You can look down from the mezzanine onto the ground floor lobby. 你可以從夾樓俯視一樓大堂。 The shoe department is on the mezzanine floor. 皮鞋 ...
mezzanine floor 中文 意思是什麼 · mezzanine: n. (底樓與二樓之間的)夾層(樓面);(戲院的)樓廳包廂;(舞臺下的)底層。 · floor: n 1 地板,地面。2 (樓房的)層。3 ...
#3. mezzanine floor - Linguee | 中英词典(更多其他语言)
大量翻译例句关于"mezzanine floor" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。
#4. mezzanine floor-翻译为中文-例句英语
使用Reverso Context: These more spacious split-level rooms have a mezzanine floor.,在英语-中文情境中翻译"mezzanine floor"
#5. mezzanine floor中文是什么意思 - 查查在线词典
mezzanine floor 的中文意思:夹层楼面…,查阅mezzanine floor的详细中文翻译、例句、发音和用法等。
#6. mezzanine floor翻譯及用法- 英漢詞典 - 漢語網
mezzanine floor中文 的意思、翻譯及用法:閣樓。英漢詞典提供【mezzanine floor】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句等.
#7. mezzanine floor 中文意思是什麼 - 線上英文字典
mezzanine : n. (底樓與二樓之間的)夾層(樓面);(戲院的)樓廳包廂;(舞臺下的)底層。 · floor : n 1 地板,地面。2 (樓房的)層。3 (船底的)肋板。4 (海洋、 ...
#8. MEZZANINE FLOOR 中文是什么意思- 中文翻译 - Tr-ex
MEZZANINE FLOOR ”的语境翻译在英语-中文。以下是许多翻译的例句,其中包含“MEZZANINE FLOOR” - 英语-中文翻译和搜索引擎英语翻译。
N-COUNT(兩層樓之間的)夾層樓面,夾樓. A mezzanine is a small floor which is built between two main floors of a building. ...the dining room on the mezzanine.
#10. mezzanine floor - 英汉词典
主要翻译. 英语, 中文. mezzanine floor n, (intermediate level in a building), SCSimplified Chinese 夹层楼面jiá céng lóu miàn. TCTraditional Chinese 夾層樓面.
#11. mezzanine floor – 中文翻译– Multitran 词典
mezzanine floor · 工程地质 · 夹层楼面 · 技术 · 夹层 (尤指介于一层与二层之间的). 增加 | 报告错误 | 获取短网址 | 语言选择诀窍.
#12. mezz floor什么意思请教高手_百度知道
“中二层”的翻译,商场中用,一层楼和二层楼中间,有一个“中二层”, ... Mezzanine, Mezz (Mezzanine的缩写), 也可写成Mezzanine floor, Mezz floor.
#13. 商場裡的B1,B2層,這個「B」指哪個單詞? - 每日頭條
... 的the first floor,以此類推。而美式英語的樓層叫法跟中文是一致的。 另外,不少大樓的大廳是挑高的,會有一個「夾層」(mezzanine),也叫M層。
#14. Mezzanine 的中文翻譯| 英漢字典
mezzanine 中層樓;舞臺下面;包廂. ... Also {mezzanine floor}. (Theat.) A floor under the stage, from which various contrivances, as traps, are worked.
#15. mezzanine floor的翻译- 英汉 - 欧路词典
『欧路词典』为您提供mezzanine floor的用法讲解,告诉您准确全面的mezzanine floor的中文意思,mezzanine floor的读音,mezzanine floor的同义词,mezzanine floor的 ...
#16. 樓層夾層英文- mezzanine floor中文翻譯 - 訂房優惠報報
樓層夾層英文,大家都在找解答。mezzanine floor中文:夾層樓面…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋mezzanine floor的中文翻譯,mezzanine floor的發音,音標, ...
#17. mezz floor 中文
mezzanine floor中文 ::夾層樓面,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋mezzanine floor的中文翻譯,mezzanine floor的發音,音標,用法和例句等。 mezzanine floor中文, ...
