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#1. 宮內生長受限- 維基百科
胎兒宮內生長受限(Intrauterine growth restriction,IUGR)是指孕期在母親子宮內的胎兒生長緩慢。導致宮內生長受限的原因很多,最常見的是母親營養不良或胎兒缺氧。
#2. 理事長的話 - 周產期醫學會
子宮內胎兒生長遲滯(Intrauterine fetal growth restriction, IUGR)是指胎兒無法生長至其基因潛能. (Genetic potential) 該有的大小。子宮內胎兒生長遲. 滯與胎兒小於 ...
#3. 早產講義 - 長庚醫院
分類:Small for gestational age (SGA) - 體重不足,Itrauterine growth retardtion ( IUGR) – 子宮內生長遲緩,Lubchenco等在1963比較妊娠週齡及生產體重而發表了胎兒發育 ...
#4. Intrauterine Growth Restriction
IUGR 分類. 不對稱生長型. • 營養因素. • 子宮胎盤灌流不佳. • 母體因素相關. • 高血壓. • 腎疾病. • 血管疾病. • 通常28週後發生. • 可能羊水少、缺氧、胎兒.
#5. 胎兒宮內發育遲緩(IUGR, Intrauterine growth retardation ...
胎兒宮內發育遲緩(IUGR, Intrauterine growth retardation)是指胎兒體重低於孕周正常平均體重的2個標準差(standard div),即是生長過慢過輕。
#6. 醫生,我的寶寶比較小,怎麼辦?
另外有一個名詞,稱為子宮內生長遲滯(Intrauterine growth restriction, IUGR),與SGA有一點不同的定義。SGA可以泛指胎兒體重過輕的狀況,而IUGR則指的是可能有病態 ...
#7. 胎儿宫内发育迟缓_百度百科
... 同龄平均体重的两个标准差,或低于其龄应有体重的第10个百分位数,为妊娠期重要并发症之一。 中文名: 胎儿宫内发育迟缓. 外文名: intrauterine growth retardation ...
#8. 禾馨民權婦幼診所- 子宮動脈血流阻力上升,會產生什麼影響?
高阻抗的子宮動脈不足以應付胎兒成長過程所需的大量血液供應,因而容易產生胎兒在子宮內生長遲滯(intrauterine growth restriction, IUGR)的情形,此時有些孕婦會有 ...
#9. 婦產科常見診斷及縮寫
中文. 1 AA artificial abortion. 人工流產. 2 AFE amniotic fluid embolism. 羊水栓塞 ... 30 IUGR intrauterine fetal growth retardation. 子宮內生長遲滯.
#10. iugr中文- 胎兒宮內生長遲緩… - 查查在線詞典
iugr中文 ::胎兒宮內生長遲緩…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋iugr的中文翻譯,iugr的發音,音標,用法和例句等。
#11. 國立成功大學機構典藏
貢獻者: 醫學系婦產學科 ; 關鍵詞: 子宮內生長遲滯 心輸出量 心臟血流動力學 胎兒. Intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR) Cardiac output. Cardiac ...
#12. 2016. 3月-2/4 : Fetal Growth Restriction (FGR) - 台兒胎兒醫學 ...
如果阻力增加,表示胎盤的功能可能不佳,常見於子癲前症、羊水不足、或子宮內生長受限(IUGR)的胎兒。 下圖是妊娠29週雙胞胎,其中一個胎兒(生長受限 ...
#13. 【iugr中文】intrauterinegrowthretardat... +1 | 健康跟著走
intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR) 宮內生長遲緩,是什麽意思,英文怎麽說,中文意思,婦產科醫學名詞-詞匯翻譯,美國LetPub 論文編輯. ,iugr的中文意思:胎儿宫内 ...
#14. 汐止國泰綜合醫院護理科- 產房嬰兒室常見診斷及檢查縮寫常見 ...
IUGR. Intrauterine Growth Retardation. 子宮內胎兒生長遲滯. IUFD. Intra uterine fetal death. 子宮內胎兒死亡. Uterine Inversion. 子宮內翻. Ectopic Pregnancy.
