#1. The Story of My Bloody Valentine 'Loveless' - Classic Album ...
The album is an avant-garde experiment that introduced new possibilities to how texture can be perceived in rock music. The guitars sound like screaming ghosts ...
#2. What's the deal with My Bloody Valentine? : r/LetsTalkMusic
But it might not simply be for you- I mean it's one of the most introverted ... My Bloody Valentine--Loveless in particular--influenced so many of their ...
#3. Loveless (album) - Wikipedia
Loveless is the second studio album by the Irish-English rock band My Bloody Valentine. ... On most days, the couple arrived without having written the lyrics for ...
#4. My Bloody Valentine's Kevin Shields Looks Back on 'Loveless'
It's about death and change and what's happening in the world, as I perceived it in the late Nineties, and nostalgia is part of that. There's an ...
#5. 30 years of My Bloody Valentine's Loveless - The Concordian
Loveless, the seminal shoegaze record, turns 30 this November ... This vagueness is the case for many My Bloody Valentine songs; the lyrics ...
#6. No Love Lost: My Bloody Valentine's 'Loveless' at 30 - Slant ...
As the album turns 30, we take a look back at My Bloody Valentine's magnum opus, 'Loveless.' Read our review.
#7. From The Crate: My Bloody Valentine – Loveless - God Is In ...
Britain in 1991 was an awful place, and MBV defined the times better than most. The disorientating music coupled with the opaque lyrics ...
#8. An Open Love Letter to My Bloody Valentine's Loveless | WIRED
My Bloody Valentine's 1991 musical masterpiece Loveless struggled for the spotlight when it was released, overshadowed by the likes of ...
#9. My Bloody Valentine's Loveless single-handedly redefined ...
My Bloody Valentine's Loveless single-handedly redefined rock music 30 ... The album changed the meaning of the word 'music' by proving the ...
#10. My Bloody Valentine's Loveless
Their unique sound on the album defined a sub-genre of indie rock known as shoegaze. This thesis is the first major academic study of My Bloody. Valentine and ...
#11. My Bloody Valentine's Kevin Shields: 'We wanted to sound ...
The band have released only one album since 1991 classic Loveless, yet their influence remains undimmed. Their frontman discusses destroying ...
#12. My Bloody Valentine 'Loveless' anniversary | 1991 cover story
My Bloody Valentine's 'Loveless' celebrates its 30th anniversary on ... The Valentines' lyrics are about extreme states of desire and the ...
#13. My Bloody Valentine's second album Loveless remains the ...
They're just some of the steadfast impressions that surround Loveless, the second album by Kevin Shields and his band My Bloody Valentine, ...
#14. Twenty Years Ago: My Bloody Valentine's 'Loveless'
Just three years from the brilliant Isn't Anything, My Bloody Valentine (named after a ... The vocals are elusive, leaving the lyrics unintelligible.
#15. My Bloody Valentine talked 'Loveless' & more on Tim's Twitter ...
"I do really love Loveless and cherish those songs," Bilinda Butcher said. "I always enjoy singing them and if they mean a lot to other people ...
#16. Essential Albums: My Bloody Valentine - Loveless | Redbrick
Due to the album's focus on texture and sound over discernible elements of traditional songwriting, the lyrics and vocals presented on Loveless ...
#17. My Bloody Valentine's “Loveless” has stood the test of time
While the shoegaze sound is quite defined and highly recognizable – leaning towards spacious guitar sounds, reverb vocals and tons of delay, “ ...
#18. Album Anniversaries: 30 Years Later, My Bloody Valentine's ...
After several decades, my bloody valentine's 1991 album Loveless holds up as ... as well as the album as a whole, are defined by the guitar.
#19. My Bloody Valentine | Loveless -
Guitarist Belinda butcher wrote nearly all the indecipherable lyrics on the record, save for the track “To Here Knows When”, to which she shares co-writing ...
#20. My Bloody Valentine's Loveless - Diginole: FSU's Digital ...
Their unique sound on the album defined a sub-genre of indie rock known as shoegaze. This thesis is the first major academic study of My Bloody Valentine and ...
