#1. Medication Reconciliation的病人安全問題- 詹廖明義*病人 ...
Med Rec 依定義,是一個Process,用來取得與記載一位病人在其住院時,關於他正在使用的藥物之完整名單,以便與醫師在住院,轉送不同單位及出院時開立的處方 ...
#2. 藥物重整 - 中文百科知識
藥物重整( medication reconciliation,簡稱Med-Rec),根據衛生保健組織認證聯合會( the Joint Commissionon Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations, JCAHO, ...
因此,醫療界必須採取措施,以提升藥物安全,其中一個方法就是藥物整合(Medication Reconciliation)。 甚麼是藥物整合? 相信對香港人來說,藥物整合是相當陌生的。
再加上國際間也開始推動的「用藥整合(Medication Reconciliation)」概念,提醒病人及家屬應與醫療團隊溝通和檢視自己或家人的完整用藥資訊。
#5. medication reconciliation中文 :: 軟體兄弟
medication reconciliation中文,因此,本院除提供主動臨櫃或電聯之民眾藥歷整合(medication reconciliation) 服務外,更特別於藥局處方聯上標示出多重用藥高風險者, ...
#6. 常用品質中英文名詞對照表
medication reconciliation. 目標值 target value. 六劃. 全人健康照護/ 全人照護 holistic health care. 全面品質管理 total quality management. 全院複評.
不論是現在熱門的議題Medication Therapy Management (MTM)或臨床 ... 用藥持續性照護(Medication reconciliation)等,這些多年來世界各國藥學界議論 ...
#8. 談藥師介入自備藥整合之重要性/葉清政、罕華發 - 藥學雜誌 ...
近十餘年來的新興議題「用藥連貫性(medication reconciliation)」更擴大了用藥整合作業的範圍,可以在「連續性」的醫療照護上降低前後處方的不一致, ...
#9. 從醫院回到家中的出院計劃- 獨居聯盟《藥物管理資源指南》
您可能會聽到醫院員工談論「合藥(med rec)」。 這是「整合藥物(medication reconciliation)」的簡 ... 中文和俄語版:
#10. 開發人工智慧藥物辨識為基礎之創新住院與門診用藥整合服務
而用藥整合(medication reconciliation)可減少跨. 院藥品交互作用與重複用藥問題,惟台灣民眾藥物取得方式 ... 中文關鍵詞:藥物辨識、人工智慧、藥事諮詢、用藥安全.
#11. Airiti Library華藝線上圖書館
由 CH Lee 著作 · 2017 — Improving the Quality of Medication Reconciliation for Admission Patients Using HFMEA and NHI-PharmaCloud. 利用HFMEA及健保雲端改善新入院病人的用藥整合結果.
#12. Medication Reconciliation的病人安全問題- Udn 部落格-運動貼文懶人 ...
Medication Reconciliation (縮寫為Med Rec),在中文,格主尚未找到很好的翻譯名稱,所以決定就用縮寫幺下去! 為了回應一位等不及的病安同好熱情來函 .
#13. 药物整合在呼吸内科患者用药差错防范中的应用 - 中国药事
Abstract: Objective: To discuss the effects of medication reconciliation in promoting the rational drug use and preventing medication errors and ...
#14. 醫院管理局
"E-FILL” Hospital Authority Drug Refill Services Pilot Programme. 醫院會在相關藥劑部設立「覆配易」覆配 ... reconciliation; and will arrange telephone call.
#15. 我的藥物記錄(中文第二版)
我的藥物記錄(中文第二版). $0. A medication chart for medication reconciliation. 我的藥物記錄(中文第二版) 數量. Proceed to Download 前往下載. 分類: 藥物管理.
#16. 以住院病患為中心之轉銜照護品質及其影響相關因素
語文別: 中文. 論文頁數: 126. 中文關鍵詞: 轉銜照護、照護品質、出院準備. 外文關鍵詞: Care transition、Quality of care、Post-discharge. 相關次數:.
