近期最大新聞是美國總統特朗普親自下令,在伊拉克巴格達機場附近,以MQ-9 Reaper drone(無人駕駛飛機),發射多枚Hellfire飛彈,擊斃統領伊朗革命衛隊聖城旅的指揮官蘇萊曼尼將軍。據報,同行的其他9位隨從和伊拉克軍方人士,亦一齊被殺。
這次行動把中東局勢推向緊張,甚至戰爭邊緣。美方殺蘇萊曼尼的藉口是自衛,阻止他繼續計劃攻擊美國軍事、國民和資產,有助減低伊朗威脅。這個說法有點牽強,情報似乎未有顯示蘇萊曼尼正在進行軍事計劃,所以攻擊發生後,美國的第一個新聞發布,連''planning imminent attack''(計劃短期內的襲擊)的字眼都沒有,但後來就加上了。
到現時為止,伊朗的反應尚算克制。第一步行動是宣布將不遵守2015年,伊朗與美、英、法、俄、中,加德國和歐盟訂下的核協議的鈾元素提煉上限,當然在特朗普上台後,他病態式的痛恨奧巴馬所有成就,所以一早已單方面退出此國際公認為公平且有效的伊朗核協議。非常可惜,可算是特朗普的最大外交錯誤!特朗普自以為是上帝,或最少是上帝級的''deal maker''(交易者)。不幸事實是恰恰相反,即使跟北韓的去核化談判(看完伊朗,打死都不會),都未能得到任何成果,小丑式的宣布與金正恩「墮入愛河」,反而犧牲了美國總統寶座的威嚴。
軍事上,伊朗也必須作出一些反應。在蘇萊曼尼的葬禮後不久,即進行針對兩美軍基地的飛彈襲擊,但後來又宣布不想打仗。奇蹟地竟然毫無人命傷亡(伊朗稱有80人傷亡,但不太可信),所以雖然本周初全球市場略有調整,但當特朗普在周三發言,認為伊朗願意''stand down''(停止攻勢)時,美股即時大幅反彈,但到尾市時段,又當傳來再有兩枚飛彈落在美軍駐紮的''Green zone''(綠色安全地帶)內時(亦沒有死傷),美股又再稍為回落。不打仗當然是好消息,但有專家指出,伊朗仍有可能在日後,在全球各地,對個別美國官員進行襲擊。
今年的頭兩星期,全球股市有點震盪,但仍然不弱。尤其我去年底提過的半導體和中國新零售板塊,表現都非常凌厲。邏輯晶片股如AMD和Nvidia都頗強,但近日愈來愈多記憶體周期見底迹象,所以三星已破歷史新高,Hynix、美光(Micron)和Western Digital等,亦已開始升穿過去一年通道。台積電可能是全球最重要的一家公司,近兩周在台灣選舉前整固一輪,但這兩天又再蠢蠢欲動,看來在短期內很可能再展升浪,順勢帶動台灣加權指數衝破在1990年創下的歷史高位。近日有傳聞美國企圖限制荷蘭ASML的EUV器材出口到中國,但對股價的影響極微。
大家應留意即將在香港上市的曠視,股票炒不炒不是最重要,最重要的是看這家在美國黑名單的公司,如何找方法脫離美國技術出口限制的魔爪,能否找到Nvidia GPU晶片的替代品。
為何美國堅持殺蘇萊曼尼,是一次自衛性的''targeted killing''(目標殺人),而不願承認是一次''assassination''(暗殺)行動呢?這是個法律問題。在《國際人權法》和《武裝衝突法》(Law of Armed Conflicts)來說,主動在戰場以外地區進行政治暗殺屬違法,尤其這次行動中,亦有伊拉克軍方人員死亡,所以美國行為肯定是違法的。再者,特朗普曾恐嚇如伊朗採取報復,將襲擊52個伊朗目標,包括一些文化遺產,這做法更肯定是違反國際法的。但美國是超級強國,一向目中無人,對國際法根本視若無睹。美國唯一要稍為尊重的,只有美國自己的法律。
美堅持否認暗殺 是法律問題
