... <看更多>
7 天前 — overhear的例句. overhear. Their talk is, however, available to be overheard by other pupils, although initially no other pupil is a ...
vt.,vi. (-heard ) 無意中聽到;偷聽。 n. ... 偷聽者;無意中聽到的人。
使用Reverso Context: couldn't help but overhear,在英语-中文情境中翻译"overhear"
#4. overhear是什么意思? overhear翻译(中文英文) - 抓鸟
overhear 的解释是:无意中听到, 偷听… 同时,该页为英语学习者提供:overhear的中文翻译、英英详解、单词音标、在线发音、例句等。
#5. overhear - Linguee | 中英词典(更多其他语言)
大量翻译例句关于"overhear" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。
overhear · vt. 偶然聽到,無意中聽到;偷聽[O3][O4] · vi. 無意中聽到;偷聽到 ...
overhear中文 的意思、翻譯及用法:vi. 無意中聽到;偷聽到vt. 無意中聽到;偷聽。英漢詞典提供【overhear】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句等.
#8. 'overhear' 的简体中文Translation | 柯林斯英语- 汉语词典
'overhear' 的简体中文Translation of | 官方柯林斯英语- 汉语词典网上词典。10 万条英语单词和短语的简体中文翻译。
#9. overhear 的中文翻釋|影音字典- VoiceTube 看影片學英語
超過400 萬人愛用的線上英語學習平台!上萬部YouTube 影片教材,搭配中英文翻譯字幕與英漢字典,輕鬆掌握日常對話、瞭解單字的發音與用法。是最適合華人提升英文聽力和 ...
#10. Overhear 的中文翻譯| 英漢字典
overhear (vt.)無意中聽到,偷聽來源(2): The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48 [gcide] Overhear \O`ver*hear"\, v. t. [imp.
#11. overhear的中文意思 - Dict.site 英漢/漢英線上英文字典
overhear 中文 意思是什麼. 音標[ˌəuvə'hiə] ... Mr bloom, chapfallen, drew behind a few paces so as not to overhear ... Oh, he couldn t overhear me at the door
#12. 英语-汉语overhear翻译- 名词
Gene overhears this and returns to the lab, dejected. English 如何在句子中使用"overhearing". more_vert.
#13. overhear中文意思是什麼? 這裡有正確翻譯答案 - 線上文字產生器
#14. overhear中文意思 - 看影片不用背單字
overhear 的中文意思是什麼呢?2022年最常見的用法,有4影片中用到這個單字,並且可一鍵全部播放,快速聆聽各種外國人(真人),講述這個單字,不再是死死的機器發音。
#15. overhead operation - 內務操作;管理作業 - 國家教育研究院 ...
內務操作;管理作業. overhead operation. 2003年6月 資訊與通信術語辭典. 名詞解釋: 同【內務處理】(housekeeping)。 內務操作;管理作業. overhead operation ...
#16. overhear的中文翻譯和情景例句- 留聲詞典
If you overhear someone, you hear what they are saying when they are not talking to you and they do not know that you are listening. I overheard two doctors ...
#17. overhear中文, overhear是什麼意思:無意中聽到… - 運動資訊第 ...
Overhear ,你想知道的解答。简体版EnglishHindi日本語Definition登入註冊網站工具設為首頁收藏本站英語翻譯日語翻譯法語翻譯俄...| 運動資訊第一站.
#18. overhear - 从英语翻译成中文 - PONS 词典
#19. 關於Overhear的意思和用法的提問 - HiNative
Q: overhear 和eavesdrop 的差別在哪裡? A: Eavesdropping is intentional. "I overheard In-young and Sun-Mi talking about Ailee in the bathroom" "I ...
#20. 單字overhear的中文意思與發音 - Websaru線上字典
overhear中文 意思: overhear [әuvә'hiә(r)] vt.無意中聽到,偷聽..., 學習overhear發音, overhear例句盡在WebSaru字典。
#21. overhear单词的级别- 真人发音、例句
overhear. 级别, 第6级. 音标, [ ˌəʊvəˈhɪə(r) ]. 解释, vt.无意中听到,偷听到. 英英释义, to hear what other people are saying without intending to and without ...
