#1. 慢性病預防的關鍵-運動強度時間(METs-min)! - 疾病防治
MET 被定義為一特定身體活動期間的代謝率(也就是能量消耗速率)與參考代謝率的比值。每公斤體重從事1分鐘活動,消耗3.5毫升的氧氣,這樣的運動強度為1 MET ...
MET 可以被理解為特定活動狀態下相對於靜息代謝(安靜的坐著休息,Resting Metabolic)狀態的能耗水平。MET值的取值範圍可以從0.9(睡覺時)到23(以22.5 km/h ...
The amount of MET minutes per week tells you how much energy you have expended while performing various activities throughout the whole week.
#4. 現階段的防疫與未來,規律運動還是個選擇嗎?曹育翔Hardy
在文章中建議MET; 500-1000 MET min/week為最有效益的區間,在此我們也能將他稱為「每週最佳的防疫身體活動量」,看到這可能有些不明白,沒關係的!
#5. Mortality reduction with physical activity in patients with and ...
Current guidelines recommend at least 500–1000 metabolic equivalent task (MET)-minutes per week of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity.
#6. What Are METs, and How Are They Calculated?
Aiming for at least 500 MET minutes a week is a good goal for optimal cardiovascular health. How you reach that goal is up to you. You can ...
#7. What Are MET Scores and How Are They Used ...
Generally, an improvement in health requires 500-1000 MET minutes a week. You may need more MET minutes to lose weight. Instead of using MET ...
#8. Difference between WHO recommended MET-min ≥600 ...
Difference between WHO recommended MET-min ≥600 per week and self-reported physically active more than 2.5 h per week and associated sociodemographic factors ...
#9. 32.一位60公斤男性執行6 MET的慢跑運動,每天40分鐘
32.一位60公斤男性執行6 MET的慢跑運動,每天40分鐘,一週3天,則其一週累積運動總量(exercise volume)為多少? (A)18 MET-min·week-1 (B)240 MET-min·week-1 (C)432 ...
#10. Mean MET-min/week expenditure for overall physical ...
MET -min/week from overall physical activity is the sum of MET-min/week from the three domains of physical activity: 1) at work; 2) during travel or transport; ...
#11. Calculating MET-Minutes for a Workout and the Week - YouTube
This video shows Dr. Evan Matthews explaining how to calculate MET - minutes (metabolic equivalent of task - minutes ) which can be used to ...
#12. According to Research, This Is How Much Exercise You ...
The study found that physical activity levels exceeding these recommendations, approximately 5000 MET min/week, was the most effective volume of ...
#13. Physical Activity Recommendations for Healthy Adults
Healthy adults should expend between 450 and 750 MET.min per week to achieve the recommended minimum. Table. Activity Recommendations for ...
#14. Correlation of training volume in MET-min/week with the ...
KU-GONZALEZ, Andrés et al. Correlation of training volume in MET-min/week with the percentage of estimated VO2p gain in patients with chronic heart failure with ...
#15. Physical Activity and Health: What Is the Best Dose?
150 minutes per week of moderate-intensity PA or 75 min- utes per week of ... 75 minutes per week would also be 7.5 MET-h/week. The men evaluated from the ...
#16. Using MET-Minutes to Track Volume of Physical Activity
1) The Physical Activity Guidelines mentioned earlier include a recommendation of 500-1,000 MET-minutes per week for significant health benefits ...
#17. WHO's recommended level of exercise too low to beat ...
But the study suggested that most health gains were achieved at between 3,000 and 4,000 Met minutes a week. The lead author, Hmwe Kyu from the ...
#18. a systematic review and meta-analysis
Compared with the recommended level of physical activity (750 MET min/ week), mortality risk was lower at physical activity levels exceeding the ...
#19. Vigorous intensity physical activity is related to the metabolic ...
VPA had a greater influence on the MetS than an equivalent energy expenditure dose of MPA. For instance, between 0 and 500 MET min/week of MPA ...
#20. IPAQ Analysis
A combined total physical activity MET-min/week can be computed as the sum of Walking +. Moderate + Vigorous MET-min/week scores. The MET values used in the ...
