・バター 5g
・マッシュルーム 5個くらい
・薄力粉 小さじ1
・白ワイン 大さじ1
・牛乳or豆乳 大さじ3
・生クリーム 大さじ2
・塩、胡椒 適量
1. フライパンにバター5gを溶かし、カットしたマッシュルームを炒める
2. 色づいたてきたら薄力粉小さじ1を加え、全体になじませながら炒める
3. 粉っぽさがなくなってきたら白ワイン大さじ1を加えてアルコールを飛ばす
4. 牛乳or豆乳大さじ3・生クリーム大さじ2を加えてとろみが付くまで加熱する
5. 塩・胡椒で味を調え、ハンバーグにかけて出来上がり
・オリーブオイル 大さじ2
・にんにく 1かけ
・玉ねぎ 1/4~小1/2個
・塩 ちょっぴり
・ホールトマト缶 1缶400g
・塩 適量
・ローリエ(あれば) 1枚
1. 鍋やフライパンにオリーブオイル大さじ2・みじん切りにしたにんにくを入れて火にかける
2. ふつふつとしてきたら弱火にして、じっくりにんにくの香りをオイルに移す
3. にんにくが軽く色づき始めたら玉ねぎを加え、塩をちょっぴりふって炒める
4. 玉ねぎが透き通って甘い匂いがしてきたら、潰したホールトマト・ローリエを加えて混ぜる
5. 弱火のまま沸騰したら30分ほど煮込んで、塩で調味する
6. ハンバーグを入れ数分煮込んで出来上がり
・大根おろし 適量
・ポン酢 適量
・大葉 適量
1. 大根をすりおろし、軽く水気を絞る
2. ハンバーグの上にのせ、ポン酢をかけ大葉をのせて出来上がり
・ごま油 小さじ2
・しめじ 1株
・舞茸 1パック
・出汁 200ml
・醤油 大さじ2
・みりん 大さじ2
・砂糖 大さじ1
・片栗粉 小さじ2~大さじ1
・水 大さじ1~大さじ1.5
・大葉 お好み
1. フライパンにごま油小さじ2を熱し、きのこを塩ちょっぴりをふって炒める
2. キノコがしんなりして焼き色がついてきたら出汁200mlを加え、醤油大さじ2・みりん大さじ2・砂糖大さじ1を加える
3. 沸騰したら2分ほど弱火で煮て、火を止めて片栗粉小さじ2・水大さじ1くらいの水溶き片栗粉を加えながら混ぜる
4. 水溶き片栗粉が混ざったら再び火をつけて混ぜながら加熱し、沸々してきたら1分煮る
5. ハンバーグにかけ、お好みで刻んだ大葉をのせて出来上がり
↓using translation software.
How to make hamburgers ↓
Mushroom cream sauce
*Butter 5g
*About 5 mushrooms
*1 teaspoon cake flour
*1 tablespoon white wine
*Milk or soy milk: 3 tablespoons
*2 tablespoons fresh cream
*Salt and pepper to taste
*Slice the mushrooms.
[How to make it.]
1.Melt 5g of butter in a pan and stir-fry the cut mushrooms.
2.Add 1 teaspoon of weak flour when it browns. Stir-fry it as you mix it entirely.
3.When the powdery feel is gone, add 1 tablespoon of white wine and evaporate the alcohol.
4.Add milk or 3 tablespoons of soy milk and 2 tablespoons of whipped cream and heat it until it thickens.
5.Season it with salt and pepper. Pour it on the hamburger and it will be complete.
~ Stewed tomato ~
*2 tablespoons olive oil
*1 clove of garlic
*1/4 to 1/2 small onion
*A little salt.
*Canned whole tomatoes 1 can (400 g)
*Salt: As needed
*Bay leaf (If you have.) 1
*Slice the garlic.
*Mince the onion.
*Mash the whole tomato and remove the skin if you have it.
[How to make it.]
1.Add 2 tablespoons of olive oil and minced garlic in a pot or frying pan and turn on the heat.
