#1. 美國習慣用語Keep my finger crossed 祈求好運 - 台灣英語網
在英文會話中,是不是常聽見外國人說Let's keep our fingers crossed 時將中指和時食交叉,有時候用一支手有時候兩支手一起做動作?你們知道是什麼意思嗎?
#2. keep my fingers crossed for you 中文 - 查查綫上辭典
keep my fingers crossed for you中文 :我祈求好運給你,我祝福你…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋keep my fingers crossed for you的中文翻譯,keep my fingers ...
#3. 【小編精選文】 美國習慣用語Keep my finger crossed 祈求好運
在英文會話中,是不是常聽見外國人說Let's keep our fingers crossed 時將中指和時食交叉,有時候用一支手有時候兩支手一起做動作?
#4. keep your fingers crossed 的意思—— 學習詞典
keep your fingers crossed 的意思、 解釋及翻譯:to hope that things will happen in the way that you want them to: 。了解更多。
#5. Crossing Fingers 什麼意思? @ 「常用英文」你才不會忘記Blog
範例: Cross your fingers - 祝福好運, 祈求好運. Cross your fingers for me - 祝我好運吧.
#6. 美國習慣用語Keep my finger crossed 祈求好運 - 旅遊日本住宿 ...
現在一起來學這句慣用語吧! 慣用語: Keeping my finger crossed 祈求好運例句: I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. 我 ... 閱讀更多 ...
#7. Keep your fingers crossed不是让你把手指交叉 - 360doc个人 ...
-Well, keep your fingers crossed. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you, too. -我明天有个很重要的工作面试。 -祝你好运。我也会为你祈祷 ...
#8. fingers crossed-翻译为中文-例句英语
使用Reverso Context: I'm going to the Danish Embassy. Keep your fingers crossed I'll get my visa and get the chance for further study.,在英语-中文情境中 ...
#9. keep my finger crossed 意思 - Exuwu
I ' ll keep my fingers crossed that you will get the job 我会为你为你祝福, ... 爱词霸权威在线词典,为您提供fingers crossed的中文意思,fingers crossed的用法 ...
#10. 「晨讀英語」21天習慣打卡| Day 15. Keep My Fingers Crossed ...
In American English, keeping your fingers crossed means that you are hoping ... an informal -- and everybody will understand what you mean.
#11. 美國會話中手指交叉的意義? - WaCowLA 哇靠
在英文會話時,你是不是常常看到美國人邊說:「 Let's keep our fingers crossed」 時將中指和時食交叉,有時候用一支手有時候兩支手一起做動作?
#12. "I'll keep my fingers crossed."是什麼意思? - 關於英語(美國)的 ...
2017年10月12日 — But you can also use it to talk about yourself. My test results won't be posted until next week. Until then, I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
#13. 16. 英文片語- keep one's finger crossed - Will的部落格- 痞客邦
keep one's finger crossed 原文解釋: to wish for luck for someone or something 中文解釋: 祈求好運已下為三個例句: A. Yo.
#14. 什么意思:keep your fingers crossed - 百度知道
让我们祝愿祷告,希望他不是太坏就好. 来自《简明英汉词典》 2. Good luck! We'll keep our fingers crossed for you. 祝你好运! 我们 ...
#15. I'm keeping my fingers crossed - 英中– Linguee词典
大量翻译例句关于"I'm keeping my fingers crossed" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。
#16. finger crossed for you 意思 - Thelazy
中文. 發音: 用”keep my fingers crossed for you”造句“keep my fingers crossed for ... 在口語表達上,也可以直接說:「I will keep my fingers crossed for you.
#17. 祝人好運(成功)的表達方式你知道幾個?fingers crossed.
祝(某人)成功,如果是特別衷心的祝願,可以加強語氣,說wishing you lots of luck。 ... I'll keep my fingers crossed anyway.
#18. Keep your fingers crossed 释义| 柯林斯英语词典 - Collins ...
I will be keeping my fingers crossed that everything goes well. Easy Learning Idioms Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers ...
#19. 「Break a leg」竟然是句祝福人的話?!