#21. 國軍人員身體活動量與體能鑑測成績之研究
... MET-min/週<600) 98人;足夠者(600≦MET-min/週<3000) 419人;高標者(MET ... (MET-min/week ≧ 3000) 483 people. The average body mass index (BMI) was ...
#22. Introduction to Metabolic Equivalent (代谢当量) | 学术写作 ...
结果:21% 的受访者被归类为不活跃,每周达到298 ± 178 分钟的代谢当量(MET-min/week)。 UK University Staff experience high levels of sedentary behaviour during ...
#23. Metabolic equivalent (MET): Pick the best ...
At this level of training, you may be near 450 MET-minutes per week, which is the research exercise standard that adds three years to your life expectancy.
#24. Calculate the training volume assuming individual was ...
Training volume for MET-min/week = 660 MET-min/week. Training volume for kcal/week = 3,812 kcal/week. **Noted from previous question that student is 60 kg**.
#25. Using METs to Track Physical Activity | Signos
6 METs x 60 minutes = 360 MET minutes. Remember, the CDC recommends at least 500-1000 MET minutes per week for good health. In this example ...
#26. Higher daily physical activity levels may facilitate pre- ...
We further noted that each 500 MET-min/week activity corresponded to an elevated chance of returning to normoglycemia by 5% (OR = 1.05, 95% CI = 1.01–1.11). The ...
#27. Matthew wants to achieve an exercise volume of
Question: Matthew wants to achieve an exercise volume of 1,000 MET-min. week-1. How long must each of his aerobic exercise sessions be if he works at a 5 ...
#28. is the effect on adherence to physical activity sustainable in ...
MET min /week, mean (SD). Vigorous PA. 48 (300). 67 (451). 0.636. Moderate PA. 387 (1167). 206 (788). 0.084. Walk. 937 (956). 646 (818). 0.002. Total PA. 1373 ( ...
#29. High physical activity levels may counter ser
For example, 600 MET minutes a week is the equivalent of 150 minutes of moderate intensity activity, or more than 75 minutes of vigorous ...
#30. How to measure physical activity - Physio Solutions
Current WHO guidelines =600 – 1200 MET minutes per week. New recommendations show most health gains occur when people achieve 3000 to 4000 MET minutes per week.
#31. Reducing the burden due to overweight (including obesity) ...
The physical activity categories are defined in terms of weekly MET-mins as below: Sedentary: Less than 600 MET-mins per week; Low: 600 – 2,399 ...
#32. IPAQ - Score
5 or more days of any combination of walking, moderate-intensity or vigorous intensity activities achieving a minimum of at least 600 MET-min/week. Category 3: ...
#33. Association of the combined effects of air pollution and ...
PA was calculated as minutes of metabolic equivalent tasks per week (MET-min/week) based on two consecutive health examinations from 2009 to 2012. Compared with ...
#34. Calories Burned/METs Calculator
One MET corresponds to an energy expenditure of 1 kcal/kg/hour. One MET can also be expressed as oxygen uptake of 3.5 ml/kg/min. ... week based on its metabolic ...
#35. Table 3 Reliability results of new PAQs
OIMQ - Total MET-min/week = MET-min/week for total activity, i.e. moderate and vigorous activities. Philippaerts (2006): Total hrs/week = Total hours per week ...
#36. Association between Physical Activity and 32 Chronic ...
The lowest prevalence was in the group doing at least 1200 MET-min/week (in 30 of the 32). Adjusted multivariable logistic regression analyses showed that less ...
#37. According to this study, this is how much exercise you need ...
... MET min/week, was the most effective volume of exercise. This ... minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobic physical activity per week. This can ...
#38. Metabolic equivalent task assessment for physical activity ...
Walking MET-minutes/week = ×3.3 walking minutes × walking days. 2. Moderate ... or 150 min a week of the vigorous-intensity aerobic PA, or an equivalent ...
PA was expressed a metabolic equivalent-minute per week (MET-min/ week). METmin/week score of specific activity is computed MET value of particular activity ...
#40. 한국어판 단문형 국제신체활동설문(IPAQ)의 신뢰도와 타당도
단위는 MET-min per week인데 계산은 '각. 활동의 MET level'×'시행 기간 minutes'×'주당 횟수'이. 다. 걷기는 3.3, 중등도 강도 활동은 4.0, 격렬한 활동은. 8.0 METs로 ...
