#1. Code lists (XLS file) - European Environment Agency
Information on the environment for those involved in developing, adopting, implementing and evaluating environmental policy, and also the ...
#2. List of EU countries - Belastingdienst
List of EU countries. The countries of the European Union (EU) are: Austria; Belgium; Bulgaria; Croatia; Cyprus*; Czech Republic; Denmark; Estonia
#3. Countries and Territories - INE
2, Standard list of countries April 28th, 2022). 3, As of 1 February 2020, the United Kingdom is no longer part of the European Union, and consequently, ...
#4. Download Excel File List of European Countries
Download list of European Countries in Excel, CSV and PDF free of cost. ... This contains list of 52 countries of Europe.
#5. List of countries in Europe | EFORT
Albania. Latvia. Andorra. Liechtenstein. Armenia. Lithuania. Austria. Luxembourg. Azerbaijan. Malta. Belarus. Moldova. Belgium.
#6. EU, EEA, EFTA and Schengen countries
The 27 EU countries. The European Union (EU) has 27 member states: Austria; Belgium; Bulgaria; Croatia; Cyprus; Czech Republic; Denmark; Estonia; Finland ...
#7. European Countries -
WHO MS Region Europe. Council of Europe. EURORDIS*. 53 countries. 47 countries. 48 countries. Albania. Albania. Albania. Andorra. Andorra. Andorra. Armenia.
#8. Table 9
List of countries, areas and geographical groupings. 2, Only countries or areas with ... 5, Northern Africa, Central Asia b, Caribbean, Fiji, Eastern Europe.
#9. List of Countries - European Union (EU) 2013
Code Country Alpha‑2 Alpha‑3 040 Austria AT AUT 056 Belgium BE BEL 100 Bulgaria BG BGR
69, Europe & Central Asia (excluding high income), ECA, Access to electricity (% of population), EG.ELC.ACCS.ZS, 100, 99.99383, 99.92155 ...
#11. List of countries per region.xlsx
Australia, New Zealand & Polynesia. Andorra. Mediterranean Europe. Angola. Africa. Antigua and Barbuda. North America. Argentina. Latin America. Armenia.
#12. The European Union and Countries in the EU - Schengen Visa
The EU countries are: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy ...
#13. Country Codes - German Federal Statistical Office
This list below offers an overview of all two-digit ISO country codes (ISO-3166 Alpha-2) for all ... European Union (EU) Member States, country code ...
#14. List of Countries in the European Union 2023
The European Union (EU) is a group of 27 nations in Europe, formed in the aftermath of World War II. The first batch of countries joined in 1957, ...
#15. GDP - Countries - List | Europe - Trading Economics
This page provides values for GDP reported in several countries part of Europe. The table has current values for GDP, previous releases, historical highs ...
#16. List of European countries and capitals
Country : Capital: Albania, Tirana. Andorra, Andorra la Vella. Austria, Vienna. Belarus, Minsk. Belgium, Brussels. Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo.
#17. EU Sanctions Map
Consolidated List of Financial Sanctions ... Restrictive measures against cyber-attacks threatening the Union or its Member States. EU ... UN and EU.
#18. Countries in the EU by Population (2023) - Worldometer
# Country (or dependency) Population (2020) Yearly Change Net Change Density (P/Km²) 1 Germany 83,783,942 0.32 % 266,897 240 2 France 65,273,511 0.22 % 143,783 119 3 Italy 60,461,826 ‑0.15 % ‑88,249 206
#19. What is the EU Data Boundary? - Microsoft Privacy
Overview of the EU Data Boundary; EU Data Boundary countries and datacenter locations ... such as technical settings and resource names.
#20. The Complete List of all the Countries in the EU in 2023
List of countries in the European Union: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Republic of Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, ...
#21. List of SEPA countries {Updated 2023 version} - B2B Pay
SEPA, a well-known name among Europeans and those with ties to Europe, stands for Single Euro Payments Area, and SEPA money transfers are an initiative of ...
#22. Euro Area | FRED | St. Louis Fed
The euro area (also known as the eurozone) consists of 19 countries that use the Euro: Belgium, Germany, Ireland, Spain, France, Italy, Luxembourg, ...