#22. 動詞overhear - 英文翻譯中文字典
erhear的意思漢英字典overhear 音標[,әuvә'hiә] 中文翻譯:vt. 無意中聽到, 偷聽英文造句:I overheard them saying they were unhappy.我偶然聽到他們說, ...
#23. overhear的意思在线翻译,解释overhear中文英文含义,短语词组 ...
overhear 的音标和读音: DJ音标发音: [ˌouvəˈhiə] KK音标发音: [ˌovɚˈhɪr]. overhear的词性: v.(动词). overheard[-h?rd“] overhearing, overhears.
#24. overhear中文意思 - 英语句库
overhear 的中文翻译,overhear什么意思,overhear发音-用法.
#25. OVERHEAR US 中文是什么意思- 中文翻译 - Tr-ex
OVERHEAR US”的语境翻译在英语-中文。以下是许多翻译的例句,其中包含“OVERHEAR US” - 英语-中文翻译和搜索引擎英语翻译。
#26. overhear中文意思翻译 - 英语单词大全
I overheard part of their conversation..我碰巧听到了他们谈话的部分内容。 overhear英英释义. 偶然听到;偷听英释vvto accidentally hear what other ...
#27. overhead - WordReference.com 英汉词典
其他翻译. 英语, 中文. overhead nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. informal (overhead projector) (非正式用语), 经营成本 jīng yíng chéng běn.
#28. overhear 單字中文解釋 - 英語字源解析
英文單字中文解釋及字源解析overhear 無意中聽到= [over-(excessive(過度的))]+[hear(hear(聽))]
#29. overhead在线翻译_英语_读音 - 海词词典
overhead. 常用词汇. 英 [ˌəʊvə'hed] 美 [ˌoʊvər'hed]. n. 经常开支;普通用费; adj. 高架的;在头上的; adv. 在头顶上;在空中;在高处; [计算机] 总开销.
#30. 英语: “overhear” - 大词典
大词典网为您提供英文overhear是什么意思,overhear在线翻译,overhear翻译解释,overhear中文意思,overhear用法,overhear读音,overhear音标,overhear发音,overhear列句, ...
#31. overhear中文意思和怎么读 - 英语单词大全
overhear的中文意思:vt. 无意中听到, 偷听,点击查看详细解释:overhear是什么意思,overhear怎么读,overhear中文意思。
#32. 定义Overhear | Gymglish
to overhear: 无意中听到. verb. I overheard Susie talking about her new boyfriend.我无意中听到苏西谈论她的新男友。 Pronunciation examples.
#33. Overhear - 支持Androi - 中文百科知識
Overhear 是一款影音圖像類軟體,支持Android 4.0.3。套用介紹無意中聽到的是一個全新的音樂播放器,為Android4.0及以上版本。請注意,它仍然處於測試階段, ...
#34. 翻译'overhear' – 字典中文-英文 - Glosbe
检查“ overhear”到中文的翻译。浏览句子中overhear的翻译示例,听发音并学习语法。
#35. Overhear人聲樂團中文團名票選活動 - Facebook
Overhear 人聲樂團中文團名票選活動. Public · Event · by Overhear Vocal Group 驚聆人聲樂團 ... 團員們將會在最高票的幾個選項中選出我們正式的中文團名喔!
#36. overhear是什么意思 - 英语翻译在线翻译- 听力课堂
overhear 的中文意思:,点击查看详细解释:overhear的中文翻译、overhear的发音、音标、用法和双语例句等,让你有效掌握overhear这个单词。
#37. 【Legacy mini @ amba】Overhear, Over Here ― 25歲的愛情 ...
驚聆人聲樂團(Overhear Vocal Group)成立於2009年6月,由一群對阿卡貝拉抱 ... 英文團名「Overhear」有「無意間聽到」之意,中文團名「驚聆」則表示 ...