#15. intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR) 宮內生長遲緩 - 學術英文 ...
intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR) 宮內生長遲緩,是什麽意思,英文怎麽說,中文意思,婦產科醫學名詞-詞匯翻譯,美國LetPub 論文編輯.
#16. Refworks 線上書目管理軟體
Antiphospholipid antibodies in women at risk for preeclampsia. 來源. Am.J.Obstet.Gynecol. , 2001, 184, 5, 825-832. 資料夾. IUGR recurrence L1.
#17. 搜索
Selective intrauterine growth restriction of monochorionic ... pregnancies with intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR). ... 中文翻译: ...
#18. 我的孩子為何長不高?
子宮內生長遲緩(IUGR:intrauterine growth retardation)或胎兒小於妊. 娠年齡(SGA:small for gestational age),出生後未能追趕生長(catch-up growth).
#19. NursingConnect 台灣護理線上資訊網> [護理新知] USPSTF建議 ...
新版推薦意見寫道:「USPSTF找到充足的證據證明子癇前症高風險孕婦服用小劑量阿斯匹靈可以降低其發生子癇前症、早產和胎兒子宮內生長受限(IUGR)的 ...
#20. 宫内生长-翻译为英语-例句中文 - Reverso Context
宫内生长迟缓(IUGR)是围生期发病率及死亡率的主要原因。 Intrauterine growth retardation is a major source of perinatal morbidity and mortality.
#21. Small for Gestational Age | Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Many babies with SGA have a condition called intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR). IUGR occurs when the fetus does not receive the necessary nutrients and ...
#22. Antenatal low-intensity pulsed ultrasound reduces ...
Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) is a leading cause of perinatal mortality and morbidity, and IUGR survivors are at increased risk of ...
#23. Selective Intrauterine Growth Restriction - Johns Hopkins ...
Selective intrauterine growth restriction (sIUGR) is a condition that can occur in some identical twin pregnancies in which the placenta is shared but not ...
#24. Intrauterine Growth Restriction (IUGR) (for Parents) - Kids Health
Intrauterine growth restriction is when a baby in the womb doesn't grow at the expected rate during the pregnancy. Women with IUGR should eat a healthy diet ...
#25. 婦產科-妊娠高血壓 - 高點醫護網
所謂子癲前症(妊娠毒血症)就是孕婦在懷孕時期,同時合併有高血壓(大多數是自懷孕20週開始)、蛋白尿與全身性水腫。子癲前症會使胎兒生長發育遲緩(IUGR),或胎盤過早剝離 ...
#26. 第十三項超音波檢查Sonography
註:1.不含杜卜勒檢查及立體組像。 2.不得同時申報18013C、18014C、18035C、19003C、19010C。 3.適應症:. (1)各種高危險妊娠情況:子宮內胎兒生長遲滯(IUGR)、糖尿病(DM) ...
#27. Nicotine-induced prenatal overexposure to maternal ... - X-MOL
The results showed that prenatal chronic nicotine exposure causes IUGR in rats (P<0.01); in response to nicotine exposure, maternal serum ... 中文翻译: ...
#28. Timing of initiation of low-molecular-weight heparin ...
... labor before 34 weeks of gestation, intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR), ... before 34 weeks of gestation, and IUGR, and live birth rate.
#29. Intrauterine growth retardation - WHO | World Health ...
Unknown author (1995). Intrauterine growth retardation. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 73 (Suppl), ...
#30. 1 in 7 babies worldwide born with a low birthweight - UNICEF
“Low birthweight is a complex clinical entity composed of intrauterine growth restriction and preterm birth,” says co-author Dr Mercedes de ...
#31. Intrauterine Growth Restriction (IUGR) - BayCare
Newborn babies with IUGR are often described as small for gestational age. A fetus with IUGR often has an estimated fetal weight less than the 10th percentile.
#32. Selective Intrauterine growth restriction (sIUGR) - CS Mott ...
