#1. Pencil sharpener in Spanish - SpanishDict
We have an electric pencil sharpener in the classroom, but I prefer the mechanical one.Tenemos un sacapuntas eléctrico en el aula, pero yo prefiero el mecánico.
#2. How to say "pencil sharpener" in Spanish - WordHippo
How to say pencil sharpener in Spanish ; sharpener noun ; sacapuntas, afiladora ; pencil noun, verb ; lápiz, haz, escribir con lápiz, dibujar a lápiz, pintarse con ...
#3. Spanish Translation of “pencil sharpener” - Collins Dictionary
Spanish Translation of “pencil sharpener” | The official Collins English-Spanish Dictionary online. Over 100000 Spanish translations of English words and ...
#4. PENCIL SHARPENER - Translation in Spanish -
pencil sharpener {noun} ; afilalápices {m} ; sacapuntas {m pl} ; tajalápiz {m} [Col.] ; tajador {m} [Peru] (sacapuntas).
#5. How to say pencil sharpener in Spanish? pen·cil sharp·en·er
How to say pencil sharpener in Spanish ? What's the Spanish translation of pencil sharpener? See comprehensive translation options on!
#6. How To Say Pencil Sharpener In Spanish Language?
What Do You Use To Sharpen Your Pencil In Spanish? ; sharpen. afilar ; pencil. el lápiz apuntar ...
#7. pencil sharpener translation | English-Spanish dictionary
pencil sharpener translation in English - Spanish Reverso dictionary, see also 'pencil',blue pencil',eye pencil',eyebrow pencil', examples, definition, ...
#8. "pencil sharpener" in Spanish | Spanish-English Dictionary
Meaning and examples for 'pencil sharpener' in Spanish-English dictionary. √ 100% FREE. √ Over 1500000 translations. √ Fast and Easy to use.
#9. pencil sharpener | translate English to Catalan
2022年4月13日 — pencil sharpener translate: maquineta de fer punta. Learn more in the Cambridge English-Catalan Dictionary.
#10. Translation of pencil sharpener in Spanish -
pencil sharpener. sacapuntas, n. See Spanish definition of sacapuntas. noun.
#11. pencil sharpener in spanish
Sentences containing pencil sharpener in Spanish. Pencil sharpeners have been banned from a primary school after a pupil dismantled one and used the blade ...
#12. How do you say pencil sharpener in Spanish? - Answers
Un sacapuntas=a pencil sharpener El sacapuntas=the pencil sharpener Sacapuntas is pencil sharpener in Spanish.
#13. How do you say "pencil sharpener" in Spanish (Spain)?
How do you say this in Spanish (Spain)? pencil sharpener. See a translation · lápiz , tajador · Sacapuntas. · Sacapuntas · Sacapuntas.
#14. Translate "pencil sharpener" from English to Spanish
English to Spanish translation results for 'pencil sharpener' designed for tablets and mobile devices. Possible languages include English, Dutch, German, ...
#15. Pencil Sharpener In Spanish - Pen Stationary Suggest
Here's how you say it. pencil sharpener translations: sacapuntas. Learn more in the Cambridge English–Spanish Dictionary.
#16. pencil sharpener (bolivia/costa rica/nicaragua/perú) - Tureng
Tureng Multilingual Dictionary offers you an extensive dictionary where you can search terms in English, French, German, Spanish, and Turkish.
#17. How To Say Sharpener In Spanish - Octalcomics
If your sharpening blades are sharp, ... and the pencil in the other, start turning the sharpener around ...
#18. PENCIL SHARPENER in Spanish Translation - Tr-ex
Solve your problems more easily with our FREE app! rating stars (free). See examples of using phrases in a sentence and their translations. Speak & ...
#19. pencil - Spanish translation – Linguee
Many translated example sentences containing "pencil" – Spanish-English ... She sharpened her pencil and began to write. ... used to sharpen a pencil.
#20. Pencil sharpener in Spanish - Spanish Vocabulary Course
Pencil sharpener in Spanish, School Vocabulary, Learn Spanish for free. This is a Free Spanish vocabulary ... How do you say,Pencil sharpener in Spanish?
#21. Classroom nouns, Spanish -
Question, Answer. 1. How do you say desk in Spanish? El escritorio, now go find pencil sharpener. 2. What is pencil sharpener in Spanish?
#22. pencil sharpener - English-Spanish Dictionary - Glosbe
A device used to sharpen pencils by shaving the wood at one end. +3 definitions. translations pencil sharpener. Add ...
#23. PENCIL SHARPENER - Spanish translation - Longman
Translate pencil sharpener into Spanish. English to Spanish translations from the Longman English-Spanish Dictionary.
#24. Translate "pencil sharpener" into Spanish (español)
The Spanish (español) translation and a list of definitions for the English expression "pencil ... Learn how to say "pencil sharpener" in other languages:.
#25. How do you say `I need a pencil sharpener please` in Spanish?
How do you say `I need a pencil sharpener please` in Spanish?? (Multiple Choice Questions and Answers) >>
#26. Is it El Sacapuntas or La Sacapuntas? - Dictionary
What does Sacapuntas mean? noun. pencil sharpener [noun] an object with a blade inside that you use to make pencils sharp. What is pencils plural in Spanish ...
#27. Sharpener with piece of paper saying Sacapuntas in Spanish
Photo about Sharpener word in English means Sacapuntas in Spanish, written on a piece of paper. Learn new language. Image of sharpener, pencils, ...