#18. Mezzanine floor: 中文翻译, 含义、同义词、反义词、发音
查看«Mezzanine floor»的翻译、定义、含义、转录和例句,学习«Mezzanine floor»的同义词、反义词和发音。
#19. 翻译mezzanine floor的意思_用法 - 沪江网校
沪江词库精选mezzanine floor是什么意思、英语单词推荐、用法及解释、mezzanine floor的用法、mezzanine floor什么意思及同义词、翻译mezzanine floor是什么意思.
#20. MF 定義: 夾層樓面-Mezzanine Floor
#21. Mezzanine floor 释义| 柯林斯英语词典
mezzanine floor in British English. (ˈmɛzəniːn flɔː IPA Pronunciation Guide ). 名词. another name for mezzanine (sense 1). Collins English Dictionary.
#22. floor 的中文翻釋|VoiceTube 看影片學英語
例句. His glass fell to the floor and broke. a cafe on the mezzanine floor ...
#23. mezzanine floor - OSCHINA - 中文开源技术交流社区
Mezzanine 是一个开源的内容管理平台,建立在Django 框架上,,包括Web 版本和移动版本. Mezzanine live 在线演示(User: demo Pass: demo)
#24. mezzanine floor - 中国的翻译
Mezzanine floor 的中国的翻译– 英语-中文字典和搜索引擎, 中国的翻译. ... The Phon's apartment is located on the mezzanine floor. 啊芳的公寓位于夹楼里头.
#25. File:Industrial Mezzanine Floor.jpg - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
本檔案並非來自中文維基百科,而是來自維基共享資源。 ... English: A typical mezzanine floor in the UK showing steel beams and columns with a chipboard deck ...
#26. mezzanine floor - 翻译成中文, 例子
在英文- 中文字典Glosbe "mezzanine floor" 翻译为: 中二楼, 夹层.例句: The offices are on the building's mezzanine floor and easily accessible.
#27. mezzanine翻译为:(尤指介于一层与二层
mezzanine 的中文意思:(尤指介于一层与二层,点击查看详细解释:mezzanine的中文 ... A mezzanine above the factory floor offers the best view of spacex 's ...
#28. Mezzanine Floor的翻译是: 什么意思? 中文翻译英文 - 青云翻译
Mezzanine Floor. 5个回答. 阁楼 2013-05-23 12:21:38 回答:匿名. 阁楼层 2013-05-23 12:23:18 回答:匿名. 夹层楼面 2013-05-23 12:24:58 回答:匿名.
#29. Mezzanine 中文
the level of the sea = (the) sea level. 翻译. 中文. English عربى Български বাংলা Český Dansk Deutsch Español ...
#30. 在"英语"词典里mezzanine floor}的意思
该章节所呈现的将mezzanine floor由英语向其他语言的翻译是通过自动统计翻译获得的;在英语中基本的翻译单位是单词«mezzanine floor»。 zh. 翻译者英语- 中文. 阁楼. 1,325 ...
#31. mezzanine floor 什么意思? Mandarin Chinese-English ...
Learn Mandarin Mandarin-English Dictionary & Thesaurus. New Search. 中文» English, Pinyin » 中文, English » 中文 ...
#32. mezzanine floor - Chinese Translation - 吕氏英汉字典
mezzanine floor, Chinese Translation of mezzanine floor, Chinese Definition of mezzanine floor, mezzanine floor in Chinese, mezzanine floor中文翻译.
#33. 屋宇署
Basement Level 1. Lower Ground Floor. Upper Ground Floor. Ground Floor. Cockloft. Mezzanine Floor. 1st Floor. Carpark Level/Floor 1 or Podium Level 1.
#34. 圖四- 環境影響緩解措施MEZZANINE FLOOR PLAN 閣樓平面圖
Project Title – Proposed Joint User Complex and Wholesale Fish Market at Area 44, Tuen Mun. 工程名稱- 擬建之屯門44 區綜合社區設施及魚類批發市場.