What is sIUGR? Selective intrauterine growth restriction (sIUGR) occurs in a twin pregnancy when one fetus weighs significantly less than the other ...
#33. Intrauterine Growth Restriction (IUGR): Pathogenesis
Other Languages · Chinese(中文) · French (Français) · German (Deutsch) · Spanish (Español) · Physiology (Indonesian) · Psychiatry (Indonesian) · Psychiatry (Slovene) ...
#34. 中山醫學大學機構典藏 CSMUIR
More aggressive therapy may be Indicated for these children. Intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR); minimal change nephrotic syndrome (MCNS); relapse; steroid ...
#35. 【intrauterine growth restriction】的中文翻译和相关专业术语翻译
【intrauterine growth restriction】的中文译词:胎儿宫内发育受限; 胎儿生长受限; 宫内发育受限; 【intrauterine growth restriction】的相关专业术语 ...
#36. IUGR,儿童的呼吸肌功能和运动能力 - ICH GCP
研究假设是宫内生长速度(IUGR)可能具有长期对呼吸肌(RM)功能的影响,从而导致以后的运动能力下降在生活中。目的是通过比较RM函数和暴露于学龄儿童之间的心肺运动 ...
#37. Small-for-Gestational-Age (SGA) Infant - Pediatrics - MSD ...
If intrauterine growth restriction is caused by chronic placental insufficiency, adequate nutrition may allow SGA infants to demonstrate remarkable “catch-up” ...
#38. 台美生涯七十年| 誠品線上
作者, 林靜竹. 出版社, 紅螞蟻圖書有限公司. 商品描述, 台美生涯七十年:,張瑞雄牧師:「林靜竹是一位最寶貝的台灣人。他在最先驅的胎兒醫學、IUGR的臨床、研究上, ...
#39. 胎兒體重過輕原因-1
摘譯自eMedicine 子宮內生長遲滯(Intrauterine Growth Restriction, IUGR): 指的是胎兒無法達成"基因"或&qu.
#40. Iugr 中文
... 中文 · Iugr 中文. 1. An Iugr Journey Intrauterine Growth Restriction Steemit ... You have just read the article entitled Iugr 中文.
#41. 不同方法制备大鼠宫内发育迟缓模型的比较 - 欢迎访问中国比较 ...
中文 摘要: 目的宫内发育迟缓(intrauterine growth retardation,IUGR)是以新生儿出生体重低的方式表现出来?以实验中常用的三种方法建立IUGR 模型,通过对实验数据比较 ...
#42. Role of dydrogesterone in the treatment of idiopathic IUGR
Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) is one of the most common complications of pregnancy and represents a major cause of perinatal morbidity and mortality.
#43. 全民健康保險醫療服務給付項目及支付標準共同擬訂會議
(4) 胎兒生長遲緩或胎兒發育異常者(IUGR)或胎盤功能異 ... 批次檔案名稱不支援中文、不可包含特殊符號。 ... 外籍人士無中文姓名者,請輸入英文半形。
#44. 胎兒發育遲緩 - 中文百科知識
胎兒生長發育遲緩(intrauterine growth retardation,IUGR):傳統是以胎兒體重低於其胎齡平均體重的第10百分位或低於其平均體重的2個標準差而定。
#45. 生殖妊娠 - Dr.Tseng曾志仁醫師
Nephropathy, edema, hypertension, IUGR. Atherosclerosis, maternal death. Gestational Diabetes. Fetal risk, hyperinsulinemia and macrosomia stillbirth.
#46. Intrauterine Growth Restriction (IUGR) Project - LinkedIn
Have you or do you know someone who has suffered from Intra-Uterine Growth Restriction? Would you like to help draft a Core Outcome Set of ...
#47. Corticotropin Releasing Factor sheep ≥95% (HPLC) - Sigma ...
... 集团(Merck KGaA)及/或其附属公司所有。版权所有。 未经许可,严禁复制本网站上的任何资料。 网站使用条款|数据隐私声明|销售通用条款与条件|版权许可. 中文- ZH
#48. Introduction to Growth Restriction - Academic Accelerator
Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) is a condition where the fetus does not achieve optimal growth, commonly caused by placental insufficiency .