你也可以說:「I will keep my fingers crossed for you.」(我會為你祈禱。)並配合食指與中指交錯的動作,象徵力量聯合起來抵擋惡運與邪靈。
#20. finger crossed for you 意思讀懂老外的肢體語言 - Lnzikz
我一般這么做,怎麼用漢語翻譯keep my fingers crossed for you,為您提供fingers crossed的中文意思,也可以直接說:「I will keep my fingers crossed for you.
#21. finger crossed for you 意思– keep my fingers ... - Raincolop
也可以说cross one's fingers 例,A: Do you think the exam will be easy? 你觉得考试会简单点吗?B: Fingers crossed, 老天保佑吧。2 Break a leg如果你听到老外说 ...
#22. keep my fingers crossed中文- 英漢詞典 - 漢語網
You can cross my name off the list. 83. to draw a line through (something) to show that it is wrong. I crossed out the misspelled word. 84. to be thought ...
#23. 2022keep your fingers crossed意思-房地產相關影片討論
我一般這么做,怎麼用漢語翻譯keep my fingers crossed for you,為您提供fingers crossed的中文意思,也可以直接說:「I will keep my fingers ...
#24. finger crossed - MMyz
爱词霸权威在线词典,为您提供fingers crossed的中文意思,fingers crossed的用法讲解 ... 在口語表達上,也可以直接說:「I will keep my fingers crossed for you.
#25. 英语-汉语keep one's fingers crossed翻译 - bab.la在线词典
'keep one's fingers crossed'在免费英语-汉语词典的翻译,查看更多汉语的翻译。 ... For now, the agitation may peter out but one can only keep one's fingers ...
#26. keep my finger crossed 意思keep - Czsrl
keep my fingers crossed for you 的中文意思:我祈求好運給你,我祝福你… ... 我將為你祈禱。 Susan: I'll keep my fingers crossed.
#27. What does ''let's all keep our finger crossed'' mean ? We are ...
"Keep my fingers crossed" -- I'll hope for the best / I'll wish you luck / I hope for a positive outcome. In this context it means: "Let's all hope this is ...
#28. I will keep my fingers crossed: 中文翻译, 含义、同义词、反义词
Well, because if not, and your fingers were crossed , you can olly oily oxen free and get out of it. 好吧,因为如果没有,并且您的手指交叉了 ...
#29. fingers crossed 意思 - UMJJ
Finger crossed 的意思就是“祈禱好運” 例:well I'll keep my fingers crossed for you! —— anna23 FIngers Crossed有哪些中文意思? Q ちゃん{follow952089806 ?
#30. keep my fingers crossed - Englisch-Deutsch Übersetzung
Furthermore , I wish you a good time in Chile and keep my fingers crossed , that the business will continue ...
#31. 爲什麼fingers crossed代表好運,英語中的“迷信”瞭解一下丨 ...
Let's keep our fingers crossed that it doesn't rain. ... Ma: How could you lie to me, Johnny!? ... I've never been ill so far this year.
#32. I will keep my fingers crossed for you today.是什么意思
海词词典,最权威的学习词典,为您提供I will keep my fingers crossed for you today.的在线翻译,I will keep my fingers crossed for you today.是什么意思,I will ...
#33. my finger crossed 意思my - Cuya
親吻和擁抱! I ' ll keep my fingers crossed that you will get the job我會為你為你祝福,希望你得到這份 ... fingers crossed中文的意思,翻譯及用法:手指交叉。
#34. finger crossed 意思Fingers - Thomblake
keep fingers crossed 的反義詞,為您提供fingers crossed的中文意思,我準備了兩個星期,Cross your fingers ... But you can also use it to talk about yourself. My ...
#35. Keep your fingers crossed - Idioms by The Free Dictionary
COMMON If you keep your fingers crossed or cross your fingers, you hope for luck or success in something. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed that everything ...
#36. fingers crossed 是什么意思? - 工作学习 - 新足迹-华人论坛
来看几个例句:I didn't get a ticket this year. Cross my fingers. (今年我都没有收到罚单,算我好运。 );I will keep my fingers crossed for you ...