在1960年代,美國極喜愛在全球各地進行暗殺行動。最有名的是曾最少8次嘗試以狙擊手和下毒等方法,企圖暗殺古巴領袖卡斯特羅(Fidel Castro),但他像貓般有九條命,竟然每次都逃過厄運。但這不良的暗殺風氣,後來也蔓延到美國。在數年間,美國總統甘迺迪(JFK)、他的弟弟Robert,和黑人領袖馬丁路德金(Martin Luther King)等,都相繼被暗殺,美國政府就開始反思以暗殺作為外交政策的合法性,以及道德問題。到了1976年,福特總統終於頒下Executive Order 12333: ''No person employed by or acting on behalf of the United States Government shall engage in, or conspire to engage in, assassination.''(不許任何受顧於或代表美國政府的人,參與或計劃參與任何暗殺行動)。這指令亦被之後多任總統延續。
恐怖分子崛起 暗殺更有效對付
似乎紀錄上美國第一次drone襲擊,是在2004年小布殊命令下發生的,目標是巴基斯坦內的一些恐怖分子。在小布殊任內,估計他批准了50多次類似行動。到了奧巴馬年代,雖然他獲頒諾貝爾和平獎,但他仍愛上了drone attack,在他8年任內,估計批准了高達500多次行動,官方死亡人數近4000,美國承認其中最少300多人是無辜的平民!官方定義是在目標附近,任何超過18歲的男子,都算是軍人,除非有特別證據推翻。即是說,美國官方承認300多個無辜平民死者,都是婦孺!非官方的傷亡估計數字當然更高,超過1萬,平民死亡人數可高達三成。
無人機命中率高 失手機會較低
計算下來,即是奧巴馬平均約每5天就批準一次行動,每次死亡人數約8個。另一看法是如每次行動的主目標只為一人,那麼奧巴馬就多殺了3000多人,以此作為掩飾暗殺行動的藉口!如對drone襲擊有興趣,建議觀看2015年的一部電影《Eye in the Sky》,頗寫實地描述某次行動,參於者的內心掙扎,和最後如何醜陋地找方法繞過面對的道德問題。
到了特朗普年代,更變本加厲,據報在上任後頭45天,已下了36個drone襲擊命令!後來所有drone襲擊變得更秘密,特朗普更下令豁免情報機關的行動,毋須作出每年行動死傷報告,但軍方則仍需要。其實軍方和CIA經常進行所謂''double tapping''的聯合行動,所以現在更難得到詳細資料。但從非官方資料估計,特朗普的drone行動頻率,可能比奧巴馬高出50%,或甚至3倍以上!根據估計,去年在阿富汗,因包括drone襲擊的美軍行動而死亡的平民數目,比塔利班所殺害的更多。
(中環資產持有AMD、Nvidia、三星、Hynix、美光、Western Digital、台積電及ASML的財務權益)
[譚新強 中環新譚]
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imminent字根 在 玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu Facebook 的最佳解答
【玳瑚師父客人見證】 《不過八月十五的預言》
The Prophecy: Not Beyond Mid-Autumn (English version below)
文 / 李季謙 女士 Written by Ms. Lee Ji Qian
早上十點四十五分,表姐打電話給我,哭著說外婆已過世了。那時的我,腦海裡立刻浮現師父所說的「不過八月十五。」 連半天都過不了。我的心一直往下沉。爲什麽我問了師父卻又不淨信他的話?爲什麽我沒有把師父的預言告訴我的家人?爲什麽我就不能在醫院熬多一天?生死皆天定,我怎麽不自量力地以爲自己那點修法回響就能改寫外婆的生死呢?原來人說死前的迴光返照是這麽一回事!天啊!我竟然那麽不孝,讓外婆過世時,身邊只有一個女傭,一個親人都沒有!