#23. Country and State Lists Updates - Forms -
#24. Countries - FATF
Over 200 jurisdictions around the world have commited to the FATF Recommendations through the global network of FSRBs and FATF memberships.
#25. List of all countries with their 2 digit codes (ISO 3166-1) - Dataset
Country list : ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 English country names and code elements as two letter country codes. ... Download data tables in csv (excel) and json formats.
#26. List of European countries by area - Wikipedia
Rank State (km 2 ) (sq mi) 1 Russia* 3,968,200 1,532,100 2 Ukraine 603,628 233,062 3 France* 551,695 213,011
#27. List of OECD Member countries - Ratification of the ...
On 14 December 1960, 20 countries originally signed the Convention on the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Since then, 18 countries ...
#28. ISO 3166 — Country Codes
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN); Universal Postal Union (UPU); United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE). How are ...
#29. Our member States - The Council of Europe in brief
Of the countries below, which is not a member of the Council of Europe? Switzerland; Ukraine; Belarus. Close. Wrong answer...
#30. Country, industry and risk analysis from The Economist ...
All countries · Americas · Asia · Europe · Middle East and Africa.
#31. Countries and Areas List - United States Department of State
(Sub-Saharan) Africa | East Asia and the Pacific | Europe and Eurasia | Near East (Middle East and Northern Africa) | South and Central Asia | Western ...
#32. Population of Europe in 2022, by country - Statista
In 2022, Russia had the largest population among European countries at 144.7 million people.
#33. European Union - International Monetary Fund
European Union. Datasets ... All Country Data Excel file. Social Media. Thank you! Share. API Help. Copy and paste URL to desired location.
#34. Data and Documentation | European Social Survey (ESS)
The European Social Survey web pages are currently in the process of being re-organised. For access to data and documentation, please go to the ESS Data ...
#35. U.S. Trade in Goods by Country - Census Bureau
... all countries [EXCEL - 5 MB] A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y | Z This list reflects all of ...
#36. List of Countries by Continent -
ISO‑alpha3 Code No M49 Code Region 1 Continent AFG 1 004 Southern Asia Asia ALA 2 248 Northern Europe Europe ALB 3 008 Southern Europe Europe
#37. UN/LOCODE Code List by Country and Territory - UNECE
The list of country and territory names (official short name in English as in ISO 3166) appears in alphabetical order, with the corresponding ISO ...
#38. EBG ~ Countries - European Butterflies Group
Found at high altitude only in the Austrian Alps. Recording The European Butterflies Group Austria Species List & Recording Form - Download Here (Zipped Excel ...
#39. Statistics on UK-EU trade - The House of Commons Library
The UK had a trade deficit of £92 billion with the EU compared to a £5 billion surplus with non-EU countries. Total UK exports (goods and services combined) to ...
#40. List of EMEA Countries – 2020 Update - IstiZada
This is a comprehensive list of Europe, Middle East, & Africa Countries. ... EMEA-Excel-Icon Get the Excel Version of this EMEA List Here ...
#41. Entity List -
The Export Administration Regulations (EAR) contain a list of names of certain ... for the export, reexport and/or transfer (in-country) of specified items.
#42. European Red List of Birds - BirdLife Data Zone
Scientific Name Common Name European Red List Category EU27+UK Re... Coturnix coturnix Common Quail NT LC Tetraogallus caucasicus Caucasian Snowcock LC N/A Tetraogallus caspius Caspian Snowcock LC N/A
#43. How to change Excel CSV delimiter to comma or semicolon
In North America and some other countries, the default list separator is a comma, so you get CSV comma delimited. In European countries, a comma ...
#44. Code Lists ITG
This Combined Nomenclature contains the codes prescribed by the European Union for the statistics on International Trade in Goods in all EU countries.
#45. List of recognised travel documents - IBZ
On this website of the European Commission ... Travel documents issued by third countries and territorial entities ...
#46. List EU countries and ISO 3166-1 Alpha-3 code (iso3) - Kaweb
An up to date list EU countries and their ISO 3166-1 Alpha-3 code (iso3) presented in both CSV and PHP array formats.
