4 天前 — Inability of mature oocytes to create functional haploid genomes from somatic cell nuclei. 來自Cambridge English Corpus. In order to test for ' ...
#3. haploid - 單分染色體 - 國家教育研究院雙語詞彙
haploid. 以haploid 進行詞彙精確檢索結果. 出處/學術領域, 英文詞彙, 中文 ...
使用Reverso Context: Genome A complete haploid chromosome set.,在英语-中文情境中翻译"haploid"
#5. 雙單倍體在遺傳及育種上之應用
2011. Gametic embryogenesis and haploid technology as valuable support to plant breeding. Plant. Cell Rep. 30:839-857. Pink D. et al. 2008. Double haploids, ...
#6. haploid 的中文翻釋|影音字典- VoiceTube 看影片學英語
超過400 萬人愛用的線上英語學習平台!上萬部YouTube 影片教材,搭配中英文翻譯字幕與英漢字典,輕鬆掌握日常對話、瞭解單字的發音與用法。是最適合華人提升英文聽力和 ...
#7. haploid - Linguee | 中英词典(更多其他语言)
大量翻译例句关于"haploid" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。
#8. DH双单倍体– 菲达赫
doubled haploids-2. 来自单个单倍体细胞的新植物. 在植物育种中,向稳定品种添加所需特性是非常耗费人力和时间的,尤其对于生长缓慢的物种而言。
haploid /h'æplɔɪd/ 共發現4 筆關於[haploid] 的資料(解釋內文之英文單字均可再點入查詢) 來源(1): pydict data [pydict] haploid 單倍的; 單倍體; 單倍體的來源(2): ...
#10. haploid中文 - 查查綫上辭典
haploid中文 ::單倍體;單倍的;單元體;半數體;單倍體的;半數的…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋haploid的中文翻譯,haploid的發音,音標,用法和例句等。
#11. haploid 中文 - Qtill
haploid中文 ::單倍體;單倍的;單元體;半數體;單倍體的;半數的,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋haploid的中文翻譯,haploid的發音,音標,用法和例句等。 haploid中文, ...
#12. 講課大綱(Lecture Outline) - 仙人掌花園植物學教學網
II. 二倍體世代(diploid generation)與單倍體世代(haploid generation)間之世代交替(alternation):同一物種不同生活史(life cycle)之階段隨時間而相互交替。 A.
#13. Haploid 是什麽意思,中文意思| 单倍体英文怎麽說| 生理卫生名词
Haploid 單倍體,是什麽意思,英文怎麽說,中文意思,生理衛生名詞-詞匯翻譯,美國LetPub 論文編輯.
#14. haploid中文- 英漢詞典 - 漢語網
haploid中文 的意思、翻譯及用法:n. [細胞][遺] 單倍體adj. 單一的。英漢詞典提供【haploid】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句等.
#15. Advances in Haploid Production in Higher Plants - 博客來
內容簡介. The importance of haploids is well known to geneticists and plant breeders. The discovery of anther-derived haploid Datura plants in 1964 ...
#16. 二倍体_百度百科
中文 名: 二倍体; 外文名: diploid sporophyte; 概 念: 细胞内同源染色体的数目 ... 一组称为“单套”或“单倍体”(haploid,2x),两组称为“双套”或“双倍体”(diploid)。
#17. 中文摘要
Abstract. Pollen haploids from Nicotiana tabacum L. cv FCV Special were raised by culturing their anthers on MS medium supplemented with .001mg BAP.
#18. haploid - 英汉词典
主要翻译. 英语, 中文. haploid nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (organism with one set of chromosomes), 单倍体 dān bèi tǐ ...
#19. haploid 中文意思是什麼 - 英漢/漢英線上英文字典
haploid 中文 意思是什麼. haploid 解釋. adj. 形容詞 【生物學】單元體的,單倍體的。 n. 名詞 單倍體。 adj. 形容詞 -ic ,-y n. 名詞.
#20. HAPLOID 中文是什么意思- 中文翻译 - Tr-ex
以下是许多翻译的例句,其中包含“HAPLOID” - 英语-中文翻译和搜索引擎英语翻译 ... The team found that haploid embryonic stem cells carry fewer"genomic imprints.
#21. 什么是减数分裂? - JoVE
Scan me! 加入收藏夹 添加到播放列表. English中文DeutschРусский한국어FrançaisNederlandsEspañolPortuguêsTürkçeItalianoالعربيةעִבְרִית日本語.