#17. medication reconciliation 中文 - 掘金
medication reconciliation 中文 技术、学习、经验文章掘金开发者社区搜索结果。掘金是一个帮助开发者成长的社区,medication reconciliation 中文技术文章由稀土上聚集 ...
#18. 中文摘要(Traditional Chinese Abstracts)*
度還需要進一步發展。 翻譯:陳俞蓁校閱: 陳正怡總校閱:簡文山. Electronic medication reconciliation and medication errors. 電子用藥記錄和用藥錯誤.
#19. Intoduction to Medication Review | 學術寫作例句辭典
Intoduction to Medication Review | 學術寫作例句辭典. ... included medication reviews, managing long-term conditions and medicines reconciliation.
#20. 处方- 维基百科,自由的百科全书
處方(英語:Medical prescription),通常用℞或是Rx縮寫的形式來表示,是醫生或其他註冊醫療衛生 ... 您现在使用的中文变体可能会影响一些词语繁简转换的效果。
#21. Medication Reconciliation Handbook - 博客來
書名:Medication Reconciliation Handbook,語言:英文,ISBN:9781599403090,頁數:260,作者:Mansur, Jeannell (FRW)/ Phillips, Marjorie Shaw (FRW), ...
#22. reconciliation process — 中文翻译- TechDico辞書 - 中文- 英语 ...
Analysis of the medication reconciliation process conducted at hospital admissionObjective: To analyze the outcomes of a medication reconciliation process ...
#23. 保險業常用名詞
COBRA: Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985 是一項聯邦法例, ... Drug Formulary (處方藥物表): 由保險機構與藥劑師及醫生,共同劃定的藥劑產品 ...
#24. essential medication - Linguee | 中英词典(更多其他语言)
大量翻译例句关于"essential medication" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。
#25. Medication errors: Cut your risk with these tips - Mayo Clinic
Medication errors refer to mistakes in prescribing, dispensing and giving ... Medication reconciliation is a safety strategy that involves comparing the ...
#26. Medication reconciliation at two teaching hospitals in Australia
Triaging of patients and, more collaboration between doctors and pharmacists are required for efficient in-hospital medication reconciliation. 中文翻译: ...
#27. High5s implementation guide: medication reconciliation
High5s implementation guide: medication reconciliation. 23 February 2021. | Technical document. AddThis Sharing Buttons. Share to Print Share to Email Share ...
#28. 搜索
To describe the medication reconciliation educational program, its implementation in a healthcare system, pharmacist and clinic personnel ...
#29. Effect of an Electronic Medication Reconciliation Intervention ...
Key Points español 中文 (chinese). Question Does an electronic medication reconciliation tool reduce the occurrence of adverse drug events ...
#30. Hospital-Wide Medication Reconciliation Program: Error ...
Hospital-Wide Medication Reconciliation Program: Error Identification, Cost-Effectiveness, and Detecting High-Risk Individuals on Admission.
#31. Medication Reconciliation eLearning Module - Alberta Health ...
Medication Reconciliation (MedRec) plays a key role in ensuring patient safety. It is a systematic process in which healthcare providers partner with ...
#32. Medication Reconciliation | Electronic Health Record (EHR)
As defined by the JCAHO, medication reconciliation is "the process of comparing a patient's medication orders to all of the medications that the patient has ...
#33. Etd | Task analysis for medication reconciliation by pharmacists
Task analysis for medication reconciliation by pharmacists 公开 Deposited. Creator. Lysa Bezemek. Identifier.
#34. 中文PubMed生物医学文献数据库
PURPOSE: To identify the number of medication discrepancies following establishment of a telephon... 关键词: ambulatory care medication reconciliation ...
#35. Reducing medication errors for adults in hospital settings
Medication reconciliation –the process of comparing a patient's medication orders to the medications that the patient has been taking– was ...