#41. How Much Exercise Is Enough?
The ideal intensity of activity that provides substantial health benefits suggested by the Guidelines is of 500–1000 MET-min/week (metabolic equivalents).
#42. Physical fitness
minutes a week or run at 9 miles∙h-1 (15 METs) for between 33 and 66 minutes ... mLO2∙kg−1∙min−1 where 1 MET is equivalent to 3.5 mLO2∙kg−1∙min−1.
#43. Airiti Library華藝線上圖書館
... MET-min./week (15 year old girls) to 4,467 MET-min./week (17 year old girls), while acquired results in boys varies from 2,535 MET-min./week (16 year old ...
#44. Comparison of the level of physical activity after the COVID ...
The analysis of energetic expenditure during walking revealed that students from the Czech Republic and Slovakia had higher median MET-min/weeks ...
#45. Better Option for Improving Metabolic Syndrome
3. Physical activity and resistance exercise · - Occupational vigorous PA (MET)=8.0×vigorous PA (day/week)×1-day vigorous PA (min/day) · - ...
#46. Physical activity level and participation in strength training ( ...
Fifty one participants (26.6%) showed zero MET min/week for walking, 64 participants (33.3%) for moderate activities and more than half (68.8%; n=132) for ...
#47. Association between sleep quality and physical activity ...
This means an activity level of approximately 150 min/week of brisk walking or 75 min/week of running. ... Physical activity of 9,000 MET-min/week ...
#48. This is the amount of exercise you should be doing every day
“Results suggest that total physical activity needs to be several times higher than the recommended minimum level of 600 MET minutes/week for ...
#49. Leisure-time physical activity and mortality risk in type 2 ...
Only the comparison of 0 MET-min/week and >800. MET-min/week was statistically significant in all-cause mortality. (p=0.002), for cardiovascular mortality this ...
#50. naire and its Construct Validity among Adults in Kerala, India
Using total MVPA MET-minutes per week, we categorized the physical activity levels of participants as low (<600 MET-min per week), moderate (600 ...
#51. development-of-evidence-based-physical-activity-for- ...
It is emphasised that, while the lower end of this range (500 MET.min/week) will provide considerable health benefits (including reduced risk of cardiovascular.
#52. knowledge of heart disease and indices of physical activity ...
RESULTS: Sixty-seven percent of students met recommended PA guidelines with a minimum of 500 MET-min/week of MVPA. Females had greater RFK than males (4.6 ...
#53. View of Evaluation of physical activity levels and ...
Vigorous, moderate and walking IPAQ total scores of all group were 3465.91 met-min/week, 960.66 met-min/week, 758.81 met-min/week respectively. %18.1 (n=626) ...
#54. 国際標準化身体活動質問票のデータ処理 および解析に関する ...
MET levels. MET-minutes/week for 30 min/day, 5 days. Walking = 3.3 METs. 3.3*30*5 = 495 MET-minutes/week. Moderate Intensity = 4.0 METs 4.0*30*5 = 600 MET- ...
#55. What is the relation between aerobic capacity and physical ...
Considering values of metabolic equivalent of task (MET, MET-min·week-1 ) obtained by the short International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) ...
#56. Self-reported physical activity using the International ...
The weighted MET-minutes per week were then calculated by multiplying the ... Walking MET-min/wk + moderate MET-min/wk + vigorous MET-min/wk. IPAQ ...
#57. The optimal dose of exercise to improve cognitive function ...
MET minutes per week (MET-min). The results. Overall exercise had a large positive effect on cognitive function up to approximately 1200 MET-min, which is ...
#58. : Return 3628
... (MET) min/week and 7-day average acceleration, and trabeculation extent via maximal non-compaction/compaction ratio (NC/C) in long-axis images of ...
#59. 資料 1:身体活動と総死亡および心血管疾患 ...
① 0 MET-min/week(ref: 参照. 群). ② 1-499 MET-min/week vs ref: RR 0.78 (0.71-0.87). ③500-999 MET-min/week vs ref: RR 0.72 (0.65-0.88). ④≥1000 MET-min/week ...
#60. Can Physical Activity Lower the Risk for COVID-19?