#49. Iugr Images, Stock Photos & Vectors | Shutterstock
Find iugr stock images in HD and millions of other royalty-free stock photos, illustrations and vectors in the Shutterstock collection.
#50. 陳宏文– 中央研究院生物化學研究所
Skip to content. 中文. 中文 · English · 中央研究院生物化學研究所 ... PE)及子宮內生長遲緩(intrauterine growth retardation, IUGR)等症狀,使胎兒在懷孕過程中 ...
#51. 台灣遺傳諮詢學會
滯(intrauterine growth restriction,IUGR)、 ... 一、魏氏幼兒智力量表第四版(WPPSI–IV) 中文版 ... 五、托尼非語文智力測驗(第四版中文版)(TONI-4).
#52. Myocardial fatty acid metabolism in normal ovine development ...
... normal ovine development and intrauterine growth restriction 公开 Deposited ... period in a precocial species, and the impact of IUGR on this pathway.
#53. 胎儿宫内发育迟缓的孕妇母血及脐血内TNF-α和IL-1β的表达
本研究采用酶联免疫吸附法检测正常足月孕妇及胎儿宫内发育迟缓(IUGR)孕妇 ... 通过比较两种因子的变化,探讨其引起IUGR的机制。1 材料与方法1.1 研究 ...
#54. Intrauterine growth restriction and genetic determinants
We review genetic approaches to IUGR, especially those relating to growth factor genes, angiotensinogen genes and other gene mutations. We also ...
#55. Fundal height: An accurate sign of fetal growth? - Mayo Clinic
Slow fetal growth (intrauterine growth restriction); A multiple pregnancy; A significantly larger than average baby (fetal macrosomia); Too little amniotic ...
#56. IUGR是什麽意思? - IUGR的全稱| 在線英文縮略詞查詢
作為回報,我們將IUGR的首字母縮略詞翻譯成西班牙文、法語、中文、葡萄牙文、俄語等。 您可以進一步向下滾動並按一下語言功能表,以查找其他42 種語言中IUGR的含義。
#57. Selective Intrauterine Growth Restriction | SSM Health
Selective Intrauterine Growth Restriction (sIUGR) is a condition that occurs when monochorionic twins share unequal portions of the placenta.
#58. 多普勒超声测量胎儿大脑中动脉血流在高危妊娠中的研究进展
胎儿宫内发育迟缓(intrauterine growth retardation,IUGR)是指胎儿出生体重低于同胎龄平均体重的第10百分位或2 s。若胎龄为37孕周时,新生儿出生 ...
#59. 羅素–西弗氏症與人類印記基因甲基化的定量與探討
中文 摘要本實驗主要在探討H19/IGF2區域低度甲基化的情形,與羅素–西弗氏 ... 疾病,其特徵有出生前子宮內生長遲滯(intrauterine growth retardation; IUGR)、出生後 ...
#60. 婦產科常見醫學名詞及縮寫
英文, 縮寫, 中文. Abdominal circumference, A.C, 腹圍 ... Intrauterine growth retardation, IUGR, 子宮內生長遲滯. Labor pain, 陣痛.
#61. Small for Gestational Age (SGA) - Fairview
But most SGA babies are small because of growth problems that happen in pregnancy. One of these problems is intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR). IUGR happens ...
#62. 外文文献知网节
Association of Intrauterine Growth Restriction and Small for Gestational Age Status ... 中文期刊. 共2条. [1]. 小于胎龄儿的研究进展[J]. 游晶玉;苏喆;潘丽丽;.
#63. 胎儿宫内生长受限发生率调查及其对胎儿-新生儿健康危害的研究
Study on incidence rate of intrauterine growth restriction and its influence on fetal-neonatal health. WANG Xiao-feng 1,ZENG Jun-an 2,LIU Jing 1,LI Zhan-kui 2 ...
