Hi I'm back! With another lookbook :) It is SOO HOT in Tokyo right now.
I would also love to use this chance to introduce many other parts of Harajuku which may not be familiar to most people. Harajuku is not only the "lolita" style, weird fashions and young teens, it has a lot to offer, from the hippest cafes to the random clothing stores to the beautiful streets, be sure to spend more time wandering around tiny alleys. It will be worth it.
Hope you like my video!
Outfit 1:
Choker: https://www.lovisa.com.au/
Shirt: https://jouetie.com/
Straw Hat: http://www.aymmy.com/
Bag: https://www.manhattanportage.co.jp/
Sunnies: http://www.spinns.jp/
Sandals: http://www.spinns.jp/
Socks: http://www.forever21.co.jp/
Outfit 2:
Aloha Shirt: http://www.chicago.co.jp/
Shorts: http://www.monki.com/gb/
Crop top: http://www.topshop.com/?geoip=home
Bucket Hat: https://gocart.jp/wego/
Sunnies: http://www.spinns.jp/
Necklace: Handmade by Eve
Belt: https://gocart.jp/wego/
Outfit 3:
Oversized T: http://myob-nyc-shop.com/
Ripped Jeans: https://www.zara.com/jp/en/
Choker: http://www.sheltter.jp/
Sneakers: http://www.vansjapan.com/
Net socks: https://gocart.jp/wego/
Music- https://soundcloud.com/fascinations-grand-chorus
Hello my name is Zen and I live in Japan. Check out my social media for more life updates :)
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INSTAGRAM: zenzenw