我們致力於設計出最符合腰臀比,最貼合妳身型的日常服飾讓有健身習慣的妳,
#9. hotties什么意思_百度知道
Hottie 是一个美国俚语,意思是非常热辣、性感、迷人的靓妹,也有用于男子的,意思就是帅哥了。但这个称呼有些轻佻和不雅,因此,如果当面称一位女士为”hottie“的话, ...
#10. Hottie Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of HOTTIE is a physically attractive person. How to use hottie in a sentence.
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#12. Hottie definition and meaning - English - Collins Dictionary
Hottie definition: a sexually attractive person | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples.
#13. Dr. Hottie: Large Print - 博客來
書名:Dr. Hottie: Large Print,語言:英文,ISBN:9781795917889,頁數:468,作者:James, Jessa,出版日期:2020/06/25,類別:文學.
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使用Reverso Context: Mandy Bright feels satisfied of torturing a hottie babe,在英语-中文情境中翻译"hottie"
#19. HOTTIE | Meaning & Definition for UK English -
nounplural noun hotties · 1A sexually attractive person (typically used of a woman). More example sentences. 'carefully selected hotties were modelling the ...
#20. Hottie Definition & Meaning -
Hottie definition, a sexually attractive person. See more.
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2 yellow, oval shaped Hottie massage bars are presented on a circular slate, accompanied. Hottie. Massage Bar. For soft, stimulating massages. From £8.0060g.
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#25. The Hottie & the Nottie (2008) - IMDb
The Hottie & the Nottie: Directed by Tom Putnam. With Paris Hilton, Joel David Moore, Christine Lakin, Johann Urb. A woman agrees to go on a date with a man ...
#26. Hottie - Urban Dictionary
Hawty/ Haughty/ Hottie are all slangs derived from the English word 'Hot'. They basically describe the appearance of someone. The literal meaning is Sultry: ...
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#29. The Hottie and the Nottie - Wikipedia
The Hottie and The Nottie is a 2008 American romantic comedy film starring Paris Hilton, Joel David Moore, and Christine Lakin. Written by Heidi Ferrer and ...
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#31. How to Be a Hottie: Become Uniquely, Irresistibly You and ...
You are already a hottie. I don't care if you're sitting on the couch in your floppy pajamas watching a rerun of your favorite sitcom or if you're standing ...
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For seriously sore muscles, Hottie's bumpy exterior act like fingertips to add a little extra pressure, while you work it out with its warming scent.
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Flamin' Hottie歌詞- Megan Thee Stallion 梅根尤物.
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(名詞) 辣妹或帥哥。 She is such a hottie! (她真是個辣妹); John and Sam are two major hotties at our school. (約翰和山姆是本校兩大帥哥).
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在Kobo 閱讀jennifer sucevic 的《Campus Hottie》。From USA Today bestselling author Jennifer Sucevic comes the next sexy standalone novel in ...
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1. hottie sl (sexy woman): · 2. hottie Aus (hot water bottle):.
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The name says it all! 8" blooms of hot pink, that will just glow in your flower beds. Petals are ruffled and blooms are full, with a strong and sturdy plant ...
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#41. Hottie Definition & Meaning | Britannica Dictionary
HOTTIE meaning: a sexually attractive person.
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Hottie I've been baby down the road you've been up the street I think it's about time you come talkin' to me I see the way you look at me you see I don't ...
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#46. hottie noun - Definition, pictures, pronunciation and usage notes
Definition of hottie noun in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and ...
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Hottie definition ... Frequency: A sexually attractive person. ... (slang) A person who is sexually attractive.
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#53. Hottie - definition of hottie by The Free Dictionary
hot·tie ... A sexually attractive person. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt ...
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The objective for Ulrik Nordentoft, the designer of the new HOTTIE vacuum jug, was to create the optimal everyday vacuum jug based on a modern ...
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Hotties Thermal Packs microwave hot water bottles. No boiling water. No gels or wheat. No refilling or tricky stoppers. A safe alternative to the standard ...
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A delectably delicious, defatted low calorie peanut butter powder perfect for spreading on toast, snacks and using in baking, drinks and smoothies.
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OH SNAP! Pickling Co. Hottie Bites, 3.25 fl oz, 12-count Ships ChilledSuper Crunchy Pickle SlicesPerfectly Seasoned for Great TasteNo Brine Added for Less ...
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#66. Little Hottie - Great Jones
Plus, Little Hottie nests perfectly inside our Hot Dish for easy storage. Why It's Special. Oven-safe and dishwasher-friendly; Comes in four joyful colors and ...
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with Hottie. Our Hottie hot water bottles are just as soft as your favourite old-school woollies. View all.
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#69. The Hottie & the Nottie - Rotten Tomatoes
critics consensus. The Hottie and the Nottie is a crass, predictable, and ineptly staged gross-out comedy that serves little purpose beyond existing as ...