#64. J. pediatr. (Rio J.);94(6): 582-595, Nov.-Dec. 2018. tab, graf
العربية; 中文 (中国); english; français; Русский; español; português ... association between intrauterine growth restriction and physical activity levels, ...
#65. 翻译'IUGR' – 字典中文-英文
IUGR can be caused by many factors, including maternal malnutrition, malaria, sexually transmitted diseases and teenage pregnancies.
#66. PIGLETS: How to reduce Intrauterine growth restriction? - HIPRA
The best nutritional and feeding strategies to reduce IUGR (intrauterine growth restriction) in piglets. Swine health, piglets.
#67. 【為下一代的身材負責?從果蠅窺探父代營養狀態和子代肥胖的 ...
有些科學家發現個體在早期發育的環境暴露會影響個體對於肥胖的易受性,特別是發育時期過分營養,或者是在子宮內生長受限(intrauterine growth restriction,IUGR)和 ...
#68. Intrauterine growth restriction alters nutrient metabolism in the ...
维普中文期刊服务平台,是重庆维普资讯有限公司标准化产品之一, ... 摘要 Background:Intrauterine growth restriction(IUGR)has negative impacts on the postnatal ...
#69. 宫内发育迟缓的英文缩写(IUGR)_IUGR缩写的意思、英文全称
IUGR Intrauterine growth retardation. 英文缩写:IUGR. 英文全文:Intrauterine growth retardation. 中文解释:宫内发育迟缓. 缩写简介:妇产科常用英文.
#70. 卵清蛋白诱导宫内发育迟缓小鼠发生支气管哮喘动物模型的建立
#71. Intrauterine growth restriction | Small for Gestational Age
The most common definition of intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) is fetal weight that is below the 10th percentile for gestational age.
#72. 婦產科 - 郭綜合醫院
如果母親本身有容易凝血或血栓的傾向時,就可能危害到胎盤的血循環。所以孕婦有嗜血栓性疾病時,常常表現出習慣性流產或死產;這類嗜血栓性疾病就是蛋白S缺乏症常見的一種 ...
#73. Maternal floor infarction and massive perivillous fibrin deposition
Maternal floor infarction (MFI) is a poorly understood placental lesion reportedly associated with intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) and recurrence.
#74. dP
... used with our algorithms is consisting of 120 instances (60 healthy and 60 IUGR fetuses), ... 24M | 页数:24 | 上传日期:2021-09-20 | 语言:中文. edu ...
#75. 喜讯!长水实验中学戈素云老师荣获全国一等奖!_试题_教育部
4 小時前 — 热烈庆祝云南长水实验中学戈素云老师,在教育部主管北大中文核心期刊《中学地理教学参考》举办的首届“全国中学地理.
#76. Best Igt Podcasts (2022) - Player FM
... हिन्दी, বাংলা, ไทย, ქართული, 中文, 日本語, 한국어 ... After a planned home birth turned hospital induction due to IUGR, she describes ...
#77. 女人的痛(孕婦篇2):胎兒畸形(Teratogenic) - 衛教資訊
菸草(Tabacco)-子宮內生長停滯(IUGR) 早產(Prematurity) b.酒(Alcohol)-胎兒酒精症候群(Fetal alcohol syndrome) 臉部畸形(Midface hypoplasia)
#78. Placental location and pregnancy outcome
creased risk of pregnancy-induced hypertension, gestational diabetes mellitus, placental abruption, intrauterine growth retardation and in-.
#79. Intrauterine Growth Restriction (IUGR) and Birth Injury
#80. Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) diagnosis and treatment
#81. Medically Indicated Late-Preterm and Early-Term Deliveries
Number 831 (Replaces Committee Opinion Number 818, February 2021). Committee on Obstetric Practice. Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine.
iugr中文 在 【為下一代的身材負責?從果蠅窺探父代營養狀態和子代肥胖的 ... 的推薦與評價
有些科學家發現個體在早期發育的環境暴露會影響個體對於肥胖的易受性,特別是發育時期過分營養,或者是在子宮內生長受限(intrauterine growth restriction,IUGR)和 ... ... <看更多>