#36. 建構以價值為導向的居家醫療照護模式 - 臺北市首座
視(Medication Reconciliation)。 (3) 每年登載病人的意向。 (4) 30 天再住院率。 (5) 可避免之住院(Hospital admissions for. Ambulatory Care Sensitive Conditions) ...
#37. 检索结果-维普期刊中文期刊服务平台
作者 陈强 曲珊珊 黄欣 《中国药房》 CAS 北大核心 2019年第2期268-271,共4页: 目的:分析中文版8条目Morisky用药依从性量表(MMAS-8)评价心血管慢病患者用药 ...
#38. 中文版MMAS-8评价心血管慢病患者用药依从性的信效度分析与实践
... 英文关键词:Chinese version of MMAS-8;Reliability;Validity;Medication Reconciliation;Chronic cardiovascular disease;Medication compliance; 中文刊名: ...
#39. Medication Reconciliation: A Learning Guide - Queen's ...
Medication Reconciliation is a formal process in which healthcare providers partner with patients and their families to ensure accurate and complete ...
#40. 胡慧蘭老師發表- 國立陽明大學護理學院
中文 期刊. 第一作者或通訊作者論文篇數 ... Post-hospital medication reconciliation in older Chinese-American home care patients: correlation, prevalence, ...
#41. Preventing medication errors in the hospital - AboutKidsHealth
Medication reconciliation is important because: It reduces the chance of your child having a bad reaction to medication. It gives health-care ...
#42. Pharmacist-conducted medication reconciliation at hospital ...
Pharmacist-conducted medication reconciliation at hospital admission using information technology in Taiwan. Yen Ying Lee, Li Na Kuo, Yi Chun Chiang, ...
#43. Medication Reconciliation - National Jewish Health
Studies have shown that more than 40% of medication errors are believed to result from inadequate reconciliation of medications in handoffs from one patient ...
#44. Transitions of Care-Medication Reconciliation Post-Discharge
Documentation in outpatient medical record must include evidence of medication reconciliation with most recent list and the date when it was performed. The ...
#45. Beyond Medication Reconciliation: The Correct Medication List
Medication reconciliation is a major focus of quality measurement activities, and according to The Joint Commission, primary care clinicians ...
#46. Elaine S - Medical Affairs Manager - Eisai Oncology ... - LinkedIn
Eisai Oncology MedicalUniversity of Minnesota College of Pharmacy. 台灣48 位聯絡人 ... Conducted medication reconciliation in emergency department
#47. Department of Pharmacy
Patient medication counseling is provided to about 5% of outpatients Our ... and all medical staff, including medication reconciliation and identifying.
#48. 临床药师参与1例高龄患者治疗的药物重整 - 维普资讯中文期刊服务平台
[1]Bayoumi I, Howard M, Holbrook AM, et al. Interventions to improve medication reconciliation in primary care[J]. Ann Pharmacother, 2009,43 (10) : 1 667.
#49. HEDIS Measure: Medication Reconciliation Post-Discharge
March 18, 2021. Medication reconciliation post-discharge (MRP) can reduce the chance of adverse drug events especially for patients taking multiple ...
#50. 以就診為單位之門診藥物推薦
Medication recommendation system can assist doctors making prescription, and it is also useful for medication reconciliation. We use outpatient data from ...
#51. Medication Reconciliation Post-Discharge - SCAN Health Plan!
Medication reconciliation is a critical part of post-discharge care coordination for all patients taking prescription medications.
#52. Clinical Skills Certificate for International Pharmacy – Chinese ...
Clinical Skills Certificate for International Pharmacy – Chinese (中文) ... to complete a medication history and reconciliation at admission and discharge.
#53. RECONCILIATION | Pronunciation in English
reconciliation pronunciation. How to say reconciliation. ... How to pronounce reconciliation noun in British English.