#38. Overhear Vocal Group - 關於我| StreetVoice 街聲- 最潮音樂社群
驚聆人聲樂團(Overhear Vocal Group)成立於2009年6月,由一群對阿卡貝拉抱持共同 ... 英文團名「Overhear」有「無意間聽到」之意,中文團名「驚聆」則表示無意間聽到 ...
#39. Overhear, Over Here - 25歲的愛情故事 - Vocal Asia
驚聆人聲樂團(Overhear Vocal Group)成立於2009年6月,由一群對阿卡貝拉抱 ... 英文團名「Overhear」有「無意間聽到」之意,中文團名「驚聆」則表示 ...
#40. overhear: 翻译中文, 发音, 同义词, 反义词, 图片, 例子
overhear: 翻译中文, 发音, 同义词, 反义词, 图片, 例子. 翻译: overhear 中文 ... Simo and Davus overhear Mysis and Lesbia, who in the course of their ...
#41. overhear的双语例句- 英语词典 - 工具书
I overheard two doctors discussing my case. 我无意中听到两位医生讨论我的病情。 The man at the next table couldn't help but overhear WHEN and IF.
#42. Overhead (computing) - Wikipedia
In computer science, overhead is any combination of excess or indirect computation time, memory, bandwidth, or other resources that are required to perform ...
#43. overheard 中文- 英文词典
在中文里面,我们如何解释overheard这个英文词呢? overheard这个英文词,中文意思如下:偷听。 Meaning of overheard for the defined word.
#44. 英文字典中文字典Word104.com
Overhear \O`ver*hear"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Overheard}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Overhearing}.] [AS. oferhi['e]ran.] [1913 Webster]
#45. "overhear"翻译中国语文
Overhear 的中国的翻译– 英语-中文字典和搜索引擎, 中国的翻译.
#46. 使用Mate 将"overhear" 从英语翻译到威尔士语 - Gikken
将"overhear" 从英语翻译为威尔士语,并经由Mate 提供的例句来学习如何使用这个词语, ... Overhear 翻译为世界语Overhear 翻译为中文简体Overhear 翻译为中文 ...
#47. overhear什么意思中文翻译 - 搜狗搜索引擎- Sogou
Sorry, I can not help overhear, do you mention something about the accident?
#48. Best Advice: What Happened After I Overheard Someone Call ...
“She's so negative,” I heard them say. Always one for a bit of juicy gossip, I pedaled my bike stealthily behind where two colleagues were ...
#49. overhear什么意思中文翻译
overhear 什么意思中文翻译. 我醒过来. no one and you意思是:没有人和你;无人及你.1、“no” 作副词: 不. 作形容词: 没有;不是;禁止.
#50. [英文課] hear 和listen to 有什麼不同嗎?
我的答案是: 對喔! hear 和listen to 雖然中文都是"聽" , 但英文的意思及用法. ... overhear 的動詞三態為: overhear, overheard, overheard.
#51. Young children are more likely to cheat after overhearing that ...
We examined for the first time whether overheard comments can shape children's moral behavior. Three‐ and 5‐year‐old children ... 中文翻译: ...
#52. overhear怎么读_含义_读音 - 趣词词典
2. The notion is perhaps "to hear beyond the intended range of the voice." 3. 或者:over "在对面,在另一边,在另一端,outer". 中文词源.
#53. Overhear - The Free Dictionary
Define overhear. overhear synonyms, overhear pronunciation, overhear translation, English dictionary definition of overhear. v. o·ver·heard , o·ver·hear·ing ...
#54. 'Isn't That the Trump Lawyer?': A Reporter's Accidental Scoop
Kenneth P. Vogel overheard a conversation at a Washington steakhouse that led to a story on the White House ... 阅读简体中文版閱讀繁體中文版.