#37. my finger crossed 意思Crossing - Mtlpe
Finger crossed 的意思就是“祈禱好運” 例:well I'll keep my fingers crossed for you! 2014-02-11. 媽媽的書和爸爸的書» Mom and Dad's book of books 手指交叉» ...
#38. keep fingers crossed把手指交叉(祈求好運) - 人間福報
對話…… keep fingers crossed把手指交叉(祈求好運) Alice: Look at the time. I'll have to go. Do I look all right? Brian: You look very nervous actually.
#39. finger crossed for you 意思 - Tlfpe
例如, 要考試了, 希望一切都順利.”(Keep your) fingers crossed everything will go well” 2006-04-12 07:04:32 補充:. my fingers crossed的中文翻译,my fingers ...
#40. "keeping my fingers crossed"是什麼意思? - 每日商務英語
I hope you win the race Saturday. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you. 我希望你星期六贏得比賽。我為你祈禱。 Good luck with your ...
#41. Months on from devastating Lismore floods, 1,300 people are ...
Three months on from the devastating flood event in late February, ... saying open for lease and just keep our fingers crossed," he said.
#42. keep fingers cros...の意味・使い方 - 英辞郎
keep one's fingers crossed 〔中指と人差指を十字に交差させて〕幸運[成功]を祈っている・I don't know . ... ・I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you.
#43. finger crossed 中文 - Lubos
在英文會話時,你是不是常常看到美國人邊說:「 Let's keep our fingers ... 十字的,裝成十字的;交叉的;劃線的(支票);注“keep my fingers crossed for you” 中文 ...
#44. Marvin's Natural English - 第104回 - Gabaマンツーマン英会話
第104回 4月15日放送 “I'm keeping my fingers crossed.” ; Koji :: You applied for a job last week, didn't you? ; Miho :: Yes, that's right. ; Koji :: How did it ...
#45. Red Roses Mean Love - Google 圖書結果
“Well, I'm going to keep my fingers crossed that Mr. Barrettson realizes how wonderful you are and decides to remain in Halstead,” Pamela said.
#46. Metamorphosis: How to Transform Punishment in America
“Stay with good people you know and they will help you,” advised the judge. “Good luck to you. I'll keep my fingers crossed for your life.
#47. Sweet Hearts: Star Crossed - 第 25 頁 - Google 圖書結果
She went back into the studio and the door closed behind her. ... Samantha shook her head and sighed. ... I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.
#48. American Magazine - 第 89 卷 - 第 55 頁 - Google 圖書結果
Not only the I had purchased my car of them they lost you only have to work ... tion from the standpoint of the Seller , far , but I have my fingers crossed ...
#49. An Introductory Guide to EC Competition Law and Practice
796 who had been filling prescriptions and medications ordered by her then physician ... just keep your fingers crossed and you will be taken care of .
#50. From Sunup to Sundown - 第 267 頁 - Google 圖書結果
John was careful to keep the stacks stirred until he was sure there was no longer ... As for me , I accept success furtively , with my fingers crossed .
#51. Hardwood Record - 第 40 卷 - 第 39 頁 - Google 圖書結果
... and at the same time keep their fingers crossed for fear that the improvement in business will not last . That is precisely the situation locally .
#52. Ainslee's - 第 29 卷 - 第 16 頁 - Google 圖書結果
Here's a crayon then I'm going to unpack , and you must thing - Philip ... fingers crossed , waiting for the exhibispendthrift that needs watching .
#53. keep my finger crossed 意思 Keep - Yurkwl
I'll keep my fingers crossed. let's keep our fingers crossed. ... keep my fingers crossed for you中文翻譯,用法和解釋由查查在綫詞典提供
#54. Donald Tusk to UK: I will keep my fingers crossed for you
Council president tells UK to 'make the best use' of the Brexit extension which 'may be the last one.'
i will keep my fingers crossed for you中文 在 【小編精選文】 美國習慣用語Keep my finger crossed 祈求好運 的推薦與評價
在英文會話中,是不是常聽見外國人說Let's keep our fingers crossed 時將中指和時食交叉,有時候用一支手有時候兩支手一起做動作? ... <看更多>