#47. European Quality of Government Index
It is the first source of data to date that allows researchers to compare QoG within and across countries in a multi-country context. It aims to ...
#48. List of countries by regional classification - Meta-Wiki
For compatibility, we use the ISO 3166 list of countries augmented by a few region names which are sometimes returned by MaxMind.
#49. countries.csv | Dataset Publishing Language
country latitude longitude name AD 42.546245 1.601554 Andorra AE 23.424076 53.847818 United Arab Emirates AF 33.93911 67.709953 Afghanistan
#50. Countries of Europe | TextLists
At the end of the list, you will find files in various formats that you can download for your own use, including plain text files (TXT files) and Excel ...
#51. Population, births, deaths - European and developed countries
Country Population at 1st January 2021 Births 2020 Deaths 20... European Union ‑ 27 (2020‑) 447 007 596 (p) 4 047 432 (p) 5 186 787 Austria 8 932 664 83 603 91 599 Belgium 11 566 041 (p) 114 350 (p) 126 896
#52. CPI 2022 - Corruption Perceptions Index
Countries in the top-scoring region, Western Europe and the European Union, have been at a standstill for over a decade or have declined ...
#53. Data collections - WHO - World Health Organization (WHO)
Data provided by countries to WHO and estimates of TB burden generated by WHO ... The dataset includes the list of ports and other information submitted by ...
#54. VLOOKUP to identify if a coutnry is in the EU or not - Mr. Excel
and want to do a VLOOKUP to confirm whether the country is in the EU ... Create Main table and list all those that belong to EU or not and ...
#55. VLOOKUP to identify if a coutnry is in the EU or not
You could simplify the approach by just having a list of EU countries and then seeing if the country that you are looking for exists in the ...
#56. Destinations | Travelers' Health - CDC
Complete List of Destinations. A; B; C; D; E; F; G; H; I; J; K; L ...
#57. The G20 - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
... South Africa, Türkiye, the United Kingdom, the United States, and the European Union. Each year, the presidency invites guest countries to participate.
#58. Excel Drop Down Lists for Country and City - YouTube
With Excel data validation you can create drop down lists on a worksheet. In this example, use dependent drop down lists, so that after you ...
#59. Full list of all sales to export to excel - Pan EU and EFN
I would like to get an list of all my orders, from all the European countries? ( + .es Can a list be exported to ...
#60. Consolidated Sanctions List (Non-SDN Lists)
In order to make it easier to comply with OFAC's sanctions regulations, the office is now offering all of its non-SDN sanctions lists in a consolidated set ...
#61. List of all Capital Cities in the world -
All population figures refer to the urban area, not to metropolitan regions or counties. ▽ Europe. ▽ America. ▽ Asia. ▽ Australia. ▽ Africa. ▽ Oceania ...
#62. List of Countries in Europe - CopyPasteList
Albania; Andorra; Armenia; Austria; Azerbaijan; Belarus; Belgium; Bosnia and Herzegovina; Bulgaria; Croatia; Cyprus; Czechia; Denmark; Estonia; Finland ...
#63. Global Peace Index Map » The Most & Least Peaceful Countries
Seven of the ten countries at the top of the GPI are in Europe, and Türkiye is the only country in this region to be ranked outside the top half of the index.
#64. FAO Food Price Index | World Food Situation
Favourable crop conditions in Europe, along with an agreement at the end of April allowing Ukrainian grains to transit through the European Union countries ...
#65. WJP Rule of Law Index
Explore rule of law rankings for 140 countries in the WJP Rule of Law Index. The World Justice Project Rule of Law Index® 2022 is the latest report in an ...
#66. Global Gender Gap Report 2022 - Weforum
The terms country and nation as used in ... in 12 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean, ... 5, with additional European countries such as.
#67. 20 Google Bard Announcements. How to Access it Today in ...
EU countries will move to regulate the service as a ... Bard does tables - You can ask Bard to create a list with additional information ...
#68. Coronavirus Pandemic (COVID-19) - Our World in Data
Country -by-country data and research on the pandemic. Updated daily.