那晚,在紐約的酒店裡,我冒了一個險,沒行結界法。當晚,我就夢到自己在兒時住家附近(也是外婆的舊家)的停車場。我不知不覺走到一輛米色的「馬賽地」旁邊,低頭一看,咦,是外婆,穿著那熟悉的衣裳,坐在駕駛座位上。我叫她,以廣東話問:「婆婆,妳會駕車啊?」(外婆生前沒有駕駛執照) 她轉頭,跟我說:「幫公公皈依吧!」 我答:「皈依啊?好啊!」
我是一個差勁的弟子,脾氣又不好,兩次被師父「停學」,每一次長達半年,更曾被沒收所有的筆記和課本。但在「停學」期間,師父仍慈悲教導我如何處理外婆的生後事。可能你覺得他是修行人,是玄學師父,不給他錢,他仍然應該幫你消災解厄,給他錢,他更要幫你逢凶化吉。我的看法卻是,自己的問題本來就應該自己解決。沒有人是「應該」幫你的,師父也不是一個你能用錢買的人,更不可以因爲師父沒有幫你這一次或看法不一,便因「愛」成「恨」,來個「秦始王燒書」 般地把過去師父幫過自己的恩都忘得一乾二淨,再來個翻臉不認「師」。這般無情無義的人我看的實在太多了。
It was one afternoon in the year 2006, 2 weeks from the Mid-Autumn Festival. I was travelling along the Central Expressway in a cab when I made a call to Master Dai Hu. The memory was still fresh. My grandmother's health was deteriorating by the day, and I desperately wanted to know how much longer she could hold on. I was working as a flight attendant at that time, and the fear was that I might be overseas and not able to see her the final time when she breathed her last.
During the taxi ride, I pleaded incessantly for Master Dai Hu to answer my burning question. He refused. He said that as a Master, it was a taboo to predict one's life span because the answer would drive many towards anxiety and hysteria, even when they seemed nonchalant initially. At that time, my grandmother had already taken refuge under Living Buddha Lian-Sheng, and I told Master Dai Hu that since my grandmother and myself were the only Buddhists who had taken refuge in the family, I really hoped to provide some form of hospice care, and perform the proper rites during the crucial 8-hour time window after her passing to guide her towards rebirth into the Pure Land.
There was total silence on the other end of the line for a long time. Master Dai Hu did not utter a single sound. I was doomed, I thought to myself, if Master refused to tell me, what should I do? How could I apply for leave of absence from my employer?
"It would not be beyond the fifteenth day of the Eighth Lunar Month". Finally the silence was broken.
What, Master, what did you just? You meant the Mid-Autumn Festival? But I had not even tell you the birth date and time of my grandmother. You only knew her name and Chinese Zodiac Sign, how could you be so sure?
Master Dai Hu repeated his prediction again, and told me warmly that I could call him anytime if I encountered any problem. With that, our conversation ended.
This was the fourteenth day of the Eighth Lunar Month. The doctor told me that Grandma's blood count suffered a drastic drop, and had to be admitted to hospital for a blood transfusion. After I had done the paper works for the admittance, I stayed with her, together with her maid. I was totally physically and mentally exhausted. Flying around the world had taken its toll on me, with the late nights and jet lags, not to mention the many hospital trips I made with Grandmother over the past few weeks and every hospital visit spanned over a few hours. I looked at Grandma who was lying on her hospital bed. She looked much better after the blood transfusion and the doctor said all was well. Grandma knew I was washed out and kept asking me to go home and rest. Master Dai Hu's prediction was constantly on my mind. I had wanted to stay for one more night to accompany Grandma but the hospital admission that day was unexpected and I did not prepare any overnight bag. I was staying at Woodlands at that time and it was far from SGH. My husband who was by my side advised me to go home to rest too as he felt that I needed to be in a better condition to continue sharing the Dharma and reciting the Buddha's name with Grandma.
I hesitated. Master's predictions for me always rang true. But my Grandma looked quite good, something which I have not seen in months. Furthermore, I have been doing spiritual practices and dedicating the merits to her. Perhaps a miracle had happened!
At about 120am on the fifteenth day of the Eighth Lunar Month, I went home.
My phone rang at 1020am. It was the maid. She was not really conversant in English but told me anxiously that Grandma wanted to see me, and asked if I was on the way. I naively shrugged it off, thinking it might just be Grandma wanting to see me after her sleep.
Another phone call came in at 1045am, the sobbing and muffled voice of my cousin on the other end, telling me that Grandma had passed away. At that very moment, the words of Master "Not beyond the fifteenth day of the Eighth Lunar Month" reverberated through me. My heart sank to the rock bottom. Why did I ask Master for his prediction when I was not prepared to have complete faith in him? Why had I not told this prediction to my family members? Why could I not just stay in hospital with Grandma for that one more night? Life and death are both predestined. How could I think so highly of myself and believe that meagre merits from my spiritual practice was sufficient to rewrite her fate? Now I realized the truth in the saying that a person before his or her imminent death would look as if he or she is well. Goodness gracious! I was so unfilial to had left Grandma alone, on her death bed with no family member but only the maid beside her!
