總部位於米蘭的國際知名藝術雜誌 Mousse在第 74 期發表對於台灣山海、歷史與藝術創作之間,如何交互連結的的綜觀,並映照出人類社會當下的普世行為。文章來自定居台北的 Robin Peckham ( Taipei Dangdai台北當代聯合總監),揉合「在現場」與「文化不同源」的視角,在海洋史的向度上延展及連結思考。
Meuko Meuko | NAXS corp. | #黃嘉俊 | #劉芸怡 | #倪灝 | #蔡佳葳 | #許家維 | #洪子建 | #區秀詒 | #張永達 | #蘇郁心 | #蘇匯宇 Su Hui-Yu | #吳其育 | 姚瑞中 Yao Jui chung | #羅智信 | #楊順發 | #盧昱瑞 | #林銓居 | #吳季璁 | #CemelesaiTakivalet #達給伐歷 | #AruwaiKaumaka #武玉玲
▍This Piece of Land, These Bits of Sea ▍
The 74th issue of Milan-based, internationally-renowned art journal Mousse
Magazine features a survey on the interrelationships of Taiwan’s land- and seascapes, history and artistic practices, while shedding light on current global human conditions. The article by Taipei-based Robin Peckham, Taipei Dangdai co-director, sets out from the realm of maritime history, intersecting the perspectives of the in-situ with culturally diverse lineages to bridge and extend such reflections.
"In attempting to read and understand works (like these) that engage the land-sea dialectic over and through Taiwan, I have come across two broad categories. One is discursive where the other is material; one is cultural where the other is biological. One looks south and east, following policy and retracing the routes of ancient seafarers, while the other looks down, testing out the hardness of rock and the wetness of water."
The article discusses works from the following artists:
Meuko Meuko | NAXS corp. | #HuangChiachun | #YunyiLiu | #NiHao | #CharweiTsai | #HsuChiaWei | #JamesTHong | #AuSowYee | #ChangYungTa | #SuYuHsin | #SuHuiYu | #WuChiYu | #YaoJuiChung |
#LuoJrShin | #YangShunFa | #LuYuJui | #LinChuanChu | #WuChiTsung | #CemelesaiTakivalet | #AruwaiKaumaka
“If there is a universalism to be discovered here, it is in the ecological nature of the consciousness that is created in this matrix of desires. Mountains and seas do not provide source matter for stories but rather become the very substrate of what can be said.“
台灣美術雙年展 Taiwan Biennial2020
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過75萬的網紅志祺七七 X 圖文不符,也在其Youtube影片中提到,本集廣告與「圖文不符上課囉」合作播出 阿滴志祺在你家!人氣 YouTuber 線上開班 減少摸索期的不安,直接享受經營樂趣 🥊 【攻心剪輯術】+【YouTuber 的 36 堂課】熱烈販售中! —— #攻心剪輯術 教你事前規劃+事後剪輯心法,影片不白拍,效率 level up! ✓器材設置:房間...
lineages 在 中央研究院 Academia Sinica Facebook 的最讚貼文
中研院用 #臺灣物種 找到 #蕈類發光 起源
中研院多樣中心 #蔡怡陞 副研究員最新研究指出:
✨蕈類最早的 #發光基因簇 🧬始於1.6億年前,
✨發光基因由於特殊的 #演化機制 被逐漸淘汰。
研究論文發表於《 #美國國家科學院院刊》( #PNAS),並被選為當期封面故事,為 #全球第一篇探討真菌發光基因演化的學術文章。
👩🔬論文第一作者✨柯惠棉✨博士表示,這有助於了解生物在面對不同環境的生存策略,也提供了研究的藍圖。未來,研究團隊將進一步探討 #物種調控發光的機制。
👨🔬蔡怡陞強調,發光蕈的應用已愈發成熟且備受重視,本次研究定序的5個物種皆在臺灣採集,如目前僅在臺灣發現的 #墾丁小菇及 #金星小菇等,也將成為國際間研究真菌的重要基因體資源。
How bioluminescent fungi🍄 have evolved, retained or lost their luciferase cluster have been revealed by a team of scientists led by Biodiversity Research Center, Academia Sinica Taiwan. 👨🔬Dr. Isheng Jason Tsai, 👩🔬Dr. Huei-Mien Ke’s Biodiversity Research Center and colleagues sequenced the genomes🧬 of five bonnet mushroom (Mycena) species the genomes in the Mycenoid lineage, which is one of the three major light emitting fungal lineages in Taiwan. By comparing the bioluminescent and non-bioluminescent mushroom genomes, the team estimated that the world's first bioluminescent mushroom would have appeared in the Jurassic period, 160 million years ago, using fossils and data analysis.