#55. overhear - 同义词、 反义词和发音 - DigoPaul
了解更多关于overhear的英语单词,包括定义、 同义词、 反义词、 发音。 ... overhear. 发音: US [ˌoʊvərˈhɪr] UK [ˌəʊvə(r)ˈhɪə(r)] ... 翻译到中文. 英语中的定义 ...
#56. 【老師救救我】感官動詞用法!這種動詞後面又接一個動詞?
許多學習英文的朋友非常容易栽在動詞這一關,因為他們謹記著老師說的:「一個句子如果沒有連接詞的話,不能有兩個以上的動詞,必須把動詞變成不定 ...
#57. 灰灰| Fallout中文維基
If the Sole Survivor stays in the entrance area for too long, they may overhear some vault dwellers discussing the disappearance of Ashes, before the cat ...
#58. 取得Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves - Microsoft Store zh-TW
One day Ali Baba is at work collecting and cutting firewood in the forest, and he happens to overhear a group of forty thieves visiting ...
#59. What is Overhead Costs - Shopify
Overhead costs refer to those expenses associated with running a business that can't be linked to creating or producing a product or service.
#60. Overhead Ratio Definition - Investopedia
A business overhead ratio is a measurement of the operating costs of a business compared to its income. A low overhead ratio indicates a cost-efficient ...
#61. overhear coffee & food - Instagram
589 Followers, 794 Following, 672 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from OVERHEAR COFFEE & FOOD (@overhearcoffeeandfood)
#62. What is "overhead"? - Stack Overflow
However, the overhead would be worth it if you were going across the country. In computer science, sometimes we use cars to go down the street ...
#63. The Old City: Leviathan - Steam
不支援繁體中文. 本產品尚不支援您的目前所在地的語言。 ... As you progress through the narrative, you will overhear a conversation between two entities.
#64. overhear 中文意思是什麼 - TerryL
overhear 例句. Mr bloom, chapfallen, drew behind a few paces so as not to overhear. 布盧姆先生碰了個釘子,灰溜溜地挨后幾步,免得聽到他們的談話。
#65. stab怎么记.zip云盘资源- overheard是什么意思
stab怎么记,overheard什么意思中文翻译overheard是什么意思中文overheard的用法overhear是什么意思啊unabletotakeitanymore legitimate stab怎么 ...
#66. Overhead Paging With 8x8 Work Overview
Virtual Office Overhead Paging System (ZONE) allows subscribers to dial an extension number and connect to an announcement paging system.
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Stock photography ▻ Child with enlarged ear listening to something ◅ 3854797 ⬇ Download pictures from the photo stock library ⚡ Millions of royalty-free ...
#68. Sotheby's to Charge a New 'Overhead Premium' Fee Amidst ...
The auction house said on its website that the fee 'is an allocation of the overhead costs relating to our facilities, property handling and ...
#69. Overheat (move) - Bulbapedia, the community-driven ...
Overheat deals damage and lowers the user's Special Attack by two stages. Overheat makes contact with the target in this generation. Overheat can also be used ...
#70. overhear - 维基词典,自由的多语言词典
英語编辑. 發音编辑. (美國) IPA:/oʊ.vɚˈhɪɚ/; 韻部:-ɪə(ɹ). overhear. 无意中听到 · 偶然听到.
#71. All These Years-歌詞-Camila Cabello-KKBOX
Couldn't help but overhear you. Sounds like you're happy with her. But does she kiss you like I kissed you? Ooh, I wish I loved you like I miss you
#72. overhear - Sesli Sözlük
Tom ve Mary'nin tam dersten önce birbirleriyle Fransızca konuştuklarına kulak misafiri oldum. - I overheard Tom and Mary speaking French to each other just ...
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#74. What is Sound Masking? How is it different than White Noise?
Protect Speech Privacy. Employees can speak more freely knowing their conversations won't be overheard by people across the room or in adjacent private offices.
#75. A (z) overhear definíciója - DictABC.COM
2022❤mit jelent a overhear? overhear jelentése angolul, overhear definíció és ... overhear fordításai más nyelveken. 中文繁体. 無意中聽到,偶然聽到…
#76. What is GENEVE? - Red Hat
... dynamically without being limited to 24-bits or incurring the overhead of a 64-bit field when only a fraction of that size is needed.