#35. 波多Taipas - Ground Floor Mezzanine-2022 年最新房價
入住Taipas - Ground Floor Mezzanine需要花多少錢? Taipas - Ground Floor Mezzanine的房價需視您的入住條件而定(如:所選日期、飯店政策)。請輸入您的日期以查看房價。 Taipas - Ground Floor Mezzanine的入住及退房時間分別是? Taipas - Ground Floor Mezzanine的入住時間為 15:00 後,退房時間為 12:00 前。
#36. floor和ground区别- 头条搜索
中层是mezzanine floor, 国外有的地方一楼叫Ground floor, 二楼叫Mezzanine floor,三楼开始叫First floor。 所以一二楼就标G和M。国内 ... thegroujndfloor中文是什么?
#37. Mezzanine floor grating 的中文含义- - 在线词典
本工具支持查询英文和中文单词及词组的含义,查询效率高、结果丰富,包括单词变体、 ... Mezzanine floor grating » 阁楼层格栅what do they often do at lunchtime?
#38. Mezzanine Floor - 西伯兰格贾亚The Light Hotel Penang的图片
西伯兰格贾亚The Light Hotel Penang图片:Mezzanine Floor - 快来看看Tripadvisor 会员拍摄的380 张/部The Light Hotel Penang真实照片和视频.
#39. 公務員事務局- 搜尋政府部門常用辭彙
中文, 大都會藝術博物館〔紐約〕. 類別, 文康體育. 英文, Metropolitan Youth Orchestra of HK. 中文, 香港青少年管弦樂團 ... 英文, mezzanine floor. 中文, 閣樓.
#40. 英语-汉语mezzanine翻译
'mezzanine'在免费英语-汉语词典的翻译,查看更多汉语的翻译。 ... Accordingly, the mezzanine level and its unique flooring were removed to create a full third ...
#41. 單字mezz的中文意思與發音 - 線上字典
mezz中文意思: mezz [mez] n. ... A mezzanine floor department etc; 就像中層樓和其他所有東西: Like the ... The shoe department is on the mezzanine floor.
#42. 商场里的B1,B2层,这个“B”指哪个单词? - 英语点津
... 中的the first floor,以此类推。而美式英语的楼层叫法跟中文是一致的。 另外,不少大楼的大厅是挑高的,会有一个“夹层”(mezzanine),也叫M层。
#43. mezzanine - 英汉词典在线翻译
英孚在线翻译为您提供mezzanine的中文翻译,资料和例句,mezzanine的中文准确说法 ... a floor that is built between two floors of a building and is smaller than ...
#44. mezzanine & 1st floor,wisma bina puri,jalan bukit idaman的 ...
mezzanine & 1st floor,wisma bina puri,jalan bukit idaman的翻譯結果。 ... 結果(中文) 1: [復制]. 復制成功! 阁楼及一楼、 大厦比娜普里、 惹兰武吉伊达曼.
#45. SECOND FLOOR MEZZANINE的简体中文翻译 - 自动识别翻译
SECOND FLOOR MEZZANINE. SECOND FLOOR MEZZANINE. 22/5000. 自动识别, 世界语, 丹麦语, 乌克兰语, 乌兹别克语, 乌尔都语, 亚美尼亚语, 伊博语, 俄语, 保加利亚语 ...
#46. “MEZZ”是“MEZZanine”的英文缩写,意思是“夹层”
英语缩略词“MEZZ”经常作为“MEZZanine”的缩写来使用,中文表示:“夹层”。 ... She will be holding a broom, mop, and so on mezzanine floor cleaning tool.
#47. What is a mezzanine floor and its different types ? - LinkedIn
However, the mezzanine floor is used in a variety of environments like office space, warehouses, theatres, manufacturing facilities, etc. A semi ...
#48. mezzanine是什么意思 - 趣词词典
趣词词典为大家提供mezzanine是什么意思,mezzanine的用法,mezzanine怎么读,含义,读音, ... 中文词源. mezzanine 两层楼之间的中间层. 来自意大利语mezzo,中间的,词源 ...
