造句 與例句 手機版 · Our party landed in england without incident . · The next few days passed without incident . · The incident has led to more alarms .
incident 造句 / 例句. 1. That incident sparked it off. 那一事件引发了它。 《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》. 2. When exactly did the incident occur?
#3. 用incident造句子三年级|二年级|一年级简单的 - 新华字典
incident造句. 1、Last night police staged a reconstruction of the incident.(昨天晚上,警方演出了再现事故经过的场景。) 2、The police have launched an ...
She was injured in a car/road accident (= when one car hit another). 她在一宗車禍/交通意外中受傷了。 by accident.
#5. Dr.eye 譯典通| 句庫| accident 例句
你最好溫和一些跟他說,他妻子在事故中不幸遇難。 He met Tom by accident. 他偶然遇到湯姆。 By accident of ...
#6. 用incident造句并翻译
用incident造句并翻译 ... incident 英[ˈɪnsɪdənt] 美[ˈɪnsɪdənt] n. ... [法] 附带的; [光] 入射的; 易有的,附随的; [例句]These incidents were the ...
#7. 單字e點通incident & accident - 洋碩美語【小班教學口說聽力 ...
*These incidents caused a 20-minute delay. 該你造句:The incident that happened last month has caused_____________________. 2.accident 意外;偶發性事件( ...
#8. accident造句-扒拉扒拉 - 搜索你感兴趣的问题
accident造句. 枫叶落落提问于2019-08-04. 枫叶落落. 2019-08-04. accident造句. accident的中文意思是“事故;意外;意外事件”,比如I have nothing to do with the ...
#9. by accident (【片語】偶然地, 意外地)意思、用法及發音 - Engoo
"by accident" 相關課程教材 ; There was an accident. 發生了/有個意外事故。 ; There was a traffic accident. 發生了/有個交通事故。 ; However, the gun wasn't empty and ...
#10. 【精编范文】incident造句word版本(19页) - 趋势网络
【精编范文】incident造句word版本(19页). 4.2分(超过78%的文档) 101阅读0下载2019-03-12上传19页. 免责声明:非本网注明原创的信息,皆为程序自动 ...
#11. incident造句
incident造句 · [胸有成竹的意思是什么并造句]issue是什么意思及如何造句 · 莎士比亚英语介绍_莎士比亚英语名言Nomatterhowlongnight · 生活中的幽默段子企鹅用英语怎么说| ...
#12. 【精编范文】incident造句word版本(19页) - 时捷网
#13. 用by accident造句 - 百度知道
by accident; 意外地; 偶然地造句: She broke the plate by accident. 她意外地把碗盤打碎了。 本回答被提问者和网友采纳. 已赞过 已踩过<.
#14. Emergency Incident Management Systems: ..., 2/E ,Warnick
This was grounded in the fact that incident management systems are continually ... Research-based case studies from major incidents will be used to show the ...
#15. 用accident造句简单 - 搜狗搜索
accident 怎么造句啊? - 搜狗问问. 回答:5提问时间:2019-01-11 答: An accident cause this situation. 一个意外导致这个情况发生He left the scene of the accident.
#16. 用accident造句 - 英语句库
用accident造句,accident例句 · The accident left a scar on her leg . · The accident deprived him of his life . · We only just missed having a nasty ...
#17. 遇到車禍、塞車、爆胎,英文該怎麼說?
早上有個很重要會議,Dave卻偏偏遇上車子爆胎,他打電話回辦公室,同事問:Why didn't you show up to the meeting?他腦中只浮現car accident這個 ...
#18. violent incident在线翻译- 英语_读音_用法_例句 - 海词词典
violent incident的用法和样例:. 例句. Violent fighting flared up in the area yesterday. 昨天这一地区发生了暴力事件。 There were only ...
#19. by accident造句, - 雨露学习互助
by accident造句,. 逃之妖妖823 1年前 已收到5个回答 举报. 赞. LeeScott 幼苗. 共回答了22个问题采纳率:100% 举报. i meet him in the street by accident.
#20. 同樣都是「發生」,happen、occur和take place的差別是什麼?
在中文裡,因為「人本主義」思維的影響,我們造句時習慣以「人」為 ... (o) When the incident happened, it never occurred to me to call anyone.
#21. 翻译_incident同义词和反义词 - 中华字典
#22. scientific造句简单 - 句子大全网
The child is going through a difficult phase. 那孩子正经历困难的阶段. 猜你喜欢. accident造句简单 · culture造句简单 ...
#23. 用by accident造句,situation造句简单 - 造句网
用by accident造句 · 1. He had a slip of tongue by accident. 他偶然说走嘴. · 2. He upon the solution to the problem almost by accident. 他几平出于 ...
#24. by accident,by mistake意思嗎?老師給你贊 - 每日頭條
有個大學英語老師在課堂上說by chance,by accident,by mistake 這個三個短語的意義區別不大,都是表示「無意地,偶然地」,在下面聽課的同學就犯 ...
#25. 用accident造句子 - 句子社
用accident造句子. An accident cause this situation. 一个意外导致这个情况发生He left the scene of the accident. 他离开了那个案发现场.
#26. byaccident造句并翻译- 欧创网
最佳答案: I forgot the cards by accident.我意外的忘了那些卡片.Sometimes we succeed by accident.有时我们会意外取得成功.
#27. sneak简短造句,accident造句简单 - 百科知识网
一、中国人民有战胜一切困难的英勇气概.二、我们要有勇往直前的信念和勇气. 十九、坚韧,刚毅承受痛苦或逆境的勇气,[造句网整理]不屈不挠的精神.二十、革命家.
#28. 用accident造句子 - 品信网
用accident造句子. by belief信任造句 at 2022-02-19 01:04:56. 最佳答案: An accident cause this situation. 一个意外导致这个情况发生He left the scene of the ...
#29. accident造句简单 - 欧宝知识网
accident造句 31、Above all, if you see an accident about to happen, on the road or in business, honk like a wild goose rather than cooing ...
#30. 用annoy造句子_谈句子网
11、incident来到大同府用法,staff捏一撮茶叶放进嘴里。 12、staff他们要的不多annoy,attract我一如既往地信心满满。 13、attract忘却红尘纷扰annoyed,designer两 ...
#31. 大学英语四级精讲精练: 阅读篇 - 第 25 頁 - Google 圖書結果
... found that errors were more likely when the referees were close to the incident . ... 从而达到对篇章的整体把握,而且提高造句能力和笔头(作文)的表达能力。
#32. accident造句 - 恩牛网
6、The accident disfigured him for life. 7、major accident [International Nuclear Event Scale]. 8、His reckless driving accounted for the ...
#33. 翻译incident的意思- 同义词_反义词_例句_英语短语 - 沪江网校
沪江词库精选incident是什么意思、英语单词推荐、用法及解释、中英文句子翻译、英语短语、英音发音音标、美音发音音标、incident的用法、incident是什么意思及用法、 ...