#22. 单倍体, 仅有一组染…《抓鸟》英语词典
haploid 的解释是:单倍体, 仅有一组染色体的细 … 同时,该页为英语学习者提供:haploid的中文翻译、英英详解、单词音标、在线发音、例句等。
#23. Haploid 释义| 柯林斯英语词典
having the full number of chromosomes normally occurring in the mature germ cell, or half the number in the usual somatic cell. 名词. 2. a haploid cell or ...
#24. single haploid 中文 - Lubos
single haploid 中文. Your browser doesn't support HTML5 audio. / ˈhæp.lɔɪd /. having a single set of chromosomes (= structures containing chemical patterns ...
#25. haploid organism 中文multicellular - Scsc
The Haploid number of chromosomes move to the center of the cell. ... haploid中文, ] [ant: , and can be found by looking at the chromosomes through a ...
#26. haploid - 中文百科知識
haploid n. [生物]單倍體, 僅有一組染色體的細胞adj. 單一的.
#27. haploid - 臺灣魚類資料庫
haploid, A cell or organism with a single set of chromosomes. 單倍體, 一個細胞或生物具有單一一組染色體。 ※中文內容系使用機器由英文內容翻譯。
#28. haploid — 中文翻译- TechDico辞書
包含许多翻译示例按活动分类“haploid” – 英语-中文字典和智能翻译助手。
#29. haploid的中文意思翻譯和英語場景例句- 留聲詞典 - 留声词典
Diplobiontic Describing life cycles showing a typical alternation of generations with haploid and diploid somatic bodies. 異型世代:具有典型的單倍體和二倍體 ...
#30. haploid nuclei 中文haploid - Patry Kdas
為您提供nuclei的中文意思,漏發音, synonyms and … 可輸入英文單字,普通具有8個遺傳上相同的單倍體核. ... Mononucleated haploid cells join to produce binucleate ...
#31. haploid plants 中文– Budzak
haploid plants 中文 · 單倍體菌株,haploid strains,音標,讀音,翻譯,英文例句,英語 · Mutation breeding · · Fertilization terminology: gametes, zygotes, ...
#32. 水产学报
The embryonic development course of haploid induced by UV-irradiated heterogenous and homogenous sperm was alike at the stages of blastodisc formation, ...
#33. haploid – 中文翻译– Multitran 词典
The Multitran dictionary contains translations of words and phrases in dozens of languages and in over 1000 subject areas.
#34. 英语-汉语haploid翻译
She is using double haploid breeding techniques to speed up variety development by a few years and is looking for quality traits similar to existing ...
#35. 翻译'Haploid' – 字典中文-德文 - Glosbe
检查“ Haploid”到中文的翻译。浏览句子中Haploid的翻译示例,听发音并学习语法。
#36. haploid的中文解释和发音 - 德语助手
#37. chromosome,haploid - 單套染色體 - 國家教育研究院雙語詞彙
出處/學術領域, 中文詞彙, 英文詞彙. 學術名詞 實驗動物及比較醫學名詞, 單套染色體, haploid. 學術名詞 獸醫學, 單套染色體, chromosome,haploid. 學術名詞
#38. haploid 中文
haploid的中文意思,adj,【生物学】单元体的,单倍体的。n,单倍体。adj,-ic ,-y n,…,查阅haploid的详细中文翻译、发音、用法和例句等。 haploid中文_haploid是什么意思.
#39. single haploid 中文 - DJGH
single haploid 中文. The males are haploid. 雄的個體都是單倍體。An exact multiple of the haploid number is called euploid . 確切 ...
#40. 德语haploid中文翻译 - 单词乎
德语haploid的中文翻译:(adj) 【生】单倍体的.
#41. haploid是什么意思 - 英语词典
#42. haploid的意思在线翻译,解释haploid中文英文含义,短语词组 ...
词组、短语、俚语及习惯用语• haploid apogamy 单倍无配子生殖。 • haploid chromosomes 单倍染色体。 • haploid fruit body 单倍子实体。 • haploid generation
#43. 单倍体
haploid. The situation in which the presumed mother of a particular individual is not the biological mother. Full glossary. External link.
#44. 细胞分裂
單倍體細胞(Haploid cell): 只有一組染色體的細胞。 染色體(Chromosome): 一種由DNA(脫氧核糖核酸)組成的長線狀分子,與特殊蛋白質結合在一起,在細胞分裂過程中( ...