#21. My Bloody Valentine's Kevin Shields Gets Deep Into 'Loveless'
The sound-obsessed frontman for My Bloody Valentine explains why he's reworked his ground-breaking album yet again, and his plans to release ...
#22. My Bloody Valentine's Loveless soars to new heights - Daily ...
And sure, Loveless can be defined as adhering to the “Wall of Sound” aesthetic. But the intricate sonic landscape guitarist and vocalist Kevin ...
#23. My Bloody Valentine: Loveless | Hi-Fi News
Loveless was the second LP released by My Bloody Valentine, a quartet from ... not quite female, the mysterious lyrics all but decipherable.
#24. My Bloody Valentine - Urban Dictionary
The fathers/mother/lesbian aunt of shoegaze music, they steadily increased in greatness until disappearing after their 1991 album "Loveless.
#25. My Bloody Valentine's Loveless: The Epitome of a Genre
My Bloody Valentine's unique sound on their finalalbum Loveless defined a sub-genre of indie rockknown as shoegaze. This book is the first majoracademic ...
#26. Loveless by My Bloody Valentine (Album, Shoegaze) - RYM
I'm a person who appreciates great lyrics, so to my surprise when I first set my ears loose on Loveless I couldn't make out what they were saying. I just ...
#27. My Bloody Valentine – Loveless - Stranger Fiction
My Bloody Valentine's Loveless may not be my favourite album, but it's close to the top. Bilinda Butcher's may not be my favourite lead ...
#28. Why I ❤️ My Bloody Valentine's Loveless, by Vernon Reid
My friend had been raving about My Bloody Valentine. He told me I had to run out and get ... I'm the kind of person who likes hearing lyrics.
#29. My Bloody Valentine: Home - MBV
Loveless · To Here Knows When. Play · You Made Me Realise. Play · Only Shallow. Play · Soon. Play · Swallow. Play · Feed me with your kiss. Play · To Here Knows When.
#30. 'Loveless' at 30: Zoon Reflects on the Influence of My Bloody ...
You mean that emo band?" And he was like, "No, dude, not Bullet for My Valentine — My Bloody Valentine." I was like, "Oh shoot, well let me ...
#31. My Bloody Valentine Isn't Anything / Loveless / EPs 1988-1991
Opening with the staggering "To Here Knows When", it takes the woozy disorientation of "Glider" and mixes it with a vocal from Butcher that is ...
#32. Thirty Years of Loveless: The Past, Present, and Future of My ...
But “Loveless” by the indie band My Bloody Valentine (MBV), is the definition of timeless. This year marks the 30th anniversary of My Bloody ...
#33. My Bloody Valentine at Sonic Mania 看團隨筆by Taipei...
但可悲的是,就算把耳機中的Loveless或唯一有的m b v 黑膠開到最大聲,現場的震感 ... I Mean Us 即將下星期發片的專輯新歌曲目-Dance與台灣Manic Sheep 樂團曾經現場 ...
#34. My Bloody Valentine Essentials - Apple Music
Two albums, Isn't Anything and Loveless, defined the shoegaze sound, but Shields became frozen by perfectionism in their wake. The third album, mbv, ...
#35. My Bloody Valentine - Loveless - RadioUTD
not, however, contending that the lyrics are used simply as another instrument. Cryptic as they may be, there is meaning behind them, usually a ...
#36. My Bloody Valentine Artistfacts - Songfacts
MBV's second album, Loveless, is hailed as the epitome of the genre. They took their name from the 1981 Canadian slasher flick My Bloody Valentine about a ...
#37. My Bloody Valentine's Loveless (in 5 Minutes) | Liner Notes
#38. CLASSIC TRACKS: My Bloody Valentine 'Only Shallow'
I mean, we'd had good people before, but it wasn't the same.” Adding to the overall melange of MBV's sound on Loveless were the various keyboard patches ...
#39. My Bloody Valentine – Loveless (1996, CD) - Discogs
View credits, reviews, tracks and shop for the 1996 CD release of "Loveless" on Discogs.
#40. my bloody valentine - Loveless Lyrics and Tracklist | Genius
Loveless Tracklist · Only Shallow Lyrics · Loomer Lyrics · Touched Lyrics · To Here Knows When Lyrics · When You Sleep Lyrics · I Only Said Lyrics.
