所以今天改為 #禮拜一負能量吧 🕺🕺
🥱 I have the Monday blues.
「藍色星期一」大家都不陌生吧?我這種症頭就是Monday blues!
(記得要有 the 喔)
🥱 I have the blahs.
禮拜一提不起勁、什麼都不在乎這種情緒,就是 I have the blahs.
🥱 I feel lethargic.
lethargic (重音在thar, le-THAR-gic ) 有點無精打采、萎靡不振 的感覺
🥱 I feel sluggish and unmotivated.
motivated 是充滿動力,加個字首un整個意思相反,毫無動力、沒精神往前衝刺這種感覺。
很想繼續分享「厭世」的英文,但我覺得我該休息一下了哈哈 😴
你們今天是什麼感覺呢?Have the blahs? Have the Monday blues? Feeling sluggish?
motivated意思 在 鴨頭 嘉人 Facebook 的最佳解答
昨日、スタートしたクラウドファンディング「西野亮廣×鴨頭嘉人コラボ講演 ~夢とエンタメで世界を変えていこう~」が、プロジェクト立ち上げから7時間44分で、目標金額の2000万円を突破しました。
[I can't live as a person anymore]
Yesterday, the crowdfunding that started ′′ Ryo Nishino x tsuji head collaboration lecture ~ Let's change the world with dreams and enta ~" but it's been 7 hours and 44 minutes since the project launched, and it's a goal I've breached 2000 yen of the amount.
Thank you so much for all your support.
[ryo nishino x]]
For those who don't know, I will explain the summary of this project again.
This is the ′′ Nishino Ryo Nishino cheering project ′′ that was planted by the youtube speaker, Mr. Tsuji Chia-San and the team-head...... I'm going to have a collaboration lecture between me and Mr. Tsuji-San, what a 3 In a week, I'm going to go to the Tokyo International Forum, but I'm going to have a good time with the full price of the revenue, and I'm going to have a good time with the purchase of the ticket for the movie ′′ a town ′′ and I'm going to give it to the kids I'm sorry.
It's already a hell of a scale support.
Yesterday was a whole day, and there was a recording of the movie, and I was able to chase the movement of the fan this time while watching the smartphone glimmer in the middle of the day...... when I see the twitter timeline, I feel like I'm going to go to the middle of the day, and I'm going to go to the middle of the day, and I'm rooting for you.
I'll say it again, but this is not for us, but the motive is ′′ this time I'm going to win ryo nishino ′′
I really have to go to see each and every one of you, and I have to thank you for your support, but the movie production is in the the, and now I can't leave the site...... so I'm in my heart So I said ′′ thank you ′′ and closed my smartphone and went back to film production again.
Now, a lot of people are supporting the movie ′′ a town ′′ and ′′ Ryo Nishino ′′ from the team of the team.
Once," try to search ego in ♯ a town," Now the circle of cheering is really going to be amazing.
I talked about it yesterday too, but this year everyone is hard.
Being attacked by a virus once a year, we are going to drown again today, and we are looking for a way to get over it.
I don't think everyone is anxious and anxious.
There are still things I need to do with myself.
In such a way, I'm saying, ′′ go nishino ~" for sharing that precious time in my challenge.
I really really want to be, I think it's sinful.
Isn't the director ranting at the site of the movie production?
... I mean, the director is angry, right?
I don't have an image of kicking a chair in front of me lol?
I don't have an expression because my body is na, so I don't have a good expression because it doesn't suit me if i yell or hit things.
That ′′ anger ′′ is very well understood.
I think this is not limited to movies, people called leaders, and managers.
There is also a fair opinion that ′′ how about ranting as a person?" (I know it! ), but on the other hand, the leader is this background, this line, this music, how many people have moved to exist this scene, and the face of those who have moved. Always I imagine.
I know how many things they have sacrificed.
I'm thankful for the voice of ′′ I want to work with you ′′ and it's a student intern in the salon, and every time I get a few hundred submissions in a moment.
But I often say to them.
′′ don't come near me if you're ready for that extent. If you want to run at that pace, there's a more cozy place than next to me ′′
I'll catch your neck and never say ′′ work next to me,"
Even if you say ′′ I'll do it somewhere else I can't pull it off. Here you go.
I just want you to be prepared if you are ′′ working next to nishino," in your will.
1000 hours, but if it's a dwee, I'll throw it in the trash in 1 seconds.