2.When it starts to bubble, turn the heat down to low and slowly transfer the scent of the garlic to the oil.
3.Add the onion when the garlic starts to brown lightly. Sprinkle a bit of salt and stir-fry it.
4.When the onion becomes transparent and starts to smell sweet, add crushed whole tomatoes and bay leaf and mix.
5.Boil it over low-heat for around 30 minutes then season it with salt.
6.Add the hamburger steak and simmer for several minutes to finish.
~ Japanese style grated daikon ~
*Grated daikon radish: As needed
*Ponzu sauce
*as needed shiso leaves
*Peel the grated daikon.
*Finely chop the shiso leaves.
[How to make it.]
1.Grate the daikon and lightly squeeze out the moisture.
2.Put it on top of the hamburger steak, pour ponzu sauce and top it with shiso and it will be complete.
~ Japanese style mushroom ankake ~
*2 teaspoons sesame oil
*1 shimeji mushroom
*Maitake mushrooms, 1 pack
*Soup stock 200 ml
*2 tablespoons soy sauce
*2 tablespoons mirin
*1 tablespoon sugar
*2 teaspoons to 1 tablespoon of katakuriko potato starch flour
*1 to 1.5 tablespoons water
*Shiso leaves of your choice
*Remove the root cluster of the mushroom and cut it to a size that is easy to eat or break it apart.
*Finely mince the shiso leaves.
[How to make it.]
1.Heat 2 teaspoons of sesame oil in a pan. Sprinkle a bit of salt on the mushroom and stir-fry it.
2.Add 200 ml of broth when the mushroom softens and browns. Add 2 tablespoons of soy sauce, 2 tablespoons of mirin and 1 tablespoon of sugar.
3.When it boils, boil it for about 2 minutes over low heat. Turn the heat off and add 2 teaspoons of potato starch and around 1 tablespoon of water dissolved potato starch and mix it.
4.When the potato starch dissolved in water is mixed, turn on the heat again and heat while mixing. When it starts to boil, boil for 1 minute.
5.Pour it on the hamburger steak and top it with minced shiso if you'd like and it will be complete.
how to make cream of tomato soup 在 てぬキッチン/Tenu Kitchen Youtube 的最佳解答
『てぬキッチンのブログ』⇒ https://www.tenukitchen.com/entry/2018/07/14/103912
☆オリーブオイル 大さじ2
☆牛乳 大さじ3
☆にんにく 大さじ1/2
☆アンチョビペースト 小さじ1
☆塩・胡椒 少々
お好みの野菜 適量
しめじ 1株
エリンギ 1パック
☆オリーブオイル 大さじ2
☆にんにく 小さじ1/2
☆しょうゆ 大さじ2
☆酢 小さじ2
☆鷹の爪 お好み量
☆塩 少々
☆ブラックペッパー 少々
じゃがいも 2個
キャベツ 1/6個
☆バター 5g
☆にんにく 小さじ1/2
☆アンチョビペースト 小さじ1
塩 少々
ブラックペッパー 少々
トマト 1個
なす 1個
豚肉の薄切り 6〜7枚
☆オリーブオイル 大さじ3
☆レモン汁 小さじ1
☆にんにく 少々
☆酢 小さじ1
☆塩 少々
☆ブラックペッパー 少々
えび 10尾
玉ねぎ 1/2個
マッシュルーム 3個
トマト缶 200cc
牛乳(豆乳) 200cc
☆コンソメ 1個
☆塩 少々
☆ブラックペッパー 少々
☆オリーブオイル 大さじ1
In the 16th, we made 5 items made only with lentin only. Easy because it makes with only range without using fire! Time short! Healthy!
There is no need to watch over the fire, so you can quickly get to the next work while heating with the range! As you can wash and clean up while heating in range, do good!
Even though it gets hot and sunny in the house, it seems to be a heat stroke and I think it is serious. It's time for cooking to become a battle against the heat this time.
When I stand in front of the stove, sweat will blow out and the temperature of the room will also rise at a stretch and it is a hard time. In such a case, range cooking is especially recommended.