#49. Warehouse with mezzanine floor | 3D Warehouse
Warehouse with mezzanine floor. Noman Khan. 資料夾. 標題. 建立新資料夾. 集合. 標題. 建立新集合. 9 個讚 | 1000 次下載次數 | 3000 次查看次數.
#50. mezzanine中文翻译❤️️
常见例句 · The front rows of the mezzanine in a theater. · Seven floors of three meters high, can be amplified by the use of mezzanine space planning.
#51. 商場裡的B1,B2層,這個“B”指哪個單詞?終於知道了 - 在體育
G/GF: Ground Floor(一樓,英式用法)LG:Lower Ground(地下樓層)UG: Upper Ground(地上樓層)mezzanine:夾層(M層)大家喜歡小編的作品嗎~ ...
#52. 購物商場| 香港半島酒店
Ground Floor. E7. Tel: 2368 6879 ... Ground Floor & Basement Shop No. W16&18, BW11&13. Tel: 6511 2218 ... Ground Floor & Mezzanine Shop No. E8, ME8 & 8A
#53. 1355 Mezzanine floor Images, Stock Photos & Vectors
Find Mezzanine floor stock images in HD and millions of other royalty-free stock photos, illustrations and vectors in the Shutterstock collection.
#54. Benefits of A Mezzanine Floor - ResinDek
A mezzanine floor system provides an intermediate level that does not completely cover the flooring below. Learn more about the benefits of ...
#55. mezzanine floor meaning in Hindi - Hindlish
The restaurant is divided into two floors: the mezzanine floor and the ground floor with the bars in the middle. रेस्तरां को दो भागों ...
#56. What does entresol mean? -
A mezzanine; an intermediate floor in a building, typically resembling a balcony. Most often used to refer to the floor immediately above the ground floor ...
#57. Mezzanine Projects | Photos, videos, logos ... - Behance
Mezzanine floor interior design. Save. Mezzanine floor interior design · e afzaal. 0 5. Organize An Official Party - Bild Structures.
#58. Elegant mezzanine floor with outdoor spaces - Engel & Völkers
Within an elegant and well-kept area, we offer the rental of a completely renovated apartment on the mezzanine floor.
#59. 商场里的B1,B2层,这个“B”指哪个单词? - 知乎专栏
而美式英语的楼层叫法跟中文是一致。 另外,不少大楼的大厅是挑高的,会有一个“夹层”(mezzanine),也叫M 层。
#60. 外交部領事事務局全球資訊網-駐館位置及聯絡資訊
The Commercial Office of Taipei, Dubai, U.A.E.. 網址, 館址, Mezzanine Floor, Sharaf Travel Building, 153 Khalid ...
#61. 阿布扎比市, 阿拉伯联合酋长国 - Hapag-Lloyd
#62. mezzanine 中文 - Kyuos
mezzanine floor 的中文意思:夹层楼面,查阅mezzanine floor 的详细中文翻译、发音、用法和例句等。 查电话号码繁體版English 登录注册网站工具设为首页收藏本站.
#63. "中二階"用英語(美國) 要怎麼說? | HiNative
mezzanine floor. この言葉は聞いたことがありません。 ... 気遣い、思いやり用中文(繁體,臺灣) 要怎麼說? 芝を刈る用中文(繁體,臺灣) 要怎麼說?
#64. 世界最佳夹层楼The Worlds Best Mezzanine Floor (Part 1)
... Floor (Part 2)、We Risked EVERYTHING and STOOD ON IT! - The World's Best Mezzanine Floor (Part 3等,UP主更多精彩视频,请关注UP账号。
#65. mezzanine 中文mezzanine – Zilhc
中文mezzanine floor n noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (intermediate level in a building) 夾層樓面jiá céng lóu miàn The art gallery ...
#66. Mezzanine Safety Barriers - Rite-Hite
When the outer gate opens to allow pallets in, the inner gate automatically closes to keep workers out. After the pallet is received, mezzanine - level workers ...