If you hate it, you can grudge as much as you want.
However, don't wrong the opponent you hate.
This is not the world where ′′ I did my best ′′ is going to pass.
The worst thing is that I can only make a dwee even though it's been 1000 hours.
′′ if you hate it, grudge your weakness
Sometimes I see someone who sees it, ′′ judgement that there is no blood or tears ′′
That's what it's like to say, ′′ this is a demo," it's about 10 % of the completion, but there's the person who is the one who is the one who is the one who is the one who is the one who is the one who Isn't it all about your thoughts?
So, I don't work again if I don't smell the blood more than the people who can put out something like the flow work.
I'll never see you again.
The reason is because the person looks cute.
This is not a world where people like that can live.
And above all, this background, this line, this music, to exist this scene, how many people move, how much money moves, and how many people want to stand here. Stand up Because I know I didn't.
The more you cheer up, the more you can't be a person on the site, the more you're like a demon, but this is a world like that, so i think it's good.
Listen to this story, if you are interested in ′′ good," please take an intern of nishino co ltd. or listen to our young employees and intern students.
If you are seriously motivated by entertainment, there is no doubt that it is an environment that can't be done.
It's just," it's the same age, at least it's about Japan. It's going to be a dǎchi héi in the area of ′′ I don't know what to do, so if you're going to participate, please feel like it.
Well, it's been a long time since I've been in the middle of a long time, but today is the start of the day, and now I'm already recording the recording.
I'll do my best.
Good luck to you too.
▼ an article about the latest entertainment business of ryo nishino (1 articles = 2000 to 3000 characters) can be read every morning online salon (almost mail magazine) is here ↓
▼ Instagram version is here ↓
motivated意思 在 Claudia Mo/毛孟靜 Facebook 的最讚貼文
明報英文 | 毛孟靜
//一些新聞,看了後會永誌不忘,在腦海中深深烙印: lodged in one's mind 、 burned into one's memory。
像最近就一名15歲少女裸屍在海中被發現的死因研訊 death inquest,結論既非自殺 suicide,也非被殺 homicide,那是不是意外呢?不知道,因為沒有證據,裁決死因存疑。問題是,這宗案件本來就疑點重重。
· The case has been ingrained in the psyche of this city. 案件已根深蒂固栽進這個城市的精神中。
· Why Hong Kong is fixated on the death of a teenage girl whose body was found at sea.
Fixated ?這個字泛指「沉迷於一套想法而不能自拔」,含意頗為負面。一翻手頭的牛津字典, 解說為 having an abnormal emotional attachment to someone or something ;中文是「迷戀某人某事,異常依戀」。
Fixated ,也就是附帶一點病態。不用這字,改用 keen 着緊、focused 聚焦,也許會比較好。
那篇報道的副題形容學生陳彥霖的死亡個案,是 the subject of wild conspiracies and unsubstantiated rumours ,游談無根的陰謀論和謠言皆從中取材。雖然報道內容也不過是把事件始末敘述一遍。
· The report didn't actually reject the conspiracies nor dispel the rumours. 報道並未駁回有關的陰謀論,也沒有闢謠。
案件的重重疑點,已有眾多的報道及評論,在此不贅。回說 fixated 一字,視乎上文下理,當然也可以有正面肯定的意思。譬如說,會用來形容激情、矢志要達到目標:passionately motivated to achieve one's goal。
· They are fixated to win the championship.他們一心一意要贏得冠軍。這句的 fixated ,就等同 unwavering 堅定不移、 dedicated 專心一意。
但仍要小心,fixated 改用名詞 fixation,就幾乎等同負面及批評的話。看以下新聞標題:
· Airport Authority's fixation with third runway is blinding it to other options. 機管局對第三跑道的盲戀,令其看不見其他選項。
· Singapore is right to question university rankings fixation. 新加坡對沉迷大學排名的質疑,是對的。
· I fail to understand your fixation with donuts. They are so grossly sweet. 我不明白你對「冬甩」的迷戀,它們甜得怕人。//
motivated意思 在 采青國際藝文Creativity Advocate International Arts and Culture 的推薦與評價
對他而言,組內差異很可能大於組間差異,意思是,圈內人彼此的不同可能遠多於圈外人 ... 臺灣亞洲交流基金會Taiwan-Asia Exchange Foundation is feeling motivated at ... ... <看更多>