三月尾後半部份既vlog,呢幾日都係埋頭苦幹。 其中有一日我去咗天然洗面機既event,全部野都擺得好靚,我又對呢個品牌認識多咗少少! 我自己本身都好鍾意佢洗面同洗身舊蒟蒻,所以就出現支持下啦! 之後個幾日都係閉關做野,忙還忙,飯都要食㗎! 咁又趁機帶埋大家一齊去,先去King Ludwig Beerhall食德國菜,然後就去Playt食自助餐! 兩間都叫唔錯啦! 好啦,希望大家睇得開心,我哋下星期四再見面啦!
Hope you enjoy this #hakmelife so far and be sure to stayed tuned for more! I do two videos a week on Tuesday and Thursday at 9.00am (Hong Kong Time). Do subscribe as I'd love to see you again! Xoxo.
Information Mentioned:-
+ Not Just A Products:
Follow @hakmebeauty on Instagram for more information as well
+ German Restaurant: King Ludwig Beerhall
Open Rice Details: https://tinyurl.com/y7873hts
+ Chloe Lauren Suede Espadrilles HK$4,350
Link: http://bit.ly/2ILPurH
+ Buffet at Playt
Open Rice Details: https://tinyurl.com/ybkjwnl5
♡黑咪店地址: http://www.hakmebeauty.com/store-locations
♡黑咪店Online: http://www.hakmebeauty.com/shop
♡黑咪店Instagram: @hakmebeauty
Where To Find Me:-
♥ Blog: www.hakmebeauty.com
♥ Facebook: www.facebook.com/hakmebeauty
♥ Instagram: @iamhakme
♥ Snapchat: iamhakme
♥ Shop My Collection at Depop: @iamhakme
♥ Twitter: twitter.com/iamhakme
♥ Weibo: www.weibo.com/iamhakme
Disclaimer: This video is created and edited by me. All the content are my own thoughts. As always, all opinions are based on my experience and honest. Products are either purchased by me or for those which are sent by PR are marked with an “*”. For any collaboration with brands which involves monetary payment, “#Ad” will be in the title of the video so that you are aware of the collaboration. Some of the links used above might be affiliate links and please be aware that I will earn a % of commission if you decide to buy through the affiliate links.

hakmelife 在 黑咪生活| 試食Mr Honey兒時好喜歡既糖果 - YouTube 的推薦與評價
Hope you enjoy this # hakmelife so far and be sure to stayed tuned for more! I do two videos a week on Tuesday and Thursday at 9.00am (Hong ... ... <看更多>