... [MET]-min/wk) with severe COVID-19 illness and death. Greatest benefit was from physical activity ≥ 500-MET min/week (150 min/wk moderate-intensity or 75 min ...
#61. level of physical activity among persons from independent ...
VPA – vigorous physical activity (8.0 METs). PA indicators in kcal/week calculated by the EE formula [kcal/week] = MET-min × (weight in kg/60kg) ...
#62. Associations of physical activity levels, and attitudes ...
159.6) than MET-min 600–2999 min/week 148.0 (143.0, 152.9) and MET-min>3000 min/ week 146.9 (144.5, 149.3), p = 0.001 for trend. Sitting ...
#63. Role of physical activity in the occurrence of falls and fall ...
... (MET-min/week) of total physical activity and increased by 5% for each 100 MET-min/week of vigorous-intensity physical activity; total physical activity >1125 ...
#64. Physical Activity Levels and Predictors during COVID-19 ...
Machine learning models were applied to predict total. PA ≥ 600 MET·min/week. Results: Among 795 participants, while 67.5% auto-declared a ...
#65. Chapter 16 Flashcards
It is recommended that MVPA should be performed for approximately _____ MET-min/week. A. 75-150. B. 150-300. C. 500-1000. D. 300-500. c. Using the FITT ...
#66. Original Article
462 MET-min/week, indicating that more than half of the individuals did not meet the required minimum level of physical mobility of 600 MET-min/week (16).
#67. General Physical Activities Defined by Level of Intensity
weight per minute (1.2 kcal/min for a 70-kg individual). For example, a 2-MET activity requires two times the metabolic energy expenditure of sitting quietly.
#68. Relationship between physical activity and perceived ...
min/week), moderate physical activity level. (moderately active: 600-3000 MET-min/week), and vigorous-intensity activity (high activity. >3000 MET-min/week).
#69. Self-reported physical activity in Danish patients with ...
Patients reporting a total score above 960 MET-min./week were excluded. The MDI is based on the ICD-10 criteria for depression may be used as a diagnostic tool ...
#70. Prevalence of Metabolic Syndrome and Its Relation to ...
The output of moderately (minimally/sufficiently) active participants (600–3000 MET-min/week) were (1) 3 or more days of vigorous activity of at ...
#71. Comparing physical activity prescription with verbal advice ...
To obtain weekly energy expenditure (MET-min/week), 7-day data were summarised. IPAQ data processing. IPAQ contains questions on vigorous ...
#72. Physical activity and energy expenditure among older adults
For total vigorous activity PA ± EE were 7260. (MET-min/week) ± 648.75 (Kcal/week), total moderate activity PA was 72382.5 (MET-min/week) and EE ...
#73. Metabolic Equivalents: What Are They & How to Calculate ...
Therefore, we will assume 1 MET is the equivalent to a Vo2 (a measure of oxygen consumption) of 3.5mL/kg/min (resting state) and is equal to burning 1 kcal/min.
#74. KoreaMed Synapse
운동량 단계에 따라 비활동(inactive) 혹은 최소한의 신체활동(minimally active, <3,000 MET-min/week)을 하는 군과 건강증진형 활동(health enhancing ...
#75. Study of nursing students physical activity levels
... MET-min/week. Walking activities were the dominant area of PA (mean = 1557.6 MET-min/week), whereas vigorous activities were the least common. Compared to ...
#76. MET Calculator
The metabolic equivalent of task (MET) is the ratio of the metabolic rate during exercise to the metabolic rate at rest. Use the MET calculator to see how ...
#77. Physical activity and sitting time changes in response to ...
... week before and during the lockdown. Metabolic equivalent minutes per week (MET-min/week) were calculated and participants were classified as engaging in ...
#78. Prescribed exercise to Reduce Recidivism After Weight ...
40 min, 5 sess. per wk. Exercise training procedures: The weekly MET minute requirements will be divided into 3–5 sessions per week on ...
#79. abstract
... (MET-min) values per week. Results: levels of PA, SB and DH were evident ... week and were more physically active than males. The adults with higher BMI ...
#80. Physical activity before and during the COVID-19 ...
Results: The youth showed the highest result in total weekly energy expenditure (3,893.72 ± 2,010.01 MET-min/week) compared to young adults ( ...