#54. 和医治-翻译为英语-例句中文 - Reverso Context
and medical treatment. and treatable. and treating ... Reconciliation and healing between the Timorese will also further improve relations with Indonesia.
#55. 药架背后的药房故事 - 北京和睦家医院
和睦家药房提供的这项服务叫做“药物重整(medication reconciliation)”,贯穿患者从入院到出院的整个过程。在入院时,收集患者的药物治疗记录,包括处方药、非处方药 ...
#56. What interventions improve the accuracy and continuity of ...
Medication reconciliation involves building a complete list of a person's medications, checking them for accuracy, reconciling and ...
#57. Pharmacy Chief's Passion for Medication Safety Leads to New ...
A bill requiring hospital pharmacy staff to obtain an accurate medication history for every high-risk patient upon admission is driving ...
#58. Medication Reconciliation - Document - Gale Academic OneFile
Medication reconciliation should be completed at every transition of care. In particular, patients should have an accurate, clear list of medications at ...
#59. Student Research | A Medication Reconciliation Educational ...
A Medication Reconciliation Educational Intervention To Improve Medication Adherence In A Medically Underserved Population: A Pilot Study.
#60. Bedside Prescription Delivery | El Camino Health
Review your current medications and discharge prescriptions to prevent errors, duplications or drug interactions (medication reconciliation).
#61. Patient Safety Projects - Estes Park Health
A complete an accurate medication list is the foundation for addressing medication reconciliation and medication management issues.
#62. Cardinal Health™ Reconciliation
Cardinal Health simplifies the management of third-party reimbursements. Learn about the advantages and features of our medication reconciliation software.
#63. Monitoring Your Medicines in the Hospital
As an active patient, you can keep careful track of the medicines you're ... Before discharge, most hospitals do what's called a "medication reconciliation.
#64. Clinical Pharmacist Medication Reconciliation job in ...
Position: Clinical Pharmacist Medication Reconciliation UH Facility: Cleveland Medical Center Shift: Rotating Day/Evening Status: Full-time
#65. A case of colchicine induced dysgeusia - Pesquisa .bvsalud .org
العربية; 中文 (中国); english; français; Русский; español; português ... Medication reconciliation revealed colchicine as the only new medication.
#66. For Providers | Blessing Health System
... Part 2: Admission Medication Reconciliation Video · Order Reconciliation Part 3: Clarifying Medications After Medication Reconciliation Completed Video ...
#67. Drug-Related Problems in Older Adults - Geriatrics - MSD ...
Many drug-related problems could be prevented if greater attention were given to medication reconciliation when patients are admitted or discharged from the ...
#68. definition of medication reconciliation by Medical dictionary
medication reconciliation. Any process that ensures that the medications given to and taken by the patient are the same as those prescribed by the health care ...
#69. Program Overview - St. Peter's Health Partners
These pharmacies provide comprehensive pharmacy services which include discharge medication reconciliation, patient education, disease state education and ...
#70. Important information to avoid medication error - San ...
For Medication Reconciliation, review medications with the patient, family members, and the Enterprise Medication List, along with your ...
#71. TPP first to gain approval for national rollout of GP Connect
The first phase involves the transfer of structured medication and allergies data. This will support Medications Reconciliation, ...
#72. Care Hub Components - SHC Medical Partners
Interventions include solid communication between acute and post-acute care providers, attention to medication reconciliation and optimization, and timely ...
#73. Community Pharmacists and Medication Therapy Management
MTM is a group of services that pharmacists and others can provide to find, treat, and educate patients with chronic conditions.
#74. Clinical Practice Guidelines | Provider Information - Tufts ...
We periodically update our clinical practice guidelines to include new information about treatments, medications, and technology that reflect best practices ...
#75. Opinion | Many Drugs and Many Doctors Lead to Many Mistakes
The abundance of errors in medication lists put patients at risk. ... resolve this chaos through a process called medication reconciliation.