#77. Section 15 Race and Color Discrimination - US Equal ...
The company secretary credibly testifies that she overheard an argument between the owner and his son over whether Dexter should be hired.
#78. Improving Performance with Parallel Computing - MathWorks
Some factors may affect the speed of execution of parallel processing: Parallel overhead. There is overhead in calling parfor instead of for . If function ...
#79. Overheard at Angus Vol. XV: How to measure success. - Ken ...
Overheard at Angus Vol. ... and standard deviations, I got all tingly in my special place and started to eavesdrop like I was doing an FBI investigation.
#80. The Gods of 'Techtopia' Giveth, and They Taketh Away
... certain coffee shops and brunch restaurants where you can overhear entrepreneurs pitching to venture capitalists any day of the week.
#81. 字彙書4500-7000 (1) C6P3
overhear. v. 無意中聽到,偷聽. passionate. adj. 熱情的,熱烈的,熱衷的. pathetic. adj. 悲慘的,可悲的. patriotic. adj. 愛國的,有愛國心的.
#82. The Snake's Oil - Chaosium | Miskatonic Repository
The investigators are traveling by train and/ or trail when they overhear rumors of a great healer in Bloodstone.
#83. Times 28257 - what larks!
OVERHEAR - double defitition, one whimsical. 3, Help with harvest? Not all Irish do slapdash work (3,7). CUT CORNERS - CUT CORN = help with ...
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... the browser make a fart sound when clicked or hovered overHear genuine fart sounds at the Toot Archive! ... RAINBOW FART Languages: 简体中文 | English.
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Was there nothing Mammy did not overhear? Scarlett wondered how that pond erous body which shook the floors could move with such savage stealth when its ...
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between him and Brandt I happened to overhear, and it told me what was in preparation against French Den.' 'The monsters!' cxclaimcd Kate, 'and they had no ...
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Once arrived at the vessel's side, Ayrton, holding on to the main chains, might reconnoiter the number and perhaps overhear the intentions of the pirates.
#88. 傲慢與偏見(中文導讀英文版) - Google 圖書結果
I happened to overhear the gentleman himself mentioning to the young lady who does the honours of this house the names of his cousin Miss de Bourgh, ...
#89. 福爾摩斯冒險史(中文導讀英文版) - Google 圖書結果
“You did not overhear what they said?” “Lady St. Simon said something about 'jumping a claim.' She was accustomed to use slang of the kind.
#90. 諾桑覺寺(中文導讀英文版) - Google 圖書結果
... and she thought with sincere compassion of his approaching disappointment; for, in spite of what she had believed herself to overhear in the Pump-room, ...
#91. Best Broccoli Podcasts (2022) - Player FM
overhear a controversial topic discussion between three friends with wildy different beliefs, with deep dives into what we feel and why we feel it.
#92. 沙皇的信使(中文導讀英文版): 英語學習專家 克萊兒老師專業推薦
... evident that the two women would keep on their guard,and it would be impossible to overhear anything of a nature to compromise the courier ofthe Czar.
#93. Overheard at National Geographic
Our weekly show begins January 18, hosted by Peter Gwin, Amy Briggs, and the editors and producers of Overheard. Listen and subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Spotify ...
#94. How to Keep Your Car From Overheating - Fel-Pro
Excessive heat can cause your engine to overheat, halting those vacation plans and landing your vehicle in the repair shop with an expensive repair.
#95. Bleed Air Leaks | SKYbrary Aviation Safety
damage to aircraft wiring; components to overheat; damage to aircraft structures; inflight fire. Even after the the bleed air leak has been secured using ...
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Overhear 人聲樂團中文團名票選活動. Public · Event · by Overhear Vocal Group 驚聆人聲樂團 ... 團員們將會在最高票的幾個選項中選出我們正式的中文團名喔! ... <看更多>