#67. By 清迈吳探长房产讯息| Property ID: G3585t (中文翻译在下面)
Property ID: G3585t ( 中文 翻译在下面)↓ - Classic modern house for Sale. ... There is a mezzanine floor for chilling out, watching
#68. Mezzanine financing 中文 - Selfcare success
"mezzanine card" 中文夾層融資(mezzanine finance)夾層融資是指在風險和回報方面介於 ... A mezzanine is an intermediate floor (or floors) in a building which is ...
#69. mezzanine floor是什么意思 - 海词词典
mezzanine floor 的英文翻译是什么意思,词典释义与在线翻译:. 英英释义. Noun: intermediate floor just above the ground floor ...
#70. Commercial conservation shophouse on Craig Road up for ...
The recently refurbished shophouse has a mezzanine level, a land area of 1581 sq ft and an estimated floor area of 3483 sq ft.
#71. Ragusa, Sicily, Address available on request House for Sale
Marina di Ragusa - Gatto Corvino - Villa on three levels consisting of: Ground floor, mezzanine floor and attic floor - The property externally is in good ...
#72. Publichood Roastery Pejaten / Arti Design Studio - ArchDaily
EGGER Design Flooring for the House of Economy ... Over the mezzanine, a skylight was placed to stargaze at night and allow natural light to ...
#73. AD4632-24 Datasheet and Product Info - Analog Devices
The low noise floor enables signal chains requiring less gain and lower power. ... gate array (FPGA) mezzanine card (FMC) low pin count (LPC) connector.
#74. Preowned Townhouse in Xavierville QC near Commercial area..
Property Description: Lot area : 122.5sqm Floor area : 320sqm 3 Storey with Mezzanine 3 Spacious Bedrooms each with Own T&B Family room with Balcony 4 Car ...
#75. Best Mezzanine Podcasts (2022) - Player FM
Six Best Mezzanine Podcasts For 2022. Latest was Ep5: Netflix Sues Bridgerton Musical Flops: Spiderman Turn Off The Dark. Listen online, no signup ...
#76. 夾層安全玻璃的英文是什麽- 英漢詞典
夾層樓面英文翻譯:entresol,mezzanine… mezzanine floor中文翻譯| 樓層夾層英文楼层与楼层之间的夹层,用英语怎么说才地道| 樓層夾層英文Ⅱ 电缆夹层的英文怎么说樞 ...
#77. sandwich - 夾層 - 怪物彈珠牛魔王
夾層樓面英文翻譯:entresol,mezzanine… mezzanine floor中文翻譯| 樓層夾層英文楼层与楼层之间的夹层,用英语怎么说才地道| 樓層夾層英文L (Finished Floor Level) ...
#78. WI
... WI 53045 中文 Located in the CBD it's the perfect spot for burgers done ... The two towers are connected by a ground floor and mezzanine space contained ...
#79. 学学怎么发音的mezzanine floor - 发音词典
含义为mezzanine floor. It is an intermediate floor between the main floors of a building and is not taken into count by the overall floors of a building.
#80. Jsoup
CodeProject, 20 Bay Street, 11th Floor Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5J 2N8 +1 ... advance ticket || GA Reserved Seating located in Mezzanine area of venue.
#81. GOOD EYE台灣挑剔指南:第一本讓世界認識台灣的中英文風格旅遊書(中英雙語)
... 成為當時最熱鬧的商圈,台灣第一家販售繁體中文書籍的書店「自立書店」也在此誕生。 ... Sea to See Bookafé, located on the first floor, is a wonderful ...
#82. “M楼”是几楼?|口语|英语悦读 - 网易
我当时并不知道mezzanine这个单词的拼写,只是一边说了一句“I don't ... 在 ground floor 上面的那层,有时被称作 upper ground,电梯上会显示 UG。
mezzanine floor中文 在 By 清迈吳探长房产讯息| Property ID: G3585t (中文翻译在下面) 的推薦與評價
Property ID: G3585t ( 中文 翻译在下面)↓ - Classic modern house for Sale. ... There is a mezzanine floor for chilling out, watching ... <看更多>