I phoned Master Dai Hu at the hospital and he answered very quickly. Once the first words were spoken, I had already broken down in sobs. Master said that he woke up early that morning with a premonition. He kept "seeing" images of my Grandma and myself, and knew in an instant that his prediction had prevailed and had been waiting for my call. Not only did Master not reprimand me for not having enough faith in him, he even reminded me on the list of things to do for Grandma's funeral. He counseled me, saying that for Grandma to bade this world farewell on the fifteenth day of the Eighth Lunar Month, it signified that she had lived a full and complete life, and that her karmic debt of suffering from illnesses the past 10 over years had finally been repaid. He said I should be glad that Grandma had been released from her pains and sufferings. Master was well aware of my rash temperament, and reminded me many times not to squabble with the family members during the funeral wake.
This has to be the other regrettable thing in this episode. My understanding of the Dharma was shallow then, and I did not practice the ways of endurance, equality, and did not consider the feelings of others in handling things. Not only did I pressurize my family members over the arrangements of Grandma's funeral, my bad temper flared uncontrollably during the funeral as I was not in agreement with the rest of the family members. All this talk about being a Buddhist turned me into a laughing stock! Why could I not learn from Master, who was and still is always so magnanimous and gracious?
During the seven-day period after Grandma's passing, many family members dreamed of her continually. I was the only one not to have seen her in my dreams. This was very puzzling for me. At the time of her passing, Grandma was calling out for me. Why did she not appear in my dreams? Did she not have anything to say to me? (Truthfully, I wanted very much to say a million sorry to her in person). As I was pondering over this matter, I remembered a demarcation method taught to me by Master, to protect myself against spirits stealing my life essence and disrupting my sleep, and to stay safe while I was overseas. This demarcation was something I always did before going to bed, and it really proved itself as a useful and powerful Dharma practice.
That night, in my hotel room in New York, I took a risk and forgo the demarcation procedure before I slept. That very night, I dreamed of Grandma! I was at the car park, near my childhood residence (also near Grandma's previous residence). I was walking along a pavement and ended up beside a cream-coloured Mercedes Benz. I looked down, and there she was! My Grandma was wearing her usual clothing and seated in the driver's seat. I called out to her and asked in Cantonese, "Grandma, you know how to drive?" Grandma did not have a driving license when she was alive. She turned to speak to me, "Help your Grandfather to take refuge!" I answered, "Take refuge? Ok!"
I jolted out from sleep, and hurriedly looked at the clock. It was five plus in the morning. Master once said that dreams occurring between 5am - 7am were real. I washed up, and called Master who was in Singapore immediately. My Grandfather has been dead for more than 10 years. In my dream, when Grandma wanted me to take refuge for Grandfather, I knew then that Grandfather had yet to go through reincarnation. He did not hear the Dharma during his lifetime, so he could not have been reborn into the Pure Land. When Grandma spoke of taking refuge, my intuition told me that she was referring to our Root Guru, Living Buddha Lian-Sheng, whom we took refuge in, and no one else. The next amazing thing was that the car in which Grandma was seated in the dream looked exactly the same as the one the family members burnt as an offering to her during the funeral!
Master spent an hour on the phone with me, patiently guiding me. He said I needed to return to my Grandma's house and seek answers from the ancestors at the ancestral tablet if my Grandfather really wanted to take refuge in Living Buddha Lian-Sheng. Other than preparing my Grandfather's favorite snacks, I had to offer incense and other offerings to the Jade Emperor, the Earth Deity as well as the Door Guardians, who were enshrined outside my Grandma's home, and request for smooth entry of my Grandfather's spirit into the house.