#76. medication Management | Home Health Companions
Medication reconciliation. ○ Clinical reviews of a patient's medication. ○ Therapeutic drug monitoring. ○ Adverse drug reaction management.
#77. Vancouver Coastal Health
A heartfelt thank you to our staff, medical staff and volunteers for all that you do, every day, to make VCH one of the best places to work in Canada," said ...
#78. Medication Reconciliation Flashcards | Quizlet
These are examples of _____ encountered during medication reconciliation. -poly pharmacy, poly prescribers -low health literacy -language barrier btwn patient ...
#79. PGY1 Pharmacy Residency | Valley Health System
The resident will also be responsible for completing adverse drug reaction ... Transitions of Care: Emergency Department & Medication Reconciliation - ...
#80. Anne Franzene, Pharmacy Preceptor - Froedtert
... of research protocols into the electronic medical record, and statistics ... Sign and Hold at Discharge Medication Reconciliation for Pharmacist Review ...
#81. Practice - University Health Network
... Patient medication reconciliation; Patient care rounds; Drug information for patients and other ... English; |; Français; |; 中文 (简体); |; 中文 (繁體) ...
#82. Preceptors Chicago, Illinois (IL), Advocate Health
Residency: Rush University Medical Center (PGY1), 2007; Detroit Receiving Hospital (PGY2 Emergency ... Interests: Medication Reconciliation, Anticoagulation ...
#83. Services - Tabula Rasa HealthCare
Pharmacist in-home and call center; Medication Reconciliation ... Clinical Pharmacist Call Center provides Medication Risk Mitigation and support for health ...
#84. EireneRx® - CareKinesis
Electronic medication reconciliation; Warfarin/tracking trending tool; Aggregate reporting …and more! You benefit from: up-to-date dispensing ...
#85. Pharmacy | Collingwood General & Marine Hospital
The pharmacy department is responsible for the distribution of medication to inpatients at CGMH. ... DVT prophylaxis program and medication reconciliation.
#86. Annual Wellness Visit - BSNENY
Medication reconciliation. Health and wellness: ID risk factors and treatment options. Daily living: functional ability, falls risk, hearing, home safety, ...
#87. Adena Healthcare Collaborative
Adena Medical Group, LLC N. ACO governing body: ... Kirk Tucker, MD - Medical Director ... ACO #12, Medication Reconciliation, N/A
#88. 提升高齡急診待床病人用藥安全 - 中華民國重症醫學會
以上的高齡者,因藥物不良事件(adverse drug event, ADE)而至急診就醫的機率為一般人的 ... 來進行藥物整合(medication reconciliation)。7.
#89. How to Overcome the Top 4 EHR Implementation Challenges
EHRs and electronic medical records (EMRs) are often referred to ... Medication reconciliation: Before an EHR implementation goes live, ...
#90. Life Stories from America's Death Row - Plough Publishing
The stories relate miserable poverty, drug-addicted parents, abusive family members with untreated mental health issues, and violence and ...
#91. What is Medication Reconciliation? | LHSC
Medication Reconciliation, sometimes called "Med Rec" is a term used to describe the process of comparing a patient's medication and drug dose history to ...
#92. ucsf facilities work order. Undergraduate Volunteers. " Cyrus ...
Streamline reconciliation and reporting with desktop account access. ... Contact Us - English, Español, and Chinese 中文 A comprehensive medical center.
#93. Best Riel Podcasts (2022) - Player FM
Without resolving the conflicts around land in a fair and collaborative manner, real reconciliation will be difficult to achieve.
#94. Medication Reconciliation - Patient Safety and Quality - NCBI
There is some evidence to demonstrate how a medication reconciliation process is effective at preventing adverse drug events.
#95. 【每周碰词】Medication Reconciliation 用药比对 - 健康界
核心提示:用药比对(Medication Reconciliation)是一个正式的医疗流程。科学的用药比对能极大地降低病人的药物不良事件,提高医疗质量, ...