This time, I made a menu with Italian cuisine. When you do not want to go out when it is hot, how about Italian bistro-like style?
Everything is easy and it can be done with only a range, but since it is only full-fledged popular recipes, even if you add only one item in your usual dinner making, even if you make all 5 items, something I am glad if you can refer to it ♪
【Bagna cauda 1 minute by microwave】(0:59〜)
☆ 2 tbsp olive oil
☆ 3 tbsp milk
☆ 1/2 tbsp garlic
☆ 1 tsp anchovy paste
☆ Salt / pepper a little
Your choice of vegetable proper quantity
【3 minutes Microwave Marinated mushrooms】(3:49〜)
Shimeji 1 stock
Ellingi 1 pack
☆ 2 tbsp olive oil
☆ 1/2 tsp garlic
☆ 2 tbsp soy sauce
☆ Vinegar 1 tsp
☆ Chile Pepper A little
☆ Salt a little
☆ Black pepper a little
【Warm salad with cabbage and potato's anchovy butter】(5:31〜)
2 potatoes
1/6 cabbage
☆ Butter 5g
☆ 1/2 tsp garlic
☆ 1 tsp anchovy paste
Salt a little
Black pepper a little
【Tomato&eggplant&pork with Italian superheated steamed】(7:21〜)
One tomato
One eggplant
6 ~ 7 slices of pork
☆ 3 tbsp olive oil
☆ 1 tsp lemon juice
☆ A little garlic
☆ 1 tsp vinegar
☆ Salt a little
☆ Black pepper a little
【Microwave Shrimp tomato cream soup】(9:52〜)
Shrimp 10 tails
1/2 onions
3 mushrooms
200 cc of tomato can
Milk (soymilk) 200 cc
☆ Consomme 1 piece
☆ Salt a little
☆ Black pepper a little
☆ 1 tbsp olive oil
▽Subscribe to my channel♪
楽曲提供:フリーBGM DOVA-SYNDROME by http://dova-s.jp/
効果音素材:ポケットサウンド – https://pocket-se.info/
how to make cream of tomato soup 在 hime-gohann Cooking Recipes Youtube 的最佳貼文
゚・*:.。..。.:*・゚゚・*:.。..。.:*・゚ ゚・*:.。..。.:*・゚゚・*:.。..。.:*・゚
☆クリスマスビーフシチュー レシピ
牛肉 100g
ジャガイモ 中1個(200g)
玉ネギ 1/2コ 100g
ブロッコリー 50g
ニンジン 輪切りで3㎝
マッシュルーム 2個
パプリカ(黄) 1/6コ
水 200㏄
赤ワイン 100㏄
トマトケチャップ 大さじ2
中濃ソース 大さじ2
固形コンソメ 1/2個
オリーブオイル 適量
生クリーム 適量
牛乳 大さじ2
バター 小さじ1
塩・こしょう 少々
゚・*:.。..。.:*・゚゚・*:.。..。.:*・゚ ゚・*:.。..。.:*・゚゚・*:.。..。.:*・゚
Ingredients:1 serving
100g Beef
1 Potato
1/2 Onion
50g Broccoli
Carrot cut to 3 cm
2 Mushrooms
1/6 Paprika (Yellow)
[Seasoning of beef stew]
200ml Water
100ml Red wine
2 tbsp. Tomato Ketchup
2 tbsp. Sauce
1/2 tsp. Brown Sugar
1/2 Soup Cube
1 tsp. Olive oil
1 tsp. Dairy cream
[Seasoning of Broccoli Christmas Tree]
2 tbsp. milk
2 tsp. butter
pinch of Salt and Pepper
゚・*:.。..。.:*・゚゚・*:.。..。.:*・゚ ゚・*:.。..。.:*・゚゚・*:.。..。.:*・゚
#Christmas #Recipe #Cooking
Estofado o guiso de costillas de res con muchos vegetales. Beef Stew
Classic Beef Stew Recipe - Natasha's Kitchen
Beef Bourguignon