A few days upon my return to Singapore, I went to my Grandma's house, together with my two nieces. I followed Master's instruction to the tee. The three of us offered incense, knelt down in front of the ancestral tablet and called for my Grandfather. Something extraordinary happened next! In the flash of an eye, the 3 of us felt a strong Yin energy coming in from the main door, and witnessed a black shadowy figure slid past us in speed, and onto the ancestral tablet. Momentarily, our hair stood on end and all of us felt goosebumps on our skins. When I threw the divination blocks and asked if it was Grandfather's wish to take refuge in Living Buddha Lian-Sheng, the answer was positive with three consecutive yes! My dream was real after all! The method which Master taught really worked well!
Instantly, I was in awe, and at the same time, extremely grateful to Master Dai Hu. He was the one who guided me to take refuge in Living Buddha Lian-Sheng. Before that, I never hear of Him. Because of my taking refuge, a few of my family members followed suit. Master often said that the dead had the brightest eyes. Grandfather doted on me very much when he was alive, and never did I expect Grandfather to follow my Grandma and I in taking refuge and seek the Dharma. I was totally elated! I praised Master for his foresight, and his great fortune of taking refuge in a one and only one Guru Master, one who had attained perfect Enlightenment. It is no wonder that Master Dai Hu has such great skills too. I am also grateful for his relentless pursuits to propagate the Dharma, enabling layman like us to learn, understand and prepare for the biggest event of our life.
I am a lousy disciple with bad temperament. Twice, I was booted out by Master and not allowed to learn from him for as long as 6 months. My notes and books were confiscated. However, even when I did not see Master during those periods, he showed compassion and guided me through the ordeal of my Grandma's passing. Perhaps you might think that it is his duty as a spiritual practitioner and Chinese metaphysicist to show compassion and help others in need even if no money is paid to him, and if money is paid, all the more he should help the clients out of their troubles.
My take on this: We must take responsibility for our own problems. No one owe us any form of help or assistance. And Master Dai Hu is definitely not someone you can buy with money. If he does not render his help to you or both of you have a different opinion on certain issues, you cannot go from having admiration to bearing resentment towards him over that. I have seen too many ungrateful people who erase all the memories of the good that Master had once done for them, pretty much like how Emperor Qin burnt the books, with no trace left and turned their backs on Master, like they had never known him.
Over the last two days, I rushed to complete this testimonial as a present to Master Dai Hu on his "birthday". It was this auspicious day, the fifteenth day of the Eighth Lunar Month, that Master Dai Hu took refuge in True Buddha and became a Buddhist. He often said that this day felt more like his real birthday. Before learning the Dharma and taking refuge, he led a life of meaningless existence, squandering away youth and time. Only when he became a Buddhist did he truly come to life, begin to live in wisdom and gain great ability, while making useful and meaningful contributions to the society. With such a noble career, I guess his parents must be very proud of having a son like him.
If you are to be in my shoes one day, having asked Master for advice but still teetering on the border and unsure if you should believe him, I hope my story will inspire you and not let you suffer the same regrets as I did.
Wishing everyone a Happy Mid-Autumn Festival.
And I genuinely wish Master Dai Hu a "Happy Birthday". Thank you for bringing the Light to us, despite the endless obstacles you constantly battle. I pray that your life will be as beautiful, complete and auspicious as the full moon tonight. May you soon attain the fruit of perfect and complete Enlightenment. Amituofo.
imminent字根 在 志祺七七 X 圖文不符 Youtube 的最讚貼文
#記得打開CC字幕 #DIGI #人工智慧會搶走我們的工作嗎?
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00:49 人類對 AI 最深層的恐懼
02:01 AI 即將害我們失去工作?
03:22 當 AI 開始管理人類
04:52 AI 可以撫慰人心?甚至還可以當老師?
05:59 對 AI 感興趣的人有福了?
