『Our brains are not concerned with long term well-being when it comes to movement, but rather, completing the task at hand.』
所以?這只是要提醒大家,你的大腦會很認真的只是身體做出你想要的動作,不!惜!代!價!但是 “你” 不能不惜代價。
因為身體只有一個。你必須知道什麼是正確的動作,你才能 “有意識” 的控制你的身體,去安全的、有效率的完成你所想要的動作。你也才能 “有意識的” 知道什麼動作是不正確的,有風險的。
How you move is based on a few things: YOU, the environment, the task
The brain doesn't care about the future when you are moving, it only cares about the now
There is only now. All the previous nows (past) continue to make the next nows (future)
So the way you become a better mover is to just be in the moment
Stop thinking of the old nows or the coming nows
That's called MINDFULNESS
Oh how much better we can move and how happier we could be if we just focused on the current task at hand
I content that most injuries happen not because you are moving wrong, but because you are not being completely present in the moment you are moving
Movement quality is hard to measure objectively, due to inherent differences between human anatomy, physiology and psychology, that the best we can do is quantify, and compare to norms
The more mindful you are when you move, the more resilient you'll be when you aren't mindful
Hell that's a great fortune cookie
#zenshit #stopchasingpain #movement #move #brain #pain #chiropractic