#45. Introduction to Haploid Rice (單倍體水稻) | 學術寫作例句辭典
Therefore, the improved anther culture medium A1 can produce doubled haploid rice plants for indica × japonica, which can be useful in ...
#46. Assessment of the value of doubled haploids as progenitors in ...
In order to evaluate twelve doubled haploids (DHs) of Theobroma cacao L. used as parents, a trial was set up in C?te d'Ivoire. Several traits were observed, ...
#47. haploid cell 中文haploid - Ropux
haploid cell 中文haploid. haploid chromosomes in Chinese haploid chromosomes in Chinese : 單倍染色體…. click for more detailed Chinese translation, ...
#48. Genetics in Haploid Human Cells to Study Genetic Interactions
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center Zuckerman Research Center 417 East 68th Street Room ZRC-105. New York, NY 10065 ...
#49. 真菌學 - 中山大學
Haploid (n). Heterokaryotic. Diploid (2n). Spore-producing structures. Spores. (n). ASEXUAL. REPRODUCTION. Mycelium. GERMINATIO.
#50. haploid翻译为:单倍体,仅有一组染色
haploid 的中文意思:单倍体,仅有一组染色,点击查看详细解释:haploid的中文翻译、haploid的发音、音标、用法和双语例句等,让你有效掌握haploid这个单词。
#51. 文献信息节点 - CNKI学术
Production of in vitro haploid plants from in situ induced haploid embryos ... 中文期刊. 共7条. [1]. 南瓜育种相关基础研究进展[J]. 郑扬;张国裕;张帆;田佳星; ...
#52. haploid nuclei的中文解释 - 沪江网校
沪江词库精选haploid nuclei是什么意思、英语单词推荐、haploid nuclei的用法、haploid nuclei的中文解释、翻译haploid nuclei是什么意思.
#53. Haploid: 中文翻译, 含义、同义词、反义词、发音、例句、转录 ...
#54. haploid_中文翻译 - 术语宝典
Group: Foraminifera. 来源:A Chinese-English and English-Chinese Dictionary of Palaeontology Terms 语言:英语> 简体中文古生物学. haploid >.
#55. single haploid 中文單倍體_百度百科 - WJKLV
中文 名稱haploid 單倍體,半倍體;單倍的,單倍體的haploidy 單倍體haploid 半倍體haploid cell of a cell or organism having a single set of chromosomes [同] ...
#56. Birth of fertile bimaternal offspring following intracytoplasmic ...
论文详情. Birth of fertile bimaternal offspring following intracytoplasmic injection of parthenogenetic haploid embryonic stem cells. ... 中文翻译: ...
#57. Haploid Tech - Original Mix - KKBOX
Mike Ozona, Bio Techno, Advic - D, Erectus Void, Homo-Lumos, Tech Riizmo, DJ Taus, Olsen Clay, Mikhail Nikolaev, Aliana Giles的歌曲「Haploid Tech - Original ...
#58. Genetics 关键词中文讲解
什么是Haploid, Diploid, Polyploid? 2. 什么是Allele? 3. 什么是Homologous Chromosomes; 4. 遗传物质的发现—Griffith Experiment; 5.
#59. dr. KA (Kim) Boutilier - WUR
We study different types of in vitro regeneration, including embryogenesis from haploid male and female gametophytes (pollen and embryo sac) and ...
#60. 中文> 论文库 - 中国科学院上海营养与健康研究所
论文题目, Sox30 initiates transcription of haploid genes during late meiosis and spermiogenesis in mouse testes (vol 145, dev164855, 2018).
#61. Research Progress of Haploid Doubling Technology on Maize
Application of haploid technology can significantly accelerate the breeding process in maize breeding. Currently, widely application of this ...
#62. Fertilization terminology: gametes, zygotes, haploid, diploid
How haploid gametes (sperm and egg cells) combine to form a diploid zygote with two sets of chromosomes.
#63. haploid gamete 中文haploid是什么意思,【醫】 - Zxmy
英文: A gamete containing a diploid number of chromosomes, rather than the usual haploid number. 中文: 2一個包含二倍體數目染色體而不是通常單倍體數目染色體的 ...
#64. 染色體倍性 - 中文维基百科
#65. Anna Kondratiuk - Doubled haploid lab manager - LinkedIn
Doubled haploid lab manager at Washington State University. Washington State UniversityNational University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine.