#28. Spanish Sharpener | Etsy
Vintage Play Me Spain Die Cast Metal Pencil Sharpener Queen Kitchen Cooker Cook Stove Made in Spain Desk Office Decor Gift.
#29. pencil sharpener - Traducción inglés-español | PONS
Consulta la traducción inglés-español de pencil sharpener en el ... pencil sharpener en el Oxford Spanish Dictionary ... 1. pencil (write, draw):.
#30. How to say pencil in Spanish?
From studying Spanish on my own, I learned that “sacapuntas” is the Spanish word for pencil sharpener. But in Colombia, they say the word “ ...
#31. how do you say pencil sharpener in spanish -
Click here to get an answer to your question ✍️ how do you say pencil sharpener in spanish
#32. pencil sharpener - Spanish translation - Word Magic English ...
Spanish Translation, Synonyms, Definitions and Usage Examples of English Word 'pencil sharpener'
#33. Sacapuntas - Urban Dictionary
1. Spanish word for pencil sharpener 2. Nice random word to be used when the conversation is getting kinda boring 3. Prettiest word in all of spanish ...
#34. Is pencil sharpener masculine or feminine in spanish - Weebly
Is pencil sharpener masculine or feminine in spanish. Pen compiler()A knot is a word referring to a person, animal, place, thing, emotion or idea (e.g. man, ...
#35. How to pronounce Pencil sharpener |
Pronunciation of Pencil sharpener with 1 audio pronunciation, ... Serbian Slovak Spanish Swahili Swedish Tamil Turkish Vietnamese Welsh All Languages.
#36. pencil sharpener - English-Spanish Dictionary
pencil sharpener - Translation to Spanish, pronunciation, and forum discussions.
#37. How to Pronounce "Pencil-Sharpener" - YouTube
Trying to learn English? Find exclusive deals on the best English courses at https:// to this guide on how to ...
#38. EL CASCO Desktop Pencil Sharpener M-430CN - Black/Chrome
EL CASCO Desktop Pencil Sharpener M-430CN - Black/Chrome Made in Spain Noted as the finest pencil sharpener in the world, this is more than a sharpener, ...
#39. how to say pencils in spanish - The Blue Monkey Restaurant ...
Explanation: the proper way to translate “pencil sharpener” is EL sacapuntas. It is a masculine noun. What is sala de clases? classroom, the ~ Noun.
#40. Pencil sharpener Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of PENCIL SHARPENER is a device used to make the tip of a pencil sharp so that it can be used for writing.
#41. Translation of pencil in Spanish - Sample sentences - Vocabulix
Translate the word pencil to Spanish. The dictionary languages are English-Spanish: a colored pencil. pencil sharpener. the pencil.
#42. Pencil Sharpeners: Choosing the Best Sharpener -
Sharpening a pencil is a true art form, but how do you choose ... If you speak Spanish, you know that “sacapuntas” means pencil sharpener.
#43. Pencil case items in Spanish |
Pencil Case items in Spanish - Vocabulary + Gender - Video Clip + Downloadable Worksheet - Practice ... el sacapuntas the pencil sharpener.
#44. electric pencil sharpener in Chinese - ichacha
electric pencil sharpener in Chinese : 电动削铅笔器…. click for more detailed Chinese translation, meaning, pronunciation and example sentences.
#45. sacapuntas (Spanish → English) – DeepL Translate
sacapuntas noun, plural, masculine. Listen — · sharpeners pl. Listen · Unlock DeepL's full potential – Try DeepL Pro for free.
#46. Pencil Sharpener In Spanish –
M We have an electric pencil sharpener in the classroom but I prefer the mechanical one. How to pronounce sacapuntas. First it was the pencil sharpener and then ...
#47. Getting Ready for Your LSAT Exam - LSAC
A pencil sharpener; Tissues; Soft, non-electronic, non-corded/banded, generic foam ear plugs; Beverage in plastic container or juice box (maximum size ...
#48. Mira 1 Pupil Book: - 第 1 卷 - 第 23 頁 - Google 圖書結果
... móvil a mobile phone un sacapuntas a pencil sharpener una agenda a diary una calculadora una ... 2 SAY Practise saying the word to yourself Se escribe .
#49. Translation of “Pencil sharpener” in Spanish with examples – HatLot ...
What does Pencil sharpener mean in Spanish? Yes, Pencil sharpener translate into Spanish is: Un Sacapuntas. Read more examples sentences with Pencil ...
#50. Pencil sharpener translation in Spanish - Dicios
PENCIL SHARPENER : translations into spanish and english definitions. From, the best free online English to Spanish dictionary.
#51. 11 Best Eyebrow Pencils (2022) - My Droll
This luxurious wonder houses a pencil, brush and sharpener in one tool, ... An anticyclone will spread from the west of Spain to the east today bringing ...
#52. la sacapuntas | Spanish to English | -
Explanation: the proper way to translate "pencil sharpener" is EL sacapuntas. It is a masculine noun. Selected response ...
#53. Pencil sharpener | Traductor de inglés a español
We have an electric pencil sharpener in the classroom, but I prefer the mechanical one.Tenemos un sacapuntas eléctrico en el aula, pero yo prefiero el mecánico.
how to say pencil sharpener in spanish 在 How to Pronounce "Pencil-Sharpener" - YouTube 的推薦與評價
Trying to learn English? Find exclusive deals on the best English courses at https:// to this guide on how to ... ... <看更多>