#70. hottie俚语是什么意思- 头条搜索
美国俚语: 辣妹或帅哥hottie_在线英语听力室 · hottie意思是“辣妹或帅哥,有魅力的人”,形容男女皆可。 例句: Did you see that hottie over there?
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Little Hotties Warmers are a safe, easy, and all-natural solution to cold hands and feet. Once opened and exposed to oxygen in the air, these disposable but ...
#72. HOTTIE (noun) definition and synonyms - Macmillan Dictionary
Define HOTTIE (noun) and get synonyms. What is HOTTIE (noun)? HOTTIE (noun) meaning, pronunciation and more by Macmillan Dictionary.
#73. OOAK Hottie - 設計館Catzo Club 髮飾 - Pinkoi
OOAK Hottie Ears are: - 2,5 inches cat ears shape - Swarovski accents - piercing hoops - themed charms - removable winged bows with pendants ...
#74. Hottie Coffee
'Hottie' is our affectionate nickname for each other, and is a play on the word HOT, which is historically how coffee was brewed and served before cold brew ...
#75. Megan Thee Stallion Shares New Cheetos Song “Flamin' Hottie”
I am Miss Flamin' Hottie. I mean, I am all things hot. So I feel like it was very necessary for the Hot Cheeto and the Hot Girl to get together.
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#77. "Hottie" Sipping Chocolate - The Hot Chocolatier
Our 9 oz. tin of "Hottie" Sipping Chocolate is essentially the same ground (55%) dark chocolate used in our Original Dark Sipping Chocolate, except that it ...
#78. Serial Hottie by Kelly Oram - Goodreads
Serial Hottie book. Read 753 reviews from the world's largest community for readers. Hockey-obsessed tomboy Eleanor Westley has never been the object of ...
#79. Hottie - Glamnetic
Designed with a Comfort Fit Lash Band that is extra flexible, lightweight, and comfortable; Includes 6 PowerGrip Magnets for ultimate strength and hold power, ...
#80. HOTTIE - Translation in Portuguese -
Translation for 'hottie' in the free English-Portuguese dictionary and many other Portuguese translations.
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Read reviews and buy OH SNAP! Hottie Bites - 3.25 fl oz at Target. Choose from Same Day Delivery, Drive Up or Order Pickup. Free standard shipping with $35 ...
#82. What does 'hottie' mean? - Quora
A "hottie" is a good looking person of (usually) the opposite sex. "Regulation" is often used to describe something which is accepted by all as being a fine ...
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Little Hottie® Panicle Hydrangea: Patent PP32,549. » Compact form; » Full flower heads; » Large blooms; » Heat tolerant; » Fall color. Login ...
#85. The Hottie and the Nottie Movie Review | Common Sense Media
To any beholder, superficial comedy is no beauty. Read Common Sense Media's The Hottie and the Nottie review, age rating, and parents guide.
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Card Text: Whenever Red-Hot Hottie deals damage to a creature, put a third-degree-burn counter on that creature. It gains "At ...
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Treat yourself to tempting lips with the clear and glossy MOODSTRUCK HOTTIE lip plumper.
#88. Hottie - Google 圖書結果
“It's Hottie,” she called after them. “Starts with an H. Ends in flames.” There was her logo, burned into North Highland Avenue. Keira Knightley might drive ...
#89. hottie | Etymology, origin and meaning of hottie by etymonline
hottie (n.) ... also hotty, "attractive person," teen slang by 1995, from hot + -ie. The same word was used from 1947 with sense "hot water bottle ...
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HOTTIE Lyrics: Put the bag in the cup, add it up, add it up / Put my friends in the truck, add it up, add it up / If you think you know me ...
#92. hottie | English Definition & Examples -
Definition and high quality example sentences with “hottie” in context from reliable sources - Ludwig is the linguistic search engine that helps you to ...
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Hottie, a nova casa de cachorros quentes em Lisboa · Venha provar os clássicos americanos ou peça o seu cachorro favorito para levar · American junk food na sua ...
#94. Hottie ❤️ - Bilibili
Subtitles. Loading... Quality. Loading... 42 3. Hottie ❤️. Report. 3.2K Views Premium21/06/2022. Initial: Alias: 21/06/2022. View More.
#95. Dr. Hottie - Google 圖書結果
Dr. Hottie: Copyright © 2020 by Jessa James All Rights Reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, ...
#96. hottie - Longman Dictionary
hottie meaning, definition, what is hottie: someone who is very sexually attractive: Learn more.
#97. Hottie - Pucca Wiki - Fandom
Hottie is the Goddess of the Fire Swamp and the protector of the Lava Peppers. She only appears in Hot and Bothered. She fell in love with Ho during his ...
#98. locations - Hottie World
LOCATIONS ; Hottie at South Premium Outlet. Blue Diamond Crossing. 4040 Blue Diamond Rd Unit#C · Las Vegas NV 89139 ; Hottie at Grand Canyon Target Center. Grand ...
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