✨Press Release: https://www.sinica.edu.tw/en/news/6741
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【#每日跟讀單元 1006】流感和感冒差在哪?
Influenza viruses are classified into types A to D, of which only types A and B can cause seasonal influenza outbreaks. Type A influenza includes the H1N1 and H3N2 subtypes, while type B includes two lineages called B/Victoria and B/Yamagata.
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阿滴志祺在你家!人氣 YouTuber 線上開班
減少摸索期的不安,直接享受經營樂趣 🥊
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#美國週期蟬 #週期蟬
00:00 前導
01:39《YouTuber 的 36 堂課》廣告段落
02:29 一般的蟬生活習性是什麼?
03:36 週期特別長的週期蟬
04:44 週期蟬為何在地底下那麼久?
05:51 為什麼一次出現十億隻?
06:30 美國居民的困擾
07:26 週期蟬不是害蟲?
08:42 美國人吃蟬歷史悠久?
09:57 我們的觀點
10:43 提問
10:59 結尾
【 製作團隊 】
【 本集參考資料 】
→Paleoclimatic Influences in the Evolution of Periodical Cicadas (Insecta: Homoptera: Cicadidae: Magicicada spp.), The American Midland Naturalist, Vol. 120, No. 1 (Jul., 1988), pp. 183-193 (11 pages):https://bit.ly/2UWvnSr
→Liebhold, A. M., Bohne, M. J., and R. L. Lilja. 2013. Active Periodical Cicada Broods of the United States. USDA Forest Service Northern Research Station, Northeastern Area State and Private Forestry.
→Sota, Teiji, et al. "Independent divergence of 13-and 17-y life cycles among three periodical cicada lineages." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110.17 (2013): 6919-6924.
→Berlocher, Stewart H. "Regularities and irregularities in periodical cicada evolution." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110.17 (2013): 6620-6621.
→Broods, Cicada -University of Connecticut: https://cicadas.uconn.edu/broods/
→Cicada swarms in Washington, DC, appear to show up on the weather radar. Not everyone agrees:https://cnn.it/3wR25Sm
→【維基百科】Periodical cicadas:https://bit.ly/3rpqPAa
→【維基百科】Brood X:https://bit.ly/3hNivaa
→地下躲了17年 它們不忍了! 數兆神祕生物入侵美國1/3領土 科學家建議「食用」:https://bit.ly/2W16sO3
→【公視】蟄伏 17 年 美東十億隻「週期蟬」將破土求偶 :https://bit.ly/3ziZ6Ub
→【地球圖輯隊】仲夏不寧靜 「 17 年蟬」大舉回歸美國 :https://bit.ly/3hQdduD
→【天下獨立評論】美東 17 年蟬來襲!你不知道的華府「蟬」文化 :https://bit.ly/36JXabn
→【EET TAIWAN】北美「蟬爆日」週期為什麼是質數? :https://bit.ly/3zao348
→【香港 01】「 週 期 蟬」襲美國 民眾找食譜把蟬入菜 FDA:對海 鮮過敏者別吃 :https://bit.ly/3hOJ5iV
→【自由時報】蟄伏 17 年!週期蟬入侵白宮記者包機 延誤歐洲行:https://bit.ly/3irZKIj
→【自由時報】台灣蟬與熊蟬的傳奇一生 :https://bit.ly/3rmilts
→【 Boundary stones】 Cicadas: Time Traveling Trouble Makers:https://bit.ly/3hOubcv
→【維基百科】Predator satiation:https://bit.ly/3zhUvSy
【 延伸閱讀 】
→【環境資訊中心】美國部分周期蟬感染「迷幻真菌」 出現瘋狂交配行為:https://bit.ly/3hWoSrT

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Lineage W Starting Guide on [UI Details▫Combat Culture▫Item Naming Conventions]Utilize all kinds of useful and convenient features to ... ... <看更多>
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cov-lineages / lineages Public archive · ARCHIVED REPOSITORY · A dynamic nomenclature proposal for SARS-CoV-2 to assist genomic epidemiology. ... <看更多>