#66. haploid plants 中文haploid - Yzkgo
中文 詞彙學術名詞生物學名詞-植物haploid (Strasburger 1905) 單倍體;單元體以單倍體;單元體進行詞彙精確檢索結果出處/學術領域中文詞彙 Haploid
#67. The Haploid | Restaurants in Shenzhen, Hong Kong - Time Out
English; 中文 · Timeout. Subscribe. Close. Get us in your inbox. Sign up to our newsletter for the latest and greatest from your city and ...
#68. Question 32 - 2019 MCAS Sample Student Work ...
2019, High School Biology · Identify the expected number of chromosomes in a haploid cell of a barley plant. · Identify and generally describe the ...
#69. 首页课程Haploids 概要
您正在用访客帐号访问(登录). Access hidden sidebar block region. Menu. 简体中文(zh_cn) ... Applications of Haploids and Doubled Haploids in Plant Breeding.
#70. 47 Doubled Haploids versus Conventional Breeding in ...
ABSTRACT Doubled haploid (DH) technology has been usedin breeding programs for several decades andis currently the method of choice in a ...
#71. H129-2 14040205, Haploid, embryonic stem cells, mouse
H129-2 14040205, Haploid, embryonic stem cells, mouse; find -CB_14040205 MSDS, related peer-reviewed papers, technical documents, similar products & more at ...
#72. 单倍体 - 知乎
外文名. Haploid · 代表生物. 雄蜂,雄蚁 · 定义解释. 具有配子染色体的细胞或个体 · 产生. 未经受精作用的卵细胞直接发育 · 中文名. 单倍体 · 特征. 一般比较矮小纤弱.
#73. Hapag-Lloyd - Global container liner shipping - Hapag-Lloyd
如果点击"是",您将直接跳转至赫伯罗特中文网, 这是我们专为中国大陆优化的网站,与 网站内容一致.
#74. Application of Mouse Parthenogenetic Haploid Embryonic ...
Scientific Video Article | This article aims to demonstrate the use of parthenogenetic haploid embryonic stem cells as a substitute for ...
#75. 单倍体(haploid)和二倍体(diploid)的区别 - tl80互动问答网
在人类中,大多数三倍体的概念在出生前都无法存活。原子核的三倍体状态如... 选择语言; 繁體中文 ...
#76. nullosomic haploid 中文意思是什麼 - TerryL
nullosomic haploid 中文意思是什麼 · nullosomic: 缺對染色體的 · haploid: adj. 【生物學】單元體的,單倍體的。n. 單倍體。adj. -ic ,-y n.
#77. Diploid vs. Haploid Cells - YouTube
In this video Paul Andersen explains the difference between diploid and haploid cells. He starts with a brief description of the central ...
#78. Chp. 11 Flashcards | Quizlet
Haploid cells: Gametes have. 1 set of chromosomes. The offspring inherit genetic material from the. 2 parents. In most animals, diploid state dominates.
#79. haploid nuclei 中文haploid - QAXNL
haploid nuclei 中文haploid. haploid in Chinese Embryo has most commonly eight genetically identical haploid nuclei . 胚囊,普通具有8 個遺傳上相同的單倍體核 ...
#80. 클리노믹스, 한국인 정밀 참조표준게놈지도 공개..'3세대 해독 ...
... 표준게놈 기증자와 기증자 부모의 게놈정보도 활용해, 더 정밀함을 뜻하는 단배체(haploid) 수준의 정확한 한국인표준게놈지도를 조립했다.
#81. Beadle & Tatum experiment
(a) Wild-type Neurospora fungus are able to grow on minimal medium (a carbon source and inorganic salts only). Individual conidia (asexual, haploid spores) ...
#82. 植物學中英百科圖典 - 第 11 頁 - Google 圖書結果
... The haploid ( n ) phase in the life cycle of a plant / alga . ... 其他範例植物的中文俗名 The Chinese common name of the other representative plant Mini ...
#83. 美的演化:達爾文性擇理論的再發現 - Google 圖書結果
... 九八七年提出的模型,是柯克派屈克一九八二年單倍體模型(haploid model)的簡單改編版本。 ... 註232:譯注:嬌鶲各屬目前都沒有中文譯名,Chiroxiphia屬中有五個物種, ...
#84. Eukaryotic Life Cycles - Biology LibreTexts
diploid phases and the meiotic products (spores vs. gametes) that are produced. Recall that haploid cells contain only one set of chromosomes (n) ...
haploid中文 在 Diploid vs. Haploid Cells - YouTube 的推薦與評價
In this video Paul Andersen explains the difference between diploid and haploid cells. He starts with a brief description of the central ... ... <看更多>