07:19 我們的觀點
08:20 提問TIME
08:33 掰比~別忘了訂閱
【 製作團隊 】
|剪輯助理:絲繡 & 范范
【 本集參考資料 】
→ 維基百科:魔鬼終結者:https://reurl.cc/lrOK6
→ 了解人工智慧的第一本書:機器人和人工智慧能否取代人類?:https://reurl.cc/QAoQ2
→ 維基百科:2001太空漫遊:https://reurl.cc/QAoQq
→ 維基百科:機械公敵:https://reurl.cc/5WNAM
→ 維基百科:全面進化:https://reurl.cc/Elv9v
→ Kurzweil Accelerates Immortality Pledge From 2045 to 2029:https://reurl.cc/kYW6d
→ 工商社論》面對AI時代,個人、企業與國家都應轉型:https://reurl.cc/qAqEE
→ 機器取代人力!5年內7千萬人恐丟飯碗 世界經濟論壇:機器人創造雙倍就業機會!:https://reurl.cc/vOxYL
→ The Future of Jobs Report 2018:https://reurl.cc/AmlVY
→ 人工智慧對勞動就業的影響:https://reurl.cc/M5oav
→ These Are The Jobs That Will Be Safe From The Imminent Invasion Of Robots:https://reurl.cc/1AWdW
→ The Future Of Jobs: The Onrushing Wave:https://reurl.cc/eloej
→ 亞馬遜用AI判定:該開除哪位員工?:https://reurl.cc/zRkxQ
→ 動作慢就掰掰!Amazon建AI監視員工 效率未達標直接被開除:https://reurl.cc/vOxVj
→ 從同事變身績效主管》AI打考績的人性考驗:https://reurl.cc/XMboe
→ 不只陪伴病人、幫推手術車 AI機器人還能開解護理師!:https://reurl.cc/qAqyn
→ 抒發負面情緒!北榮首創關懷平台「N天使」護理師用手機也可紓壓:https://reurl.cc/rGVpO
→ 導入AI智慧 北榮首創護理關懷平台N天使:https://www.vghtpe.gov.tw/Index.action
→ AI機器人狂潮席捲全球 人工智慧時代正式來臨 T觀點 20170226 (1/4):https://reurl.cc/Lrov4
→ 台灣「AI 原生世代」來了,政府攜手 Google、微軟推動高中職生 AI 扎根活動:https://reurl.cc/M5m1L
→ AI人才向下扎根 經濟部推動「高中職生AI扎根系列活動」 偕同台灣微軟與Google培育全臺千名高中職學生:https://reurl.cc/qAbzy
→ 臉書專頁:高中職生 AI 扎根系列活動:https://2030.tw/2kkflQ7
→ 和機器人共學 南市2年要設50間創新智慧學習教室:https://reurl.cc/Lrx1L
→ 自由時報照片:https://reurl.cc/QAlpM
→ 中小學首部AI教材 教案下月公布:https://reurl.cc/jZ47p
→ 南科AI_ROBOT自造基地.營造創新自造生態系:https://reurl.cc/O3a1y
→ 影/台灣第一 南科實中獲頒夏威夷學生大使殊榮:https://reurl.cc/O3aqX
→ 南科 AI_ROBOT 自造基地:https://reurl.cc/YN56n
→ Top 9 ethical issues in artificial intelligence:https://reurl.cc/4eDm2
→ 歐盟公布初步 AI 道德準則,執委會副主席:只有獲得信賴,社會才能充分受益於技術:https://reurl.cc/m5bqM
imminent字根 在 格林法則英語單字記憶| 【中高階詞素 - Facebook 的推薦與評價
1. imminent 迫切的adj. ... 部分內容摘自:《心智圖單字記憶法:心智圖的聯想記憶法,字根、字首、字尾串聯3000個國際英語測驗必背字》,若需例句請參考本書:. ... <看更多>
imminent字根 在 [心得] 極弱底一戰318 3.5 自修心得 的推薦與評價
但是光背《字彙的力量》絕對不夠 應付GRE考試, 因此我又開始背字神 ... 字首字根字源 常見的字首、字根大概單字背多了都會很有感覺, 遇到不會的字有 ... ... <看更多>
imminent字根 在 [字彙] 紅寶p.249 - 看板GRE 的推薦與評價
字根 ped == foot from L.pes
字根 ped == child, education from Gk.paid, pais
pod-iatrist n.足科醫師 ...o形腿
ped-iatrist n.小兒科醫師
字根 ped == foot
pedal n.腳踏板
pedestal n.柱腳
pedestrian n.行人 adj.單調的
ex-ped-ite v.迅速執行;促進
ex-ped-ition n.遠征; 遠征隊
ex-ped-ition-ary adj.遠征的
ex-ped-itious adj.迅速的
expedience n.權宜之計
expedient n.權宜之計 adj.權宜的
im-pede v.阻礙
im-ped-iment n.阻礙
字根 ped == child
ped-agogue n.喜歡賣弄學問的教師 n.(小學)教師 (or pedagog)
ped-agogy n.教育方法;教育方法論
pedant n.賣弄學問的人;迂腐的教師
ped-o-phil-ia n.【醫】戀童狂(以兒童為對象之色情狂)
in-ped(foot)-e ["擋在腳邊"-->阻礙]
v.阻礙 [to retard in movement or progress by means of obstacles or
hindrances; obstruct; hinder.]