#41. What does loveless mean? -
Loveless is the second studio album by alternative rock band My Bloody Valentine. Released on 4 November 1991, Loveless was recorded over a two-year period ...
#42. My Bloody Valentine's 'Loveless' Is Stranger (And Better) Than ...
Back in 1989, Kevin Shields skipped around London recording studios with his band My Bloody Valentine and set to work making Loveless, ...
#43. 24 Years Ago: My Bloody Valentine Release the Shoegaze ...
When My Bloody Valentine released Loveless on Nov. 4, 1991, it became an album that defined a genre, laid much of the groundwork for the ...
#44. What do you think of My Bloody Valentine's 'Loveless'? - Quora
My Bloody Valentine was way too ahead of the curve for those people. ... It was the sound of anything is possible, with all meaning being coded in arcane ...
#45. My Bloody Valentine - SongMeanings
My Bloody Valentine Lyrics, Songs, Albums And More at SongMeanings! song lyrics, song meanings, albums, music and more.
#46. “Loveless” By My Bloody Valentine: Looking Back on the ...
The band My Bloody Valentine may have had a short lived career, but their sophomore album “Loveless” has remained a music staple.
#47. My Bloody Valentine's 'Loveless' is 30 this week. A personal ...
My Bloody Valentine changed what we thought was possible on guitar when they ... Three decades later Loveless holds up, and I mean well.
#48. My Bloody Valentine - Loveless | Music Review | Tiny Mix Tapes
My Bloody Valentine Loveless ... especially the vocals, which are recorded so low that the lyrics are almost indiscernible.
#49. My Bloody Valentine: Kevin Shields Tells All - Tape Op
When the chance came to interview Kevin Shields of My Bloody Valentine, my hand ... in some respects, I mean a lot of that Loveless record was by myself.
#50. My Bloody Valentine masterpiece 'Loveless' turns 30 - Far Out ...
'Loveless', the 1991 album by My Bloody Valentine is a masterpiece. Pioneering in every sense, and an ethereal sonic journey, it endures 30 ...
#51. 進口2 LP 黑膠my bloody valentine 全新loveless 2021 | 蝦皮購物
進口2 LP 黑膠my bloody valentine 全新loveless 2021. $1,800. 尚無評價. 0 已售出. 運費: $60 - $100. 延長訂單撥款. 第三方支付保障買賣雙方權益.
#52. My Bloody Valentine's Kevin Shields talks Loveless and the ...
Loveless, My Bloody Valentine's landmark album, nearly bankrupted the Creation imprint ... Since we started Westword, it has been defined as the free, ...
#53. Review: My Bloody Valentine - Loveless
... and My Bloody Valentine's Loveless, along with Nirvana's Nevermind, ... (Of course, that does not mean that they are exclusively entitled to that kind ...
#54. Orchestra Of Distortion - My Bloody Valentine's Loveless
In 1991, the indie alternative band My Bloody Valentine changed music ... perhaps Loveless is that album reinvented with lyrics and drums.
#55. My Search To Find The True Meaning Behind Final Fantasy ...
I hope you catch it. Should people listen to Loveless, the My Bloody Valentine album, while they play Final Fantasy VII? How about m b v, their ...
#56. My Bloody Valentine - Mark Prindle
This is extremely far from the beautiful sound that MBV developed for Isn't Anything, let alone Loveless. Instead, with original lead singer Dave Conway in tow, ...
#57. My Bloody Valentine: Looking back at their groundbreaking ...
Starting work on Loveless in 1989, My Bloody Valentine gave a new meaning to the term “difficult second album.” It was not for their lack of ...
#58. Loveless | Final Fantasy Wiki
Posters and billboards for the play show a woman with the words "Open 6/25 6:00" and "18:00", and many posters also include the text "My Bloody Valentine".
#59. My Bloody Valentine: "We were like the Partridge Family on ...
There'll be a double album version of Loveless eventually…” “Kevin is always open to going anywhere, but he thinks in very abstract ways,” ...
#60. Loveless - Album by my bloody valentine | Spotify
Listen to Loveless on Spotify. my bloody valentine · Album · 1991 · 11 songs.
