美國民謠歌手鮑勃·迪倫獲得了2016年的諾貝爾文學獎,得獎原因是「在美國歌曲的偉大傳統裡,創造新的詩意表現手法」。迪倫的獲獎提醒了我們許多的美國文學作品確實深刻地影響了全世界的人們。你是不是也喜歡美國文學呢? 在這裡先和大家預告,AIT將舉辦一個以美國作家及其與自然世界的關係為主題的展覽。許多偉大的美國作家以驚人的多樣寫作內容形塑了人們對美國風景的看法,從傑克·倫敦的阿拉斯加和育空,到馬克·吐溫的密西西比河,到約翰·史坦貝克的加州。這些作家創造了令人難忘的人物角色以及他們對所居住的土地的認同感。這個展覽將會以地圖、影片、作品文字、圖像和照片呈現出豐富的美國文學遺產。不要錯過這次展覽!關於更多詳細內容我們將會公佈在臉書!敬請密切留意AIT臉書!
活動就從現在開始! 截止時間為12月26日晚上10點鐘。AIT將隨機挑選出10位幸運的粉絲朋友贈送他們精美年曆! 還等什麼? 現在就留言吧!
AIT’s annual calendar give-away starts now!
Participate for a chance to receive a 2017 calendar that features beautiful landscapes from Yellowstone National Park:
Bob Dylan was awarded the 2016 Nobel Prize in Literature "for having created new poetic expressions within the great American song tradition." This reminds us that many American literary works influence people around the world.
American authors have shaped people’s views of American landscapes in all their astonishing variety - from Jack London's Alaska and the Yukon, to Mark Twain’s Mississippi River, to John Steinbeck's California. In 2017, AIT will hold an exhibition featuring American novelists and their relationships with the natural world. These authors have created unforgettable characters, inseparably identified with the territory they inhabit. AIT’s upcoming exhibition will use the metaphor of a journey to tour this rich literary heritage through maps, videos, the works of authors, images of characters, and photographs. Don’t miss this exhibition! We will keep you posted about it here on Facebook!
To get ready for the exhibit, and for a chance to win a 2017 calendar featuring Yellowstone National Park, all you need to do is:
1. In the comments below this post, tell us who your favorite American writer is?
2. Share a quote or phrase from one of your favorite American writer’s books.
3. Tag two of your friends in your comment.
4. Share this post.
Share your response before 10:00 pm on December 26. AIT will randomly select ten fans to receive a calendar.