This film follows the tale of a college freshman, Ryan, as he heads into college after promising his parents that he would stop dancing and focus on his education in Business. However, he soon stumbles upon a flash mob, meeting Emily whom eventually convinced him to audition for the dance club. Watch as Ryan slowly grasp the meaning of dance, passion and love.
This programme is part of Got to Move, a nationwide movement to celebrate dance and get everyone in Singapore MOVING! The second edition this year will see various dance groups and studios holding free workshops, masterclasses, dance programmes and activities across the island from 7th to 23rd October. Over the 3 weekends, we will be having a series of GTM SPOTLIGHT events that will allow you to discover and immerse yourself in different dance-related activities!
Find out more information on Facebook @GotToMoveSG. This is supported by the National Arts Council.
Register for free Trevmonki Dance Classes @
It is going to happen on the 22nd October (Saturday), Lester Zhang's class from 2pm to 3pm and Trevor Tham's class from 3pm to 4pm! IT'S FREE!!
Directed and Written by: Leonard Lau
Produced and Edited by: Trevor Tham
Director of Photography: Sun Ji
Assistant Director: Felice Tay
Production Assistant: Masagos Iskandar
Angelene Wong
Evon Chua
Lester Zhang
Trevor Tham
Leonard Lau
Keith Png
Chelsea Monteiro
Serene Ting
Special Appearance
Dancers from Legacy Dance Co
Trevmonki Official Social Media
Instagram @
Facebook @
Follow the crew
Trev @
Leonard @
For any business enquiries: [email protected]
Voice Over
Shawnrick @
Our Partners for this web series
(Hair) J7image @j7_artofhair
(Camera Gears) True Colour Media
(Clothing) Uniqlo @uniqlosg
(Ear Piece) Sudio @sudiosweden
(Dance) Legacy Dance Co @legacy.dco
(Location) Skypark @skyparkarena