#69. Fragile States Index | The Fund for Peace
Measuring Fragility. Risk and Vulnerability in 179 Countries. Learn How · Country Data. Take a deep-dive into the indicator-level and trend data for 179 ...
#70. Forbes List Directory
Forbes Lists · Each year Forbes ranks the world based on a variety of categories ranging from the wealthiest people on the planet to the best colleges America ...
#71. Countries in the EU and EEA - GOV.UK
The European Union (EU) and European Economic Area (EEA) - which countries are in the EU and EEA, the single market and free movement of goods, capital, ...
#72. Country Default Spreads and Risk Premiums - NYU Stern
Country Adj. Default Spread Equity Risk Premium Country Risk Premium Corporate Tax... Abu Dhabi 0.60% 6.79% 0.85% 15.00% Albania 5.51% 13.71% 7.77% 15.00% Algeria 3.68% 11.13% 5.19% 26.00%
#73. List Of All Countries | Excel PDF CSV Download -
A list of countries to copy or download in many formats including Excel and PDF. The world is a big place, and it's always good to know where you're going.
#74. World countries database - 362 columns of facts and figures
Are you looking for a database of countries in Excel format with their facts and ... dependent territories, as well as oceans, World and European Union.
#75. List of countries covered by the Regional Office for Europe ...
List of countries covered by the Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia ... Regions and countries covered: Europe ...
#76. List of Countries in Excel Spreadsheet for Drop Down List
Attached to this post is an excel spreadsheet i use for populating drop down lists for choosing countries. Personally i prefer to have these ...
#77. EU Member Countries - List of Countries in the European Union
Later in 1957, the Treaty of Rome was signed by six founding members: Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands— creating the common ...
#78. European Union Country List - University of Galway
European Union Country List. Expand all ... No personal data is stored on these cookies but, under EU law, ... Co-Funded by the Irish Government and the EU ...
#79. EU, EEA, EFTA and Schengen Area countries | European Union
See the lists of countries below. The 27 EU Member States. The EU is a political and economic union of Member States that are located in Europe. There are 27 ...
#80. EU, EEA, EFTA and Schengen countries -
What are the 27 EU member states? What countries fall under the EEA, EFTA or the Schengen area? Take a look at the lists of countries.
#81. Journal of the Society of Arts - 第 3 卷 - 第 134 頁 - Google 圖書結果
quisites of the mercantile law of nations may enable the with those Codes which ... In most countries in Europe SEVENTH ORDINARY MEETING . they are reduced ...
#82. United States Trade in Wood Products, 1978-2005
nations also underwent reclassification. Because membership in the European Union changes often, membership in the European Economic Area (EEA) was used to ...
#83. EFA Global Monitoring Report – 2013–2014 – Teaching and ...
Developing countries are those in Part 1 of the DAC List of Aid ... low and middle income countries except twelve Central and Eastern European countries and ...
#84. Resources in Education
that Canada received very little attention in western European schools . ... Europe Educators from European countries were presented with up - to - date ...
#85. Official Report of Debates: Vol. 3: Sittings 17 to 24, Pages ...
Recently nationalist parties had emerged in several European countries , such as Aus- ... First , I thank our colleague , Mr Behrendt , for his excel- lent ...
#86. United States Foreign Policy for a Post-war Recovery ...
It occupies the largest place in the list , yes , sir . ... your assistants have done an excel- lent job for the country , and I wish to thank you for it .
#87. Against Islamophobia: Quantitative Analyses of Global ...
... faith 10 Membership in the European Union Geography Dummy for being landlocked ... 5 Taken from William Easterly , EXCEL data file freely available at ...
#88. Report of a Working Group on Wheat: First Meeting- 8-10 ...
Other countries historically related to Spain are also widely represented. ... of Swiss origin amount to 2388 and 4760 are mostly from European countries.
list of european countries excel 在 Excel Drop Down Lists for Country and City - YouTube 的推薦與評價
With Excel data validation you can create drop down lists on a worksheet. In this example, use dependent drop down lists, so that after you ... ... <看更多>