Hi everyone,
How are you?
I cannot believe that we're in lockdown 3.0 in london. This means plenty of free time but nothing to do and nowhere to go again... I spent every weekend for the past few weeks editing this vlog. This is a throwback to our summer in 2020, when the quarantine rules were lifted for a short while. I really miss being able to go outside and hang out with friends... *Covid please go away soon*
Hope you enjoy this vlog, please like and subscribe so i can have the motivation to edit and upload more.
Thank you ☺
follow me on instagram ♡
@__phoebenguyen: https://www.instagram.com/__phoebengu...
☆ shot on iphone xs max
★ edited on abode premiere pro 2020
track info ♪
dreams - dj quads
soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/aka-dj-quads
starry night - couple n
soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/couple-n-music
phones (memo) - outdoors
soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/out-doors