ex. The muddy roads impede our journey.
n.阻礙 [obstruction; hindrance; obstacle.]
ex. The main impediment to development is the country's huge foreign debt.
n.說話障礙 [any physical defect that impedes normal or easy speech; a speech
ex. It's difficult to understand him because he has a speech impediment.
(funny的speech impediment) ......不過我都會聯想到這個
in-pel(drive) [pel:內心的推]
v.激勵;驅使 [to drive or cause to move onward; propel]
ex. I was impelled by events to take a stand(採取某種立場).
in-pend(掛)-ing ["已經掛上了的,箭在弦上了的"-->即將發生的]
adj.即將發生的 [ about to happen; imminent]
ex. Anxiety refers to the emotional state elicited by signals of impending
ex. The terror of impending slaughter pervaded the house.
adj.不能穿過的;不能刺穿的 [not penetrable]
ex. the impenetrable forest
ex. a sheet of steel impenetrable by a bullet.
ps. 這個字有在sexual上的用法
adj.不知悔改的 [not feeling regret about one's sin or sins]
(關於penitence的一些sculptures) ....or 王菲的執迷不悔
ps.在西元前四十四年,Caesar凱撒, (Gaius) Julius當上了最高司令官--就是
imper-這個字根的意思就是"command;命令" from L. imperātus
adj.必須服從的 [absolutely necessary or required; unavoidable]
adj. 緊急的;極重要的 [requiring attention or action]
ex. It's imperative to act now.
adj. 【語】祈使法的
ex. Listen! Be silent.
n.皇帝 [the male sovereign or supreme ruler of an empire]
淺談 Emperor與 King
n.帝國 [A political unit having an extensive territory or comprising a number
of territories or nations and ruled by a single supreme authority.]
ex. AOE = Age of Empire 世紀帝國
adj.皇帝(或女皇)的 [of, like, or pertaining to an emperor or empress.]
ex. the imperial life in ancient Egypt.
imper-i-ous(full of sth.)
adj.專橫的;傲慢的 [domineering in a haughty manner; dictatorial]
ex. an imperious officer.
adj.絕對必要的、緊急的 [absolutely necessary or required,urgent, imperative]
字根imper == command 命令
imperator n.羅馬的軍事領袖
imperative a.必須服從、緊急的
emperor n.帝王
empire n.帝國
imper-ial a.帝王的;帝國的 [of the empire or emperor]
imper-ious a.專橫的;傲慢的 a.絕對必要的、緊急的= imperative
adj.不是永久的;暫時的 [not permanent or enduring; transitory.]
ex. Everything is impermanent.
permanent = per(thoroughly)-man(remain)-ent
ex. permanent residents <-- 你在填線上申請表單一定會看到這個詞
adj.不能滲透的 [ not permeable; impassable.]
ex. The external layer of the skin is relatively impermeable to water.
permeable [permeate-able] adj.能滲透的
㑑i즠xpermeate [per(through)-meate(L. meatus;channel)] v.滲透
ex. gas impermeability test
ps. magnetic permeability:the degree of magnetization of a material that
responds linearly to an applied magnetic field.
μ0 = 4π×10 N·A-툊
v.模仿 [To imitate the appearance, voice, or manner of; mimic]
ex. an entertainer who impersonates celebrities.
v.模仿(用來騙財) [To assume the character or appearance of, especially
ex. He was caught trying to impersonate a military officer.
他企圖冒充軍官, 但當場被抓獲.
n.不切題 [absence of pertinence; irrelevance]
n.不適當,傲慢無禮的行為 [absence of adaptedness; insolence.]
per(thorough)-tin (hold)-ence ["完完全全的拿著"--->有關係]
(Handel 的 Impetinence)
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