#61. My Bloody Valentine - Furious
I merely thought of them as "that blissed-out band with vocals but no lyrics". I picked up their latest release, "Loveless", brought it home, and popped in my ...
#62. m b v - Fact Magazine
And yes, it's Kevin Shields, My Bloody Valentine and Loveless, ... m b v was never going to have the game-changing significance of its ...
When You Sleep is about as pop friendly as the album ever gets coming in at just over 4 minutes and having both somewhat intelligible lyrics, a ...
#64. Engineering The Sound: My Bloody Valentine's 'Loveless'
Abrasive, ethereal and utterly dreamy, My Bloody Valentine's Loveless defines the shoegaze genre. Here's what went into its creation.
#65. My Bloody Valentine / Loveless (2CD) - 博客來
商品簡介:☆滿分評鑑!90年代最重要搖滾專輯重新Remasterd版☆OriginalTapes、Original1/2inchanaloguetapes雙碟示範Shoegaze無敵搖滾音速【2012全新包裝設計首批限量 ...
#66. Music - Review of My Bloody Valentine - Loveless - BBC
Within that year came the band's first 'proper' album, Isn't Anything. Shards of noise, underwater guitars and vague lyrics all combined with a certain ...
#67. Kevin Shields on My Bloody Valentine's Return - The New ...
In addition to “m b v,” the band will reissue a series of EPs recorded between 1988 and 1991 as a compilation, along with “Loveless” and the ...
#68. Music / My Bloody Valentine - TV Tropes
My Bloody Valentine's second album, Loveless, was released on 4 November 1991, ... Added to the fact that the band never releases official lyrics, ...
#69. #73 My Bloody Valentine, 'Loveless' (1991) — Rolling Stone ...
'Loveless' found fans in luminaries such as Brian Eno, Billy Corgan and Robert Smith. It defined the sound of a generation of bands and after ...
#70. My Bloody Valentine Biography, Songs, & Albums | AllMusic
My Bloody Valentine biography and history on AllMusic including birthday, best songs, ... My Bloody Valentine released Loveless, which broke new sonic .
#71. My Bloody Valentine: SPIN's 2008 Feature, "It's the Opposite ...
This piece originally ran in the August 2008 issue of SPIN. In honor of the 25th anniversary of My Bloody Valentine's Loveless, ...
#72. Sound and Vision: My Bloody Valentine's "Loveless," Cover ...
Sound and Vision: My Bloody Valentine's "Loveless," Cover Photography by Angus Cameron. July 23, 2018 | in Music. There's not much to say about My Bloody ...
#73. Loveless — my bloody valentine |
Listen free to my bloody valentine – Loveless (Only Shallow, Loomer and more). 11 tracks (48:34). Loveless is the second studio album by Irish rock band My ...
#74. Please Explain to Me ... My Bloody Valentine's 'Loveless' - The ...
Is it even the best My Bloody Valentine album? Very debatable. ... Or did you mean to ask if it was the 2nd best album of the '90s?
#75. The History of Rock Music. My Bloody Valentine - Piero Scaruffi
Electronic keyboards joined guitar noise on Loveless (1991), the ultimate exploration of textures in rock music. Its stunning chaos can be viewed both as an ...
#76. Into the World of "Only Tomorrow" by My Bloody Valentine ...
Newness frightens and creates confusing states, but newness does not necessarily mean something is inherently bad. Shoegaze is one of those subgenres of indie ...
#77. CULT '90s: My Bloody Valentine - 'Loveless' - The Student ...
By 'conventional', we probably mean 'least disorientating', as elsewhere Shields uses phase shifts and clever rhythmical tricks to create both a ...
#78. My Bloody Valentine | The Saturday Paper
After a few false starts, My Bloody Valentine released their debut album, Isn't Anything, in 1988. It remains a baffling record, and I mean ...
#79. My Bloody Valentine : Loveless (20th Anniversary) - Aquarium ...
(Released in November of 1991, My Bloody Valentine's Loveless turns 20 ... I mean, does anyone really expect Kevin Shields to drop a new ...
#80. Alan Moulder: Recording My Blood Valentine's Loveless - The ...
Twenty years after its release, My Bloody Valentine's second album, Loveless, is regarded as something of a masterpiece, yet at the time the ...