#81. Medicine®
05). Weekly energy expenditure (MET-min/week) was moderately correlated with 10, 30, and 60 seconds STS tests and 6MWT. (r= ...
#82. Physical activity patterns in the French 18-74-year-old ...
Medians for each PA intensity level were calculated in adults who practiced activities of that intensity level at least one day per week, while total MET-min/ ...
Self-evaluation of. Pa weekly levels, expressed in metabolic equivalent of task units (MeT-min/week), were identified in three areas of effort ...
#84. Comparison of physical activity between Olomouc and ...
... MET - min/week), followed by Olomouc female students in Olomouc (Mdn = 3903; M = 5296 MET - min/week). In the Beijing sample, male students ...
#85. 39-LB: The Greater the Increase in Physical Activity and ...
A greater increase in MET-min/week after MBS was associated with a greater reduction in fat mass after MBS (β = -0.217, P = 0.007), but not with ...
#86. Heesch, Kristi
vigorous-intensity physical activity walking in the previous week. MET.min/week equals the summary. Bodily pain. 57.1 24.5. 57.5. 23.6. 58.0. 24.0.
#87. Evolution of changes in physical activity over lockdown time
Energy expenditure (EE) was calculated (MET- min/week) in four main different domains (daily occupation activities, means of transportation to ...
#88. Physical activity in healthy urban adults and its association ...
(MET-min/week). 660 [282–1386]. 907 [479–2376] ns. Moderate PA. (MET-min/week). 480 [205–1110]. 540 [260–960] ns. Vigorous PA. (MET-min/week). 840 [0–1890]. 240 ...
#89. Practical Use of Stairs to Assess Fitness, Prescribe and ...
Using a minimum recommended weekly physical activity volume of 600 MET.min per week for health maintenance [8] , at an average exercise ...
#90. The physical activity level declared by students from Belarus
Results. The total physical activity of the surveyed students amounted to 4840.5 metabolic equivalent of task (MET) min/week (median), which proves their ...
Domestic and Garden MET-min/week. 15 (0–360). 75 (0–675). 0.471. 300 (15–540). 0.602. 180 (0–1,380). 0.010. Leisure-Time MET-min/week. 240 (0–858). 371.25 (0– ...
#92. Assessment of physical activity of people employed in the ...
mula is used: weekly energy expenditure (MET-min/week). = MET × exercise duration ... The total. MET-minutes/week is the sum of walking MET-min/week, moderate ...
#93. Air pollution while exercising may decrease the ...
5, those who increased their physical activity from none to 1000 MET-min/week or more had a 27% reduced risk of developing cardiovascular ...
#94. 100 S. Hakala et al.
Same instructions on paper PA min/week. PAR interview. Marshall et al.,. 2004 ... Total PA in MET-min. IPAQ. MET: metabolic equivalent; IPAQ: International ...
#95. Moderate intensity aerobic exercise effects on the quality ...
Results: Competitive cyclists trained for 13.33 (±7.24) hours per week and they had 4798 min/week MET values. Subgroup scores of WHQOL-BREF-TR (physical, ...
#96. Level of physical activity of physical education students ...
Total physical activity per week as measured by IPAQ at CU was 9525.2 ± 4275.9 for men and 10964.3 ± 4092.0. MET-min/week for women. At UPE, ...
#97. Association between Physical Activity and the Risk of ...
And the total physical activity-related energy expenditure (MET-min/week) was the sum of duration frequency and intensity of exercise [19]. The participants ...
#98. What Is the Relation between Aerobic Capacity and ...
Considering values of metabolic equivalent of task (MET, MET-min·week−1) obtained by the short International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) ...
#99. Correlation of training volume in MET-min/week with the ...
Our objective is to evaluate the level of correlation of the training volume measured in metabolic equivalents (MET)-min/week with the ...
#100. Physical Activity at Home During the COVID-19 Pandemic in ...
No significant difference in total MET-min/week of physical activity before and during the lockdown was observed for the participants who.
met-min/week 在 Calculating MET-Minutes for a Workout and the Week - YouTube 的推薦與評價
This video shows Dr. Evan Matthews explaining how to calculate MET - minutes (metabolic equivalent of task - minutes ) which can be used to ... ... <看更多>