#81. My Bloody Valentine and the Making of "Loveless" - SonicScoop
Any discussion of the band My Bloody Valentine or Kevin Shields, ... Valentine released their third album, m b v, 22 years after Loveless.
#82. How My Bloody Valentine Has Given an Impact on ... - TOKION
MBV is a representative of the music style, so-called 'shoegaze', and has established a monumental achievement with their second album, loveless ...
#83. Shoegaze Memes Celebrate a Sound That Never Changes
My Bloody Valentine's 'Loveless' has spawned a small universe of ... distorted lyrics in any Cocteau Twins song, for example — but as the ...
#84. You Made Me Realise: In Praise of My Bloody Valentine
Tom Hannan recounts the tale of My Bloody Valentine as the band ... Creation records later (McGee dropped MBV after Loveless claiming he ...
#85. Loveless by Mike McGonigal - Goodreads
In his book, Mike McGonigal talks to all the members of My Bloody Valentine, in an almost certainly futile attempt to get at the essence of this ...
#86. My Bloody Valentine(英国摇滚乐队)_百度百科
“自赏摇滚”这一名称很是贴切,既包涵了乐队的音乐风格,又暗示了乐队特立独行的生活态度。 My Bloody Valentine就是这类摇滚的代表人物。 中文名: 我血淋淋的情人节; 外文 ...
#87. An Interview with Kevin Shields of My Bloody Valentine - KEXP
Today, KEXP celebrates the 30th anniversary of the landmark My Bloody Valentine album Loveless, and for the occasion, KEXP has dug into our ...
#88. Favorite 90s Albums: #2 – My Bloody Valentine – “Loveless”
And its songs also show surprising pop craftsmanship but are also nearly impossible to pinpoint due to the abstract sounds and lyrics. One thing ...
#89. You wait eight years for a My Bloody Valentine album, and ...
He is denied entry to the studio in London while Dublin's My Bloody Valentine, one of his acts, record their album, Loveless.
#90. Revisited: My Bloody Valentine - Loveless - The National ...
As time continues to expand, the various dimensions of reverence for My Bloody Valentine's sophomore album Loveless has gone beyond the very ...
#91. October 3 — “Drive it All Over Me”, “You Made Me Realise ...
My Bloody Valentine was the definitive shoegaze band. They formed in Dublin in 1983, ... was defined by heavy, hard, fuzzy guitar drones.
#92. My Bloody Valentine's Second Masterpiece - BuzzFeed
MBV is a worthy successor to Loveless, and a masterpiece in its own ... The final lyrics on the album, near the conclusion of "Wonder 2," ...
#93. m b v by My Bloody Valentine - Wales Arts Review
A song that, yes, sounds like Loveless, but at the same time does exactly what Shields suggested the new album would do, when he told NME last ...
#94. My Bloody Valentine - 'Isn't Anything,' EPs, 'Loveless' Reissues
My Bloody Valentine - 'Isn't Anything,' EPs, 'Loveless' Reissues ... Blue balls in the best way. ... RATING: The mythology of MBV is part and parcel ...
#95. Still gliding: My Bloody Valentine's Shields talks new albums ...
MBV frontman Kevin Shields speaks to The Jakarta Post about the bands ... offering Loveless, considered the genre's defining album.
#96. My Bloody Valentine's Loveless - Google 圖書結果
I mean Christ, the fact remains that My Bloody Valentine themselves couldn't follow up Loveless—so how could anyone else? I have on multiple occasions found ...
#97. My Bloody Valentine | Frieze
What is most striking about My Bloody Valentine's return to the stage ... Their lyrics and song titles are uncomplicated or occasionally ...
#98. An introduction to My Bloody Valentine in 10 records
CDs of MBV's studio albums (Loveless preceded by 1988's Isn't Anything) and ... with drippy lyrics to match, and song titles ('Another Rainy ...
#99. Explaining the inexplicable: Loveless, in retrospect - The ...
What did Brian Eno mean when he described My Bloody Valentine's Loveless as “a new standard for pop?” Pop had always been what it was, ...
my bloody valentine - loveless meaning 在 My Bloody Valentine's Loveless (in 5 Minutes) | Liner Notes 的推薦與評價
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